How do you UPDATE a Cassandra column without directly knowing the primary key? - cassandra

Given a scenario where you have a User table, with id as PRIMARY KEY.
You have a column called email, and a column called name.
You want to UPDATE based on
I realized that the UPDATE command requires you to pass in a PRIMARY KEY. Does this mean I can't use a pure CQL migration, and would need to first query for the primary key before I can UPDATE?
In this case, I DO know the PRIMARY KEY because the UUIDs are the same for dev and prod, but it feels dirty.

Yes, you're correct - you need to know primary key of the record to perform an update on the data, or deletion of specific record. There are several options here, depending of your data model:
Perform full scan of the table using effective token range scan (Look to this answer for more details);
If this is required very often, you can create a materialized view, with as partition key, and fetch all message IDs that you can update (but you'll need to do this from your application, there is no nested query support in CQL). But also be aware that materialized views are "experimental" feature in Cassandra, and may not work all the time (it's more stable in DataStax Enterprise). Also, if you have some users with hundreds of thousands of emails, this may create big partitions.
Do like 2nd item with your code, by using an additional table

I think Alex's answer covers your question -- "how can I find a value in a PK column working backwards from a non-PK column's value?".
However, I think it's worth noting that asking this question indicates you should reconsider your data model. A rule of thumb in C* data model design is that you begin by considering the queries you need, and you've missed the UPDATE query use case. You can probably make things work without changing your model for now, but if you find you need to make other queries you're unprepared for, you'll run into operational issues with lots of indexes and/or MVs.
More generally, search around for articles and other resources about Cassandra data modeling. It sounds like you're basically using C* for a relational use case so you'll want to look into that.


How can you query all the data with an empty set in cassandra db?

As the title says, I'm trying to query all the data I got with no value stored in it. I've been searching for a while, and the only operation allowed that I've found is CONTAINS, which doesn't fit my need.
consider the following table:
CREATE TABLE environment(
id uuid,
name varchar,
message text,
public Boolean,
participants set<varchar>,
How can I get all entries in the table with an empty set? E.g. participants = {} or null?
Unfortunately, you really can't. Cassandra makes queries like this difficult by design, because there's no way it can be done without doing a full table scan (scanning each and every node). This is why a big part of Cassandra data modeling is understanding all the ways that table will be queried, and building it to support those queries.
The other issue that you'll have to deal with, is that (generally speaking) Cassandra does not allow filtering by nulls. Again, it's a design's much easier to query for data that exists, rather than data that does not exist. Although, when writing with lightweight transactions, there are ways around this one (using the IF clause).
If you knew all of the ids ahead of time, you could write something to iterate through them, SELECT and check for null on the app-side. Although that approach will be slow (but it won't stress the cluster). Probably the better approach, is to use a distributed OLAP layer like Apache Spark. It still wouldn't be fast, but this is probably the best way to handle a situation like this.

cassandra where clause, one field from udt

How can I query based on only one field in UDT (Cassandra) ?
I have a UDT which contains marital status and I need data for all the married people
but when I query based on one field it gives empty output
How can I do this ?
short answer - NO, at least not in the stock Cassandra. It's possible to do using the DSE Search, but it adds its own constraints. Maybe when SAI will be implemented some day, it will support indexing of UDT fields. I don't remember if SASI supports this, but it's really not recommended to use. But even if indexing was supported, it's still bad case (maybe except SAI) for Cassandra because it will create big partitions to represent each status.
The general rule is that you need to always query by partition key, with possibility to use secondary indexes when you need to search for another field, but only inside partition. If you need to query by multiple fields that not primary keys, I would suggest to take another database, or use Elasticsearch/Solr (although they aren't very good in geo-distributed environment).

Should I set foreign keys in Cassandra tables?

I am new to Cassandra and coming from relational background. I learned Cassandra does not support JOINs hence no concept of foreign keys. Suppose I have two tables:
In RDBMS world I should pass city_id into users table. Since there is no concept of joins and you are allowed to duplicate data, is it still work passing city_id into users table while I can create a table users_by_cities?
The main Cassandra concept is that you design tables based off of your queries (as writes to the table have no restrictions). The design is based off of the query filters. An application that queries a table by some ID is somewhat unnatural as the CITY_ID could be any value and typically is unknown (unless you ran a prior query to get it). Something more natural may be CITY_NAME. Anyway, assuming there are no indexes on the table (which are mere tables themselves), there are rules in Cassandra regarding the filters you provide and the table design, mainly that, at a minimum, one of the filters MUST be the partition key. The partition key helps direct cassandra to the correct node for the data (which is how the reads are optimized). If none of your filters are the partition key, you'll get an error (unless you use ALLOW FILTERING, which is a no-no). The other filters, if there are any, must be the clustering columns (you can't have a filter that is neither the partition key nor the clustering columns - again, unless you use ALLOW FILTERING).
These restrictions, coming from the RDBMS world, are unnatural and hard to adjust to, and because of them, you may have to duplicate data into very similar structures (maybe the only difference is the partition keys and clustering columns). For the most part, it is up to the application to manipulate each structure when changes occur, and the application must know which table to query based off of the filters provided. All of these are considered painful coming from a relational world (where you can do whatever you want to one structure). These "constraints" need to be weighed against the reasons why you chose Cassandra for your storage engine.
Hope this helps.

