How can I add multiple GridBagLayout attributes in the 'Constraints' section of an element in Groovy (2.5.5)? - groovy

This is driving me mad at the moment, if anyone can help it would be much appreciated!! This is simple enough in Java, but when called from groovy I cannot get multiple gbc properties defined in a single constraint.
I have read on a couple of old posts on the net that GridBagConstraints properties such as gridx etc can be added as follows from here.
code snippet of interest:
label(text:'Username', constraints:gbc(gridx:0,gridy:0,gridwidth:2))
However this won't work for me and I didn't expect it to as the syntax appears to be from years ago so I assume an old API. (error message below when I try the above)
Caught: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: cannot add to layout: constraint must be a string (or null)
I can't see how this could work as as surely the format needs to be:
GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints()
label("Username: ", constraints:gbc.gridx=0)
The two lines of code above run, but then I have the problem that I can't add more than one entry in the 'constraints:' section, and obviously I need to add 'gridy=0' etc.
Has anybody got any solution on how this should work?


Join an array of CharSequence into a string

I am a newbie in Kotlin, sorry for the silly question.
Inside a bundle from a StatusBarNotification object I have found an array of CharSequence, or at least I think that the type is that one. In the image you can see a screenshot which shows the output that I get when I evaluate the variable from within a breakpoint (in Android Studio "Debug" window->Evaluate).
I have tried accessing .javaClass.kotlin but I get an error so I am not sure about the type, is it an array of CharSequence?
Nevertheless, I am trying to join those strings that you see in the image into a single string. I have tried calling .toString, but it does not work, and I have tried a bunch of other methods to join elements from "iterable variables", but with poor luck.
Any help is appreciated.

Executing functions stored in a string

Lets say that there is a function in my Delphi app:
and there is a string which has MsgBox in it.
I know what most of you are going to say is that its possible, but I think it is possible because I opened the compiled exe(compiled using delphi XE2) using a Resource Editor, and that resource editor was built for Delphi. In that, I could see most of the code I wrote, as I wrote it. So since the variables names, function names etc aren't changed during compile, there should a way to execute the functions from a string, but how? Any help will be appreciated.
What I want to do is to create a simple interpreter/scripting engine. And this is how its supposed to work:
There are two files, scr.txt and arg.txt
scr.txt contains:
arg.txt contains:
And now let me explain what that 0 is:
First, scr.txt's first line is function name
second line tells that at which line its arguments are in the arg.txt, i.e 0 tells that "Message" is the argument for msg_show.
I hope my question is now clear.
I want to make a simple scripting engine.
In order to execute arbitrary code stored as text, you need a compiler or an interpreter. Either you need to write one yourself, or embed one that already exists. Realistically, the latter option is your best option. There are a number available but in my view it's hard to look past dwscript.
I think I've already solved my problem! The answer is in this question's first answer.
But with that, as for a workaround of the problem mentioned in first comment, I have a very easy solution.
You don't need to pass all the arguments/parameters to it. Just take my example:
You have two files, as mentioned in the question. Now you need to execute the files. It is as simple as that:
read the first line of scr.txt
check if it's a function. If not, skip the line
If yes, read the next line which tells the index where it's arguments are in arg.txt
pass on the index(an integer) to the "Call" function.
Now to the function which has to be executed, it should know how many arguments it needs. i.e 2
Lets say that the function is "Sum(a,b : integer)".It needs 2 arguments
Now let the function read the two arguments from arg.txt.
And its done!
I hope it will help you all.
And I can get some rep :)

How can I find an <acronym> tag with watir-webdriver without taking a huge performance hit?

I am using watir-webdriver (0.5.3) in a Cucumber (1.1.9) test. I am attempting to verify the text value of an <acronym> tag. The code is legacy, and there are plans to change it to a <div> or <span> tag, but in the mean time I have to deal with it. I first attempted:
#browser.acronym(:id => /expense_code(.*)/).text
I received the following error:
NoMethodError: undefined method `acronym' for #<Watir::Browser:0x33e9940>
I poked around in the Watir code to see how tag objects were being created, and found that they seem to be dynamically created based on the HTML5 spec, but then I also found a comment in element.rb stating that they are no longer being created from the spec. At any rate, I couldn't see an easy way to inherit a <span> object and call it an <acronym> object. So, I looked into alternatives, and found the element object.
#browser.element(:id => /expense_code(.*)/).text
This code works, but it takes about a minute to traverse my page. I'm stuck with the regex for now, as the tag id is actually dynamically generated and I don't currently have a way to figure out those values. This is what the tag actually looks like:
<acronym class="editable select fillwith:exp_codes default:E100"
title="Expense Code: Expenses" id="expense_code114_582_10777">
E100 </acronym>
I would appreciate any thoughts on how I can improve the performance of my test.
Is that class name predictable? could you construct that from a set part plus the text you are about to validate (it's the same in your example above) and go that way?
acronym = 'E100'
browser.element(:class, 'editable select fillwith:exp_codes default:#{acronym}'.text.should == acronym
Does using XPath to limit the elements to just acronym tags help performance?
#browser.element(:xpath, "//acronym[contains(#id, 'expense_code')]")
UPDATE: As Chuck mentioned, CSS-Selector is also an option:
#browser.element(:css => "acronym[id^=expense_code]")
I was recently stealing logic from Watir 1.6.5 to make custom locators/collections for my page objects and I noticed in the Watir::TaggedElementLocator, it kind of supports any method that the element supports. Noticing in Watir-Webdriver that elements have a tag_name() method, I thought I would try the same and it looks like it works.
So you can use tag_name as a locator by doing:
#browser.element(:tag_name => 'acronym', :id => /expense_code(.*)/).text
I'm not sure what order the locators get run in, so since the regex is expensive, it might be faster to get all the acronym elements and then find the one with the right ID:
#browser.elements(:tag_name, 'acronym').find{ |acronym| =~ /expense_code(.*)/
While I think it makes the code look better, unfortunately I'm not sure if its any faster. I am guessing the performance of each will depend on the specific page layout being tested.
I'm not sure what the proper etiquette is here, but this is the answer I came up with using Chuck's reply and feedback from jarib in the #watir IRC chat. With all my examples, expense_code = 'E100'.
#browser.element(:tag_name => "acronym",
:class => "default:#{expense_code}").text
The above code works at a very reasonable speed and doesn't require an xpath. It is a shortening of the following code:
#browser.element(:tag_name => "acronym",
:class => "editable select fillwith:exp_codes default:#{expense_code}").text
I learned that I didn't need to pass the whole string. Anything in a class delimited by a space is dealt with gracefully by watir. I adapted that code from this xpath:
#browser.element(:xpath => "//acronym[contains(#class,
\'editable select fillwith:exp_codes default:#{expense_code}\')]").text
The gotcha in that code above was needing to escape out the ' around the class values so that it would evaluate correctly.
Just searching for the class (code below) did not work. I have no idea why. I did notice that it pounded the database with requests. Whatever it was doing, the page didn't like it. Though the reason it was trying multiple times is I slipped a wait_until_present in there.
#browser.element(:class, "editable select fillwith:exp_codes
Thanks for the help. :)

