Spark-redis: dataframe writing times too slow - apache-spark

I am an Apache Spark/Redis user and recently I tried spark-redis for a project. The program is generating PySpark dataframes with approximately 3 million lines, that I am writing in a Redis database using the command
df.write \
.format("org.apache.spark.sql.redis") \
.option("table", "person") \
.option("key.column", "name") \
as suggested at the GitHub project dataframe page.
However, I am getting inconsistent writing times for the same Spark cluster configuration (same number of EC2 instances and instance types). Sometimes it happens very fast, sometimes too slow. Is there any way to speed up this process and get consistent writing times? I wonder if it happens slowly when there are a lot of keys inside already, but it should not be an issue for a hash table, should it?

This could be a problem with your partition strategy.
Check Number of Partitions of "df" before writing and see if there is a relation between number of partitions and execution time.
If so, partitioning your "df" with suitable partiton stratigy (Re-partitioning to a fixed number of partitions or re-partitioning based on a column value) should resolve the problem.
Hope this helps.


In Apache Spark's `bucketBy`, how do you generate 1 file per bucket instead of 1 file per bucket per partition?

I am trying to use Spark's bucketBy feature on a pretty large dataset.
.bucketBy(500, bucketColumn1, bucketColumn2)
.option("path", "s3://my-bucket")
The problem is that my Spark cluster has about 500 partitions/tasks/executors (not sure the terminology), so I end up with files that look like:
That's 500x500=250000 bucketed parquet files! It takes forever for the FileOutputCommitter to commit that to S3.
Is there a way to generate one file per bucket, like in Hive? Or is there a better way to deal with this problem? As of now it seems like I have to choose between lowering the parallelism of my cluster (reduce number of writers) or reducing the parallelism of my parquet files (reduce number of buckets).
In order to get 1 file per final bucket do the following. Right before writing the dataframe as table repartition it using exactly same columns as ones you are using for bucketing and set the number of new partitions to be equal to number of buckets you will use in bucketBy (or a smaller number which is a divisor of number of buckets, though I don't see a reason to use a smaller number here).
In your case that would probably look like this:
dataframe.repartition(500, bucketColumn1, bucketColumn2)
.bucketBy(500, bucketColumn1, bucketColumn2)
.option("path", "s3://my-bucket")
In the cases when you're saving to an existing table you need to make sure the types of columns are matching exactly (e.g. if your column X is INT in dataframe, but BIGINT in the table you're inserting into your repartitioning by X into 500 buckets won't match repartitioning by X treated as BIGINT and you'll end up with each of 500 executors writing 500 files again).
Just to be 100% clear - this repartitioning will add another step into your execution which is to gather the data for each bucket on 1 executor (so one full data reshuffle if the data was not partitioned same way before). I'm assuming that is exactly what you want.
It was also mentioned in comments to another answer that you'll need to be prepared for possible issues if your bucketing keys are skewed. It is true, but default Spark behavior doesn't exactly help you much if the first thing you do after loading the table is to aggregate/join on the same columns you bucketed by (which seems like a very possible scenario for someone who chose to bucket by these columns). Instead you will get a delayed issue and only see the skewness when try to load the data after the writing.
In my opinion it would be really nice if Spark offered a setting to always repartition your data before writing a bucketed table (especially when inserting into existing tables).
This should solve it.
.bucketBy(1, bucketColumn1, bucketColumn2)
.option("path", "s3://my-bucket")
Modify the Input Parameter for the BucketBy Function to 1.
You can look at the code of bucketBy from spark's git repository -
The first split part-00001, part-00002 is based on the number of parallel tasks running when you save the bucketed table. In your case you had 500 parallel tasks running. The number of files inside each part file is decided based on the input you provide for the bucketBy function.
To learn more about Spark tasks, partitions, executors, view my Medium articles -

