How to pull only certain csv's and concat the data from s3? - python-3.x

I have a bucket with various files. I am only interested in pulling files that begin with the word 'member' and storing each member file in a list to be concated further into a dataframe.
Currently I am pulling data like this:
import boto3
my_bucket = s3.Bucket('my-bucket')
obj = s3.Object('my-bucket','member')
file_content = obj.get()['Body'].read().decode('utf-8')
df = pd.read_csv(file_content)
How ever this is only pulling the member file. I have member files that look like this 'member_1229013','member_2321903' etc.
How can I read in all the 'member' files, save the data in a list so I can concat later. All column names are the same in all csv's

You can only download/access one object per API call.
I normally recommend downloading the objects to a local directory, and then accessing them as normal local files. Here is an example of how to download an object from Amazon S3:
import boto3
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
s3.download_file('mybucket', 'hello.txt', '/tmp/hello.txt')
See: download_file() documentation
If you want to read multiple files, you will first need to obtain a listing of the files (eg with list_objects_v2(), and then access each object individually.
One tip for boto3... There are two ways to make calls: via a Resource (eg using s3.Object() or s3.Bucket()) or via a Client, which passes everything as parameters.


Convert CSV files from multiple directory into parquet in PySpark

I have CSV files from multiple paths that are not parent directories in s3 bucket. All the tables have the same partition keys.
the directory of the s3:
table_name_1/partition_key_1 = <pk_1>/partition_key_2 = <pk_2>/file.csv
table_name_2/partition_key_1 = <pk_1>/partition_key_2 = <pk_2>/file.csv
I need to convert these csv files into parquet files and store them in another s3 bucket that has the same directory structure.
the directory of another s3:
table_name_1/partition_key_1 = <pk_1>/partition_key_2 = <pk_2>/file.parquet
table_name_2/partition_key_1 = <pk_1>/partition_key_2 = <pk_2>/file.parquet
I have a solution is iterating through the s3 bucket and find the CSV file and convert it to parquet and save to the another S3 path. I find this way is not efficient, because i have a loop and did the conversion one file by one file.
I want to utilize the spark library to improve the efficiency.
Then, I tried:'s3n://bucket_name/table_name_1/').write.partitionBy('partition_key_1', 'partition_key_2').parquet('s3n://another_bucket/table_name_1')
This way works good for each table, but to optimize it more, I want to take the table_name as a parameter, something like:
TABLE_NAMES = [table_name_1, table_name_2, ...]'s3n://bucket_name/{*TABLE_NAMES}/').write.partitionBy('partition_key_1', 'partition_key_2').parquet('s3n://another_bucket/{*TABLE_NAMES}')
The mentioned question provides solutions for reading multiple files at once. The method accepts one or multiple paths as shown here. For reading the files you can apply the same logic. Although, when it comes to writing, Spark will merge all the given dataset/paths into one Dataframe. Therefore it is not possible to generate from one single dataframe multiple dataframes without applying a custom logic first. So to conclude, there is not such a method for extracting the initial dataframe directly into multiple directories i.e df.write.csv(*TABLE_NAMES).
The good news is that Spark provides a dedicated function namely input_file_name() which returns the file path of the current record. You can use it in combination with TABLE_NAMES to filter on the table name.
Here it is one possible untested PySpark solution:
from pyspark.sql.functions import input_file_name
TABLE_NAMES = [table_name_1, table_name_2, ...]
source_path = "s3n://bucket_name/"
input_paths = [f"{source_path}/{t}" for t in TABLE_NAMES]
all_df =*input_paths) \
.withColumn("file_name", input_file_name()) \
dest_path = "s3n://another_bucket/"
def write_table(table_name: string) -> None:
for t in TABLE_NAMES:
We generate and store the input paths into input_paths. This will create paths such as: s3n://bucket_name/table1, s3n://bucket_name/table2 ... s3n://bucket_name/tableN.
Then we load all the paths into one dataframe in which we add a new column called file_name, this will hold the path of each row. Notice that we also use cache here, this is important since we have multiple len(TABLE_NAMES) actions in the following code. Using cache will prevent us from loading the datasource again and again.
Next we create the write_table which is responsible for saving the data for the given table. The next step is to filter based on the table name using all_df["file_name"].contains(table_name), this will return only the records that contain the value of the table_name in the file_name column. Finally we save the filtered data as you already did.
In the last step we call write_table for every item of TABLE_NAMES.
Related links
How to import multiple csv files in a single load?
Get HDFS file path in PySpark for files in sequence file format

