Sub slows down when called multiple times - excel

I am trying to filter data on 3 different sheets using this code, but the filterBy sub runs dramatically slower on the second and third sheet when I use expressPrepper to do it all in one click.
I'm guessing the second and third filter by run approximately 1/200 the speed of the first one. I can't figure out why.
All three sheets contain similar data, although the third is actually shorter (~6500 rows) than the first two (~16000 rows each).
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Sub filterBy(filterlist As String, col As String, sht As String)
Dim myArr As Variant
myArr = buildArray(filterlist)
clean myArr, col, sht
End Sub
Function buildArray(filterlist As String) As Variant
Dim myTable As ListObject
Dim TempArray As Variant
Select Case filterlist
Case Is = "I"
Set myTable = Sheets("Competitive Set").ListObjects("Table1")
TempArray = myTable.DataBodyRange.Columns(1)
buildArray = Application.Transpose(TempArray)
Case Is = "T"
Set myTable = Sheets("Competitive Set").ListObjects("Table1")
TempArray = myTable.DataBodyRange.Columns(2)
buildArray = Application.Transpose(TempArray)
Case Is = "IB"
Set myTable = Sheets("Competitive Set").ListObjects("Table2")
TempArray = myTable.DataBodyRange.Columns(1)
buildArray = Application.Transpose(TempArray)
Case Is = "TB"
Set myTable = Sheets("Competitive Set").ListObjects("Table2")
TempArray = myTable.DataBodyRange.Columns(2)
buildArray = Application.Transpose(TempArray)
Case Is = "AB"
Set myTable = Sheets("Competitive Set").ListObjects("Table3")
TempArray = myTable.DataBodyRange.Columns(1)
buildArray = Application.Transpose(TempArray)
End Select
End Function
Sub clean(arr As Variant, col As String, sht As String)
Dim IsInArray As Long
Dim product As String
Dim lastRow As Long, i As Long
Dim progress As Double
With Sheets(sht)
lastRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, col).End(xlUp).Row
For i = lastRow To 2 Step -1
product = .Cells(i, col).Value
IsInArray = UBound(filter(arr, product))
If IsInArray < 0 Then
End If
progress = ((lastRow - i) / lastRow) * 100
progress = Round(progress, 2)
Debug.Print progress
Next i
End With
End Sub
Sub expressPrepper()
filterBy "AB", "C", "Spend"
filterBy "AB", "C", "IMP"
filterBy "AB", "C", "GRP"
End Sub

If I understand your program correctly there should be no need for filtering and, hence, no problem from applying thousands of filters. I have re-written your program - the way I understood it - without such need, basically, deleting rows which don't have a duplicate in the designated column. The code is untested.
Sub ExpressFilter()
Dim Flt() As String, i As Integer
Dim Sp() As String, j As Integer
Dim TblName As String
Dim ClmRng As Range
Flt = Split("AB,C,Spend|AB,C,IMP|AB,C,GRP", "|")
For i = 0 To UBound(Flt)
Sp = Split(Flt(i), ",")
Select Case Sp(0)
Case Is = "I"
TblName = "Table1"
C = 1
Case Is = "T"
TblName = "Table1"
C = 2
Case Is = "IB"
TblName = "Table2"
C = 1
Case Is = "TB"
TblName = "Table2"
C = 2
Case Is = "AB"
TblName = "Table3"
C = 1
End Select
Set ClmRng = Worksheets("Competitive Set").ListObjects(TblName).DataBodyRange.Columns(C)
DeleteSingles ClmRng, Columns(Sp(1)).Column, Sp(2)
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub DeleteSingles(ClmRng As Range, _
C As Long, _
Sht As String)
Dim Fnd As Range
Dim IsInArray As Long
Dim lastRow As Long, R As Long
With Sheets(Sht)
lastRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, C).End(xlUp).Row
For R = lastRow To 2 Step -1
With ClmRng
Set Fnd = .Find(What:=.Cells(R, C).Value, _
After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), _
LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlWhole, _
End With
If Fnd Is Nothing Then .Rows(R).EntireRow.Delete
If (R Mod 25 = 0) or (R = 2) Then
Application.StatusBar = Round(((lastRow - R) / lastRow) * 100, 0) & "% done"
End If
Next R
End With
End Sub
Note that the progress is shown in the Status Bar at the left bottom of the screen.