Spark Cluster configuration

I'm using a spark cluster with of two nodes each having two executors(each using 2 cores and 6GB memory).
Is this a good cluster configuration for a faster execution of my spark jobs?
I am kind of new to spark and I am running a job on 80 million rows of data which includes shuffling heavy tasks like aggregate(count) and join operations(self join on a dataframe).
Showing Insufficient resources for my executors while reading the data.
On a smaller dataset, it's taking a lot of time.
What should be my approach and how can I do away with my bottlenecks?
Any suggestion would be highly appreciable.
query= "(Select x,y,z from table) as df"
jdbcDF ="jdbc").option("url", mysqlUrl) \
.option("dbtable", query) \
.option("user", mysqldetails[2]) \
.option("password", mysqldetails[3]) \
.option("numPartitions", "1000")\
This gives me a dataframe which on jdbcDF.rdd.getNumPartitions() gives me value of 1. Am I missing something here?. I think I am not parallelizing my dataset.
There are different ways to improve the performance of your application. PFB some of the points which may help.
Try to reduce the number of records and columns for processing. As you have mentioned you are new to spark and you might not need all 80 million rows, so you can filter the rows to whatever you require. Also, select the columns which is required but not all.
If you are using some data frequently then try considering caching the data, so that for the next operation it will be read from the memory.
If you are joining two DataFrames and if one of them is small enough to fit in memory then you can consider broadcast join.
Increasing the resources might not improve the performance of your application in all cases, but looking at your configuration of the cluster, it should help. It might be good idea to throw some more resources and check the performance.
You can also try using Spark UI to monitor your application and see if there are few task which are taking long time than others. Then probably you need to deal with skewness of your data.
You can try considering to Partition your data based on the columns which you are using in your filter criteria.

How to avoid writing empty json files in Spark [duplicate]

I am reading from Kafka queue using Spark Structured Streaming. After reading from Kafka I am applying filter on the dataframe. I am saving this filtered dataframe into a parquet file. This is generating many empty parquet files. Is there any way I can stop writing an empty file?
df = spark \
.readStream \
.format("kafka") \
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", KafkaServer) \
.option("subscribe", KafkaTopics) \
Transaction_DF = df.selectExpr("CAST(value AS STRING)")
decompDF ="value").alias("decompress"))
filterDF = decomDF.filter(.....)
query = filterDF .writeStream \
.option("path", outputpath) \
.option("checkpointLocation", RawXMLCheckpoint) \
Is there any way I can stop writing an empty file.
Yes, but you would rather not do it.
The reason for many empty parquet files is that Spark SQL (the underlying infrastructure for Structured Streaming) tries to guess the number of partitions to load a dataset (with records from Kafka per batch) and does this "poorly", i.e. many partitions have no data.
When you save a partition with no data you will get an empty file.
You can use repartition or coalesce operators to set the proper number of partitions and reduce (or even completely avoid) empty files. See Dataset API.
Why would you not do it? repartition and coalesce may incur performance degradation due to the extra step of shuffling the data between partitions (and possibly nodes in your Spark cluster). That can be expensive and not worth doing it (and hence I said that you would rather not do it).
You may then be asking yourself, how to know the right number of partitions? And that's a very good question in any Spark project. The answer is fairly simple (and obvious if you understand what and how Spark does the processing): "Know your data" so you can calculate how many is exactly right.
I recommend using repartition(partitioningColumns) on the Dataframe resp. Dataset and after that partitionBy(partitioningColumns) on the writeStream operation to avoid writing empty files.
The bottleneck if you have a lot of data is often the read performance with Spark if you have a lot of small (or even empty) files and no partitioning. So you should definitely make use of the file/directory partitioning (which is not the same as RDD partitioning).
This is especially a problem when using AWS S3.
The partitionColumns should fit your common queries when reading the data like timestamp/day, message type/Kafka topic, ...
See also the partitionBy documentation on
Partitions the output by the given columns on the file system. If specified, the output is laid out on the file system similar to Hive's partitioning scheme. As an example, when we partition a dataset by year and then month, the directory layout would look like:
year=2016/month=01/, year=2016/month=02/
Partitioning is one of the most widely used techniques to optimize physical data layout. It provides a coarse-grained index for skipping unnecessary data reads when queries have predicates on the partitioned columns. In order for partitioning to work well, the number of distinct values in each column should typically be less than tens of thousands.
This is applicable for all file-based data sources (e.g. Parquet, JSON) staring Spark 2.1.0.
you can try with repartitionByRange(column)..
I used this while writing dataframe to HDFS .. It solved my empty file creation issue.
If you are using yarn client mode, then setting the num of executor cores to 1 will solve the problem. This means that only 1 task will be run at any time per executor.

