run 3 web servers on the same port - node.js

Well i have a machine and i want to do a very simple thing, on this machine i have 3 DNS records,
for example is the ip of the machine itself - - -
We would like the traffic coming through each DNS record to be
handled by each corresponding service.
Create 3 very simple scripts that act as a website using any language
or platform (suggested NodeJs), that echo the name of the service
when calling the DNS record (e.g. "service1", "service2" and
how do i do that?
All of the services must run on port 80
The machine is AWS Linux 2

What http server are you using?
Usually you can solve this issue with creating virtual hosts. In Apache it would look like this:
There you can define, based on the DNS request, which folder the webserver should use to present the client.
Another option, but this might be more complex, when you setup an nginx proxy.


Stop apache and run node server

I have a centos 7.9 linux server with whm panel installed. Apache is installed directly on the domain names I created, I don't want to run apache on the subdomain of one domain name. I want to run a node js server. When I say "service httpd stop", they all shut down. What to do?
Network services don't bind themselves to specific hostnames. You have one Apache server running. Any connection to port 80 will connect to that server. Apache then looks at the host header in the HTTP request to determine which website to respond with.
If you want one site to use Node.js then you need to pick one of these options:
Configure Apache to act as a reverse proxy for the Node.js hosted server
Run the Node.js server on a different computer and point the host name at that computer
Have multiple network interfaces for the existing computer, with their own IP addresses, configure Apache to listen on one and Node.js to listen on the other, then point the hostnames at the right IP addresses.
(I don't recommend the last one as it is the most fiddly).

Deployed small footprint tanzu application service(tas) in Azure,without no domains.Can i access the ccapi and apps manager with the IP?

Could deploy Bosh and small footprint tanzu application service(tas) in Azure, without using the domains.All Vms are running.Can i access the ccapi and apps manager with the IP address instead of the api.SYSTEMDOMAIN?
The short answer is no. You really, really want to have DNS set up properly.
Here's the long answer that is more nuanced.
All requests to your foundation go through the Gorouter. Gorouter will take the incoming request, look at the Host header and use that to determine where to send the request. This happens the same for system services like CAPI and UAA as it does for apps you deploy to the foundation.
DNS is a requirement because of the Host header. A browser trying to access CAPI or an application on your foundation is going to set the Host header based on the DNS entry you type into your browser's address bar. The cf CLI is going to do the same thing.
There are some ways to work around this:
If you are strictly using a client like curl where you can set the Host header to arbitrary values. In that way, you could set the host header to api.system_domain and at the same time connect to the IP address of your foundation. That's not a very elegant way to use CF though.
You can manually set entries in your /etc/hosts` (or similar on Windows). This is basically a way to override DNS resolution and supply your own custom IP.
You would need to do this for uaa.system_domain, login.system_domain, api.system_domain and any host names you want to use for apps deployed to your foundation, like my-super-cool-app.apps_domain. These should all point to the IP of the load balancer that's in front of your pool of Gorouters.
If you add enough entries into /etc/hosts you can make the cf CLI work. I have done this on occasion to bypass the load balancer layer for troubleshooting purposes.
Where this won't work is on systems where you can't edit /etc/hosts, like customers or external users of software running on your foundation or if you're trying to deploy apps on your foundation that talk to each other using routes on CF (because you can't edit /etc/hosts in the container). Like if you have app-a.apps_domain and app-b.apps_domain and app-a needs to talk to app-b. That won't work because you have no DNS resolution for apps_domain.
You can probably make app-to-app communication work if you are able to use container-to-container networking and the apps.internal domain though. The resolution for that domain is provided by Bosh DNS. You have to be aware of this difference though when deploying your apps and map routes on the apps.internal domain, as well as setting network policy to allow traffic to flow between the two.
Anyway, there might be other hiccups. This is just off the top of my head. You can see it's a lot better if you can set up DNS.
The most easy way to achieve a portable solution is a service like that will work out of the box. I have setup and run a lot of PoCs that way, when wildcard DNS was something that enterprise IT was still oblivious about.
It works like this (excerpt from their site):
What is is a magic domain name that provides wildcard DNS
for any IP address. Say your LAN IP address is
Using, resolves to resolves to resolves to resolves to
...and so on. You can use these domains to access virtual
hosts on your development web server from devices on your
local network, like iPads, iPhones, and other computers.
No configuration required!

