Python smpplib truncating smpp credentials - python-3.x

I am using Python SMPP lib to send a SMS. When I try to connect to SmppServer with a longer credentials the username and password are getting truncated and authorisation is failing.
Auth failing case:
- Username/password longer than 16 char length
Passing case:
- Username/password not longer than 16 char
So because of the above observation I am sure there is no issue with the SMMPP gateway. The gateway I am trying to communicate itself accepts of username/password of any length.
The following is my code which wraps the smpplib in to a custom class:
import smpplib
import smpplib.gsm
from smpplib.client import Client
class SmppClientConfig(object, ):
def __init__(self, host, port, username, password, source, target, on_delivered_cb, on_sent_cb):
self.HOST = host
self.PORT = port
self.USERNAME = username
self.PASSWORD = password
self.SOURCE = source
self.TARGET = target
self.ON_RECEIVED_CALLBACK = on_sent_cb
self.ON_DELIVERED_CALLBACK = on_delivered_cb
class SmppSenderClient(object):
def __init__(self, config: SmppClientConfig):
print('Creating SMPP client config with host: ' + config.HOST + ' port: ' + str(config.PORT))
self._config = config
self._client = Client(config.HOST, config.PORT)
self._on_delivered_callback = config.ON_DELIVERED_CALLBACK
self._on_received_callback = config.ON_RECEIVED_CALLBACK
def _init_client(self):
print('Initializing SmppSender client with username: ' + self._config.USERNAME)
self._client.bind_transmitter(system_id=self._config.USERNAME, password=self._config.PASSWORD)
def _register_events(self):
print('Registering Smpp events')
def send_message(self, message: str):
print('Sending SMS message to target: ' + self._config.TARGET)
parts, encoding_flag, msg_type_flag = smpplib.gsm.make_parts(message)
for part in parts:
I am not sure if it's an expected behaviour of the library or a limitation. I have tried the find the documentation for this lib but could not find anything other than this.
Please advise if you experience a similar issue any work around possible or if this is expected behaviour in SMPP protocol (which very unlikely).
I found the limitation in the source code:
class BindTransmitter(Command):
"""Bind as a transmitter command"""
params = {
'system_id': Param(type=str, max=16),
'password': Param(type=str, max=9),
'system_type': Param(type=str, max=13),
'interface_version': Param(type=int, size=1),
'addr_ton': Param(type=int, size=1),
'addr_npi': Param(type=int, size=1),
'address_range': Param(type=str, max=41),
# Order is important, but params dictionary is unordered
params_order = (
'system_id', 'password', 'system_type',
'interface_version', 'addr_ton', 'addr_npi', 'address_range',
def __init__(self, command, **kwargs):
super(BindTransmitter, self).__init__(command, need_sequence=False, **kwargs)
self.interface_version = consts.SMPP_VERSION_34
As you can see the BindTransmitter contructor (__init__) truncates the system_id to a max length of 16 and passsword to 9. Not sure why this was done this way.

I checked the official SMPP protocol spec. According to the spec the system_id is supposed to max 16 and password is supposed to be 9 for connection type: transmitter.
The following is the screenshot of this spec:
This is the link to the spec if anyone is interested.
So in conclusion, the library implementation of the spec is correct.


How do I write my own challenge_auth method for aiosmtpd?

