"Generate Signed APK" option is not display in android studio Build menu - android-studio

"Generate Signed APK" option is not display in android studio Build menu,
What is the problem or something I missed to install?? Thanks
When I click "Build APK(s)" , the android studio is no response

For me, clicking File > Sync Project with Gradle File System solved it for me.

Firstly check with clean > rebuild project and see that 'app' is not having "red X" icon.
Check your gradle that you had not configured it with release config yet.
There must be a signing config in gradle file

Follow Below Steps for Nice and Easy Way:-
Go to Tools->Flutter->Open for editing in android studio.
open for editing in android studio
Choose separate window. This will open the android part of your project in separate window.
Wait to Gradle to finish it's build.
Go to Build-> Generate signed bundle/apk.
Follow this video for further process.
Thank me later..!

in my case, one of my harddisks hard stopped working (in which I had my first project).
File > Settings > Appearance & Behaviour > Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle menu, changing the Gradle user home to another folder solved the issue. the original value of it consisted path to my first project which wasn't existing anymore.

I had the same issue not having the "generate signed bundle/apk" enabled in Android Studio interface and this thread helped to deduce what was my issue... I'm new to android development so I didn't know what to do at all but checking the build.gradle file I realized that there were issues with the synchronization of gradle, so I found this video, downloaded the latest version of Grandle, then went to File > Sync with Fyle System, and after the sync was completed the button appeared.... so seems like this has a direct relation to the right synchronization of gradle.


How to open an existing Flutter Project in Android Studio

I might sound noob here but I can't see a clear way of opening existing Flutter Project in Android Studio 3.1.2.
I checked this but it didn't work. So I want to know if there is a standard IDE way of doing this? I also can't find any docs clearly mentioning it. Do I need to install a 3rd party plugin?
After opening it as an Existing Android Studio Project, I get the following error:
The error is solved by running Get Dependencies. Is it a normal behavior?
Install Flutter plugin for Android studio: https://flutter.io/get-started/editor/
Open Android Studio
Open existing Android Studio project by using one of below methods:
EASIEST WAY: Drag your project folder and drop to Android Studio.
Other ways:
What works for me was to open existing Android Studio project like mentioned above, and then go to menu
Tools -> Flutter -> Flutter Clean
Then configuration window will open and ask you to locate flutter sdk. After locating the sdk, click OK and then the flutter functions will be available (Pub buttons, runs menu). After that you can proceed to get the dependencies (pub get).
It's basically cleaning the project folder of previous setting(s) which might conflicting with the system (android studio). But that won't happen if you get the project from source repository because all of the junk files wont be in the project folder.
The quickest way on macOS is
open -a Android\ Studio android when you are in the root project directory.
Alternatively, if you use the jetbrains toolbox, you can enable "Shell Scripts" in its settings. This will create a binary in the folder of your choice, so you have to add this folder to your PATH. Then, you can use studio . inside the Android folder, or studio android in the flutter project. The benefit of this, is it also works with other Jetbrains products (e.g. charm project_dir or clion project_dir. Unfortunately this method glitches out (for pycharm at least).
Looks like Android Studio can't load Android Application module from Flutter project automatically. I also have same problem, so in my situation Gradle can't be found, because of lack of Android project.
There's important note from official site:
Important: Do not use the New > Project from existing sources option for Flutter projects
I suggest, same is for Open option.
Just Open your project as normal, and then in [Android Studio > Preferences > Languages&Frameworks > Flutter > Flutter SDK path] select the path where you downloaded & unpacked Flutter SDK.
I know it's already late, but you can open an existing Flutter project in Android Studio by following these steps (make sure you have already installed Flutter & Dart plugin and Flutter SDK):
Click Open from File menu in Android Studio,
Go to the path of the project,
Click Open from the dialog,
When the project opens in Android studio, it will show an error of packages and dependencies. So, click on Get Dependencies on the top. Android Studio will automatically add all the required dependencies and packages.
There is a simple way of doing this in android:
Just Open your project as normal, and on the top right corner, click on Flutter Attach option, and voila!
See Attached screen grab!
Usually you can open your Flutter project in Android Studio simply when you right click on the android folder > Flutter > Open Android module in Android Studio but sometimes this option could be disabled, check this answer to enable..