Unique count of words from text string

I have a dataset that is multiple strings and I want a unique count of the occurrences so I can review and refine my datasets. I've been unable to do this using formulas so went over to VBA, but hit a roadblock as I'm an amateur.
My data looks like this...
I want it to return this...
I've tried parsing it with text to columns, but in large datasets I have 60 columns with 100s of hits in my string. Therefore, transposing it then trying to get a count of uniques would be daunting.
Therefore, I was hoping VBA would help, but I can only seem to get a function and not with a Sub and Function to transpose then count. Something like below...
Sub Main()
Dim filename As String
Dim WorksheetName As String
Dim CellRange As String
Sheets.Add.Name = "ParsedOutput"
WorksheetName =
CellRange =
' Get range
Dim Range
Set Range = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(WorksheetName).Range(CellRange)
' Copy range to avoid overwrite
Range.Copy _
' Get copied exclusions
Dim Copy
Set Copy = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("ParsedOutput").Range("A:A")
' Parse and overwrite
Copy.TextToColumns _
Destination:=Range("A:A"), _
DataType:=xlDelimited, _
ConsecutiveDelimiter:=True, _
End Sub
Option Explicit
Public Function Counter(InputRange As Range) As String
Dim CellValue As Variant, UniqueValues As New Collection
'For error Handling On Error Resume Next
'Looping through all the cell in the defined range For Each CellValue In InputRange
UniqueValues.Add CellValue, CStr(CellValue) ' add the unique item Next
'Returning the count of number of unique values CountUniqueValues = UniqueValues.Count
End Function
For the sake of simplicity, I will take minimal data to demostrate how to achieve what you want. Feel free to change the code to suit your needs.
Excel Sheet
Let's say our worksheet looks like this
Find last row and last column as shown HERE and construct your range.
Store the values of that range in an array.
Loop through each item in that array and extract words based of , as a delimiter and store it in the collection. If the delimiter doesnt exist then store the entire word in the collection. To create a unique collection, we use On Error Resume Next as shown in the code below.
Based on the count of words in the collection, we create an 2D array for output. One part of the array will hold the word and the other part will hold the count of occurences.
Use .Find and .FindNext to count the occurence of a word in the range and then store it in array.
Write the array in one go to the relevant cell. For demonstration purpose, I will write to Column D
I have commented the code so you should not have a problem understanding it but if you do then simply ask.
Option Explicit
Sub Sample()
Dim ws As Worksheet
'~~> Change this to relevant sheet
Set ws = Sheet1
Dim LastRow As Long, LastColumn As Long
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long
Dim col As New Collection
Dim itm As Variant, myAr As Variant, tmpAr As Variant
Dim OutputAr() As String
Dim aCell As Range, bCell As Range, rng As Range
Dim countOfOccurences As Long
With ws
'~~> Find last row
LastRow = .Cells.Find(What:="*", _
After:=.Range("A1"), _
Lookat:=xlPart, _
LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _
'~~> Find last column
LastColumn = .Cells.Find(What:="*", _
After:=.Range("A1"), _
Lookat:=xlPart, _
LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, _
SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _
'~~> Construct your range
Set rng = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(LastRow, LastColumn))
'~~> Store the value in an array
myAr = rng.Value2
'~~> Create a unique collection
For i = LBound(myAr) To UBound(myAr)
For j = LBound(myAr) To UBound(myAr)
If Len(Trim(myAr(i, j))) <> 0 Then
'~~> Check data has "," delimiter
If InStr(1, myAr(i, j), ",") Then
tmpAr = Split(myAr(i, j), ",")
For k = LBound(tmpAr) To UBound(tmpAr)
On Error Resume Next
col.Add tmpAr(k), CStr(tmpAr(k))
On Error GoTo 0
Next k
On Error Resume Next
col.Add myAr(i, j), CStr(myAr(i, j))
On Error GoTo 0
End If
End If
Next j
Next i
'~~> Count the number of items in the collection
i = col.Count
'~~> Create output array for storage
ReDim OutputAr(1 To i, 1 To 2)
i = 1
'~~> Loop through unique collection
For Each itm In col
OutputAr(i, 1) = Trim(itm)
countOfOccurences = 0
'~~> Use .Find and .Findnext to count for occurences
Set aCell = rng.Find(What:=OutputAr(i, 1), LookIn:=xlValues, _
Lookat:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
If Not aCell Is Nothing Then
Set bCell = aCell
countOfOccurences = countOfOccurences + 1
Set aCell = rng.FindNext(After:=aCell)
If Not aCell Is Nothing Then
If aCell.Address = bCell.Address Then Exit Do
countOfOccurences = countOfOccurences + 1
Exit Do
End If
End If
'~~> Store count in array
OutputAr(i, 2) = countOfOccurences
i = i + 1
Next itm
'~~> Output it to relevant cell
.Range("D1").Resize(UBound(OutputAr), 2).Value = OutputAr
End With
End Sub
The following is a rough approach, and is open to tons of improvements, but should get you started.
