installing Oracle 12c client - windows-10

I am trying to install Oracle 12c client on my development box running Windows 10 and it doesn't even start.
I downloaded the files from Oracle download web site, ran setup.exe and it flashes briefly and nothing happens. I made sure latest JRE and JDK are installed.
I have spent most of the day googling but most deal with errors that occur during installation whereas I can't even start the installation! No errors, no messages. Checked GAC on off chance DLLs might be there but they are not.
I have used the same set of files on other machines and servers (Windows 2008r2 and 2012r2) without any issues but can seem to be able to troubleshoot this one. Any ideas to put me on the right path is appreciated.

After spending a couple of days trying to figure out the issue, uninstalling/reinstalling JRE and JDK and all that, the issue turned out to be the hard drive size. Apparently max dive size where you install the client is 2TB and mine was 3TB. I had to shrink the drive and it worked after that. Hopefully it saves someone some pain.
A couple of links for more info.
Installing on large disk
Oracle Universal Installer


Imagemagick IIS install issue VBScript error "800a01ad"

I have Imagemagick running on a remote server and have had it running on a local server successfully for many years, but recently I have had need to reinstall on a new machine and can't for the life of me figure out what i'm doing wrong, It's probably really simple and I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
WIN 10 running iis as localhost
Successfully installed Imagemagick 32 and 64 bit so they run on the local machine, however when try to access the localhost web page requiring Imagemagic I'm receiving the following message
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01ad'
ActiveX component can't create object: 'ImageMagickObject.MagickImage.1'
my app pool is current set to allow 32bt application and as far as I am aware all permissions are correct, although I do believe this may be the issue somewhere.
Can anyone help to shed some light on this issue.
Thanks :-)
Resolved.. It turns out the latest version of Imagemagick 7.1.x does not ship with ImagemagickObject.dll, fortunately, I had a saved download .exe for an earlier version 7.0.8 which still had the .dll, once install I could copy imageMagickObject.dll to the system32 folder, after that everything worked as expected. Not sure what would replace this in my code if I have to ever user a newer version, if someone knows please add to the post.

nodejs bluescreen on install

I was about to install node.js on a brand new Windows 7 64bit system. But during the installation I get a bluescreen. It happens while "copying new files". I tried node.js 8.9.4 and 9.5.0, both in 64 bit. Any idea what's wrong?
edit: I now enabled virtual memory and the message has changed. Now I get
The driver is attempting to access memory beyond the end of the allocation.
And here the current screenshot of the dump:
Honestly, these problems seem absolutely weird... I have never before had such issues with the installation of nodejs. And I'm doing it on a new machine which is up-to-date.
I've figured out what the issue was. It had to do with Comodo Programs Manager. After having deinstalled the program, everything worked fine again. But on my old machine I used to run Comodo Programs Manager as well. So it remains strange why it now caused such issues.

Visual Studio 2017 crashes after 10-20 minutes

For over a month now I've been experiencing problems with VS2017 on my home PC. I even tried submitting the feedback to Microsoft. There's more info about the problems I'm experiencing there.
The problem:
The gist of it is that VS is eating RAM like crazy. As soon as I start opening files, adding new files, using IntelliSense, building or (especially) debugging, the RAM usage skyrockets.
After that it's only a matter of time before the VS crashes and restarts without any error message. Though there are numerous error messages throughout these breif ~20min I have with each session.
Additional details I observed:
Doesn't happen with Python projects, as these don't have to be built constantly. It might be eventually happening if you debug a lot, but I didn't have the chance to check that because most of my Python coding is debugged on an external device
Size of the loaded solution doesn't matter;
UWP and WPF seem to crash the most. Console Projects take longer to crash.
Also affects .NET Core;
It doesn't matter which version of .NET Framework I use;
VS2015 worked perfectly, but I don't have it anymore after the format
What I already tried:
I reinstalled VS;
I refreshed Windows;
I reinstalled Windows;
I checked my drives and RAM for issues - none found;
I switched from Community to Enterprise;
I tried disabling extensions;
I applied some shady hotfix I found somewhere;
Finally, I installed Rider which seems to be the best solution as of now. It still lacks many important features, though.
Is there anything else I can do/try/check? Did anyone experience (and fix) a similar issue?
You get a System.OutOfMemoryException, this means your Visual Studio runs out of free virtual address space (4GB on 64 Bit Windows for the 32Bit Visual Studio because Visual Studio is configured to be large address aware and MS refuses to release VS as 64Bit program which would fix this issue).
To analyze the memory usage, you need to run WPRUI.exe (part of Windows Performance Toolkit (which gets installed by VS2017) for some scenarios, if not, install it on your own), select Reference Set (Note: expand the Resource Analysis entry first to see all options).
and click on Start. Capture the memory usage grow for some 100s of MB and click on Save.
Open the generated ETL with the analyzer (WPA.exe) and analyze what the process devenv.exe is doing.
Also zip the ETL + NGENPDB folder (important) as zip and attach it to your bug report so that Microsoft can analyze it.

