MongoDB - find one and add a new property - node.js

Background: Im developing an app that shows analytics for inventory management.
It gets an office EXCEL file uploaded, and as the file uploads the app convert it to an array of JSONs. Then, it comapers each json object with the objects in the DB, change its quantity according to the XLS file, and add a timestamp to the stamps array which contain the changes in qunatity.
For example:
after the XLS upload, lets say we sold 10 units, it should look like that:
"stamps":[{"1548147562": -10}]
Right now i cant find the right commands for mongoDB to do it, Im developing in Node.js and Angular, Would love to read some ideas.
for (let i = 0; i < products.length; i++) {
{"_id": products[i]['id']},

You would need two operations here. The first will be to get an array of documents from the db that match the ones in the JSON array. From the list you compare the 'product_quantity' keys and if there is a change, create a new array of objects with the product id and change in quantity.
The second operation will be an update which uses this new array with the change in quantity for each matching product.
Armed with this new array of updated product properties, it would be ideal to use a bulk update for this as looping through the list and sending
each update request to the server can be computationally costly.
Consider using the bulkWrite method which is on the model. This accepts an array of write operations and executes each of them of which a typical update operation
for your use case would have the following structure
{ updateOne :
"filter" : <document>,
"update" : <document>,
"upsert" : <boolean>,
"collation": <document>,
"arrayFilters": [ <filterdocument1>, ... ]
So your operations would follow this pattern:
(async () => {
let bulkOperations = []
const ids ={ id }) => id)
const matchedProducts = await ProductDatabase.find({
'_id': { '$in': ids }
for(let product in products) {
const [matchedProduct,] = matchedProducts.filter(p => p._id ===
const { _id, product_quantity } = matchedProduct
const changeInQuantity = product.product_quantity - product_quantity
if (changeInQuantity !== 0) {
const stamps = { [(new Date()).getTime()] : changeInQuantity }
'updateOne': {
'filter': { _id },
'update': {
'$inc': { 'product_quantity': changeInQuantity },
'$push': { stamps }
const bulkResult = await ProductDatabase.bulkWrite(bulkOperations)

You can use mongoose's findOneAndUpdate to update the existing value of a document.
"use strict";
const ids = => x._id);
let operations = => {
return ProductsDatabase.find({
_id: {
$in: ids
}).then(products => {
return => {
return ProductsDatabase.findOneAndUpdate({
_id: // or product._id
}, {
sku: xlProductData.sku,
product_name: xlProductData.product_name,
product_cost: xlProductData.product_cost,
product_price: xlProductData.product_price,
Warehouse: xlProductData.Warehouse,
product_quantity: productData.product_quantity - xlProductData.product_quantity,
$push: {
stamps: {
[new Date().getTime()]: -1 * xlProductData.product_quantity
updated_at: new Date()
}, {
upsert: false,
returnNewDocument: true
Promise.all(operations).then(() => {
console.log('All good');
}).catch(err => {
console.log('err ', err);


Building a product-filter in NodeJS/MongoDB: only works when selecting all filters

I am building a product-filter in nodeJS. It works when i hard-code the following find()
const products = await Product.find({
price: {
$gte: price[0],
$lte: price[1],
}, category: categories, shipping: shipping})
The problem is of course that it only gives result if entered all the search options in the front-end.
However i also want the filter to work if i choose to NOT enter all the search options.
Thus i came up with the following code, to store all filters in an array, but it doesn't give any results.
The output of the array is =
{ price: { '$gte': 0, '$lte': 40820 } },
category: [
{ shipping: 'Yes' }
] <<<_--- content of searchArry????
This is my code, but it returns no results =
exports.searchFilters = async (req, res) => {
try {
const categories = req.body.categoryIds;
const price = req.body.price;
const shipping = req.body.shipping;
console.log(price, "<<<------- price data received in backend???");
console.log(categories, "<<--- categories data received in backend???");
console.log(shipping, "<<---- shipping data received in backend");
const searchArray = [];
if (req.body.price) {
const price = {
$gte: req.body.price[0],
$lte: req.body.price[1],
searchArray.push({ "price" : price });
if (req.body.categoryIds) {
searchArray.push({ "category" : categories });
if (req.body.shipping) {
searchArray.push({ "shipping" : shipping });
console.log(searchArray, "<<<_--- content of searchArry????");
const products = await Product.find({searchArray})
.populate("category", "_id name")
.populate("subs", "_id name")
.populate("postedBy", "_id name")
// console.log(products, "<<--producte?? ") console.log(products.length, "<<--- lengte") } catch(err) { console.log(err); }}
} catch(err) {
Your hardcoded call looks like this:
Product.find({price, category, shipping}) // the arg is an object
And the second call (with searchArray) looks like:
Product.find({searchArray: [{price}, {category}, {shipping}]}) // the arg is an object containing an array of objects
Try merging the elements of searchArray into a single object:
Product.find(Object.assign({}, ...searchArray))
Note: Be aware that {variableName} is a shorthand for {variableName: variableName} or {"variableName": variableName}.

