How the Functional safety is acheived by protecting PDU at COM Layer? - autosar

I have generated COM-Call Out for protection of safety related signal.currently Its handled over COM Layer. Is there any other way to achieve functional safety concepts.

Yes, there are other ways.
Check document "Overview of Functional Safety Measures in AUTOSAR" on the homepage.

Actually, look into the newer AUTOSAR revisions (>4.2) and look into the AUTOSAR_EXP_LayeredSoftwareArchitecture about safety and the new Transformers.
Actually, the ASIL SWC is the end and not your AUTOSAR Com. It could be fully ok, to have an QM ComStack. You could just use an Safety OS and Safety RTE.
The new transformers are also triggered out of an Rte_Read/Rte_Write, and you get the result back to your SWC that needs the safety check.


Distributed Haskell state of the art in 2011?

I've read a lot of articles about distributed Haskell. Much work has been done but seems to be in the area of distributing computations. I saw the remote package which seems to implement Erlang-style messaging passing but it is 0.1 and early stage.
I'd like to implement a system where there are many separate processes that provide distinct services, and are tied together by several main processes. This seems to be a natural fit for Erlang, but not so for Haskell. But I like Haskell's type safety.
Has there been any recent adoption of Erlang-style process management in Haskell?
If you want to learn more about the remote package, a.k.a CloudHaskell, see the paper as well as Jeff Epstein's thesis. It aims to provide precisely the actor abstraction you want, but as you say it is in the early stages. There is active discussion regarding improvements on the parallel-haskell mailing list, so if you have specific needs that remote doesn't provide, we'd be happy for you to jump in and help us decide its future directions.
More mature but lower-level than remote is the haskell-mpi package. If you stick to the Simple interface, messages can be sent containing arbitrary Serialize instances, but the abstraction is still way lower than remote.
There are some experimental systems, such as described in Implementing a High-level Distributed-Memory Parallel Haskell in Haskell (Patrick Maier and Phil Trinder, IFL 2011, can't find a pdf online). It blends a monad-par approach of deterministic dataflow parallelism with a limited ability to make the I-structures serializable over the network. These sorts of abstraction have promise for doing distributed computation, but since the focus is on computing purely-functional values rather than providing Erlang-style processes, they probably wouldn't be a good fit for your application.
Also, for completeness, I should point out the Haskell wiki page on cloud and HPC Haskell, which covers what I describe here, as well as the subsection on distributed Haskell, which seems in need of a refresh.
I frequently get the feeling that IPC and actors are an oversold feature. There are plenty of attractive messaging systems out there that have Haskell bindings e.g. MessagePack, 0MQ or Thrift. IMHO the only thing you have to add is proper addressing of processes and decide who/what is managing this addressing capability.
By the way: a number of coders adopt e.g. 0MQ into their Erlang environments, simply because it offers the possibility to structure messaging via message brokers rather then relying on pure process to process messaging in super scale.
In a "massively multicore world" I personally assume that shared memory approaches will eventually be outperforming messaging. Someone can then always come and argue with asynchrony of course. But already when you write that you want to "tie together" your processes by "several main processes" you in fact speak about synchronization. Also, you can of course challenge whether a single function, process or thread is the right level of parallelization.
In short: I would probably see whether MessagePack or 0MQ could fit my needs in Haskell and care for the rest in my code.

What is the best way to create multiple language versions of a domain?