Null in API version Android Studio preview

I updated from Android Studio 2.3 to 3.0 and now none of the previews on the XML editors are shown.
I can see a null in the top bar in the API level selector and it does not give me any option to pick
Any possible solution for that?
I tried Invalidate cache and restart but it does not seem to help.
Just press "Sync Project with gradle" and enjoy :)
Sync icon is present in the toolbar
I resolve this isuue by Syncing Project with gradle files.
In android studio from top toolbar.
choose first File option and click option Sync Project with gradle files.
choose first File option and click option Sync Project with gradle files. work for me

Android Studio - automatic project load

I cannot find a way to prevent Android Studio from automatically loading the last project in use. I want it open me the beggining window with the list of projects available and not loading the last used automatically.
The location of Reopen last project on startup was moved to Settings => Appearance & Behavior => System Settings with new Android Studio, just uncheck it!
In Appearance & Behavior -> System Setting , also you can change some other setting about open or save projects
Android Studio 2.1.1 MacOS X
This screen can accessed in Android Studio 3.1.3 on MacOS High Sierra by selecting the Android Studio -> Preferences menu
Android Studio or Intellij IDEA:
From the menu go to :
File > Settings >Appearence & Behavior > System Settings.
disable the option:
Reopen last project on startup
Open Settings, go to General and remove check from Reopen last project on startup
If the project that is being reopened is causing android studio to stop responding you may not be able to get to the dialog. I got round this by deleting
This allowed me to temporarily start android studio without reopening the offending project, and then permanently disable the reopening feature using the dialog others have mentioned
I ran into this problem on MacOS when I added Android Studio Canary and Intellij. I'm not sure which caused the issue.
Anyway, here's the steps that I used to fix it:
Open Android Studio to see what project it opens; write down that project.
It will freeze, so you need to force quit it.
Erase the nodes where that project name exists. For me it was the last <entry> element and the <option> element in the recentProjects.xml file (location below). Make sure you delete the complete element!
Restart and it should work. Otherwise, repeat for the new recently opened project that is freezing Android Studio.
Where is the file?
~Library/Application Support/Google/AndroidStudio4.1/options
It took me digging up the location of Intellij files then back tracking it to Google then Android Studio to find where the file exists. I hope I save someone the time I wasted on this. :D
Extra note:
The <entry> node is in here:
<component name="RecentProjectsManager">
<option name="additionalInfo">

Android Studio is installing old apk on device

I am developing an Android app using Android Studio (0.89 Build #AI-135.1404660, Built on Sept 3,2014) using both emulator and Nexus 4 device.
I had the same issue with a version prior to that.
The problem is that after I changed my code and resource files, I still get the old apk installed on the device or emulator.
What do I need to do to get it to run current code? Is it a building config?
Is it a known issue with Android Studio?
Or with a Nexus 4 device?
This is the second time it has happened, and I resolved it(then) after trying one of the steps below. They have not worked for me again.
Here is what I've tried
Build > Clean Project > Restart Android Studio > Run
Build > Rebuild Project > Run
Step 1 plus Uninstalling of apk on device
Step 2 plus Unistalling of apk on device
Adding erroneous resource entry then running.
I have read the following:
Android apk install: How to clear files from old version?
adb - How to reinstall an app, without retaining the data?
Device still has the old apk
Android build doesn't update code base or resources for target .apk on device
None has worked so far.
I had the same problem. After trying numerous methods that didn't work, I realized that I had accidentally changed an option in my "Run Configuration". Here's exactly what I did to fix the issue.
Run --> Edit Configurations
With your configuration selected on the left panel (mine says "app"), in the General tab on the right panel, there is a section called "Before launch". This section should have an option added called "Gradle-aware Make", but I had accidentally removed it.
I re-added it by pressing the "+", then clicking OK in the popup (leave the input box in the popup blank).
Click apply.
This fixed the problem immediately. Hope this helps someone!
Run / Debug Configurations / Miscellaneous TAB
[] Uncheck: Skip installation if APK has not changed
Android Studio doesn't always detect small changes in code.
The behaviour is erratic. I solved it by reviewing my code.It turned out that there was a resource file that was invalid. Try reverting back to the last working version of your code before the current changes... Probably a known issue that will be/was resolved out of Beta
Google thinks it is a feature, not a bug
Their proposed solution is to copy the apk(s) instead of manipulating the filename, as in e.g.
Copying APK file in Android Gradle project
I've spent way too many hours to keep this to myself. The way I fixed it was that I noticed some hours later that I was using different layout version in res/ .... I have actually two versions of layout (layout-v26) and (layout). All this time I was modifying the other one and uploading different one. Maybe its just a newbie mistake but I hope somebody will find it useful.
The reason why there are 2 version was because of " autofillHints="" -> quickfix -> create new version of layout "
image of my tree
I am using android studio for building flutter app, I was facing the same issue untill I did the following:
From Android Studio, go to Tools-Flutter-FlutterClean
It resolved my problem as of now.
Check Your Layout Files.
I ran into the same problem and I realized, it gives some problem if you have same layout in multiple orientations(portrait and landscape). If one is changed other remains unchanged and then it creates a conflict. So android studio installs the one with the previous layout
PS: This was happening in my case.
The problem occurred on my Android 11 devices. I guess ART ran old code dex2oated.
Run / Debug Configurations - General - Always install with package manager (disable deploy optimization on Android 11 and later), and check the option.
I was also facing this issue and get solution by deleting build folder manually because some time ide cannot be able to delete this. So go to the app folder and find build folder delete this and after clean and build project and run again.
You should select "Deploy default APK" option in Run/Debug Configurations. After that Android Studio will upload and install new apk to your emulator/device when you run application.
In android studio. at right side. see gradle option. click it. and then press circular arrows button shown in red square.
Same problem, none of the solutions mentioned here had any effect. I had to disable the "Allow parallel run" in "Menu > Run > Edit configurations...".
You can read more about this option here: How to run the same project multiple times in IntelliJ IDEA?
The solution to this issue is actually very simple.
Android studio is actually not detecting some small changes that you have made to the application. That is why it is installing the previous builds.
The solution is easy -> Remove the previous builds.
In the right side, go to gradle tab.
Expand Tasks. Find "clean" or "cleanCache" task or any task that starts with "clean". Double click to run that task.
Expand "app". and do the same.
Then File> Invalidate cache and restart.
Enjoy!! Your problem is solved...
My devices also ran old states - dont know from where in my git it has taken these.
I created a new configuration (default is "app") and it worked.