Update json value in mongodb

I Need to update the JSON value in MongoDB.
INR: 71.7406004869,
BRL: 4.1883509152,
RUB: 63.6918221982,
HRK: 6.7076909206,
TRY: 5.6890271391,
CNY: 7.0266883058,
NOK: 9.1081056713,
NZD: 1.5543233252,
ZAR: 14.6645929132,
USD: 1,
MXN: 19.4436029213,
My-schema :
id : 1
name: US Dollar
id : 2
name: Indian rupees
rate: 70.018
How to update multiple documents in the collections where I need to check the 'code' field and then update 'rate' field.
Since assuming you are using mongoose as the ODM, to update multiple documents from the object Moldel.bulkWrite() api can be used to have a single round trip to db and update the corresponding documents.
const rateData = {
INR: 71.7406004869,
BRL: 4.1883509152,
RUB: 63.6918221982,
HRK: 6.7076909206,
TRY: 5.6890271391,
CNY: 7.0266883058,
NOK: 9.1081056713,
NZD: 1.5543233252,
ZAR: 14.6645929132,
USD: 1,
MXN: 19.4436029213
let bulkOps = [];
Object.keys(rateData).forEach((k, index) => {
updateOne: {
filter: { code: k },
update: { $set: {rate: rateData[k]} }
//Model.bulkWrite returns a promise allows using (then, catch)
.then(result => {"Bulk update information::", result);
.catch(e => {
console.error("Error at bulk update::", e);

Mongo/Node: Filtering By Single Properties?

