VB Script for Excel taking very long time to calculate the values - excel

I am writing a vb script on excel below is my problem.
I have more than 20 sheets in excel and one main sheet (All Programs with 200 names). Each sheet has column with Names and 24months(Jan18 to Dec18, Jan19 to Dec20).
Each sheet names is subset of main sheet
Main sheet(All Programs) has 200 Names and 24 months (values to be calculated based on other sheets )
Other sheet has names and values for each month respective to main sheet
I need to take each name in main sheet and search the name all other sheet, if present sum all same column values and insert in main sheet .
For 1 name i need to do calculation on 34 cells (For 200 names * 34 cells = 6800 cells) . Its taking almost 20minutes with my above code. Is there any other way i can do it or any modification which improves the performance?
Below is my code and example
Thanks in advance.
Example :
Main Sheet has name "employee1"
Value on the main sheet should be calculated respect to months
Dim sheetCount As Integer
Dim datatoFind
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim mainSheet As String: mainSheet = "All Programs"
Dim nameColumnStart As String: nameColumnStart = "A"
Dim namesStart As Integer: namesStart = 1
Dim namesEnd As Integer: namesEnd = 200
Dim startColumn As Integer: startColumn = 10 'J Column'
Dim EndColumn As Integer: EndColumn = 33 'AG Column'
namesStart = InputBox("Please enter start value")
namesEnd = InputBox("Please enter end value")
Dim temp_str As String
Dim total As Single
On Error Resume Next
lastRow_main = ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
lastCol_main = 34
For vRow = namesStart To namesEnd
temp_str = Sheets(mainSheet).Cells(vRow, "A").Text
datatoFind = StrConv(temp_str, vbLowerCase)
For vCol = startColumn To EndColumn
total = Find_Data(vCol)
Worksheets(mainSheet).Cells(vRow, vCol).Value = total
Next vCol
Next vRow
'MsgBox ("Calculated all values")'
End Sub
Private Function Find_Data(ByVal ColumnName As Integer) As Single
Dim counter As Integer
Dim currentSheet As Integer
Dim sheetCount As Integer
Dim str As String
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim lastCol As Long
Dim val As Single
Find_Data = 0
currentSheet = ActiveSheet.Index
If datatoFind = "" Then Exit Function
sheetCount = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count
For counter = 2 To sheetCount
lastRow = ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
lastCol = ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Column
For vRow = 1 To lastRow
str = Sheets(counter).Cells(vRow, "A").Text
If InStr(1, StrConv(str, vbLowerCase), datatoFind) Then
val = Sheets(counter).Cells(vRow, ColumnName).Value
Find_Data = Find_Data + val
End If
Next vRow
Next counter
End Function

Why not collect the data on one sheet instead of different sheets?
Instead of sheets use a filter in column A!
And then use a pivot table to sum up everything!
The calculation is done in seconds!

Please try replace this code:
For vRow = namesStart To namesEnd
temp_str = Sheets(mainSheet).Cells(vRow, "A").Text
datatoFind = StrConv(temp_str, vbLowerCase)
For vCol = startColumn To EndColumn
total = Find_Data(vCol)
Worksheets(mainSheet).Cells(vRow, vCol).Value = total
Next vCol
Next vRow
With Sheets(mainSheet)
For vRow = namesStart To namesEnd
temp_str = .Cells(vRow, "A").Text
datatoFind = StrConv(temp_str, vbLowerCase)
For vCol = startColumn To EndColumn
total = Find_Data(vCol)
.Cells(vRow, vCol).Value = total
Next vCol
Next vRow
End With
And this code:
For vRow = 1 To lastRow
str = Sheets(counter).Cells(vRow, "A").Text
If InStr(1, StrConv(str, vbLowerCase), datatoFind) Then
val = Sheets(counter).Cells(vRow, ColumnName).Value
Find_Data = Find_Data + val
End If
Next vRow
replace with:
With Sheets(counter)
For vRow = 1 To lastRow
str = .Cells(vRow, "A").Text
If InStr(1, StrConv(str, vbLowerCase), datatoFind) Then
val = .Cells(vRow, ColumnName).Value
Find_Data = Find_Data + val
End If
Next vRow
End With


I need to take specific strings with letters and numbers from one sheet to another and sort them by three letters and numbers