Read the comments and adjust the code to fit your needs.
Option Explicit
Public Sub CountWordsInColumn()
' Adjust to set the sheet holding the data
Dim sourceSheet As Worksheet
Set sourceSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("DataSet")
' Adjust the column and row that contains the hits
Dim hitsColumn As String
Dim hitsStartRow As Long
Dim lastRow As Long
hitsColumn = "C"
hitsStartRow = 2
lastRow = sourceSheet.Cells(sourceSheet.Rows.Count, hitsColumn).End(xlUp).Row
' Adjust the column that contains the hits
Dim sourceRange As Range
Set sourceRange = sourceSheet.Range(hitsColumn & hitsStartRow & ":" & hitsColumn & lastRow)
' Add values in each cell split by ,
Dim evalCell As Range
Dim splitValues As Variant
Dim counter As Long
ReDim splitValues(lastRow - hitsStartRow)
For Each evalCell In sourceRange
splitValues(counter) = Split(evalCell.Value, ",")
counter = counter + 1
Next evalCell
' Get all values into an array
Dim allValues As Variant
allValues = AddValuesToArray(splitValues)
' Get unique values into an array
Dim uniqueValues As Variant
uniqueValues = GetUniqueValues(allValues)
' Count duplicated values from unique array
Dim outputData As Variant
outputData = CountValuesInArray(uniqueValues, allValues)
' Add new sheet
Dim outputSheet As Worksheet
Set outputSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add
PrintArrayToSheet outputSheet, outputData
End Sub
Private Function AddValuesToArray(ByVal myArray As Variant) As Variant
Dim counter As Long
Dim tempArray As Variant
Dim tempCounter As Long
Dim tempArrayCounter As Long
ReDim tempArray(0)
For counter = 0 To UBound(myArray)
For tempCounter = 0 To UBound(myArray(counter))
tempArray(tempArrayCounter) = myArray(counter)(tempCounter)
tempArrayCounter = tempArrayCounter + 1
ReDim Preserve tempArray(tempArrayCounter)
Next tempCounter
Next counter
ReDim Preserve tempArray(tempArrayCounter - 1)
AddValuesToArray = tempArray
End Function
Private Function GetUniqueValues(ByVal tempArray As Variant) As Variant
Dim tempCol As Collection
Set tempCol = New Collection
On Error Resume Next
Dim tempItem As Variant
For Each tempItem In tempArray
tempCol.Add tempItem, CStr(tempItem)
On Error GoTo 0
Dim uniqueArray As Variant
Dim counter As Long
ReDim uniqueArray(tempCol.Count - 1)
For Each tempItem In tempCol
uniqueArray(counter) = tempCol.Item(counter + 1)
counter = counter + 1
Next tempItem
GetUniqueValues = uniqueArray
End Function
Function CountValuesInArray(ByVal uniqueArray As Variant, ByVal allValues As Variant) As Variant
Dim uniqueCounter As Long
Dim allValuesCounter As Long
Dim ocurrCounter As Long
Dim outputData As Variant
ReDim outputData(UBound(uniqueArray))
For uniqueCounter = 0 To UBound(uniqueArray)
For allValuesCounter = 0 To UBound(allValues)
If uniqueArray(uniqueCounter) = allValues(allValuesCounter) Then ocurrCounter = ocurrCounter + 1
Next allValuesCounter
' This is the output
Debug.Print uniqueArray(uniqueCounter), ocurrCounter
outputData(uniqueCounter) = Array(uniqueArray(uniqueCounter), ocurrCounter)
ocurrCounter = 0
Next uniqueCounter
CountValuesInArray = outputData
End Function
Private Sub PrintArrayToSheet(ByVal outputSheet As Worksheet, ByVal outputArray As Variant)
Dim counter As Long
For counter = 0 To UBound(outputArray)
outputSheet.Cells(counter + 1, 1).Value = outputArray(counter)(0)
outputSheet.Cells(counter + 1, 2).Value = outputArray(counter)(1)
Next counter
End Sub
It is convenient to use Dictionary to extract duplicate items.