I am dealing with a query with a criteria object that is being passed as the first argument to this query:
module.exports = (criteria, sortProperty, offset = 0, limit = 20) => {
// write a query that will follow sort, offset, limit options only
// do not worry about criteria yet
const query = Artist.find({ age: { $gte: 19, $lte: 44 } })
.sort({ [sortProperty]: 1 })
return Promise.all([query, Artist.count]).then(results => {
return {
all: results[0],
count: results[1],
offset: offset,
limit: limit
By default, the criteria object has a single name property that is an empty string.
The age property points to an object that has both min and max values assigned to it. I also have a yearsActive property inside of the criteria object and that also has a min and max value.
So three different properties: age, name and yearsActive.
This has been an extremely challenging one for me and if you look above that's as far as I got.
When my criteria property is console logged it only has a name { name: "" }. It has no yearsActive or age by default when it first starts. So that is where the point of the sliders come in. When I start moving these sliders around on the frontend, then it gets the age and yearsActive appended to the criteria object.
So I need to figure out how to update the query to consider for example the different ages and I have been considering using an if conditional inside a helper function.
Regarding to the comment that I left you.
You have three states at least one when you retrieve the data to the UI. In this case, I would recommend you use aggregation in order to retrieve the data as a model as your business.
For example, the problem as you have is that sometimes you don't know about the max or min value for age or yearsActive, but also you should have an identifier that could be an ObjectId which will be used to update the model identified by that property.
$match: { age: { $gte: 19, $lte: 44 } }
$sort: { yourProperty: 1 }
$skip: 10
$limit: 10
$project: {
// You set your properties to retrieve with the 1 as flag
propertieX: 1,
"": 1,
"age.max": {
$cond: {
if: { $eq: [ "", "$age.max" ] },
then: 0, // Or the value that you want to set it
else: "$age.max"
The other state is when you do the query according to the parameters that you're submitting from the form.
If you assurance to retrieve a model with the logic as you want. For example you should return this model in every request using $project and applying the default values when doesn't exist the manipulation in the front-end side as in the searching should be easy to manage.
age: {
yearsActive: {
Finally, when you would send the data to save it you should sent the entire model that you returned but the must important thing is identify only that element by the ObjectId to do the update.
NOTE: This is an approach that I will do according with the information that I understand from your question, If I'm bad with me interpretation let me know, and if you want to share more information or open a repository to understand in code, should more easy to me understand the problem.
So what I decided to do since the code would look messy to throw all inside the Artist.find({}) was to create a separate helper function:
const buildQuery = (criteria) => {
This helper function is being called with the criteria object and I have to form up the object in such a way that it will represent the query the way in which I want to search the Artist collection.
What made this difficult to wrap my head around was the not very well formed object for searching over a collection with its random properties such as age which has a min and a max which Mongo does not know how to deal with by default. MongoDB does not know what min and max mean exactly.
So inside the helper function I made a separate object to return from this function thats going to represent the actual query that I want to send off to Mongo.
const buildQuery = (criteria) => {
const query = {};
I am not modifying the object in anyway, I am just reading some of the desired search results or what the user wants to see from this UI object and so I made this object called query and I added the idea of age.
const buildQuery = (criteria) => {
const query = {};
query.age = {};
I decided to do an if conditional inside of the helper function for the specific age range that I want to find.
const buildQuery = (criteria) => {
const query = {};
if (criteria.age) {
query.age = {};
So this is where the Mongo query operators come into play. The two operators I want to be concerned with is the greater than or equal to ($gte) and the less than or equal to ($lte) operators.
This is how I actually implemented in practice:
const buildQuery = (criteria) => {
const query = {};
if (criteria.age) {
query.age = {
$gte: criteria.age.min,
$lte: criteria.age.max
The query object here will eventually be returned from the buildQuery function:
const buildQuery = (criteria) => {
const query = {};
if (criteria.age) {
query.age = {
$gte: criteria.age.min,
$lte: criteria.age.max
return query;
That query object will be passed off to the find operation:
module.exports = (criteria, sortProperty, offset = 0, limit = 20) => {
// write a query that will follow sort, offset, limit options only
// do not worry about criteria yet
const query = Artist.find(buildQuery(criteria))
.sort({ [sortProperty]: 1 })
return Promise.all([query, Artist.count]).then(results => {
return {
all: results[0],
count: results[1],
offset: offset,
limit: limit
const buildQuery = (criteria) => {
const query = {};
if (criteria.age) {
query.age = {
$gte: criteria.age.min,
$lte: criteria.age.max
return query;
So what I am doing here is to get the equivalent of Artist.find({ age: { $gte: minAge, $lte: maxAge }).
So for yearsActive I decided to implement something that is nearly identical:
const buildQuery = criteria => {
const query = {};
if (criteria.age) {
query.age = {
$gte: criteria.age.min,
$lte: criteria.age.max
if (criteria.yearsActive) {
return query;
So if the user changes the slider, I am going to expect my criteria object to have a yearsActive property defined on it like so:
const buildQuery = criteria => {
const query = {};
if (criteria.age) {
query.age = {
$gte: criteria.age.min,
$lte: criteria.age.max
if (criteria.yearsActive) {
query.yearsActive = {
$gte: criteria.yearsActive.min,
$lte: criteria.yearsActive.max
return query;

How can I group items close to each other without knowing the distribution?

I'm preparing some data about sold apartment prices for regression analysis. One category is what street the houses are on, but some streets have very different areas, so I want to make a category with the combination of construction year and street name.
Broadway 1910
Broadway 2001
Forexample my challenge is that sometimes the construction spans over several two years. The data is from Sweden, known for huge centralized housing projects. I would like to group these houses together into a period somehow. This is my current code. I know it's not very efficient, but it will only run once on a not huge dataset.
(async () =>{
let client;
try {
client = await MongoClient;
let collection = client.db("booliscraper").collection("sold");
let docs = await collection.find();
await docs.forEach((sale) => {
sale.street = sale.location.address.streetAddress.split(/[0-9]/)[0] + sale.location.namedAreas[0]
sale.streetYear = sale.street+" "+sale.constructionYear
collection.replaceOne({_id: ObjectId(sale._id)}, doc)
} catch(err) {
As you correctly said, your current code is inefficient when it comes to dealing with huge datasets so instead of making several calls to the server to do replaceOne within your forEach loop, you can create an aggregate query that computes the category fields you want with the $group pipeline and push the documents that fall into those categories into an array that you will later use to do a bulk update.
For the bulk update you can use bulkWrite method on the collection that will have multiple updateMany operations.
The following operation shows the intuition above in practice:
(async () => {
try {
let client = await MongoClient;
let collection = client.db("booliscraper").collection("sold");
let pipeline = [
{ '$group': {
'_id': {
'street': {
'$concat': [
'$arrayElemAt': [
{ '$split': [
] },
{ '$arrayElemAt': [ '$location.namedAreas', 0 ] },
'streetYear': { '$concat': ['$street', ' ', '$constructionYear'] }
'ids': { '$push': '$_id' }
} }
let docs = await collection.aggregate(pipeline);
let ops ={ _id, ids }) => ({
'updateMany': {
'filter': { '_id': { '$in': ids } },
'update': { '$set': {
'street': _id.street, 'streetYear': _id.streetYear
} }
let result = await collection.bulkWrite(ops);
} catch(err) {