boto3 - Getting files only uploaded in the past month in S3

I am writing a python3 lambda function which needs to return all of the files that were uploaded to an S3 bucket in the past 30 days from the time that the function is ran.
How should I approach this? Ideally, I want to only iterate through the files from the past 30 days and nothing else - there are thousands upon thousands of files in the S3 bucket that I am iterating through, and maybe 100 max will be updated/uploaded per month. It would be very inefficient to have to iterate through every file and compare dates like that. There is also a 29 second time limit for AWS API gateway.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
You will need to iterate through the list of objects (sample code: List s3 buckets with its size in csv format) and compare the date within the Python code (sample code: Get day old filepaths from s3 bucket).
There is no filter when listing objects (aside from Prefix).
An alternative is to use Amazon S3 Inventory, which can provide a daily CSV file listing the contents of a bucket. You could parse that CSV instead of the listing objects.
A more extreme option is to keep a separate database of objects, which would need to be updated whenever objects are added/deleted. This could be done via Amazon S3 Events that trigger an AWS Lambda function. Lots of work, though.
I can't give you an 100% answer, since you have asked for the upload date, but if you can live with the 'last modified' value, this code snippet should do the job:
import boto3
import datetime
paginator = boto3.resource('s3').meta.client.get_paginator('list_objects')
date = - datetime.timedelta(30)
filtered_files = (page['Key'] for page in paginator.paginate(Bucket="bucketname").search(f"Contents[?to_string(LastModified)>='\"{date}\"']"))
For filterting I used JMESPath
From the architect perspective
The bottle neck is that whether if you can iterate all objects with in 30 seconds. If natively there are too many files, there are a few more options you can use:
Create a aws lambda function that triggered by S3:PutObject event, and store the S3 key, and last_modified_at information into Dynamodb (A AWS Key Value NoSQL database). Then you can easily use Dynamodb to filter the S3 key and retrieve those S3 object accordingly.
Crreate a aws lambda function that triggered by S3:PutObject event, and move the file to a partitioned S3 Key schema location such as s3://bucket/datalake/year=${year}/month=${month}/day=${day}/your-file.csv. Then you can easily use the partition information to locate the subset of your objects, which fits in 30 seconds hard limit.
From programming perspective
Here's the code snippet solves your problem using this library s3pathlib:
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from s3pathlib import S3path
# define a folder
p_dir = S3Path("bucket/my-folder/")
# find one month ago datetime
now = datetime.utcnow()
one_month_ago = now - timedelta(days=30)
# filter by last modified
for p in p_bucket.iter_objects().filter(
# any Filterable Attribute can be used for filtering
S3Path.last_modified_at >= one_month_ago
# do whatever you like
print(p.console_url) # click link to open it in console, inspect
If you want to use other S3Path attributes for filtering, and use other comparators, or even define your custom filter, you can follow this document

Read n rows from csv in Google Cloud Storage to use with Python csv module

I have a variety of very large (~4GB each) csv files that contain different formats. These come from data recorders from over 10 different manufacturers. I am attempting to consolidate all of these into BigQuery. In order to load these up on a daily basis I want to first load these files into Cloud Storage, determine the schema, and then load into BigQuery. Due to the fact that some of the files have additional header information (from 2 - ~30 lines) I have produced my own functions to determine the most likely header row and the schema from a sample of each file (~100 lines), which I can then use in the job_config when loading the files to BQ.
This works fine when I am working with files from local storage direct to BQ as I can use a context manager and then Python's csv module, specifically the Sniffer and reader objects. However, there does not seem to be an equivalent method of using a context manager direct from Storage. I do not want to bypass Cloud Storage in case any of these files are interrupted when loading into BQ.
What I can get to work:
# initialise variables
with open(csv_file, newline = '', encoding=encoding) as datafile:
dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(
reader = csv.reader(datafile, dialect)
sample_rows = []
row_num = 0
for row in reader:
if (row_num >100):
# Carry out schema and header investigation...
With Google Cloud Storage I have attempted to use download_as_string and download_to_file, which provide binary object representations of the data, but then I cannot get the csv module to work with any of the data. I have attempted to use .decode('utf-8') and it returns a looong string with \r\n's. I then used splitlines() to get a list of the data but still the csv functions keep giving a dialect and reader that splits the data into single characters as each entry.
Has anyone managed to get a work around to use the csv module with files stored in Cloud Storage without downloading the whole file?
After having a look at the csv source code on GitHub, I have managed to use the io module and csv module in Python to solve this problem. The io.BytesIO and TextIOWrapper were the two key functions to use. Probably not a common use case but thought I would post the answer here to save some time for anyone that needs it.
# Set up storage client and create a blob object from csv file that you are trying to read from GCS.
content = blob.download_as_string(start = 0, end = 10240) # Read a chunk of bytes that will include all header data and the recorded data itself.
bytes_buffer = io.BytesIO(content)
wrapped_text = io.TextIOWrapper(bytes_buffer, encoding = encoding, newline = newline)
dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(
reader = csv.reader(wrapped_text, dialect)
# Do what you will with the reader object

