Is it possible to record audio and play it afterwards on Google Assistant? - dialogflow-es

I'd like to know if it's possible to record an audio extract on Google Assistant (with Dialogflow and Firebase) and play it later? The idea is to:
Ask the user to tell his name vocally.
Record it.
Play it afterwards.
I read these answers. The answer was no, but maybe there's an update as now we can listen to what we said on Google Assistant "myactivity" as seen here.

The answer is still no, as a developer. While users have recordings available, there's no way to access them programmatically and no way to play them through Dialogflow.

You can read this great article which explains a trick to record audio and play it back on the Google Assistant using a progressive web app.
The design consists of thses two parts:
A web client for recording and uploading the audio files to Google Cloud Storage.
An Action that plays the audio file from Cloud Storage
You'll also find the url of the open-sourced code on github at the end of the article.


Record a short blob audio with Alexa using nodejs

I am trying to create a skill that will record 5 seconds of my voice and send it to my database as a blob with Alexa. (It's mainly for voice recognition.. I am using Azure Speaker API)
I have spent a lot of time trying to find if there is an specific way to do it with Nodejs and Alexa but I didn't find anything.
Currently I have this project in javascript so I am wondering if it would be possible to use what I have? Because I won't have the browser to allow my microphone, etc.. so I am not sure if it would work with Alexa.
If someone has an idea or have worked with getting audio to db from Alexa, please help me.
What you're trying to do is get user input as voice and as per my knowledge and finding, Alexa (alexa skill kit) doesn't allow you to get raw user input in anyway.

How to listen to user audio in google actions / assistant console?

I am using dialogflow to create a google assistant app. I want to hear what the user said for error resolving. How can I do that? I know it is possible in Alexa but I cannot find it on Google.
Developers do not get access to the user's original audio clips, just the transcriptions. If you are detecting a number of errors from your action, it may be useful to try to get a better understanding of how users are conversing with your actions in general.

Get the audio data from Google Assistant

As of now (is using what I see is, I get the string format of what the user speaks.
I would like to access the raw audio file the user speaks to interact with Google Assistant using the platform.
Is there a way to get the audio file ?
We are aiming to evaluate the quality of speech of the user hence we would need to run the algorithms on the audio.
No, there is currently no way to get the audio content of what has been sent.
(However, the team is looking to understand the use cases of why you might want or need this feature, so you may want to elaborate on your question further.)

Is possible to acces the waveform of a song from a spotify app?

I am thinking on how to build an spotify app that does beat detection (extract bpm of a song).
For that I need to access the raw audio, the waveform, and analyze it.
I am new to building spotify apps.
I know that with "libspotify" you can access raw audio. Can you do the same through the spotify apps API? And how?
For the record, currently exist two spotify apps apis:
Unless you're really keen on writing that beat detection code yourself, you should look at the APIs provided by the EchoNest, which include that (and many other awesome things).
see Getting the tempo, key signature, and other audio attributes of a song
In a word: no. That isn't currently available in the Apps API.
There’s a new endpoint I guess. See an example
That uses the endpoint
Edit: I agree with commenter #wizbcn that this does not answer this question. Is it sort of incorrect to leave it here because I found this SO post while searching for info about visualizing the tack's waveform as in the linked article? Maybe I should make this a comment instead?

how to implement a web site like youtube?

I'm doing a language web site for my university language center, where students login and see videos to learn English. i have to do it like this,
person is logging in to the system, search using a search area and find the details,lessons and videos relevant to that videos. this functionality exactly matches the youtube scenario.
for implementing twitter like functionality we can use status-net, is there a similer library, statusnet like famous implementation for youtube or a some kind of platform or a framework like codeigniter that we can use to implement youtube like site very easily??
please suggest some options?? a open source one or a commercial one ???
and what is the best video format to use in a such web site?? flv?? mp4?? or mov???
Your best option is to use a 'cloud' based video processing service. Most have a sample project / library for many different languages and frameworks. Here is a list of a few I've tried and liked:
The typical steps involve uploading the video files to a large 'cloud' static asset host (such as S3) through the browser. If you are inexperienced it is best to select a processor that provides an uploader (it will handle putting the files in the right spot). Of the three, Transloadit and Panda both have custom unloaders.
Usually the service will allow you to either pass the encoding settings (what formats and qualities to) output to as parameters or configure them in your account. To support all current HTML5 browsers you just need H264 (.m4a) and OGG (.ogv). However, the new trend in the video world is for WEBM (.webm) so you might want to include it as well.
Next you will receive a unique code from the web service that you must store in persistent storage (database). The web service can be configured to 'callback' (perform an HTTP POST or GET request to your service) once the video is encoded.
Once your recieve a callback you can activate your video and start dislpaying it on your pages. For displaying, if you are inexperienced I'd highly recommend you use one of the following players:
They all do similar things for different prices. My current personal favourite is Sublime Video (it offers cool light box effects and a gorgeous player).
Why do you have to re-implement Youtube when you can just use it for hosting your videos for free? Many online e-learning portals (e.g. Khan academy) do exactly that.
As far as the best video format to use -- go read about H.264/AVC. It's what Youtube currently uses.
I think you will not find already built solution ;)
But it's not really that hard. You can use existing frameworks that will make your life easier while you build account management system, the rest shouldn't be really that hard (assuming you don't really want to re-build the whole Youtube ;D ).
For playing videos, you can use JW Player. A great piece of software, you should check it out.
