Sublime 3: can I change the font/size of comments? - sublimetext3

Is there a way to make the comments a different (smaller) font from the rest of my code?

Although Sublime supports the idea that each view (editing pane) can have a unique list of settings, which includes font_face and font_size, it doesn't support multiple font faces or sizes from within a single view.
As such, it's not possible to have some elements use a different font face or size, although it's possible to change the font style to bold or italic, which is controlled by your color scheme.


FIGMA I con set that can quickly change Color

Trying to understand how to make component sets and use variance to make designing more simplified. I have a tile that has an icon on the right that I want to be able to change both what type of icon it is as well as its colour. Is there a way to create the two-component properties using variance? Do all the icons need to be grouped by color and do I need to adjust their naming conventions (still not to sure how that works as well)h
There is a more efficient way to do this, by taking advantage of Color Styles. With this method, you only have to create your icons once, and no need for variants. Color Style swapping will handle that.
Create your icon components, but using a boring black color. Avoid creating variants of the icons, if it's only the fill color that's changing.
Instead create a standard set of Color Styles for your icons.
Your designers then, could place an instance of a black icon from your library. Then use the Selection Panel to replace the black color with one of your defined color styles.

Display Grid background pattern in sublimetext

I'm looking for a way to set a grid background style in sublime editor similar as gedit provides in preferences panel. The image below illustrates when the Display grid pattern is toggled on in gedit. It's possible to set this same feature in sublime?
This is not currently possible in Sublime, no.
The background of files is always a solid color, whose color is controlled by the color scheme set in the color_scheme setting. That gives you the power to set a global color scheme background color, one that's specific to projects, and even ones that are specific to certain files or types of files, but it's always a solid color.

Does TK's text widget support custom text decorators?

I'm looking for a cross-platform rich text widget that supports non-trivial markup including the following, and I wonder if Tk's text widget can be extended to do them:
set text background color
draw lines over and under text
draw borders around text
decorate content by overlaying lines and shapes (e.g., filled circles)
indicate items in a gutter
To give you an idea, look at the middle pane here:
I read a little about tags, but they seem to be limited to the basics like font, color, etc. I also read about drawing text on the canvas widget, but it looks like standard text editor-like text selection, flow, etc. would be lost.
Thanks very much.
In short, you can only do what you've read in the documentation (assuming you've read authoritative documentation).
Specifically, the text widget does not do all that you asked. You cannot do the following:
draw lines over and under text. You can use custom fonts with the overstrike and underline attributes turned on but there's no way to add lines over a widget, and you have no control on the visual attributes of the overstrike or underline
decorate content by overlaying lines and shapes (e.g., filled circles)
You can set text background and foreground colors, draw borders around the text, and put items in a gutter. For the latter you would need to use a canvas as the gutter.
Note that if you use a canvas rather than a text widget you can do all of those things (read: the text items of the canvas can be editable), but it would require a large amount of work to implement all of the bindings necessary to use it as an editor. For more information on this approach, see

How can I detect (and change) whether the font used in Charts in Excel and PowerPoint will follow the style or have been specified by a user?

When a chart is copied from Excel to PowerPoint, if the fonts on the Axis have been changed due to the style or theme applied in Excel, then they will normally change to be consistent with whichever theme is applied in PowerPoint (which is good). However, when the font (possibly formatting in general) has been overridden by a user, that the user specified font is the one used.
Writing code to detect what the default font is and apply it probably isn't that tricky, but I'd rather apply the theme font in a way that will match subsequent theme changes. Can anyone tell me how to do this?
I'm using C#, but am familiar with VBA and the object model is more or less identical in both, so approaches in either language should be fine.
After a little more digging, setting any font to a theme font looks like it can be accomplished by using the special font names comprised of:
+mj or +mn for heading or body fonts respectively
-lt, -ea, or -cs for latin, east asian, or complex script fonts respectively
So for my purposes, if I just assign all heading-like shapes' font properties to have = "+mn-lt" then I accomplish what I need to, i.e. the font will match the theme and reflect subsequent theme changes.
NB that detecting whether this actually is already the case, since the font can be assigned either using the special font name or the actual font name, is a difficult problem (addressed elsewhere on SO). Thankfully, I don't have to worry too much about this...

How can I get background color of a layer in Photoshop?

I have a design in .psd format. It is using various layers and diffrent settings for opacity. I am using Photoshop CS3. How can I get background color of the layer. One way is to use in-build Color Palette utility but that doesn't suits me. I want a way by which I can get exact Brush that is used for the background. It may or may not have Gradients.
Not that this is programming related, but use the eye-dropper tool.
Once the color is placed into your "foreground color" box, click the box and it will show you the color in RGB, Hex, and pretty much any other way you can display a color value.
