pandas merged data length - python-3.x

I have two data frames, each has one column with the same values (and equal length) but different order as in simplified example;
I want to know the corresponding index of each row in df1 in df2 and do;
df= pd.merge(df1.reset_index(), df2.reset_index(), on=['names'])
this works and as expected for this example,the length of the data frames are equal len(df1)=len(df2)=len(df)
However in my real data, len(df1)=len(df2)=1714 and len(df)=1676
I am puzzled, how is this possible?
I just did an experiment and added duplicates.
df= pd.merge(df1.reset_index(), df2.reset_index(), on=['names'])
This gives len(df)=8 larger than len(df1)=len(df2)=6.
But in my real data df is smaller than individual df lengths.

Since pandas merge default is inner join , when you not specific the method of how , it will only output the row both in two dfs
For example :
pd.merge(df1.reset_index(), df2.reset_index(), on=['names'])
index_x names index_y
0 0 a 2
0 a
1 a
2 a
3 a


Filter Dataframe by comparing one column to list of other columns

I have a dataframe with numerous float columns. I want to filter the dataframe, leaving only the values that are inbetween the High and Low columns of the same dataframe.
I know how to do this when the conditions are one column compared to another column. But there are 102 columns, so I cannot write a condition for each column. And all my research just illustrates how to compare two columns and not one column against all others (or I am not typing the right search terms).
I tried df= df[ (df['High'] <= df[DFColRBs]) & (df['Low'] >= df[DFColRBs])].copy() But it erases everything.
and I tried booleanselction = df[ (df[DFColRBs].between(df['High'],df['Low'])]
and I tried: df= df[(df[DFColRBs].ge(df['Low'])) & (df[DFColRBs].le(df['Low']))].copy()
and I tried:
BoolMatrix = (df[DFColRBs].ge(DF_copy['Low'], axis=0)) & (df[DFColRBs].le(DF_copy['Low'], axis=0))
df= df[BoolMatrix].copy()
But it erases everything in dataframe, even 3 columns that are not included in the list.
I appreciate the guidance.
Example Dataframe:
High Low Close _1m_21 _1m_34 _1m_55 _1m_89 _1m_144 _1m_233 _5m_21 _5m_34 _5m_55
0 1.23491 1.23456 1.23456 1.23401 1.23397 1.23391 1.2339 1.2337 1.2335 1.23392 1.23363 1.23343
1 1.23492 1.23472 1.23472 1.23422 1.23409 1.234 1.23392 1.23375 1.23353 1.23396 1.23366 1.23347
2 1.23495 1.23479 1.23488 1.23454 1.23422 1.23428 1.23416 1.23404 1.23372 1.23415 1.234 1.23367
3 1.23494 1.23472 1.23473 1.23457 1.23425 1.23428 1.23417 1.23405 1.23373 1.23415 1.234 1.23367
Based on what you've said in the comments, best to split the df into the pieces you want to operate on and the ones you don't, then use matrix operations.
tmp_df = DF_copy.iloc[:, 3:].copy()
# or tmp_df = DF_copy[DFColRBs].copy()
# mask by comparing test columns with the high and low columns
m = tmp_df.le(DF_copy['High'], axis=0) &['Low'], axis=0)
# combine the masked df with the original cols
DF_copy2 = pd.concat([DF_copy.iloc[:, :3], tmp_df.where(m)], axis=1)
# or replace with DF_copy.iloc[:, :3] with DF_copy.drop(columns=DFColRBs)

How to get number of columns in a DataFrame row that are above threshold

I have a simple python 3.8 DataFrame with 8 columns (simply labeled 0, 1, 2, etc.) with approx. 3500 rows. I want a subset of this DataFrame where there are at least 2 columns in each row that are above 1. I would prefer not to have to check each column individually, but be able to check all columns. I know I can use the .any(1) to check all the columns, but I need there to be at least 2 columns that meet the threshold, not just one. Any help would be appreciated. Sample code below:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({0:[1,1,1,1,100],
Easiest way I can think to sort/filter later would be to create another column at the end df[9] that houses the count:
df[9] = df.apply(lambda x: x.count() if x > 2, axis=1)
This code doesn't work, but I feel like it's close?
(df>1).sum(axis=1) gives the number of columns in that row that is greater than 1.
then with >=2 we filter those rows with at least 2 columns that meet the condition --which we counted as explained in the previous bullet
The value of x in the lambda is a Series, which can be indexed like this.
df[9] = df.apply(lambda x: x[x > 2].count(), axis=1)

How to call a created funcion with pandas apply to all rows (axis=1) but only to some specific rows of a dataframe?