I'm trying to connect a wildlife camera to my SMTP server but it keeps dropping the connection after being asked for it's username. I've verified that this server works with other wildlife cameras and email clients but always seems to fail with this specific model of wildlife camera. I've tried with no authentication, basic authentication and TLS but none of them work (The camera works with gmail SMTP though).
This is the simple code I'm using.
It seems like I need to modify the challenge_auth method. My question is how do I do that, do I just add another method to the custom handler with handle_DATA in?
import email
from email.header import decode_header
from email import message_from_bytes
from email.policy import default
from aiosmtpd.controller import Controller
from aiosmtpd.smtp import LoginPassword, AuthResult
import os
import sys
import time
import signal
import logging
##setting timezone
os.environ['TZ'] = "Europe/London"
def onExit( sig, func=None):
print("*************Stopping program*****************")
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, onExit)
# removes the spaces and replaces with _ so they're valid folder names
def clean(text):
return "".join(c if c.isalnum() else "_" for c in text)
log = logging.getLogger('mail.log')
auth_db = {
b"": b"password1",
b"user2": b"password2",
b"TestCamera1": b"password1",
def authenticator_func(server, session, envelope, mechanism, auth_data):
#this deliberately lets everything through
assert isinstance(auth_data, LoginPassword)
username = auth_data.login
password = auth_data.password
return AuthResult(success=True)
def configure_logging():
file_handler = logging.FileHandler("aiosmtpd.log", "a")
stderr_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)
logger = logging.getLogger("mail.log")
fmt = "[%(asctime)s %(levelname)s] %(message)s"
datefmt = None
formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt, datefmt, "%")
class CustomHandler:
def handle_exception(self, error):
print("exception occured")
return '542 Internal Server Error'
async def handle_DATA(self, server, session, envelope):
peer = session.peer
data = envelope.content # type: bytes
msg = message_from_bytes(envelope.content, policy=default)
# decode the email subject
print("All of the relevant data has been extracted from the email")
return '250 OK'
if __name__ == '__main__':
handler = CustomHandler()
#update hostname to your IP
controller = Controller(handler, hostname='', port=587, authenticator=authenticator_func, auth_required=True,auth_require_tls=False)
# Run the event loop in a separate thread.
while True:
Here's the logs from a reolink go camera that can connect successfully. (I've updated the format 'Username' is being send .e.g from 'User Name:' to 'Username' by editing the library but that hasn't seemed to help with the suntek camera. I thought it might be more pick with the format due to cheaper, less robust firmware.

implement authentication in request send to LDAP server for connecting in python3

I have used Django in python3 to develop website.
Now I want to implement LDAP login.
In our LDAP server, a fixed authentication string should be send in the request to LDAP server.
That is, in headers of the request, authentication item should be: "example_auth"
However, in connection class offered by ldap3 package, authentication could only be set to SIMPLE, ANONYMOUS, SASL, NTLM.
Then how could I set authentication to my authentication code for LDAP login?
class LDAPBackend:
def authenticate(self, request, username=None, password=None, **kwargs):
# set username to lowercase for consistency
username = username.lower()
# get the bind client to resolve DN'authenticating %s' % username)
# set your server
server = Server("", port=389)
conn = Connection(server, user=username, password=password, auto_bind=True,)
except LDAPBindError as e:'LDAP authentication failed')
return None
user = UserModel.objects.update_or_create(username=username)
return user
def get_user(self, user_id):
return UserModel._default_manager.get(pk=user_id)
except UserModel.DoesNotExist:
return None
For anyone else who finds this page, this worked for me but I had to combine the above with elements from the source code that the author mentions. To make someone else's life easier, here's the complete config I needed to replace the authenticate method with LDAP:
# Add to
# Age of cookie, in seconds (default: 2 weeks, here set to 26 weeks).
SESSION_COOKIE_AGE = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 26
---- end config file
And this:
# add to django_react/
---- start config file
import logging
from ldap3 import Server, Connection, SAFE_SYNC, SUBTREE
from ldap3.core.exceptions import *
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
UserModel = get_user_model()
class LDAPBackend:
def get_user(self, user_id):
return UserModel._default_manager.get(pk=user_id)
except UserModel.DoesNotExist:
return None
def authenticate(self, request, username=None, password=None, **kwargs):
# set username to lowercase for consistency
username = username.lower()
# get the bind client to resolve DN'authenticating %s' % username)
# set your server
server = Server(settings.LDAP_HOST, get_info='ALL')
conn = Connection(server, f"{username}#{settings.LDAP_DOMAIN}", password=password, client_strategy=SAFE_SYNC,
status, result, response, _ =
search_filter='(&(objectClass=person)(samaccountname=' + username + '))',
attributes=['samaccountname', 'givenName', 'mail', 'sn']
except LDAPBindError as e:'LDAP authentication failed')
return None
user, created = UserModel.objects.update_or_create(username=username,
'first_name': response[0]['attributes']['givenName'],
'last_name': response[0]['attributes']['sn'],
'email': response[0]['attributes']['mail']
return user
---- end config file
You need to change the "Server". LDAP does not support URLs and as far as I know, it does not support headers as it is a different protocol than http/s
settings.LDAP_HOST to your LDAP server IP or FQDN (e.g. 192.168.x.x or
settings.LDAP_DOMAIN to you LDAP Domain (e.g.
settings.LDAP_BASE_DN to the Organization Unit(OU) under which your users exist. (e.g. OU=Users,dc=ad,dc=example,dc=com)
Below code will authenticate users against LDAP and Create or Update user in Django on successful authentication.
Tested on MS Active Directory via LDAP.
Original code taken from
from ldap3 import Server, Connection, SAFE_SYNC, SUBTREE
from ldap3.core.exceptions import *
def authenticate(self, request, username=None, password=None, **kwargs):
# set username to lowercase for consistency
username = username.lower()
# get the bind client to resolve DN'authenticating %s' % username)
# set your server
server = Server(settings.LDAP_HOST, get_info='ALL')
conn = Connection(server, f"{username}#{settings.LDAP_DOMAIN}", password=password, client_strategy=SAFE_SYNC, auto_bind=True)
status, result, response, _ =
search_base = settings.LDAP_BASE_DN,
search_filter = '(&(objectClass=person)(samaccountname='+username+'))',
search_scope = SUBTREE,
attributes = ['samaccountname', 'givenName', 'mail', 'sn']
except LDAPBindError as e:'LDAP authentication failed')
return None
user, created = UserModel.objects.update_or_create(username=username,
'first_name': response[0]['attributes']['givenName'],
return user

Locust load testing For API calls

I have written a code for locust load testing for my case, where i can do a token call and then will make feature calls as per below code.
This is working fine with single token and 'n' number of users mentioned in master
I made a token call outside class and sending it as parameter to ENV. The userclass is reading the single token and using the same for all users.
I do not want to make token call inside the class, as it generates new token in every execution.
I'm looking if there is anyway like making token calls based on number of users mentioned on master -u and using only those tokens in User class.
Please suggest me if there is any documentation pointer which i can refer for this usecase
#! /usr/bin/python3.6
import json
from locust import HttpUser, task, constant, tag, events
from locust.log import setup_logging
import os
from datetime import datetime
import requests
setup_logging("INFO", None)
def init_parser(parser):
parser.add_argument("--resp-delay", type=str, env_var="LOCUST_RESP_DELAY", default="", help="It's working")
parser.add_argument("--resp-size", type=str, env_var="LOCUST_RESP_SIZE", default="", help="It's working")
parser.add_argument("--env-endpoint", type=str, env_var="LOCUST_ENV_ENDPOINT", default="", help="It's working")
def _(environment, **kw):
os.environ['resp-delay'] = environment.parsed_options.resp_delay
os.environ['resp-size'] = environment.parsed_options.resp_size
os.environ['env-endpoint'] = environment.parsed_options.env_endpoint
with open("resources/data/" + environment.parsed_options.env_endpoint + '/data.json') as f:
data = json.load(f)
cal_transaction_id ='%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')
#retrive cliend id and client secret from bitbucket repo
dict_car_app_all = data["data"]
print("env-endpoint:" + os.environ.get("env-endpoint"))
token_url = "https://ENDPOINT/auth/token"
#retrive cliend id and client secret from bitbucket repo
token_payload = "client_id=" + dict_car_app_all[0]["client_id"] + "&client_secret=" + dict_car_app_all[0]["client_secret"]
token_headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
response = requests.request("POST", token_url, data=token_payload, headers=token_headers,
cert=( 'resources/certs/' + environment.parsed_options.env_endpoint + '/MyCERT.pem',
'resources/certs/' + environment.parsed_options.env_endpoint + '/MYCERT.key'))
result = json.loads(response.text)
token = result["access_token"]
os.environ['access_token'] = token
os.environ['cal_transaction_id'] = cal_transaction_id
#class User_1(User):
class User_0(HttpUser):
wait_time = constant(1)
host = ""
def load_test_api_tag1(self):
token_0 = os.environ.get('access_token')
cal_transaction_id = os.environ.get('cal_transaction_id')
env_endpoint = os.environ.get('env-endpoint')
resp_delay = os.environ.get("resp-delay")
resp_size = os.environ.get("resp-size")
feature_headers = {
'Authorization': "Bearer " + str(token_0),
'sm_transactionID': cal_transaction_id
url = "https://ENDPOINT/SERVICE/mytestservice/first_test"
querystring = {"response_delay": resp_delay, "data_size": resp_size}
self.client.request("GET", url, headers=feature_headers, params=querystring,
cert = ('resources/certs/' + env_endpoint + '/MyCERT.pem',
'resources/certs/' + env_endpoint + '/MyCERT.key'))
You can generate tokens in User class's on_start method so each user generates a new token when spawning.
class MyUser(User):
def on_start(self):
#generate token here and assign an instance variable like self.token=abc
there is a drawback to this though, if your user count is more than your token generating service can handle some users will not be able to spawn, the way I do in my tests is if token generating part is not a part of the system I am testing, I generate tokens beforehand and write it in some file or some external db and read them from there.

