Call web API from MVC site that is authenticated with Facebook - azure

I'm not an expert in security, so I would like to validate the options here because I'm a bit lost in all the possibilities.
I have an ASP.NET Core MVC web application, and added Facebook authorization to it (there will be others as well, like Microsoft Mail, and integration with an Azure AD). So users currently can click the 'Log In' button, then click the 'Facebook' button; they redirect to Facebook, enter their credentials, and finally come back to my site where they are authenticated. This works fine, and in the claims I receive nameidentifier and email address.
Now I want to add a ASP.NET Core Web API, which is called by the MVC site (and later by other consumers).
As I have to implement my own authorization mechanism in the web API, I was thinking on passing the authentication token from MVC site to the web API, so that in the web API i know the authenticated user, and based on the nameidentifier I find in the token, I handle authorization for this user.
Is the solution that I propose here feasible for my scenario? Or do you handle this kind of situation typically in another way? Demo applications that I can have a look at maybe?

Is the solution that I propose here feasible for my scenario? Or do you handle this kind of situation typically in another way? Demo applications that I can have a look at maybe?
Yes, you could use Oauth 2.0 on-behalf-of flow to achieve your idea. The OAuth 2.0 On-Behalf-Of flow serves the use case where an application invokes a service/web API, which in turn needs to call another service/web API. The idea is to propagate the delegated user identity and permissions through the request chain.
Here is work flow:
1.The client application makes a request to API A with the token A (with an aud claim of API A).
2.API A authenticates to the Azure AD token issuance endpoint and requests a token to access API B.
3.The Azure AD token issuance endpoint validates API A's credentials with token A and issues the access token for API B (token B).
4.The token B is set in the authorization header of the request to API B.
5.Data from the secured resource is returned by API B.
You can refer to the code sample: Calling a web API in an ASP.NET Core web application using Azure AD.


Azure AD SSO: Mobile app with OAuth and SAML

Current State: I have a mobile application that signs users into Azure AD via OAuth using the PKCE flow. Once authenticated, the app uses a token to get various forms of data from some APIs.
As the application has evolved, the need to integrate SSO with another web application has come up (and there will be further service providers added as we move forward). It will act as a service provider and it supports IDP initiated authentication via SAML.
Question: once this service provider is configured under the AD tenant, is there a way to exchange or translate our OAuth token for something that can be passed on to the the SAML SP without having to re-authenticate? Am I even thinking about this in the right way? I'm mainly curious if we will need to re-implement authentication in the mobile app to support SAML (i.e. stand up some sort of web-based SAML service that can act as a proxy for the mobile application)? If that route is a necessity to accomplish our requirements, I'm assuming there's a way to still get a valid OAuth or equivalent token we can use to send to our APIs.
Apologies if this is a repeat question, but I couldn't find anything with similar specifics. Thanks in advance!
You can surely use the OAuth 2.0 OBO flow that allows an OAuth2-based application to access web service API endpoints that consume SAML tokens. You can read more here and it has some really good guidance on how to achieve the same:
Make sure that you SAML request is well formulated per the details mentioned here:

Azure AD authentication for multiple domains

I have a cordova application which I am authenticating using azure AD cordova plugin and it all works fine. But now I am integrating services published in another domain and I am unable to authenticate these services using the mobiletoken generated after authentication. Can someone guide me how to secure multiple domain APIs published as Azure web APIs and use token to access the secured APIs.
I have tried to modify the secured settings in azure portal of one of the APIs by including reply URLs for both the APIs
When I include the token in the header of the ajax requests going into 2nd domain endpoints, I just get "unauthorized" error.
It sounds like you're able to get an access token in a Cordova setting and you're having issues accessing multiple web apis after the user has logged in.
The authentication protocol I would suggest you utilize is the on-behalf of flow which is doocumented here :
Per the summary :
The OAuth 2.0 On-Behalf-Of flow (OBO) serves the use case where an application invokes a service/web API, which in turn needs to call another service/web API. The idea is to propagate the delegated user identity and permissions through the request chain. For the middle-tier service to make authenticated requests to the downstream service, it needs to secure an access token from the Microsoft identity platform, on behalf of the user.
This is to get a new access token with the right audience to gain access to web api 2.