I would like to create a set of domain objects in multiple languages, so that I can target different platforms. I have been looking at external DSLs as a way to define a language for my domain, and then potentially writing adapters that generate code for the languages I'm interested in targeting. Is this the best way to solve this problem? Or is it just simpler to maintain multiple versions of the project?
I think that Apache Thrift delivers what you are asking for.
Sorry for late answer, but as you mention C# being your main language, this practically fully supported Visual Studio based technology is exactly what you are looking for.
You have to understand what you want to abstract with your DSLs, but the multiple-platform support is trivial on top of that.
Disclaimer: This is our technology, but it's publicly open and it solves exactly the problem presented in the question.
Note! Mind the very "alpha" stage of the current download, I suggest you skip the zipped download and grab the latest source. I am updating better construct in relatively near future. Check out the "Context" implementation in "Production/Dev/AbstractionTemplate" solution.
It is difficult to be helpful without understanding what you are planning to use your DSL for.
Is portability your main problem here?
To succesfully target these different platforms, you will probably have to maintain plaftorm-specific layers anyway (generated or not).
If you plan to write your whole application in your DSL, then use your own compiler to transform it into runnable code for each platform, well it is most probably a bad idea, too complex and overengineered.
However, if you have a well-defined chunk of platform-independent logic, then a DSL is a good choice. Just write an interpreter for it on each target platform (provided that performance is not critical, this is also simpler and easier than generating code).
What is the best way to create multiple language versions of a domain?
This is (was?) somehow the idea of Model Driven Architecture (MDA). Quoting Model-driven architecture from Wikipedia:
The Model-Driven Architecture approach
defines system functionality using a
platform-independent model (PIM) using
an appropriate domain-specific
language (DSL).
Then, given a platform definition
model (PDM) corresponding to CORBA,
.NET, the Web, etc., the PIM is
translated to one or more
platform-specific models (PSMs) that
computers can run. This requires
mappings and transformations and
should be modeled too.
The PSM may use different Domain
Specific Languages (DSLs), or a
General Purpose Language (GPL) like
Java, C#, PHP, Python, etc. Automated tools generally
perform this translation.
Depending on the complexity of your domain and the availability of a MDA Tool, this might be an option (with a lower implementation cost).
See also
MDA: Nice idea, shame about the ...
Language Workbenches and Model Driven Architecture
UML vs. Domain-Specific Languages
DSL in the context of UML and GPL
UML or DSL: Which Bear Is Best? (be sure to read this one)

Is B-Method an alternative to traditional programming languages?

I heard about B-Method which is invented in France. Is it an alternative to traditional programming languages like c++ and java or is it a completely different thing with different purposes?
Quote the B-website:
B is a formal specification method
which, thanks to an adequate language,
allows for highly accurate expressions
of the properties required by
specifications. One can then prove in
a fully automated fashion that these
properties are unambiguous, coherent
and are not contradictory. This then
allows us to mathematically prove that
these properties are taken into
account as the design stages progress.
Therefore, this method and its
associated proof allow for:
(1) Clear technical specifications and
system specifications to be reached
that are structured, coherent and
unambiguous, and (2) The development of
software that is contractually
guaranteed to be fault-free.
To answer your question: No, B-Method is not an alternative to programming languages. It’s a way of creating blueprints for programs and for verifying that the thing you created really works as described by the blueprints. If you don’t understand this you can safely forget about it.
No, as the Wikipedia article says, B-Method is a Formal Method not a programming language. You can read up on Formal Methods on Wikipedia too. Basically, they can be used during development to describe and verify algorithms.

threads and high level languages

can someone tell me why if i use threads it's better to use an low level languages like c++
and not c# and JAVA? someone asked me that in an interview and i did'nt know the answer
It's news to me. Higher level languages provide easy to use abstractions over thread management, for example.
I expect the interviewer's point would make sense in context. It's dependent on the problem in hand - the level of timing control you need if you're writing a computer game or software for an engine management system may be greater than if you are writing a conference room booking system.
You trade off the low-level control and the associated learning curve and risk you get with lower-level languages for ease of use, safety and productivity of higher-level languages.
I don't think this is necessarily true. In Java (I can't comment on C#) a thread maps directly to a native thread. From here:
The Java HotSpot™ virtual machine
currently associates each Java thread
with a unique native thread. The
relationship between the Java thread
and the native thread is stable and
persists for the lifetime of the Java
plus you have the additional high level constructs such as the Executor framework.
Going forwards, functional languages (such as F# and Scala) encourage immutability, which contribute to a safer threaded environment.
There may well be scenarios where a low-level language offers more control (as for most requirements), but I suspect those will be fairly specialised situations. You have to balance that against the safety/productivity that the higher-level languages offer.
EDIT : From your comments supplementing the question, this may relate to running a garbage collector and consequent garbage-collection pauses and the impact on providing real-time performance and predictability. Threading in C/C++ may well offer some benefits in this area since a garbage collection cycle is not going to kick off during some critical time-dependent code. For this reason (amongst others) Java can't be considered as a real-time platform.
like most answers : it depends. languages with built in threading facilities like C# and Java
will do some or most of the work needed for thread usage and synchronization for you.
with C++ you have do it yourself but you can employ better optimization techniques for your specific OS and platform
Will you use threads or not - depends solely on application, not on language. And language is a function of design.
C++ provides more control, c# provides more abstraction, Java provides simplification, but in the end they all work the same way.

