Problem with the set() function from GeoFirestore - node.js

I want to use the set(...) function, but Firebase-Log says that this function is not available.
The Firebase-Cloud-Function Log:
"TypeError: GeoPostLocations.set is not a function
at database.collection.doc.collection.doc.set.then.result"
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
var admin = require('firebase-admin');
var serviceAccount = require('./serviceAccountKey.json');
var GeoFirestore = require('geofirestore').GeoFirestore;
const database = admin.firestore();
const geofirestore = new GeoFirestore(database);
const GeoPostLocations = geofirestore.collection('PostLocations');
In my function, I execute the following code:
return GeoPostLocations.set("DummyIDForTest", [50.312312312, 5.4302434234]]).then(result => {
return 0;
}).catch(error => {
return 1;

So it looks like you've been doing a bit of your code in the syntax of version 2 of geofirestore, but we're now on v3 and things should look more like firestore, so what does that mean for you?
Firstly, set isn't a function available to collections, but it is available to documents, so you'll wanna do this:
return GeoPostLocations.doc('DummyIDForTest').set({
coordinates: new firebase.firestore.GeoPoint(50.312312312, 5.4302434234)
}).then(result => {
return 0;
}).catch(error => {
return 1;
Please note that you have to set an object, not coordinates in an array (this isn't geofire). I've included a link to the relevant docs.


Get data from firestore document and use in cloud function

In the user's collection, each user has a document with a customer_id.
I would like to retrieve this customer_id and use it to create a setup intent.
The following code has worked for me in the past. However, all of a sudden it throws the error:
Object is possibly 'undefined'
The error is on the following line under in this line:
const customerId =;
Here is the entire code snippet:
exports.createSetupIntent = functions.https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
const userId = data.userId;
const snapshot = await db
const customerId =;
const setupIntent = await stripe.setupIntents.create({
customer: customerId,
const clientSecret = setupIntent.client_secret;
const intentId =;
return {
clientsecret: clientSecret,
intentId: intentId,
Any help is appreciated :)
this is because may return undefined
there are 2 ways to solve this
first is assert as non-null, if you have high confident that the data exist
const customerId =!.customer_id;
second if check for undefined
const customerId =;
// ....
I recommend the 2nd method, it is safer
I can see you are using a sub collection order,You need to loop through the snapshot data using the forEach loop.
const customerId =
customerId.forEach((id)=> {
Try this out but.
The document you're trying to load may not exist, in which case calling data() on the snapshot will return null, and thus this line would give an error:
const customerId =;
The solution is to check whether the document you loaded exists, and only then force to get the data from it:
if (snapshot.exists()) {
const customerId =!.customer_id;
if you want to fetch user data from docId then you can use something like this:
const functions = require("firebase-functions");
var admin = require('firebase-admin');
var db = admin.firestore();
db.settings({ timestampsInSnapshots: true });
exports.demoFunction = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
var userId = request.body.userId;
db.collection("user").doc(userId).get().then(snapshot => {
if (snapshot) {
var data =;
// use data to get firestore data
var yourWantedData =;
// use it in your functionality

Get all documents in collection using Cloud Firestore

I read several documentation but I don't understand why I should use an extra layer(foreach) in my code when I read all of the data inside a collection using Firebase (Cloud Firestore).
Here is the original documentation:
Here is my code:
async loadUsers(): Promise<User[]> {
const users = new Array<User>();
const snapshot = await this.firestore.collection('users').get();
snapshot.forEach((collection) => { => {
users.push( as User);
return users;
As I understand it should work like this:
async loadUsers(): Promise<User[]> {
const users = new Array<User>();
const snapshot = await this.firestore.collection('users').get();
snapshot.forEach(doc => {
users.push( as User);
return users;
Error message:
"Property 'data' does not exist on type 'QuerySnapshot'."
.collection().get() does NOT return an array; it returns a QuerySnapshot, which has a property .docs, which is an array of QueryDocumentSnapshot, each of which has a property .data, which is the data read from the document.
In new modular firebase firestore(version 9.+) it should be like this:
import { getFirestore, collection, query, getDocs } from 'firebase/firestore/lite'
async readAll() {
const firestore = getFirestore()
const collectionRef = collection(firestore, '/users')
let q = query(collectionRef, orderBy('createTimestamp', 'desc'))
const querySnapshot = await getDocs(q)
const items = []
querySnapshot.forEach(document => {
return items
I could not find any parameter on querySnapshot directly that is something like .docs was and included whole array before. So it is kinda like onSnapshot is and was.
Based on #LeadDreamer answer, I could manage to simplify the code
async loadUsers(): Promise<User[]> {
const users = new Array<User>();
await this.firestore.collection('users').get().subscribe(querySnapshot => { => {
users.push( as User);
return users;
There seems to be no other way but to iterate.
const q = query(collection(db, "item"));
getDocs(q).then( response => {
const result =>({

My onCreate funciton in Functions of firebase is not creating my desired collection in the cloud database

