How to run python by Notepad++ - python-3.x

I want to script with python using Notepad ++ but it works strangely, actually it does not work, so I have pycharm an everything is going well but in notepad ++ when I save file with .py and click run it does not work is there a step by step instruction to follow?
I have same problem with sublime text editor so I am lucky with just Pycharm all of the others has confused me please help me.

Notepad++ and sublime are text-editors and not interpreters. To run python script, you need a python interpreter. If you want to use notepad++, then write the python script in notepad++, open command prompt and run the python script from command prompt.
Assuming that you have python installrd, suppose you have created a file name "" in the path "C:/Users/User/Desktop", then to run the script you will have to run the following commands:
$ cd "C:/Users/User/Desktop"
$ python

I have no idea Why you gave me this -1 may be someone think that he knows everything so my is not the same location to my computer and when I assign location it pops up an error
sorry for error message image it is unable to copy


What is the cause of "Bad Interpreter: No such file or directory"?

I have a Python virtual environment on my linux machine. It has been working fine for two weeks, but all of a sudden I woke up today, and while in the environment I can't execute any commands. For example, if I try to use pip list, or jupyter notebook, this is what I get (env is the name of my environment):
~/env/bin$ pip list
-bash: /home/ubuntu/env/bin/pip: /home/ubuntu/env/bin/python: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
The same thing happens with basically any other command, except Python. Typing python brings up the Python shell just fine. Interestingly it says Anaconda though, when I only used pip with this environment.
I've tried to find info on this but they all seem to be pertaining to running scripts.
Edit: Also want to mention that when I manually look in the environment bin, the packages I installed are all there in green, except Python is in red.
Thank you in advance.
You have a script /home/ubuntu/env/bin/pip and the script has shebang #!/home/ubuntu/env/bin/python but the file is either absent or is not executable.
Check if the file /home/ubuntu/env/bin/python exist. Check if it can be executed by the current user (just run it from the command line). If not — you need to find out a working executable (for example, it could be /home/ubuntu/env/bin/python3), edit the first line of /home/ubuntu/env/bin/pip to fix the shebang.

Unable to run Python files in terminal of VSC

i have installed VSC and set up the necessary dependencies for python.
Using a simple hello world example, i can run the file using run and debug option.
I can also run it by manually typing python in the terminal.
However, when i use the run button (top right hand corner), i get an error.
Can i check how to solve this?
Thank you.

I can't open a python file in git bash

I'm trying to open a .py file on git bash but it doesn't work.
I have tried to follow some instructions like running python <filename> but it doesn't work for me.
When I run
python python_basics
I expect it will open the .py file but it says it can't open file 'python_basics':
[Errno 2] No such file or directory
From this question, the problem may very well be caused by Git Bash itself.
I would recommend you try running your Python file from a different terminal (Command Prompt or PowerShell if you are using Windows), using the command suggested in the comments:
Thank you for your question, I am here to help you and who will see this question.
if you mean you want to open the file like when click on the file and open it
you can use this command
but if you want to open the file inside the gitbash use this command
and if you mean to run the file from gitbash you can use this command
Now if the above command did not work with you, and you are in the windows10 Pro platform you should go to
environment variable >> Then system variable >> then choose path >> then Edit >> and put the python path >> restart the terminal and run it again
Notice: All of the above I tried and used in windows10 pro.
Hope to help anyone,
First check the python version installed on your system.
by command-
python --version.
If not found
$ PATH=$PATH:/c/Python27/
Adapting the path will solve your problem.

Python3 GUI script does not work when double clicked

My GUI script that is a PyQt5 file (.pyw extension) does work when running on my IDE with a build configuration that tells the compiler to run the script with python3:
And it also works when i tell to the regular terminal on Linux to run same script with python3 like this:
When runned with the default python (python2.7) on a regular terminal it tells: ImportError: No module named PyQt5.QtWidgets.
My code does it have these lines on the start to tell that is a python3 script like: #!/usr/bin/python3 or #!/usr/bin/env python3 (I have python3 installed).
When double clicked on the Linux Mint File Explorer the cursor turns crosshair and nothing happends, with the terminal option, same happends and a empty terminal shows. Im talking these options
I guess Linux Mint still runs the scripts with python2.7 even when I added the bash lines to tell
Someone knows why the lines:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
doesnt work when just double click?
I want to run the script from the Linux File Explorer without the need of an IDE or using the terminal.
Try chmod +x and run it in terminal by using ./ also try lunching the file from a different path, like python3 ~/path/to/ and see if the error persists

Create a New Command or Macro in Komodo 7.1 IDE to save and run a python file

How can I create a New Command or Macro in Komodo 7.1 IDE to save and run a python file?
I want the output to go to a New Console. Not the Command Output Tab.
If you put:
import code
in your program, then you will be dumped to a python interpreter. (See Method to peek at a Python program running right now).
Use doCommand and runEncodedCommand to save and run the python file respectively:
if (komodo.view && komodo.view.scintilla) { komodo.view.scintilla.focus(); }
komodo.doCommand('cmd_save'), '/usr/local/bin/pythonw3 \"%F\" {\'cwd\': u\'%D\'}');