Future Protections in Managed Languages and Runtimes

In the future, will managed runtimes provide additional protections against subtle data corruption issues?
Managed runtimes such as Java and the .NET CLR reduce or eliminate the possibility of many memory corruption bugs common in native languages like C#. Nonetheless, they are surprisingly not immune from all memory corruption problems. One intuitively expects that a method that validates its input, has no bugs, and robustly handles exceptions will always transform its object from one valid state to another, but this is not the case. (It is more accurate to say that it is not the case using prevailing programming conventions--object implementors need to go out of their way to avoid the problems I describe.)
Consider the following scenarios:
Threading. The caller might share the object with other threads and make concurrent calls on it. If the object does not implement locking, the fields might be corrupted. (Perhaps--unless notified that the object is thread-safe--runtimes should use an interlock on every method call to throw an exception if any method on the same object executing concurrently on another thread. This would be a protection feature and, just like other well-accepted safety features of managed runtimes, it has some cost.)
Re-entrancy. The method makes a callout to an arbitrary function (such as an event handler) that ultimately calls methods on the object that are not designed to be called at that point. This is even trickier than thread safety and many class libraries do not get this right. (Worse yet, class libraries are known to poorly document what re-entrancy is allowed.)
For all of these cases, it can be argued that thorough documentation is a solution. However, documentation also can prescribe how to allocate and deallocate memory in unmanaged languages. We know from experience (e.g., with memory allocation) that the difference between documentation and language/runtime enforcement is night and day.
What can we expect from languages and runtimes in the future to protect us from these problems and other subtle problems like them?
I think languages and runtimes will keep moving forward, keep abstracting away issues from the developer, and keep making our lives easier and more productive.
Take your example - threading. There are some great new features on the horizon in the .NET world to simplify the threading model we use daily. STM.NET may eventually make shared state much, much safer to handle, for example. The parallel extensions in .NET 4 make life very easy for threading compared to current technologies.
I think that transactional memory is promising for addressing some of these issues. I'm not sure if this answers your question in some way but this is an interesting topic in any event:
There was an episode of Software Engineering Radio on the topic a year or so ago maybe.
First of all, "managed" is a bit of a misnomer: languages like OCaml, Haskell, and SML achieve such protections and safety while being fully compiled. All relevant "management" occurs at compile time through static analysis, which aids optimization and speed.
Anyway, to answer your question: if you look at languages like Erlang and Haskell, state is isolated and immutable by default. With kind of system, threading and reentrancy is safe by default, and because you have to go out of your way to break these rules, it is obvious to see where unsafe code can arise.
By starting with safe defaults but leaving room for advanced unsafe usage, you get the best of both worlds. It seems reasonable that future systems that are safe by your definition may follow some of these practices as well.
What can we expect in the future?
Nothing. Thread-state and re-entrancy are not problems I see tools/runtimes solving. Instead I think in the future people will move to styles that avoid programming with mutable state to bypass these issues. Languages and libraries can help make these styles of programming more attractive, but the tools are not the solution - changing the way we write code is the solution.