Cassandra data modelling less then 1000 records to fit in one row

We have some entity uniquely identified by generated UUID. We need to support find by name query. Also we need to support sorting to be by name.
We know that there will be no more than 1000 of entities of that type which can perfectly fit in one row. Is it viable idea to hardcode primary key, use name as clustering key and id as clustering key there to satisfy uniqueness. Lets say we need school entity. Here is example:
constant text,
name text,
id uuid,
description text,
location text,
PRIMARY KEY ((constant), name, id)
Initial state would be give me all schools and then filtering by exact name will happen. Our reasoning behind this was to place all schools in single row for fast access, have name as clustering column for filtering and have id as clustering column to guaranty uniqueness. We can use constant = school as known hardcoded value to access this row.
What I like about this solution is that all values are in one row and we get fast reads. Also we can solve sorting easy by clustering column. What I do not like is hardcoded value for constant which seams odd. We could use name as PK but then we would have 1000 records spread across couple of partitions, probably find all without name would be slower and would not be sorted.
Question 1
Is this viable solution and are there any problems with it which we do not see? I did not see any example on Cassandra data modelling with hardcoded primary key probably for the reason so we are doubting this solution.
Question 2
Name is editable field, it will probably be changed rarely (someone can make typo or school can change name) but it can change. What is best way to achieve this? Delete insert inside batch (LTE can be applied to same row with conditional clause)?
Yes this is a good approach for such a small dataset. Just because Cassandra can partition large datasets across multiple nodes does not mean that you need to use that ability for every table. By using a constant for the partition key, you are telling Cassandra that you want the data to be stored on one node where you can access it quickly and in sorted order. Relational databases act on data in a single node all the time, so this is really not such an unusual thing to do.
For safety you will probably want to use a replication factor higher than one so that there are at least two copies of the single partition. In that way you will not lose access to the data if the one node where it is stored went down.
This approach could cause problems if you expect to have a lot of clients (i.e. thousands of clients) frequently reading and writing to this table, since it could become a hot spot. With only 1000 records you can probably keep all the rows cached in memory by setting the table to cache all keys and rows.
You probably won't find a lot of examples where this is done because people move to Cassandra for the support of large datasets where they want the scalability that comes from using multiple partitions. So examples are geared towards that.
Is this viable solution and are there any problems with it which we do not see? I did not see any example on Cassandra data modelling with hardcoded primary key probably for the reason so we are doubting this solution.
I briefly addressed this type of modeling solution earlier this year in my article: We Shall Have Order! This is what is known as a "dummy key," where each row has the same partition key. This is a shortcut that allows you to easily order all of your rows (on an unbound SELECT *) by clustering column(s).
Problems with this solution:
Cassandra allows a maximum of 2 billion column values per partition key. When using a dummy partition key, you will approach this limit with each value that you add.
Your data will all be stored in the same partition, which will create a "hot spot" (large groupings of data) in your cluster. This means that your data model will immediately void one of Cassandra's main distribution. This will also complicate load balancing (the same nodes and ranges will keep serving all of your requests).
I can see that your model is designed around a SELECT * query. Cassandra works best when you can give it specific keys to query by. Unbound SELECT * queries (queries without WHERE clauses) are not a good idea to be doing with Cassandra, as they can lead to timeouts (as your data grows).
From reading through your question, I know that you're going to say that you're only using it for 1000 rows. That your dataset won't ever grow much beyond those 1000 rows, so you won't hit any of the roadblocks that I have mentioned.
So then I have to wonder, why are you using Cassandra? As a Cassandra MVP, that's a question I don't ask often. But you don't have an especially large data set (which is what Cassandra is designed to work with). Relying on that fact as a reason to use a product incorrectly is not really the best solution.
Honestly, I am going to recommend that you save yourself some complexity, and use a RDBMS instead. That will fit your use case significantly better than Cassandra will. Then you can update and order by whatever fields you wish.

Design approach cassandra for Rowkey and already exists check

I am new to cassandra and my cassandra is giving lot of read timeout errors..tweaked timout but still problem may be problem with design (for my application cassandra expected to store trillions of data):
Question 1 : In an all my cassandra tables i use UUID as rowkey...but for few tables just for maintainence i break that rule like in user table i make email id as that looking at tables i can understand data stored...IS using UUID right approach for huge case and second approach for user table is right or not ???????????
Question 2 : i have one relations table with startNodeId, relationTypeId, endNodeId...rowkey for that is UUID which is relationId.....i define secondary indexes on startNode, relationType, endNode as i can have lookup by any of them by business case.........becuase of that for each new row i have to do get to check ALREADY existing relation or not....One approach to avoid existing check is : i take startNodeId, relationTypeId, endNodeId SORT them and create HASH CODE and use that as my already checking explicitly will be avoided here..........IS THIS RIGHT approach ???????
Please guide me i am stuck at these thoughts...any guidance will really help me
Answering to your first question, until and unless you are comfortable in handling the rowkey with non-uuid value, its great also easier to track else go for the UUID.
Regarding to your second question, why don't you try the compound key. You don't have to maintain hashcode like stuffs, leave it on Cassandra.
1) Better use natural keys not UUIDs. Email, timestamp, composite primary keys, and so on. Using UUID is an approach from RDBMS world, you should avoid it in Cassandra
2) Read-modify-update is wrong pattern for Cassandra. Try rewritng data, if your business case allows this. Or just use timestamp and get the row with latest timestamp (don't forget about TTL).