How to get the filename and line number of a particular JetBrains.ReSharper.Psi.IDeclaredElement?

I want to write a test framework extension for resharper. The docs for this are here:
One aspect of this is indicating if a particular piece of code is part of a test. The piece of code is represented as a IDeclaredElement.
Is it possible to get the filename and line number of a piece of code represented by a particular IDeclaredElement?
Following up to the response below:
#Evgeny, thanks for the answer, I wonder if you can clarify one point for me.
Suppose the user has this test open in visual studio:
Suppose the user right clicks on line 48, the "player.Resume()" expression.
Will the IDeclaredElement tell me specifically they want to run at line 48? Or is it going to give me a IDeclaredElement corresponding to the entire class, and a filename/line number range for the entire class?
I should play with this myself, but I appreciate tapping into what you already know.
The "IDeclaredElement" entity is the code symbol (class, method, variable, etc.). It could be loaded from assembly metadata, it could be declared in source code, it could come from source code implicitly.
You can use
var declarations = declaredElement.GetDeclarations()
to get all AST elements which declares it (this could return multiple declarations for partial class, for example)
Then, for any IDeclaration, you can use
var documentRange = declaration.GetDocumentRange()
if (documentRange.IsValid())
Console.WriteLine ("File: {0} Line:{1}",
By the way, which test framework extension are you developing?
Will the IDeclaredElement tell me specifically they want to run at
line 48?
Once more: IDeclaredElement has no positions in the file. Instead, it's declaration have them.
For every declaration (IDeclaration is a regular AST node) there is range in document which covers it. In my previous example, I used TextRange.StartOffset, though you can use TextRange.EndOffset.
If you need more prcise position in the file, please traverse AST tree, and check the coordinates in the document for specific expression/statement

automapper - simplest option to only write to destination property if the source property is different?

NOTE: The scenario is using 2 entity framework models to sync data between 2 databases, but I'd imagine this is applicable to other scenarios. One could try tackling this on the EF side as well (like in this SO question) but I wanted to see if AutoMapper could handle it out-of-the-box
I'm trying to figure out if AutoMapper can (easily :) compare the source and dest values (when using it to sync to an existing object) and do the copy only if the values are different (based on Equals by default, potentially passing in a Func, like if I decided to do String.Equals with StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase for some particular pair of values). At least for my scenario, I'm fine if it's restricted to just the TSource == TDest case (I'll be syncing over int's, string's, etc, so I don't think I'll need any type converters involved)
Looking through the samples and tests, the closest thing seems to be conditional mapping (src\UnitTests\ConditionalMapping.cs), and I would use the Condition overload that takes the Func (since the other overload isn't sufficient, as we need the dest information too). That certainly looks on the surface like it would work fine (I haven't actually used it yet), but I would end up with specifying this for every member (although I'm guessing I could define a small number of actions/methods and at least reuse them instead of having N different lambdas).
Is this the simplest available route (outside of changing AutoMapper) for getting a 'only copy if source and dest values are different' or is there another way I'm not seeing? If it is the simplest route, has this already been done before elsewhere? It certainly feels like I'm likely reinventing a wheel here. :)
Chuck Norris (formerly known as Omu? :) already answered this, but via comments, so just answering and accepting to repeat what he said.
#James Manning you would have to inherit ConventionInjection, override
the Match method and write there return c.SourceProp.Name =
c.TargetProp.Name && c.SourceProp.Value != c.TargetProp.Value and
after use it target.InjectFrom(source);
In my particular case, since I had a couple of other needs for it anyway, I just customized the EF4 code generation to include the check for whether the new value is the same as the current value (for scalars) which takes care of the issue with doing a 'conditional' copy - now I can use Automapper or ValueInject or whatever as-is. :)
For anyone interested in the change, when you get the default *.tt file, the simplest way to make this change (at least that I could tell) was to find the 2 lines like:
if (ef.IsKey(primitiveProperty))
and change both to be something like:
if (ef.IsKey(primitiveProperty) || true) // we always want the setter to include checking for the target value already being set