I need help with writing some VBA that will read selected cells, ask for what you want to sort (for example you input FTA) and then it will take those three letters and the numbers following the "-" and put them into another sheet in the correct column. I will be adding more and more of these strings to cells and be able to run this multiple times till i use up all of the letter/number combinations. I have some code right now that just takes me to sheet labeled piece count and highlights cell E1. My sheets are called "Tracking log" and "Piece list"
Sub List()
Dim xLStr As String, xStrTmp As String
Dim xLStrLen As Long, xCount2 As Long, xCount As Long, I As Long, T As Long
Dim xCell As Range
Dim xArr
Dim xArr2
Dim xLnum As Long
On Error Resume Next
xLStr = Application.InputBox("What is the string to list:", , , , , , , 2) 'creates aplication box
If TypeName(xLStr) <> "String" Then Exit Sub '<> is not equal, "String" is the criteria
Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'nessecary for faster running time
xLStrLen = Len(xLStr) + Len(xLnum) 'sets string length to 7 in this case, len finds the length of a string
For Each xCell In Selection 'searches in the highlighted cells
xArr = Split(xCell.Value, xLStr) 'pulls the specific string that is to be searched
xCount = UBound(xArr)
If xCount > 0 Then
For I = 0 To xCount - 1
xCell.Copy (I)
Sheets("Piece list").Activate
' xArr2 = Split(xCell.Value, xLnum)
' xCount2 = UBound(xArr2)
' If xCount2 > 0 Then
' xStrTmp = ""
' For T = 0 To xCount2 - 1
' xStrTmp = xStrTmp & xArr2(T)
' xStrTmp = xStrTmp & xLStr
' Next
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
[Here is my list of letters and numbers separated with "-" and commas
[Here is where I would like to put them sorted into the right column and by number in descending order
Here are my sheets
Split the strings into separate items. Then split the items into parts such that each item becomes a row with 3 columns e.g. ABC-123,ABC,123. Sort the data by columns 2 and 3 and then tabulate by column 1 onto a results sheet.
Option Explicit
Sub macro()
Dim wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet, wsData As Worksheet, wsOut As Worksheet
Dim cell As Range, rng As Range, ar1 As Variant, ar2 As Variant
Dim n As Long, i As Long, r As Long, c As Long, iLastRow As Long
Dim s As String, prev As String
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Sheets(1) ' data in col A
Set wsData = wb.Sheets(2) ' temp sheet
Set wsOut = wb.Sheets(3) ' output
' scan sheet 1, seperate and output to sheet 2
i = 1
iLastRow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For r = 1 To iLastRow
s = ws.Cells(r, 1)
s = replace(s," ","") ' remove any spaces
If Len(s) > 0 Then
ar1 = Split(s, ",")
For n = 0 To UBound(ar1)
ar2 = Split(ar1(n), "-")
wsData.Cells(i, 1) = ar1(n)
wsData.Cells(i, 2) = ar2(0)
wsData.Cells(i, 3) = ar2(1)
i = i + 1
End If
iLastRow = i - 1
' sort on sheet 2
With wsData.Sort
.SetRange Range("A1:C" & iLastRow)
.SortFields.Add Key:=Range("B1:B" & iLastRow)
.SortFields.Add Key:=Range("C1:C" & iLastRow)
.MatchCase = False
.Orientation = xlTopToBottom
.SortMethod = xlPinYin
End With
' tabulate onto sheet 3
c = 0
r = 0
prev = ""
For i = 1 To iLastRow
s = wsData.Cells(i, 2) 'abc
If s <> prev Then
' start new column
c = c + 1
wsOut.Cells(1, c) = s
wsOut.Cells(2, c) = wsData.Cells(i, 1)
r = 3
wsOut.Cells(r, c) = wsData.Cells(i, 1)
r = r + 1
End If
prev = s
MsgBox "Done"
End Sub

Can I give an if statement by subtracting time?