How to list S3 objects in parallel in PySpark using flatMap()?

I have a dataframe where each row contains a prefix that points to a location in S3. I want to use flatMap() to iterate over each row, list the S3 objects in each prefix and return a new dataframe that contains a row per file that was listed in S3.
I've got this code:
import boto3
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
def flatmap_list_s3_files(row):
bucket = s3.Bucket(row.bucket)
s3_files = []
for obj in bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=row.prefix):
rows = []
for f in s3_files:
row_dict = row.asDict()
row_dict['s3_obj'] = f
return rows
df = <code that loads the dataframe>
df.rdd.flatMap(lambda x: flatmap_list_s3_files(x))).toDF()
The only problem is that the s3 object isn't pickleable I guess? So I'm getting this error and I'm not sure what to try next:
PicklingError: Cannot pickle files that are not opened for reading
I'm a spark noob so I'm hoping there's some other API or some way to parallelize the listing of files in S3 and join that together with the original dataframe. To be clear, I'm not trying to READ any of the data in the S3 files themselves, I'm building a table that is essentially a metadata catalogue of all the files in S3. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
you can't send an s3 client around your spark cluster; you need to share all the information needed to create one and instantiate it at the far end. I don't know about .py but in the java APIs you'd just pass the path around as a string and then convert that to a Path object, call Path.getFileSystem() and work on there. The Spark workers will cache the Filesystem instances for fast reuse

Importing multiple files from Google Cloud Bucket to Datalab instance

I have a bucket set up on Google Cloud containing a few hundred json files and am trying to work with them in a datalab instance running python 3.
So, I can easily see them as objects using
gcs list --objects gs://<BUCKET_NAME>
Further, I can read in an individual file/object using
import as storage
import pandas as pd
from io import BytesIO
myBucket = storage.Bucket('<BUCKET_NAME')
data_csv = myBucket.object('<FILE_NAME.json')
uri = data_csv.uri
%gcs read --object $uri --variable data
df = pd.read_csv(BytesIO(data))
(FYI, I understand that my example is reading a json as a csv, but let's ignore that- I'll cross that bridge on my own)
What I can't figure out is how to loop through the bucket and pull all of the json files into do I do that? Is that the way I should be thinking of this- is there a way to call the files in the bucket from pandas directly (since they're already treated as objects)?
As an extra bit- what if a file is saved as a json, but isn't actually that structure? How can I handle that?
Essentially, I guess, I'm looking for the functionality of the blob package, but using cloud buckets + datalab.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
This can be done using Bucket.objects which returns an iterator with all matching files. Specify a prefix or leave it empty to match all files in the bucket. I did an example with two files countries1.csv and countries2.csv:
$ cat countries1.csv
$ cat countries2.csv
And used the following Datalab snippet:
import as storage
import pandas as pd
from io import BytesIO
myBucket = storage.Bucket('BUCKET_NAME')
object_list = myBucket.objects(prefix='countries')
df_list = []
for object in object_list:
%gcs read --object $object.uri --variable data
concatenated_df = pd.concat(df_list, ignore_index=True)
which will output the combined csv:
id country
0 1 sweden
1 2 spain
2 3 italy
3 4 france
Take into account that I combined all csv files into a single Pandas dataframe using this approach but you might want to load them into different ones depending on the use case. If you want to retrieve all files in the bucket just use this instead:
object_list = myBucket.objects()