I have a function which sends automated messages to clients, and takes as input all the columns from a dataframe like the one below.
I iterate through the dataframe with a pandas apply (axis=1) and use the values on the columns of each row as inputs to my function. At the end of it, after sending, it changes the status to "sent". The thing is I only want to send to the clients whose date reference is "today". Now, with pandas.apply(axis=1) this is perfectly doable, but in order to slice the clients with "today" value, I need to:
create a new dataframe with today's value,
remove it from the original, and then
reappend it to the original.
I thought about running through the whole dataframe and ignore the rows which have dates different than "today", but if my dataframe keeps growing, I'm afraid of the whole process becoming slower.
I saw examples of this being done with mask, although usually people only use 1 column, and I need more than just the one. Is there any way to do this with pandas apply?
Thank you.
I think you can use .loc to filter the data and apply func to it.
In [13]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(5,5))
In [14]: df
0 1 2 3 4
0 0.085870 0.013683 0.221890 0.533393 0.622122
1 0.191646 0.331533 0.259235 0.847078 0.649680
2 0.334781 0.521263 0.402030 0.973504 0.903314
3 0.189793 0.251130 0.983956 0.536816 0.703726
4 0.902107 0.226398 0.596697 0.489761 0.535270
if we want double the values of rows where the value in first column > 0.3
0 1 2 3 4
2 0.334781 0.521263 0.402030 0.973504 0.903314
4 0.902107 0.226398 0.596697 0.489761 0.535270
In [18]: df.loc[df[0] > 0.3] = df.loc[df[0] > 0.3].apply(lambda x: x*2, axis=1)
In [19]: df
0 1 2 3 4
0 0.085870 0.013683 0.221890 0.533393 0.622122
1 0.191646 0.331533 0.259235 0.847078 0.649680
2 0.669563 1.042527 0.804061 1.947008 1.806628
3 0.189793 0.251130 0.983956 0.536816 0.703726
4 1.804213 0.452797 1.193394 0.979522 1.070540

pandas - grouping values by pair of columns and pivoting

Been struggling to think what to do here, pivoting and melting and whatnot doesn't seem to be working out. I was trying to join the names of the to/from destinations together and then re-order the combined names but it was a total mess
My data concerns flows from one location to another, it's in the format:
pd.DataFrame(columns=['from_location','to_location','flow'],data =[['a','b',1],['b','a',3]])
from_location to_location flow
0 a b 1
1 b a 3
but my output needs to be the format:
pd.DataFrame(columns=['connection','flow','back flow','net'],data =[['a -> b',1,3,2]])
connection flow back flow net
0 a -> b 1 3 2
Any nice built in functions that can rearrange things like this? I'm not even sure what keywords to search by
#df = df.sort_values(['from_location','to_location'])
df1 = pd.DataFrame(np.sort(df[['from_location','to_location']], axis=1),
columns=list('ab'), index=df.index)
s = df1['a'] + ' -> ' + df1['b']
df2 = df.groupby(s)['flow'].agg(['first','last']).assign(net=lambda x: x['last'] - x['first'])
print (df2)
first last net
a -> b 1 3 2
If necessary first sort_values if possible some paired rows are swapped
Sort columns per rows by numpy.sort and join columns together with splitter
Then groupby by joined values and aggregate by agg with first and last
Last if need subtract columns add new column by assign

Pandas sort not maintaining sort

What is the right way to multiply two sorted pandas Series?
When I run the following
import pandas as pd
x = pd.Series([1,3,2])
w = [1]*3
I get what I would expect - [1,2,3]
However, when I change it to a Series:
w = pd.Series(w)
It appears to multiply based on the index of the two series, so it returns [1,3,2]
Your results are essentially the same, just sorted differently.
>>> w*x
0 1
2 2
1 3
>>> pd.Series(w)*x
0 1
1 3
2 2
>>> (w*x).sort_index()
0 1
1 3
2 2
The rule is basically this: Anytime you multiply a dataframe or series by a dataframe or series, it will be done by index. That's what makes it pandas and not numpy. As a result, any pre-sorting is necessarily ignored.
But if you multiply a dataframe or series by a list or numpy array of a conforming shape/size, then the list or array will be treated as having the exact same index as the dataframe or series. The pre-sorting of the series or dataframe can be preserved in this case because there can not be any conflict with the list or array (which don't have an index at all).
Both of these types of behavior can be very desirable depending on what you are trying do. That's why you will often see answers here that do something like df1 * df2.values when the second type of behavior is desired.
In this example, it doesn't really matter because your list is [1,1,1] and gives the same answer either way, but if it was [1,2,3] you would get different answers, not just differently sorted answers.