Can I access to website using IP address

I recently got to know about DNS (Domain Name System Or Domain Name Server) and how it works. I want to know - can I access to a website by using its IP address and how?
TL;DR: It depends how the server is configured but probably not and I would not rely on it.
This is because the website you are trying to access is likely behind a reverse proxy or load balancer. The load balancer acts like a railroad switch depending on the hostname you use to connect to it.
For simplicity, imagine that and are on the same server with the same IP:
If you were to try to connect directly to, how would the web server know which service you wanted? It wouldn't. In fact there are companies who's business is based solely around load balancing other companies' servers.
When you connect to a host with your browser, for example:, your browser sends a special header behind the scenes. The load balancer processes this header and routes the request to the correct server (which may be on a completely different server, network, etc).
Digital Ocean has a great tutorial on how to configure a basic virtual host for nginx. This demonstrates the basics of what a multi-host configuration might look like.
If you don't want to mess with DNS servers, you could set up a local lab environment on your desktop simply by modifying your hosts file. You can google where your operating systems hosts file is located.
If you have access to cURL, you can test the results like so:
# if you've configured a virtual host for mysite01.local on port 80
curl --verbose --header 'Host: mysite01.local' ''
# if you've configured a virtual host for mysite02.local on port 80
curl --verbose --header 'Host: mysite02.local' ''
# depending on your configuration this may return a 404 or point to one of your previous sites
curl --verbose ''
Yes, you can access any domain using IP address. Domain is just a name of website, IP address is the address of the page/website.
You can always ping website using command prompt:
You get one ip address which in this case is Now when you hit the ip address in browser you will be redirected to
You can think of DNS (Domain Name System) as a table which provides mapping between IP address( and domain name(

How to forward incoming clients based on ip to a specific process

I have a server that has multiple ip addresses. It also has multiple web apps written in nodejs that I'm running.
In short I'd like to forward specific ip addresses to specific node applications. How is this done? Should I use apache or nginx?
running centos 7
Any running application can bind to either (to catch all the packets) or to some specific IP (it must use this ip when it calls bind() on the socket). Thus almost any TCP/IP server application has option like "Listen" in it's config file or command line, so you should read your docs carefully to figure out how can it be made in your particular application. For Apache it's port-based virtual hosts.
If you want to route user requests to different application based on user's IP address, you should read about iptables nat table and REDIRECT target.

How to set domain name for server inside an OpenVPN-based VPN?

I am currently using a very simple OpenVPN setup where I connect from different devices to a OpenVPN server and then access a website that is being hosted by an Apache Server running on the same system. To reach that server, I have to use its IPv4 adress inside the VPN (e.g.
I would like to use a 'real' name like myserver.local. Is there a way to do this without setting up a DNS server? Can the OpenVPN-Client maybe just add an entry to the local hosts-file?
Not without setting up a DNS server, but getting one to work is very easy and can be restricted behind the VPN.
I am using dnsmasq on Ubuntu 14.04 for exactly this purpose. Just install it and add all your hosts to the /etc/hosts-File in the following way:
# Clients on the VPN vpn.lan vpn.lan service1.lan service1 service2.lan service2
You can restrict dnsmasq, that it only listens to the tun0-Interface of OpenVPN by adding interface=tun0 to /etc/dnsmasq.conf. You can push the DNS server to your clients by adding push "dhcp-option DNS" to your /etc/openvpn/server.conf.
The downside of this solution is, that you have to add every server to /etc/hosts, but for a couple of servers I think it's ok.