Sub test()
Dim Ws As Worksheet, wsResult As Worksheet
Dim vDB, vSplit, v
Dim Dic As Object 'Scripting.Dictionary
Dim i As Long, n As Long
Set Dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set Ws = Sheets(1) 'ActiveSheet
vDB = Ws.Range("a1").CurrentRegion
For i = 2 To UBound(vDB, 1)
vSplit = Split(vDB(i, 3), ",")
For Each v In vSplit
If Dic.Exists(v) Then
Dic(v) = Dic.Item(v) + 1
Dic.Add v, 1
End If
Next v
Next i
Set wsResult = Sheets(2)
n = Dic.Count
With wsResult
.Range("a1").Resize(n) = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Dic.Keys)
.Range("b1").Resize(n) = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Dic.Items)
End With
End Sub
For all who won't use VBA.
Here a solution with PowerQuery:
Quelle = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="tbl_Source"]}[Content],
Change_Type = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Quelle,{{"ID", Int64.Type}, {"Record", type text}, {"Hits", type text}}),
Split_Hits = Table.ExpandListColumn(Table.TransformColumns(Change_Type, {{"Hits", Splitter.SplitTextByDelimiter(",", QuoteStyle.Csv), let itemType = (type nullable text) meta [Serialized.Text = true] in type {itemType}}}), "Hits"),
Clean_Spaces = Table.ReplaceValue(Split_Hits," ","",Replacer.ReplaceText,{"Hits"}),
Group_Rows = Table.Group(Clean_Spaces, {"Hits"}, {{"Count", each Table.RowCount(_), Int64.Type}})
Approach simulating newer TextJoin and Unique functions
In order to complete the above solutions, I demonstrate an approach using
[1]a) a replacement of the TextJoin function (available since vers. 2019, MS 365 ~> the newer function code is commented out,btw),
[1]b) the FilterXML() function to get unique words (available since vers. 2013+) and
[3]a) a negative filtering to calculate results
Sub wordCounts()
'[0]define data range
With Sheet3
Dim lastRow As Long: lastRow = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Dim rng As Range: Set rng = .Range("A2:A" & lastRow)
End With
With WorksheetFunction
'[1]split a) available and b) unique words into arrays
' Dim words: words = Split(.TextJoin(",", True, rng), ",") ' (available vers. 2019+ or MS 365)
Dim words: words = Split(Join(.Transpose(rng), ","), ",") '
Dim uniques: uniques = UniqueXML(words) ' (already since vers. 2013+)
'[2]provide for calculation
'fill temporary array with words
Dim tmp: tmp = words
'declare cnt array for counting results
Dim cnt: ReDim cnt(0 To UBound(uniques), 0 To 0)
Dim old As Long: old = UBound(tmp) + 1 ' remember original size
'[3]get word counts
Dim elem
For Each elem In uniques
'a) filter out current elem
tmp = Filter(tmp, elem, False)
Dim curr As Long: curr = UBound(tmp) + 1
'b) count number of words (as difference of filtered tmp boundaries) ...
Dim n As Long: n = old - curr
' ... and remember latest array boundary
old = curr
'c) assign results to array cnt
Dim i As Long: cnt(i, 0) = n
i = i + 1 ' increment counter
Next elem
'[4]write word counts to target
rng.Offset(0, 2).Resize(UBound(uniques), 1) = .Transpose(uniques)
rng.Offset(0, 3).Resize(UBound(cnt), 1) = cnt
End With
End Sub
Help function UniqueXML()
Function UniqueXML(arr, Optional Delim As String = ",", Optional ZeroBased As Boolean = False)
' Purp: return unique list of array items
' Note: optional argument Delim defaulting to colon (",")
' Help:
' [1] get array data to xml node structure (including root element)
Dim wellformed As String
wellformed = "<root><i>" & Join(arr, "</i><i>") & "</i></root>"
' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
' [2] define XPath string searching unique item values
' Note: c.f. udf:
' ------------------------------------------------
' //i ... all <i> node values after the DocumentElement
' [not( .=preceding::i)] ... only if not preceded by siblings of the same node value
' ------------------------------------------------
Dim myXPath As String
myXPath = "//i[not( .=preceding::i)]"
' [3] get "flat" 1-dim array (~> one-based!)
