How to disable the Command + U function for the OneLogin Extension on Google Chrome? - onelogin

I recently installed the OneLogin extension on Google Chrome, but I am dealing with an annoying problem. When I highlight text and press Command + U to underline, Google Chrome automatically opens another tab and takes me to some sort of "Unit Test" for the OneLogin extension. How can I change the command (Command + U) so that it simply underlines text?

Open chrome://extensions/shortcuts
Under the OneLogin options, delete or change the unit test keyboard shortcut


Open Chrome Command line without 1st run new tabs

I am using a command line script to open a particular web page in Chrome and send keypresses to that web page
When Google Chrome opens for the 1st time chrome opens up its own Tab e.g. welcome to chrome/login to chrome and this throws everything off.
I dont want any new tabs generated I want only the web page I asked for
Is there a command line switch or method to force chrome to not generate its own tabs. Perhaps registry entry etc?
I have tried some but no success so far
Since your question contains the AutoIt tag, I have to assume you want an AutoIt solution.
The best way to do this would be to use chromes --new-window command line switch. This opens a new instance of Chrome, with a single tab pointing to the URL provided, by executing the chrome executable via ShellExecute.
$sPath = #HomeDrive & "\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application"
ShellExecute($sPath & '\chrome.exe', '--new-window ""', $sPath, "", #SW_MINIMIZE)

Configurable keyboard shortcut without using content scripts

Chrome Extension: I am looking for a way to assign global keyboard shortcuts that can be invoked even when the current tab has no content (and hence no content script). Some examples of such tabs: 'new tab' tabs, chrome://extensions tabs, 'page not loaded' tabs, etc Use cases for such a requirement are operations like close tab, go to next/prev tab, etc.
The chrome.commands api allows one to do this. However, there seems to be no way for the user to configure these keyboard shortcuts, which is something I'd really want my extension to allow.
Is there any way to get configurable keyboard shortcuts that don't need a content script?
The shortcut for chrome.commands cannot be changed by the extension, but it is configurable by the user. This interface is built-in and offered by Chrome itself.
Visit the extensions page, scroll down and click on the Configure commands link. A box will be shown, where the user can set the preferred shortcut:
The code for the "Remap shortcut" extension is posted in this answer.

How do I remove a shortcut in Textmate?

Whenever I hit CMD + R in TextMate (version 1.5.11), it opens Safari.
How do I disable that shortcut, or at least make it open Chrome instead?
Couldn't find anything on TextMate preferences, neither on system preferences's application shortcuts.

Odd behavior of backspace in Vim (SSH to Linux from Mac)

I didn't change any setting of my Vim, but today the Backspace gets some crazy behavior. Every time when I hit it, it does not delete a character, but prints ^?. Anyone knows what is going on?
Not sure why it would randomly start doing this based on the information you gave, but trying adding this line to your .vimrc
set backspace=start,eol,indent
The problem comes from the communication between Mac Terminal the Linux Terminal.
Go to the Mac Terminal -> Preferences -> Advanced tab, check the option "Delete sends Ctrl-H". Then after I login to Linux, and Backspace works just fine in Vim.
In Mac Mavricks and Yosemite Open a terminal, then command+, for preferences, click on the profile tab, click on the -keyboard- menu, then add +
Key: very bottom, <= Delete
Modifier: ^ Control
Action: Send Text
Text: H
click Ok

Is there any way of easily refreshing a website coded in G(Vim)?

I realized that I waste 10% of my time changing windows between Vim and Firefox.
Alt + Tab + F5 (and sometimes a get the wrong window).
Is there a way of making this task easier?
I thought of the following:
Embending vim to firefox (I think it is impossible).
Making a Vim shortcut which sends me to Firefox's window.
Any suggestions?
Technically, I guess this ain't proper answer, but You might benefit from these tools.
For Chrome - try LiveReload.
For Firefox - try XRefresh.
Here's a Vim shortcut to open the current file in Firefox. It should work on Ubuntu, though I'm not in front of my Linux machine to test. You can add it to your ~/.vimrc
map <Leader>p :!firefox %<CR><CR> " Preview the current html file in Firefox
If you're looking for varations on that same theme, there are quite a few similar tips on the Vim wiki. Check the duplicate links tip at the top and the "See Also" links at the bottom.
If you are on Windows, AutoHotKey is a good free option.
You could assign a key combination to activate the Firefox browser, send the F5 key to Firefox, and then return focus to Vim.
Benefits of AutoHotKey:
You could have logic that checks whether the Firefox is open, and if it is not open, open it.
You could use the AutoHotKey Window Spy tool to actually activate Firefox. Alt+Tab will fail if you've activated another window in between Vim and Firefox.
See for example:
