Connecting Powerquery to multiple Powerpivot files - excel

I have around half a dozen Powerpivot files containing data extracted from an SQL database. Each file has around 30 million lines of data in an identical format. I do not have access to the underlying database but each powerpivot file contains the data.
I would like to connect to all of these files in one new workbook using Powerquery so that I can append them, add them to the data model and work with them in Excel.
I have found various solutions on how to get the data into CSV format using DAX studio but I would prefer to avoid this as it seems an unwieldy solution to export hundreds of millions of lines of data to CSV and then import it back to Powerquery when I already have the formatted data in Powerpivot.
I also don't have any experience of using SQL so would prefer to avoid that route.
I've tried creating a linkback as described here but when I connect to this it only returns 1,048,576 lines of data (i.e. what Excel is limited to).
Is there an option for Powerquery to use Powerpivot data in a separate workbook as a source or another straightforward solution?

You can either materialise the data (which you've tried, using Linkback tables), or you can copy the queries. There's no other way to reference powerpivot model data.


How to reproduce executive summary using Power BI which was created in Excel

I aplogize beforehand if this questions turns out to be not specific enough. The issue is as following:
I have an excel file in which there are several sheets with lots of calculations (mostly financials). I have access to the same database from where raw excel file was downloaded. Now I want to repreduce the calculations and executive summary using Power BI getting the data from database directly (most likely using Direct Query mode). But I am not sure how should go about it? Should/can I use the existing Excel file to somehow copy the work that has been already done and just change the source to database? Or will I have to do it all over again? One main point when considering the above questions is whether Power BI will be able to do all the complex calculations done in Excel previously?
Via search I came accross to a few videos where they say we can upload Excel file into Power BI and then apply the same tables from database and finally using Advanced Editor change Excel tables sources to database. But thing is that database doesn't have the kind of tables I have in Excel (lots of changes and calculations are applied to the raw data that was downloaded from database). So I am not sure how this method can work.

Sharing Excel file containing Power Queries without also needing the other datasource workbooks

I have an Excel file that contains a few Power Queries from other local workbooks.
Is it possible to save the file in a way to include the actual data of the queries where my users wouldn't need to have the other local workbooks for it to work? Essentially, creating a snapshot in time?
If you mean raw data, it's not possible - Power Query queries don't keep external data. But, of course, you may save results of queries in various forms (flat tables, pivot tables, data model).

Importing data from excel to multiple tables in Oracle DB

I have an excel sheet with a single workbook with data in it. The data is around 1000 rows and 50 columns. I need to import these data to an Oracle DB every week. Here comes the problem, the columns in the sheet belongs to different tables with some columns go in multiple tables. I use SQL Developer V. Thanks in advance for the help.
Note: I created a temp table and copied all data to it, then wrote the query to push each column to its respective tables. But, I feel its complex and think it won't work. Is there any better way.
PL/SQL Developer has special tool for tasks like this, calls ODBC Importer (Menu 'Tools'-> ODBC Importer).
For use it you have to set Excel File in USER / System DSN field and your domain user and password, and push Connect after.
After connection developer will ask you path of excel file, and after you can create table in heiborhood tab for your dataset.
Or, you can use sql loader. Ask google how to. It's easy.

Excel PowerPivot - change data source type

I have an Excel 2016 with 30 graphs based on PowerPivot. PowerPivot fetches the data from another Excel sheet, but I want it to get the data from a SQL server table instead.
How can I change the data source type in PowerPivot? I've tried looking in the Excel xml without any luck. Would be a lot of work re-creating all graphs over again just to switch data source
One suggestion I would make for the future, if all the users are using 2016 is to use Power Query which comes standard with that version of excel. In the Power Query loading data into Power Pivot scenario, all Power Pivot cares about is the column names. This means that the query can be changed between data source types without causing issues, as long as the same column names are changed.
As an example, I have one file that based on a parameter flag rips data out of a series of excel files on a shared network drive or Share Point. Both of which would be different data sources. The first opening a folder as the data source, then excel files listed within the folder. The other opening a share point list as its data source, then navigating though excel files.

Consumer PowerPivot/Excel DataModel from another Excel file?

Short version: Is there any way/hack to use the embedded DataModel/PowerPivot cube of an Excel 2013/6 file from another Excel file?
Long version:
We have a large Excel Data Model with >400k rows and >100 measurements, feeding multiple reports (i.e. PivotTable on separate worksheets). As all this is growing, we want to split this out into a (large) data model and multiple reports. I know this could be done with SharePoint or PowerBI - however one of the key requirements is to be able to analyse the data offline. Hence, I'm trying to figure out any way to connect to the data model from another file....
There's no way that I know to do what you're asking. Is there any reason you can't just include all the reports in one workbook with the data model? Since you have to be able to analyze offline, anyway, everyone will need a local copy of the model. If the concern is just that there will be too many sheets in a single workbook, you could just put a thin veneer of VBA in it to hide and unhide sheets in groups for ease of use.
It looks like Microsoft has added an option to establish connection via ODC file.
See this f.e.
However it's not working out for me, I am using Excel 2016, exported data model from the file with data model as a separate odc file but when I try to add this as a connection in another file - I get the message - can't open the file. Looks like creating ODC file is not that straightforward.
Anyone had similar issues?