I just typed a code in my index.js file of functions (firebase CLI).According to my code there must be a timeline collection created in cloud database of firebase.Function is healthy and there are no errors it gets deployed and even in the logs everything works fine. But still timeline collection is not created in the cloud databaese when I follow a user in my app.
this is my code:
const functions = require("firebase-functions");
const admin = require("firebase-admin");
exports.onCreateFollower = functions.firestore
.onCreate(async (snapshot, context) => {
console.log("Follower Created",;
const userId = context.params.userId;
const followerId = context.params.followerId;
// 1) Create followed users posts ref
const followedUserPostsRef = admin
// 2) Create following user's timeline ref
const timelinePostsRef = admin
// 3) Get followed users posts
const querySnapshot = await followedUserPostsRef.get();
// 4) Add each user post to following user's timeline
querySnapshot.forEach(doc => {
if (doc.exists) {
const postId =;
const postData =;
return timelinePostsRef.doc(postId).set(postData);
Since you want to execute a variable number of asynchronous calls in parallel, you should use Promise.all(), in order to wait that all these different asynchronous calls are completed before indicating to the CF platform that it can cleanup the CF. See for more details.
exports.onCreateFollower = functions.firestore
.onCreate(async (snapshot, context) => {
const userId = context.params.userId;
const followerId = context.params.followerId;
// ...
// 3) Get followed users posts
const querySnapshot = await followedUserPostsRef.get();
// 4) Add each user post to following user's timeline
const promises = [];
querySnapshot.forEach(doc => {
//query results contain only existing documents, the exists property will always be true and data() will never return 'undefined'.
const postId =;
const postData =;
return Promise.all(promises);

How to return a Promise on a cloud function firestore query

Here is my firebase function:
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
exports.newMatch = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
const user1 = data.user1;
const user1token = data.user1token;
const user2name = data.user2name;
const user2 = data.user2;
const gender = data.gender;
console.log("before query");
const user1doc = admin.firestore().collection('users').doc(user1);
user1doc.get().then(doc => {
return null;
the user1doc.get() line is giving me the following error:
22:2 error Expected catch() or return promise/catch-or-return
How can I return a promise so I can log the fcmToken value? Or is there a way to do it without returning a promise?
Simply put a return in from of the line that get()s the data:
return user1doc.get().then(doc => {
return null;
I highly recommend learning more about Promises and their role in Cloud Functions, for example by reading

Scheduling Node.js script on GCP using Cloud Functions

I've created a script that scrapes information from a webpage and writes it to a Google Sheet. This is working great on my local machine, but I'd like to schedule this on GCP.
It sounds like Cloud Functions are the way to go, but when I deploy my function I'm getting this error:
Function failed on loading user code. Error message: Node.js module defined by file working.js is expected to export function named run
I'm not sure what I should be using as the "Function to execute". Here's the function I've uploaded:
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
const jsonexport = require('jsonexport');
const GoogleSpreadsheet = require('google-spreadsheet');
const creds = require('./google-generated-creds.json');
const fs = require('fs');
var doc = new GoogleSpreadsheet('1qaFi0xnhaCZEduylUvGXWpyMJv00Rz6Y9qqyFR1E9oI');
function run() {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({args: ['--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox']});
const page = await browser.newPage();
const urls = [
const productsList = [];
for (let i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
const url = urls[i];
await page.goto(url);
let products = await page.evaluate(() => {
let product = document.querySelector('h1[itemprop=name]').innerText;
let results = [];
let items = document.querySelectorAll('[data-ttip-id=sizeGridTooltip] tbody tr td label');
items.forEach((element) => {
let size = element.getAttribute('for');
let stockLevel = "";
let nearest_td = element.closest('td');
if (nearest_td.classList.contains('low-stock')) {
stockLevel = "Low stock"
} else if (nearest_td.classList.contains('out-of-stock')) {
stockLevel = "Out of stock"
} else {
stockLevel = "In stock"
product: product,
size: size,
stock: stockLevel
return results
function flatten(arr) {
return arr.reduce(function(flat, toFlatten) {
return flat.concat(Array.isArray(toFlatten) ? flatten(toFlatten) : toFlatten);
}, []);
var flatProducts = flatten(productsList)
flatProducts.forEach(function(row) {
// Authenticate with the Google Spreadsheets API.
doc.useServiceAccountAuth(creds, function(err) {
// Get all of the rows from the spreadsheet.
doc.addRow(1, row, function(err, rows) {
} catch (e) {
return reject(e);
I've never used Cloud Functions before so unsure how much I'd need to modify my script.
You can't just upload any script to run. You have to define a function using either the Cloud tools (via gcloud) or the Firebase tools and SDK. You will also have to figure out how you want to trigger it. When the function is triggered, then you can arrange to have your code executed.
I would say that it's mostly non-trivial to just port an existing script to Cloud Functions. You will have to take time to learn about how the system works in order to make effective use of it.
What that errors is referring to is that Cloud Functions can't find a function to run in that file (working.js) because you haven't exported one. For example, if you create a Cloud Function named run, then you must export a function in the script by assigning it to in your module: = (event, callback) => {
callback(null, `Hello ${ || 'World'}!`);
There's more examples in the documentation, but it's likely that other changes will be necessary in your script for authentication, etc, to work from GCP.