Dim tmp As Variant
tmp = Application.Transpose(WorksheetFunction.FilterXML(wellformed, myXPath))
' [3a] optional redim as zero-based array
If ZeroBased Then ReDim Preserve tmp(LBound(tmp) - 1 To UBound(tmp) - 1)
' [4] return function result
UniqueXML = tmp
End Function
I didn't understand the problem you have between sub or function; however, this is a function that counts the unique values in a range
Public Function Counter(InputRange As Variant) As Variant
Dim UniqueValues As New Collection
Dim Val As Variant
Dim Cell As Range
Dim I As Long
On Error Resume Next
For Each Cell In InputRange
Val = Split(Cell, ",")
If IsArray(Val) Then
For I = LBound(Val) To UBound(Val)
UniqueValues.Add Val(I), CStr(Val(I))
Next I
UniqueValues.Add Val, CStr(Val)
End If
Next Cell
On Error GoTo 0
Counter = UniqueValues.Count
End Function

Create Table from variable name Values

I would like to create the table based on the "Header" name and it's last row of the table.
I could found the Header start address and Length of the table also using some formulas.
For Example:
FindHeaderValue as 14 i.e, $B$14
TableLength as 65, i.e, $V$65
Hence, I would like to create the Table with the range for
$B$FindHeaderValue:$V$TableLength .
Because the FindHeaderValue and TableLength will vary Excel to Excel.
Please help to figure out the solution for the same. Thank you so much in advance.
Sub Test()
Dim sFindHeader As String
Dim oRangeFindHeader As Range, FirstRange As String, LastRange As String
Dim FindHeaderValue As Integer, FindLength As Integer, TableLength As Integer
Dim Ws As Worksheet
Set Ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
Set oRangeFindHeader = Worksheets("8A52").Range("B1:V5000").Find("BBBB", lookat:=xlPart)
sFindHeader = oRangeFindHeader.Address(ReferenceStyle:=xlR1C1)
FindHeaderValue = GetNumber(sFindHeader)
FirstRange = oRangeFindHeader.Address
MsgBox FindHeaderValue
MsgBox FirstRange
FindLength = FindHeaderValue + 2
TableLength = Cells(FindLength, 13).End(xlDown).Row
MsgBox TableLength
Ws.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, Ws.Range("$B$FindHeaderValue:$V$TableLength"), , xlYes).Name = "DefinitionTable"
Ws.ListObjects("DefinitionTable").TableStyle = "TableStyleLight1"
End Sub
Public Function GetNumber(s As String) As Long
Dim b As Boolean, i As Long, t As String
b = False
t = ""
For i = 1 To Len(s)
If IsNumeric(Mid(s, i, 1)) Then
b = True
t = t & Mid(s, i, 1)
If b Then
GetNumber = CLng(t)
Exit Function
End If
End If
Next i
End Function
Variables don't belong inside quotes. Use & to concatenate them into the range address (which doesn't need $ by the way):
Ws.Range("B" & FindHeaderValue & ":V" & TableLength)

Unable to search and replace the values using column headers

I'm trying to create a vba script that will search for the _ in all the cells fallen under Crude Items column. However, when it finds one, it will split the values from _ and place the rest in corresponding cells fallen under Refined Ones column.
I've tried with the following which is doing the job flawlessly but I wish to search and replace the values using column headers:
Sub CopyAndReplace()
Dim cel As Range
For Each cel In Range("A2:A" & Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row)
If cel.value <> "" Then
Sheets("Sheet1").Range(cel(1, 3).Address) = Split(cel, "_")(1)
End If
Next cel
End Sub
To let you visualize how the sheet might look like:
How can I search and replace the values using column headers?
I am not sure this is what you are after, but a few important mentions...
Try to always use at least a worksheet qualifier when writing your code. How else is your program going to know explicitly where you would like it to operate?
I have changed your process slightly, but again, not sure if this is exactly what you are after. See below code.
Sub SplitByHeader()
Dim i As Long
Dim crudeHeader As Range, refinedHeader As Range
Dim ws As Worksheet
'set ws
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
'set header ranges
Set crudeHeader = ws.Rows(1).Find(What:="Crude Items", LookAt:=xlWhole)
Set refinedHeader = ws.Rows(1).Find(What:="Refined Ones", LookAt:=xlWhole)
'simple error handler
If crudeHeader Is Nothing Or refinedHeader Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
For i = 2 To ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, crudeHeader.Column).End(xlUp).Row
If ws.Cells(i, crudeHeader.Column).Value <> "" Then
ws.Cells(i, refinedHeader.Column).Value = Split(ws.Cells(i, crudeHeader.Column).Value, "_")(1)
End If
Next i
End Sub
I have just tried this one with the code below:
It is a good idea to add additional check to the condition, like this - If myCell.Value <> "" And InStr(1, myCell, "_") Then to avoid starting from A2.