Writing a dataframe to disk taking an unrealistically long time in Pyspark (Spark 2.1.1)

I'm running Pyspark on a single server with multiple CPUs. All other operations (reading, joining, filtering, custom UDFs) are executed quickly except for writing to disk. The dataframe I'm trying to save is of size around ~400 gb with 200 partitions.
The driver memory is 16g, and working directory has enough space (> 10TB)
I'm trying to save using the following command:
Wondering if anyone has run into the same issue. Also will changing any of the config parameters before pyspark is invoked help solve the issue?
Edits (a few clarifications):
When I mean other operations were executed quickly, there was always an action after transformation, in my case they were row counts. So all the operations were executed super fast. Still haven't gotten around why writing takes such a ridiculous amount of time.
One of my colleagues brought up the fact that the disks in our server might have a limit on concurrent writing which might be slowing things down, still investigating on this. Interested in knowing if others are seeing slow write times on a Spark cluster too. I have confirmation from one user regarding this on AWS cluster.
All other operations (reading, joining, filtering, custom UDFs)
There are because there are transformations - they don't do anything until data has to be saved.
The dataframe I'm trying to save is of size around ~400 gb
I'm trying to save using the following command:
That just cannot work well. Even ignoring part where you use a single machine, saving 400GB with a single thread (!) is just hopeless. Even if it succeeds, it is not better than using plain bash script.
Skipping over Spark - sequential writes for 400GB will take a substantial amount of time, even on average size disk. And given multiple shuffle (join, repartition) data will be written to disk multiple times.
After a lot of trial and error, I realized that the issue was due to the method I used to read the file from disk. I was using the in-built read.csv function, and when I switched over to the read function in databricks-csv package the problem went away. I'm now able to write files to disk at a reasonable time. It's really strange, maybe it's a bug in 2.1.1 or databricks csv package is really optimized. method
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession \
.builder \
.appName("model") \
.config("spark.worker.dir", "xxxx") \
df ="file.csv", format="csv", header = True)
2.Using the databricks-csv package
from pyspark.sql import SQLContext
sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)
df ='com.databricks.spark.csv').options(header='true', inferschema='true').load('file.csv')

How to avoid empty files while writing parquet files?

I am reading from Kafka queue using Spark Structured Streaming. After reading from Kafka I am applying filter on the dataframe. I am saving this filtered dataframe into a parquet file. This is generating many empty parquet files. Is there any way I can stop writing an empty file?
df = spark \
.readStream \
.format("kafka") \
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", KafkaServer) \
.option("subscribe", KafkaTopics) \
Transaction_DF = df.selectExpr("CAST(value AS STRING)")
decompDF ="value").alias("decompress"))
filterDF = decomDF.filter(.....)
query = filterDF .writeStream \
.option("path", outputpath) \
.option("checkpointLocation", RawXMLCheckpoint) \
Is there any way I can stop writing an empty file.
Yes, but you would rather not do it.
The reason for many empty parquet files is that Spark SQL (the underlying infrastructure for Structured Streaming) tries to guess the number of partitions to load a dataset (with records from Kafka per batch) and does this "poorly", i.e. many partitions have no data.
When you save a partition with no data you will get an empty file.
You can use repartition or coalesce operators to set the proper number of partitions and reduce (or even completely avoid) empty files. See Dataset API.
Why would you not do it? repartition and coalesce may incur performance degradation due to the extra step of shuffling the data between partitions (and possibly nodes in your Spark cluster). That can be expensive and not worth doing it (and hence I said that you would rather not do it).
You may then be asking yourself, how to know the right number of partitions? And that's a very good question in any Spark project. The answer is fairly simple (and obvious if you understand what and how Spark does the processing): "Know your data" so you can calculate how many is exactly right.
I recommend using repartition(partitioningColumns) on the Dataframe resp. Dataset and after that partitionBy(partitioningColumns) on the writeStream operation to avoid writing empty files.
The bottleneck if you have a lot of data is often the read performance with Spark if you have a lot of small (or even empty) files and no partitioning. So you should definitely make use of the file/directory partitioning (which is not the same as RDD partitioning).
This is especially a problem when using AWS S3.
The partitionColumns should fit your common queries when reading the data like timestamp/day, message type/Kafka topic, ...
See also the partitionBy documentation on
Partitions the output by the given columns on the file system. If specified, the output is laid out on the file system similar to Hive's partitioning scheme. As an example, when we partition a dataset by year and then month, the directory layout would look like:
year=2016/month=01/, year=2016/month=02/
Partitioning is one of the most widely used techniques to optimize physical data layout. It provides a coarse-grained index for skipping unnecessary data reads when queries have predicates on the partitioned columns. In order for partitioning to work well, the number of distinct values in each column should typically be less than tens of thousands.
This is applicable for all file-based data sources (e.g. Parquet, JSON) staring Spark 2.1.0.
you can try with repartitionByRange(column)..
I used this while writing dataframe to HDFS .. It solved my empty file creation issue.
If you are using yarn client mode, then setting the num of executor cores to 1 will solve the problem. This means that only 1 task will be run at any time per executor.
