how to speed up saving partitioned data with only one partition? - apache-spark

The spark data saving operation is quite slow if:
the dataframe df partitioned by date (year, month, day), df contains data from exactly one day, say 2019-02-14.
If I save the df by:
df.write.partitionBy("year", "month", "day").parquet("/path/")
It will be slow due to all data belong to one partition, which is processed by one task (??).
If saving df with explicit partition path:
It works well, but it will create the _metadata, _common_metadata, _SUCCESS files in "/path/year=2019/month=02/day=14/"
in stead of "/path/". Drop partition columns are required to keep same fields as using method partitionBy.
So, how to speed up saving data with only one partition without changing metadata files location, which can be updated in each OP.
Is it safe to use explicit partition path instead of using partitionBy?


Spark Job stuck writing dataframe to partitioned Delta table

Running databricks to read csv files and then saving as a partitioned delta table.
Total records in file are 179619219 . It is being split on COL A (8419 unique values) and Year ( 10 Years) and Month.
df.write.partitionBy("A","year","month").format("delta") \
Job gets stuck on the write step and aborts after running for 5-6 hours
This is very bad partitioning schema. You simply have too many unique values for column A, and additional partitioning is creating even more partitions. Spark will need to create at least 90k partitions, and this will require creation a separate files (small), etc. And small files are harming the performance.
For non-Delta tables, partitioning is primarily used to perform data skipping when reading data. But for Delta lake tables, partitioning may not be so important, as Delta on Databricks includes things like data skipping, you can apply ZOrder, etc.
I would recommend to use different partitioning schema, for example, year + month only, and do OPTIMIZE with ZOrder on A column after the data is written. This will lead to creation of only few partitions with bigger files.

spark parquet partitioning which remove the partition column

If am using df.write.partitionby(col1).parquet(path) .
the data will remove the partition column on the data.
how to avoid it ?
You can duplicate col1 before writing:
df.withColumn("partition_col", col("col1")).write.partitionBy("partition_col").parquet(path)
Note that this step is not really necessary, because whenever you read a Parquet file in a partitioned directory structure, Spark will automatically add that as a new column to the dataframe.
Actually spark does not remove the column but it uses that column in a way to organize the files so that when you read the files it adds that as a column and display that to you in a table format. If you check the schema of the table or the schema of the dataframe you would still see that as a column in the table.
Also you are partitioning your data so you know how that data from table is queried frequently and based on that information you might have decided to partition the data so that your reads becomes faster and more efficient.

Saving Spark DataFrame to Parquet partitioned by Date

I have huge dataframe that has several columns, one of which is callDate(DateType). I want to save that dataframe to parquet on S3 and partition it by this call_date column. This will be initial load for our project(containing history data), and afterwards in production, after a day finishes it should add up new partition and not delete older ones.
In a case when I omit .partitionBy method, job finishes in 12 minutes. Action example:
On the other hand when I do this:
job doesn't finish in 30 minutes. I am not doing any repartition before partitionBy, so I guessed speed should be somewhat similar, as every executor should save it's own partition to the specific date? What am I missing here?

PySpark: how to read in partitioning columns when reading parquet

I have data stored in a parquet files and hive table partitioned by year, month, day. Thus, each parquet file is stored in /table_name/year/month/day/ folder.
I want to read in data for only some of the partitions. I have list of paths to individual partitions as follows:
paths_to_files = ['hdfs://data/table_name/2018/10/29',
And then try to do something like:
df ="parquet").load(paths_to_files)
However, then my data does not include the information about year, month and day, as this is not part of the data per se, rather the information is stored in the path to the file.
I could use sql context and a send hive query with some select statement with where on the year, month and day columns to select only data from partitions i am interested in. However, i'd rather avoid constructing SQL query in python as I am very lazy and don't like reading SQL.
I have two questions:
what is the optimal way (performance-wise) to read in the data stored as parquet, where information about year, month, day is not present in the parquet file, but is only included in the path to the file? (either send hive query using sqlContext.sql('...'), or use read.parquet,... anything really.
Can i somehow extract the partitioning columns when using the
approach i outlined above?
Reading the direct file paths to the parent directory of the year partitions should be enough for a dataframe to determine there's partitions under it. However, it wouldn't know what to name the partitions without the directory structure /year=2018/month=10, for example.
Therefore, if you have Hive, then going via the metastore would be better because the partitions are named there, Hive stores extra useful information about your table, and then you're not reliant on knowing the direct path to the files on disk from the Spark code.
Not sure why you think you need to read/write SQL, though.
Use the Dataframe API instead, e.g
df = spark.table("table_name")
df_2018 = df.filter(df['year'] == 2018)
Your data isn't stored in a way optimal for parquet so you'd have to load files one by one and add the dates
Alternatively, you can move the files to a directory structure fit for parquet
( e.g. .../table/year=2018/month=10/day=29/file.parquet)
then you can read the parent directory (table) and filter on year, month, and day (and spark will only read the relevant directories) also you'd get these as attributes in your dataframe