The idea is that the LocateValueCol locates the column of the first row, which has the string, passed to it. Knowing this, it works ok.
Option Explicit
Sub CopyAndReplace()
Dim searchColumn As Long
searchColumn = LocateValueCol("SearchCol", Worksheets(1))
Dim replaceColumn As Long
replaceColumn = LocateValueCol("ReplaceCol", Worksheets(1))
Dim myCell As Range
Dim lastCell As Long
With Worksheets(1)
lastCell = .Cells(.Rows.Count, searchColumn).End(xlUp).Row
For Each myCell In .Range(.Cells(1, searchColumn), .Cells(lastCell, searchColumn))
If myCell.Value <> "" And InStr(1, myCell, "_") Then
.Cells(myCell.Row, replaceColumn) = Split(myCell, "_")(1)
End If
End With
End Sub
This is the function, locating the columns. (If you have ideas for improvement, feel free to make a PR here):
Public Function LocateValueCol(ByVal textTarget As String, _
ByRef wksTarget As Worksheet, _
Optional rowNeeded As Long = 1, _
Optional moreValuesFound As Long = 1, _
Optional lookForPart = False, _
Optional lookUpToBottom = True) As Long
Dim valuesFound As Long
Dim localRange As Range
Dim myCell As Range
LocateValueCol = -999
valuesFound = moreValuesFound
Set localRange = wksTarget.Range(wksTarget.Cells(rowNeeded, 1), wksTarget.Cells(rowNeeded, Columns.Count))
For Each myCell In localRange
If lookForPart Then
If textTarget = Left(myCell, Len(textTarget)) Then
If valuesFound = 1 Then
LocateValueCol = myCell.Column
If lookUpToBottom Then Exit Function
Decrement valuesFound
End If
End If
If textTarget = Trim(myCell) Then
If valuesFound = 1 Then
LocateValueCol = myCell.Column
If lookUpToBottom Then Exit Function
Decrement valuesFound
End If
End If
End If
Next myCell
End Function
Private Sub Increment(ByRef valueToIncrement As Variant, Optional incrementWith As Double = 1)
valueToIncrement = valueToIncrement + incrementWith
End Sub
Private Sub Decrement(ByRef valueToDecrement As Variant, Optional decrementWith As Double = 1)
valueToDecrement = valueToDecrement - decrementWith
End Sub
For fun using regex and dynamically finding header columns. You can swop out the regex based function for your own and still have the dynamic column finding.
Option Explicit
Public Sub test()
Dim i As Long, inputs(), re As Object, ws As Worksheet
Dim inputColumn As Range, outputColumn As Range, inputColumnNumber As Long, outputColumnNumber As Long
Const SEARCH_ROW As Long = 1
Const INPUT_HEADER As String = "Crude items"
Const OUTPUT_HEADER As String = "Refined Ones"
Const START_ROW = 2
Set re = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set inputColumn = GetColumnByHeader(ws, SEARCH_ROW, INPUT_HEADER)
Set outputColumn = GetColumnByHeader(ws, SEARCH_ROW, OUTPUT_HEADER)
If inputColumn Is Nothing Or outputColumn Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
inputColumnNumber = inputColumn.Column
outputColumnNumber = outputColumn.Column
With ws
inputs = Application.Transpose(.Range(.Cells(START_ROW, inputColumnNumber), .Cells(.Cells(.Rows.Count, inputColumnNumber).End(xlUp).Row, inputColumnNumber)).Value)
For i = LBound(inputs) To UBound(inputs)
inputs(i) = GetMatch(re, inputs(i))
.Cells(START_ROW, outputColumnNumber).Resize(UBound(inputs), 1) = Application.Transpose(inputs)
End With
End Sub
Public Function GetColumnByHeader(ByVal ws As Worksheet, ByVal SEARCH_ROW As Long, ByVal columnName As String) As Range
Set GetColumnByHeader = ws.Rows(SEARCH_ROW).Find(columnName)
End Function
Public Function GetMatch(ByVal re As Object, ByVal inputString As String) As String
With re
.Global = True
.MultiLine = True
.Pattern = "_(.*)"
If .test(inputString) Then
GetMatch = .Execute(inputString)(0).SubMatches(0)
GetMatch = inputString 'or =vbNullString if want to return nothing
End If
End With
End Function
If you are working through an actual table things will become quite easy:
Sub Test()
Dim arr(), x As Long
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") 'Change accordingly
For Each cl In .Range("Table1[Crude Items]") 'Change Table1 accordingly
ReDim Preserve arr(x)
If InStr(cl, "_") > 0 Then
arr(x) = Split(cl, "_")(1)
arr(x) = ""
End If
x = x + 1
Next cl
.Range("Table1[Refined Ones]").Value = Application.Transpose(arr)
End With
End Sub
There is a check for "_". If not there, the cell will be kept empty.