mongodb/mongoose findMany - find all documents with IDs listed in array

I have an array of _ids and I want to get all docs accordingly, what's the best way to do it ?
Something like ...
// doesn't work ... of course ...
'_id' : [
}, function(err, docs){
The array might contain hundreds of _ids.
The find function in mongoose is a full query to mongoDB. This means you can use the handy mongoDB $in clause, which works just like the SQL version of the same.
'_id': { $in: [
}, function(err, docs){
This method will work well even for arrays containing tens of thousands of ids. (See Efficiently determine the owner of a record)
I would recommend that anybody working with mongoDB read through the Advanced Queries section of the excellent Official mongoDB Docs
Ids is the array of object ids:
const ids = [
Using Mongoose with callback:
Model.find().where('_id').in(ids).exec((err, records) => {});
Using Mongoose with async function:
const records = await Model.find().where('_id').in(ids).exec();
Or more concise:
const records = await Model.find({ '_id': { $in: ids } });
Don't forget to change Model with your actual model.
Combining Daniel's and snnsnn's answers:
let ids = ['id1', 'id2', 'id3'];
let data = await MyModel.find({
'_id': {
$in: ids
Simple and clean code. It works and tested against:
"mongodb": "^3.6.0",
"mongoose": "^5.10.0",
Use this format of querying
let arr = => new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(;
Item.find({ vendorId: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(_vendorId) , status:'Active'})
This code works for me just fine as of mongoDB v4.2 and mongoose 5.9.9:
const Ids = ['id1','id2','id3']
const results = await Model.find({ _id: Ids})
and the Ids can be of type ObjectId or String
Both node.js and MongoChef force me to convert to ObjectId. This is what I use to grab a list of users from the DB and fetch a few properties. Mind the type conversion on line 8.
// this will complement the list with userName and userPhotoUrl
// based on userId field in each item
augmentUserInfo = function(list, callback) {
var userIds = [];
var users = []; // shortcut to find them faster afterwards
for (l in list) { // first build the search array
var o = list[l];
if (o.userId) {
userIds.push(new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(o.userId)); // for Mongo query
users[o.userId] = o; // to find the user quickly afterwards
_id: {
$in: userIds
}).each(function(err, user) {
if (err) {
callback(err, list);
} else {
if (user && user._id) {
users[user._id].userName = user.fName;
users[user._id].userPhotoUrl = user.userPhotoUrl;
} else { // end of list
callback(null, list);
if you are using the async-await syntax you can use
const allPerformanceIds = ["id1", "id2", "id3"];
const findPerformances = await Performance.find({
_id: {
$in: allPerformanceIds
I tried like below and it works for me.
var array_ids = [1, 2, 6, 9]; // your array of ids
'_id': {
$in: array_ids
}).toArray(function(err, data) {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log("data", data);
I am using this query to find the files in mongo GridFs. I wanted to get the by its Ids.
For me this solution is working: Ids type of ObjectId.
.find({ _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId('618d1c8176b8df2f99f23ccb') })
.toArray((err, files) => {
if (!files || files.length === 0) {
return res.json('no file exist');
return res.json(files);
This is not working: Id type of string
.find({ _id: '618d1c8176b8df2f99f23ccb' })
.toArray((err, files) => {
if (!files || files.length === 0) {
return res.json('no file exist');
return res.json(files);