python django Mock SAML Response from onelogin.saml.auth library using python3-saml

I have implemented for our django back-end application (SP) possibility to login via SAML, as IDP im using Keycloak. It works fine, but I want to write tests to be sure that all logic is being executed correctly. For this I want to generate a post request with SAML as body and mock (unittest.mock.patch) the real request. But i stuck.
Here is my django view, which accepts get and post requests when I try to login via SAML:
class SamlLoginView(View):
def prepare_django_request(request):
if 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR' in request.META:
server_port = 443
server_port = request.META.get('SERVER_PORT')
result = {
'https': 'on' if request.is_secure() else 'off',
'http_host': request.META['HTTP_HOST'],
'script_name': request.META['PATH_INFO'],
'server_port': server_port,
'get_data': request.GET.copy(),
'post_data': request.POST.copy(),
return result
def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
req = SamlLoginView.prepare_django_request(self.request)
auth = OneLogin_Saml2_Auth(req, settings.SAML_IDP_SETTINGS)
return_url = self.request.GET.get('next') or settings.LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL
return HttpResponseRedirect(auth.login(return_to=return_url))
def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
req = SamlLoginView.prepare_django_request(self.request)
auth = OneLogin_Saml2_Auth(req, settings.SAML_IDP_SETTINGS)
errors = auth.get_errors()
if not errors:
if auth.is_authenticated():"Login", extra={'action': 'login',
'userid': auth.get_nameid()})
user = authenticate(request=self.request,
login(self.request, user)
return HttpResponseRedirect("/")
raise PermissionDenied()
return HttpResponseBadRequest("Error when processing SAML Response: %s" % (', '.join(errors)))
In my tests, I wanted to directly call the post method, in which there will be a saml inside:
class TestSamlLogin(TestCase):
def test_saml_auth(self, prepare):
client = APIClient()
url = reverse_lazy("miri_auth:samllogin")
saml_resp='<xml with saml response>'
resp =, data=saml_resp)
but obviously it shows that request.POST is empty.
I then decided to make a mock for the prepare_django_request function, and manually insert the saml:
def mocked_prepare_request(request):
post_query_dict = QueryDict(mutable=True)
post_data = {
'SAMLResponse': saml_xml,
'RelayState': '/accounts/profile/'
result = {
'https': 'on',
'http_host': '<http-host>',
'script_name': '/api/auth/samllogin/',
'server_port': '443',
'get_data': {},
'post_data': post_query_dict,
return result
class TestSamlLogin(TestCase):
#patch('miri_auth.views.SamlLoginView.prepare_django_request', side_effect=mocked_prepare_request)
def test_saml_auth(self, prepare):
client = APIClient()
url = reverse_lazy("miri_auth:samllogin")
saml_resp='<xml with saml response>'
resp =, data=saml_resp)
and depending on how I pass the saml_xml it throws different errors, if i define it as string:
with open(os.path.join(TEST_FILES_PATH, 'saml.xml')) as f:
saml_xml = " ".join([x.strip() for x in f])
it returns: lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError: Start tag expected, '<' not found, line 1, column 1, although I checked the output from saml_xml in the xml validator and it says that the xml is valid.
When i try to parse the file into xml in advance, i get another error later,
libraries with which I tried to parse:
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from xml.dom import minidom
from lxml import etree
tree = etree.parse(os.path.join(TEST_FILES_PATH, 'saml.xml'))
it returns:
TypeError: argument should be a bytes-like object or ASCII string, not '_ElementTree'
Debugging these errors didn't lead me to any solution.
If anyone has any thoughts on how this can be implemented (Mocking response with SAML), or where I made a mistake, I would be glad to hear.
Thank in advance
I realized that the SAML Response must be encoded:
with open(os.path.join(TEST_FILES_PATH, 'saml.xml')) as f:
saml_xml = " ".join([x.strip() for x in f])
base64_saml = base64.b64encode(saml_xml.encode('ascii')).decode('ascii')
post_data = {'SAMLResponse': base64_saml, 'RelayState': '/accounts/profile/'}
url = reverse_lazy("miri_auth:samllogin")
request =, post_data)
but now i am getting the following errors:
func=xmlSecOpenSSLEvpDigestVerify:file=digests.c:line=280:obj=sha256:subj=unknown:error=12:invalid data:data and digest do not match

Can't write to MySQL DB

I'm a Flask newbie trying to create a simple app. I'm currently stuck at user registration where I'm trying to save data in database but it's not happening. However, the logging I'm doing indicates that the operation was a success. Could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Here are portions of code that'll help you understand what I'm trying to do:
from flask import Flask, request, session, g, redirect, url_for, abort, render_template, flash
from flask.ext.mysqldb import MySQL
# Configuration
MYSQL_HOST = 'localhost'
MYSQL_USER = 'root'
MYSQL_DB = 'up2date'
DEBUG = True
# Create the flask app
app = Flask(__name__)
# Create instance for working with MySQL
mysql = MySQL(app)
# Function to connect to DB
def connect_db():
return mysql.connection.cursor()
# define functions that will make DB available automatically on each request
def before_request():
g.db = connect_db()
def teardown_request(exception):
And finally, the code that performs user registration:
#app.route('/register', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def register():
if request.method == 'POST':
email = request.form['email']
password = request.form['password']
result = g.db.execute('INSERT INTO users (email, password) VALUES (%s, %s)', [email, password])
print(email, password)
print(result, " rows affected")
flash('Registration successful! You may log in now.')
return redirect(url_for('show_home'))
The two print statements confirm that the email address and password were captured correctly, and the result variable contains 1, indicating 1 row affected. But still there's no row in the DB. I earlier thought this had something to do with committing, but g.db.commit() throws error: AttributeError: 'Cursor' object has no attribute 'commit'
I assume you use MySQL-python.
connect_db() returns the cursor and not the connection. The cursor does not have a commit() function, as the exception says, however the connection has the commit function you need. I think you need to do this:
def connect_db():
return mysql.connection
For more info you can take a look at the code.