Partition column is moved to end of row when saving a file to Parquet

For a given DataFrame just before being save'd to parquet here is the schema: notice that the centroid0 is the first column and is StringType:
However when saving the file using:
df.write.partitionBy(dfHolder.metadata.partitionCols: _*).format("parquet").mode("overwrite").save(fpath)
and with the partitionCols as centroid0:
then there is a (to me) surprising result:
the centroid0 partition column has been moved to the end of the Row
the data type has been changed to Integer
I confirmed the output path via println :
And here is the schema upon reading back from the saved parquet:
Why are those two modifications to the input schema occurring - and how can they be avoided - while still maintaining the centroid0 as a partitioning column?
Update A preferred answer should mention why /when the partitions were added to the end (vs the beginning) of the columns list. We need an understanding of the deterministic ordering.
In addition - is there any way to cause spark to "change it's mind" on the inferred column types? I have had to change the partitions from 0, 1 etc to c0, c1 etc in order to get the inference to map to StringType. Maybe that were required .. but if there were some spark setting to change the behavior that would make for an excellent answer.
When you write.partitionBy(...) Spark saves the partition field(s) as folder(s)
This is can be beneficial for reading data later as (with some file types, parquet included) it can optimize to read data just from partitions that you use (i.e. if you'd read and filter for centroid0==1 spark wouldn't read the other partitions
The effect of this is that the partition fields (centroid0 in your case) are not written into the parquet file only as folder names (centroid0=1, centroid0=2, etc.)
The side effect of these are 1. the type of the partition is inferred at run time (since the schema is not saved in the parquet) and in your case it happened that you only had integer values so it was inferred to integer.
The other side effect is that the partition field is added at the end/beginning of the schema as it reads the schema from the parquet files as one chunk and then it adds to that the partition field(s) as another (again, it is no longer part of the schema that is stored in the parquet)
You can actually pretty easily make use of ordering of the columns of a case class that holds the schema of your partitioned data. You will need to read the data from the path, inside which the partitioning columns are stored underneath to make Spark infer the values of these columns. Then simply apply re-ordering by using the case class schema with a statement like:
val encoder: Encoder[RecordType] = Encoders.product[RecordType]
.option("mergeSchema", "true")
// reorder columns, since reading from partitioned data, the partitioning columns are put to end
.select(encoder.schema.fieldNames.head, encoder.schema.fieldNames.tail: _*)
The reason is in fact pretty simple. When you partition by a column, each partition can only contain one value of the said column. Therefore it is useless to actually write the same value everywhere in the file, and this is why Spark does not. When the file is read, Spark uses the information contained in the names of the files to reconstruct the partitioning column and it is put at the end of the schema. The type of the column is not stored, it is inferred when reading, hence the integer type in your case.
NB: There is no particular reason as to why the column is added at the end. It could have been at the beginning. I guess it is just an arbitrary choice of implementation.
To avoid losing the type and the order of the columns, you could duplicate the partitioning column like this df.withColumn("X", 'YOUR_COLUMN).write.partitionBy("X").parquet("...").
You will waste space though. Also, spark uses the partitioning to optimize filters for instance. Don't forget to use the X column for filters after reading the data and not your column or Spark won't be able to perform any optimizations.