You can also consider to use formula to do it.
I am not clear about what you want to replace "_" character with. For example, iff you replace the following line of your script:
Sheets("Sheet1").Range(cel(1, 3).Address) = Split(cel, "_")(1)
with this one:
Sheets("Sheet1").Range(cel(1, 3).Address) = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(cel, "_", "")
The above line should replace the "_" character with nothing from the cells in the Crude_Items column
And as Lee said, you can also consider using formula in the worksheet if you do not have significant amount of data

Check wether a set of data already exists in current worksheet

I have a large table filled with data. What I want to do is check wether a set of data already exists within this table. I have inserted the data I am looking for in a separate worksheet. The Range with the table items I am looking for I called "SearchedData" and the Area where I am checking wether it holds the data I am looking for I called "SearchArea".
My code only shows me the data would exist but in the worksheet I am working on it doesn't so there must be something wrong with my code. Any help on this would be very much appreciated!
Sub CheckWetherDataExists()
Dim SearchedData As Variant
Dim SearchArea As Variant
SearchedData = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Tabelle2").Range("C5:G8").Value
SearchArea = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Tabelle1").Range("A:E").Value
If SearchArea = SearchedData Then
MsgBox ("Searched Data already exists")
Else: MsgBox ("Searched Data is missing")
End If
End Sub
This is a way more complicated to solve.
Imagine Tabelle2 as following:
And Tabelle1 as following:
I suggest to use the Range.Find method to find the first occurenc of the first cells data here this is represented by 11. And then check if the rest of the data is right/below there too. Do this in a loop until all occurences are checked.
So in Tabelle1 the yellow areas will be ckecked but the only full match is at A14:E17 which will be considered as duplicate.
Option Explicit
Public Sub CheckIfDataExists()
Dim wsSearch As Worksheet
Set wsSearch = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Tabelle1")
Dim SearchRange As Range
Set SearchRange = wsSearch.Range("A1", wsSearch.Cells(wsSearch.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp))
Dim SearchData() As Variant 'data array
SearchData = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Tabelle2").Range("C5:G8").Value
Dim FoundData() As Variant
'remember first find to prevent endless loop
Dim FirstFoundAt As Range
Set FirstFoundAt = SearchRange.Find(What:=SearchData(1, 1), After:=SearchRange.Cells(1, 1), LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False)
If Not FirstFoundAt Is Nothing Then
Dim FoundAt As Range
Set FoundAt = FirstFoundAt
Set FoundAt = SearchRange.Find(What:=SearchData(1, 1), After:=FoundAt, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False)
If Not FoundAt Is Nothing Then
FoundAt.Resize(UBound(SearchData, 1), UBound(SearchData, 2)).Select
FoundData = FoundAt.Resize(UBound(SearchData, 1), UBound(SearchData, 2)).Value
If AreArraysEqual(SearchData, FoundData) Then
MsgBox "data found at " & FoundAt.Resize(UBound(SearchData, 1), UBound(SearchData, 2)).Address
Exit Sub
End If
End If
Loop Until FoundAt Is Nothing Or FirstFoundAt.Row >= FoundAt.Row
End If
MsgBox "data not found"
End Sub
Private Function AreArraysEqual(Arr1 As Variant, Arr2 As Variant) As Boolean
Dim iRow As Long, iCol As Long
AreArraysEqual = True
For iRow = LBound(Arr1, 1) To UBound(Arr1, 1)
For iCol = LBound(Arr1, 2) To UBound(Arr1, 2)
If Arr1(iRow, iCol) <> Arr2(iRow, iCol) Then
AreArraysEqual = False
Exit Function
End If
Next iCol
Next iRow
End Function
I believe this code will do what you want reasonably fast.