Azure Mobile App Service / Xamarin iOS client / Okta Identity Provider example

Here's my current situation:
Xamarin iOS mobile app (using MobileServiceClient to login)
Azure Mobile/App Service (ASP.NET Web API) with Azure AD authentication
I would like to modify the Authentication part of this process to be handled by Okta instead of the Azure AD. How can I setup Okta or any other 3rd party Identity Provider Service similar to Okta as the ipd for both my mobile app and the api web service? Azure claims that you can use any Auth capable 3rd party provider but I don't see any way to integrate such a provider in Azure portal.
I found this url to a tutorial for custom Authentication:
From this post:
IdentityServer 4 as Identity Provider for Azure App Service
Is this really the only way to do it? I would really rather keep using the server flow through MobileServiceClient and configure Azure to use the 3rd party OAuth identity provider, does any one have an example or additional information on how to do this?
Thank you for your help, maybe someone from the Azure team can enlighten us on this topic, I have not seen any documentation or examples of how to do it in their documentation so far.
Found a working library for OAuth2 and OpenID that worked for integrating with Okta:
with a Xamarin wrapper:
Tested it with Okta for client Auth with 2 factor authentication and it works well. On to figure out the App Service part.
After more research and trial and error, I've found the right combination that works for what I'm trying to do. Here's an outline of what it is:
Okta (identity provider)
set up a native application with an Implicit (Hybrid) grant on it
Mobile Client
use an OpenID Connect component for Xamarin.iOS, in my case
Server / Web Api
converted my web api webservice to an core web api webservice so I can use the latest owin middleware to validate jwt bearer tokens submitted in the header of calls to the secured endpoints, here's an example of how to set that up with Okta:
One thing to note that tripped me up along the way:
in the client, after successfully authenticating with Okta through an OpenID Connect component, you will receive user information which will include an id_token and an access_token, although it might seem natural to use the access token to send with your api calls to the server, that's actually not the case, the access token is supposed to only be used to get userinfo and is not a validated token because it gets regenerated regularly, id token on the other hand contains the signature that the server needs to validate that the header and the payload of the token haven't been tampered with, this difference between these two tokens can be observed by the number of . delimited parts contained within the token, access token has only 2 . delimited parts, header and payload, id token has 3 such parts, header, payload and signature
read more information about jwt tokens here:

Single Sign on - Multiple application azure AD B2C

I am trying to have two applications(app1 and app2) in Azure
AD B2C, which is configured for Web api and another application that is configured for mobile app.
I need my mobile app to talk to app1, get the access token, using the app1's application-id and scope. Then use the access token got from app1 to communicate with app2. I enabled SSO in tenant level in the policies but it still says "Authorization denied" for the access token provided.
How can I reuse the access token got from one application to be used in another application.
We have been trying to get through this limitation (or function as designed for security) of B2C AD from weeks.
However, Microsoft does not support it.
We did not want to display MS login page to mobile user on mobile login screen (UX gets compromised). But MS says there is no way possible to avoid it. See response from MS on support ticket.
For more information: Azure AD B2C: Requesting access tokens
You will also benefit reading authentication scenarios supported. We are after something similar to this what they call "Daemon or Server Application to Web API".
In this diagram, Server Application = to mobile application in our case. However you will notice that in this scenario it is assumed that the user is already authenticated (via interactive flow).
We tried to act smart, thinking we can write a Auth web API which mobile will hit to obtain token and then pass this token to our business logic API (secured by B2C AD). We obtained access and refresh token somehow, however the test web app (mobile app) when pass this access token to our business logic API, it fails to validate the token. B2C AD comes fighting for it. Our analysis is not yet complete.
However, I am certain what we are trying to accomplish is not supported in B2C AD.
Hope this helps (I would actually advise you to look for other solution). I will be happy if someone can suggest a way to solve this obvious business problem.

How to impersonate user token for service to service call

My structure of application is Web app calls a WebAPI(lets call it apiA) and that calls another api (lets call it apiB). Now, Web app authenticates the calls via AAD JWT tokens. So, that token would be created for apiA. But I want the api call to apiB to be as the logged in user and dont want to use client secrets etc.
So, in nutshell wants to impersonate the user and get a token for apiB from the token created for apiA or may be if possible have a token which can be good for both apiA and apiB. So, I dont have to get a new token.
Is there any way to do this?
You could try OAuth 2.0 On-Behalf-Of flow to delegate the user’s identity and authenticate to the second-tier web API. Please refer to document :
For the scenario when a server application needs to call a web API, it’s helpful to use an example. Imagine that a user has authenticated on a native application, and this native application needs to call a web API. Azure AD issues a JWT access token to call the web API. If the web API needs to call another downstream web API, it can use the on-behalf-of flow to delegate the user’s identity and authenticate to the second-tier web API.
Please click here for more details about service to service calls using delegated user identity in the On-Behalf-Of flow .