Failed to create imageSource from the text '..\Images\Medium.png

I recently migrated windows 8.1. But unable to open vs2013/vs2012 new Project template.
IT was working fine in windows 8.
ERROR: Failed to create imageSource from the text '..\Images\Medium.png'
Tried all options but did not succeed.
Please HELP
This is because you migrated from windows 8 to windows 8.1
First Go to Control Panel --> Check Updates for Windows 8.1
Install All Important Updates
Restart Your Pc
All things will properly work..
I tried almost every solution I found.
I would like to share, what I have tried and did not work and what did work and solved the problem.
Here are the "solutions" which did not work for me but claimed that they worked for some people.
1) Removing FastPictureViewer Codec Pack (which was already not installed)
2) Having a modify permission to everyone for
3) Using Procmon to see broken registries
4) Uninstalling/reinstalling VS13 and all shared packages
5) Renaming the machine.config.default to machine.config
6) Running Visual Studio as an administrator
And this what it solved it:
Simply installed all the updates for windows 8.1 (not only the important ones, also optional updates as well) and restart. It sounds crazy after spending hours and hours but that solved my problem.
Good luck!
I tried all the steps mentioned above and it did not work. Even I was not able to uninstall VS.
I reapaired .NET framework through Contrl Panel->Programs and Features-> Microsoft .Net Framework-> right click Chane/Uninstall Repair .Net Framework.
This solved the problem.
I got same error after Oracle Data Provider for VS 2013 installation. I installed all Windows 8.1 Important Updates but it didn't work. I read somewhere that it can be happened because of lastly installed VS Add-On etc. then uninstalled Oracle Data Provider for VS 2013 and problem solved.
I am using Visual Studio 2012. This problem occurred to me after I upgraded from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1, so it is definitely related to the OS upgrade.
As some answers say, installing updates for Windows 8.1 will resolve the issue. But you don't need to install everything. I installed only the .NET related updates. Specifically, I installed "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 for Windows 8.1" (KB2934520), and a few others "Security and Quality Rollup" updates as well.
After a reboot, the "Loading Components" dialog shows up briefly upon launching Visual Studio, indicating that the cache of some components are invalidated and they are compiled again. After that, the "Add Reference" dialog works again.

Conversion to x64 platform in visual studio failing

So I built a huge website for my company using the AnyCpu option. I didn't think it would matter - I have a 64bit machine with x64 windows, it's getting deployed to a x64 server, and there's no attached dll's, so it should just all be in 64, right?
Well, in the process of trying to implement some security, the company's support told us the application MUST be strictly x64. I figured it was, but to humor them, I went into the configuration manager, and changed all the target cpu, platform etc settings to x64.
Unfortunately now, it breaks when I hit f5 to run it. I've run into this before, I think, and I vaguely remember needing to delete some temp internet files somewhere, but I tried closing VS, deleting the bin folder, deleting the root folder from /framework/tempASPfiles... but I still get the BadImageFormatException - "an attempt was made to load the program with an incorrect format."
What's the best and fastest way to convert an app to x64? and am I right in thinking I need to delete some files somewhere?