Sub CheckWetherDataExists()
Dim SearchedData As Variant
Dim SearchArea As Variant
Dim LookFor() As String
Dim LookIn() As String
Dim R As Long, C As Long
SearchedData = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Tabelle2").Range("C5:G8").Value
LookFor = MergedRows(SearchedData)
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Tabelle1")
SearchArea = .Range(.Cells(2, 1), .Cells(.Rows.Count, 5).End(xlUp)).Value
End With
LookIn = MergedRows(SearchArea)
For R = 1 To UBound(LookIn)
If LookIn(R) = LookFor(1) Then
If R < UBound(LookIn) - 2 Then
For C = 2 To UBound(LookFor)
If LookIn(R + C - 1) <> LookFor(C) Then Exit For
Next C
If C > UBound(LookFor) Then
MsgBox "Match found in Row " & R
Exit For
End If
End If
End If
Next R
End Sub
Private Function MergedRows(RngVal As Variant) As String()
Dim Fun() As String
Dim R As Long, C As Long
ReDim Fun(1 To UBound(RngVal))
For R = 1 To UBound(RngVal)
For C = 1 To UBound(RngVal, 2)
Fun(R) = Fun(R) & "," & RngVal(R, C)
Next C
Next R
MergedRows = Fun
End Function
The code creates merged strings of 5 cells of both the SearchedData and the SearchArea data. This job is done by the Function MergedRows. In the process the SearchedData turn into array LookFor(1 To 3) and LookIn(1 To LastRow). Next the first element (representing a row) of LookFor is compared to each element (representing a row) of LookIn. If a match is found the other two rows are also compared. When all three elements (rows) match a message is issued and the search is terminated.

Excel VBA Current Range in Collection

Using the code below I have been able to obtain the indented BOM for any parent item (specified in cell D1). Screen shot below shows the indented bom in columns D, E & F obtained for item A based of the Parent / Child relationships listed in columns A and B. I would like to expand this slightly so that the associated qty of each child item is shown in column G. I was trying to obtain the address corresponding to vChild and then offset by 1 column but I have had no success.
Any ideas appreciated
Public collRoot As Collection
Sub DisplayTree()
Dim coll As Collection
Dim rParents As Range, rNode As Range
Dim rOut As Range, sRootNode As String, lRow As Long
Dim rLevels As Range, rLevel As Range
Dim level As Integer, maxLevels As Integer, cur As Integer, i As Integer
Dim h As String, counts() As Integer
Set collRoot = Nothing
Set collRoot = New Collection
Set rParents = Range("A2", Range("A2").End(xlDown))
' Store the tree in a collection
On Error Resume Next
For Each rNode In rParents
Set coll = Nothing
Set coll = collRoot(rNode.Value)
If coll Is Nothing Then collRoot.Add New Collection, rNode.Value
collRoot(rNode.Value).Add rNode.Offset(, 1).Value
Next rNode
sRootNode = Range("D1")
Range("D2") = 0
Range("F2") = sRootNode
Set rOut = Range("D2")
Call DisplayTree1(sRootNode, rOut, lRow, 1)
' Calculate Levels
Set rLevels = Range("D3:D" & Range("D3").End(xlDown).Row)
maxLevels = WorksheetFunction.Max(rLevels)
ReDim counts(1 To maxLevels)
cur = 1
For Each rLevel In rLevels
level = rLevel.Value
h = ""
counts(level) = counts(level) + 1
For i = 1 To level
h = h & "." & counts(i)
h = Mid(h, 2)
For i = level + 1 To UBound(counts)
counts(i) = 0
rLevel.Offset(, 1).Value = h
cur = level
End Sub
Sub DisplayTree1(ByVal sParent As String, rOut As Range, _
ByRef lRow As Long, ByVal lLevel As Long)
Dim vChild, coll As Collection
On Error Resume Next
For Each vChild In collRoot(sParent)
lRow = lRow + 1
rOut.Offset(lRow, 2) = vChild
rOut.Offset(lRow, 0) = lLevel
Set coll = Nothing
Set coll = collRoot(vChild)
If Not coll Is Nothing Then Call DisplayTree1(vChild, rOut, lRow, lLevel + 1)
Next vChild
End Sub
I have elected to use a workaround using vlookups to obtain the qty values