In android studio,cannot load 2 facets-unknown facet type:android and android-gradle

When I open android studio I am getting an error- "Error loading project: Cannot load 2 facets. When I clicked to see the error the following appeared
"2 facets cannot be loaded. You can mark them them as ignored to suppress this error notification.
Unknown facet type:'android', Unknown facet type:'android-gradle'
I tried to add facets ( In Project Structure > Project settings > Modules > clicked project name, then clicked Android as well as Android-Gradle) But both showed as "cannot load facet, unknown facet type." Under Project settings > Facets > both Android and Android-Gradle are displayed as 'Invalid facets'.
My project was running smoothly. This problem occured when I force-closed my laptop before exiting android studio as everything got stuck. After that whenever I open the android studio this problem occurs. I am not able to run my project. Can anyone please help me to solve this?
Just enable Android Support plugin.
Click Ctrl+Alt+S in Windows or Meta+Comma in Mac.
In top search bar type "plugin".
On right side it will show a list of plugins, find Android Support plugin, check it and click OK at the bottom of screen.
This is how it looks:
In Android Studio go to
File -> Settings - > Plugins -> Enable "Android Support" Plugin.
File, Then Settings->Plugin->Enable/Renable Plugin --> Apply --> Restart
This problem occured when i'd updated Android Studio.
In case nothing from other answers works, you don't have another option, except removing broken settings and making clean setup.
So what i am suggesting:
Use Settings Repository Feature to store personal IDE settings
close studio
remove .AndroidStudioX folder from user folder
re-launch studio, do not copy settings from previous version (because settings probably broken and auto-import couldn't import it well)
import personal settings from Settings Repository
For me I went to Settings -> Plugins and de-selected Gradle then immediately re-selected it. Android Studio then asked if I wanted to enable Groovy so I said yes and let it restart and now everything is happy again! (it was checked, but clearly somewhere deep down not truly enabled, so toggling the check-box sorted it)
Not sure if my cause was installing Flutter, but I did have to disable the Flutter plugin before I could build again.
I had the same problem with an ever-increasing number of facets - first 2, then 4, then 5 - and none of the above solutions worked. My solution (Android Studio 3.3, OS X) was to delete ~/Library/Preferences/AndroidStudio3.3/disabled_plugins.txt, which contained org.jetbrains.android and org.jetbrains.maven
I imagine if you have deliberately disabled plugins then you'll have to disable them again manually, but I was able to load all facets again.
Go To ->File->Settings->Plugins->disable/enable Android Support Plugins->Press Ok
Just re-enable Android Support plugin. Then it will ask to restart.
Restart them thats it
I faced this issue in Android Studio 3.2.1 I had to re-import my project after that it works.
I was facing this problem, I tried everything but nothing worked but then I remembered that I updated Android Studio just few hours back and then I enabled the plugins in the Android Studio and restarted it and it worked.
File -> Settings -> Plugin and then just press ok. It will ask to restart the android studio and please restart it.
For me I had to uncheck the plugin Android APK Support. I clicked Apply and then Ok to close the window. Android Studio prompted me to restart the program, and the program restarted. I checked the Android APK Support plugin again and restarted the program. And then I selected File -> Sync Project with Gradle Files
Then it worked just fine.