Is there a way to make my VBA code work for my macro? I want my macro's if function to read the first column of each worksheet in my excel (it has as many sheets as days in the exact month i'm working on), read through each cell and if the currently read cell is equal to or larger than '15 minutes compared to the first cell, then the code would execute, otherwise go to the next cell in the first column.
This is the format of the worksheets i'm working on:
Power Consumption
Power Production
Inductive Power Consumption
2021.01.01. 8:12:38 +00:00
2021.01.01. 8:17:35 +00:00
... etc ,
And my code looks something like this:
Sub stackoverflow()
Dim w As Integer 'index of worksheets
Dim i As Integer 'row index that steps through the first column
Dim t As Integer 'reference row index i inspect the time to
Dim x As Integer 'row index where i want my data to be printed
Dim j As Integer 'col index
Dim Timediff As Date 'not sure if this is even needed
t = 2
j = 1
x = 1
'Timediff = ("00:15:00")
For w = 3 To ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count 'for every sheet from the 3rd to the last
lRow = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(w).Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row 'find the last row in each worksheet
lCol = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(w).Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column 'find the last column in each worksheet
For x = 2 To lRow
For i = 2 To lRow
'If the time in cell(i,j) is >= then cell(t,j) + 15 minutes,
If Cells(i, j) >= DateAdd("n", 15, Cells(t, j)) Then
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(w).Range(i, j).Copy ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(2).Range(x, j)
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(w).Range(i, j + 1).Copy ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(2).Range(x, j + 1)
'put the new reference point after the found 15 minute mark
t = i + 1
End If
Next i
Next x
Next w
End Sub
So all in all I want my code to notice when the first column reaches a 15 minute mark, and execute some code (subtracting the values of the 15 minute mark from the reference where it started, put the value in the'2nd sheet, and then step to the next cell, and repeat the process).
I'm not entirely sure which information you are attempting to copy to the second worksheet but the following code should be able to get you there pretty easily. Additionally, I've added a function that will fix the format of your TimeStamp field so that excel will recognize it and we can then do math with it
Sub TestA()
Dim xlCellA As Range
Dim xlCellB As Range
Dim xlCellC As Range
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim lRow As Long
Dim lCol As Long
Set xlCellA = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(2).Cells(2, 1)
For i = 3 To ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count
lRow = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(i).Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
lCol = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(i).Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Column
Set xlCellB = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(i).Cells(2, 1)
xlCellB.Value = FixFormat(xlCellB.Value)
xlCellB.Offset(0, lCol + 1).Value = "=DATEVALUE(MID(" & xlCellB.Address & ",1,10))+TIMEVALUE(MID(" & xlCellB.Address & ",12,8))"
For j = 3 To lRow
Set xlCellC = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(i).Cells(j, 1)
xlCellC.Value = FixFormat(xlCellC.Value)
xlCellC.Offset(0, lCol + 1).Value = "=DATEVALUE(MID(" & xlCellC.Address & ",1,10))+TIMEVALUE(MID(" & xlCellC.Address & ",12,8))"
If xlCellC.Offset(0, lCol + 1) - xlCellB.Offset(0, lCol + 1) >= ((1 / 24) / 4) Then
With xlCellA
.Value = xlCellC.Value
.Offset(0, 1).Value = xlCellC.Offset(0, 1).Value
End With
Set xlCellA = xlCellA.Offset(1, 0)
End If
Next j
Next i
Set xlCellA = Nothing
Set xlCellB = Nothing
Set xlCellC = Nothing
End Sub
Private Function FixFormat(ByVal dStr As String) As String
Dim tmpStr As String
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To Len(dStr)
If Mid(dStr, i, 1) <> "." Then
tmpStr = tmpStr & Mid(dStr, i, 1)
If Mid(dStr, i + 1, 1) <> " " Then tmpStr = tmpStr & "-"
End If
Next i
FixFormat = tmpStr
End Function
It's not really clear what needs to happen when the 15min threshold is met but this should get you most of the way there:
Sub stackoverflow()
Dim w As Long, Timediff As Double
Dim wb As Workbook, wsData As Worksheet, wsResults As Worksheet, col As Long
Dim baseRow As Range, dataRow As Range, rngData As Range, resultRow As Range
Timediff = 1 / 24 / 4 '(15min = 1/4 of 1/24 of a day)
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook 'or ThisWorkbook
Set wsResults = wb.Worksheets("Results")
'first row for recording results
Set resultRow = wsResults.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).EntireRow
For w = 3 To wb.Worksheets.Count 'for every sheet from the 3rd to the last
Set rngData = wb.Worksheets(w).Range("A1").CurrentRegion 'whole table
Set rngData = rngData.Offset(1, 0).Resize(rngData.Rows.Count - 1) 'exclude headers
Set baseRow = rngData.Rows(1) 'set comparison row
For Each dataRow In rngData.Rows 'loop over rows in data
If (dataRow.Cells(1).Value - baseRow.Cells(1).Value) > Timediff Then
resultRow.Cells(1).Value = dataRow.Cells(1) 'copy date
For col = 2 To dataRow.Cells.Count 'loop columns and subtract
resultRow.Cells(col).Value = _
dataRow.Cells(col).Value - baseRow.Cells(col).Value
Next col
Set resultRow = resultRow.Offset(1, 0)
Set baseRow = dataRow.Offset(1, 0) 'reset comparison row to next row
End If
Next dataRow
Next w
End Sub

Excel VBA Code pastes result into wrong range

A script that copies a range into another range. However, when I try to copy the range from Sheet1 to Sheet2 the result won't be pasted into column J, it get pasted with an offset of 8 columns (column R). I cant understand why? Both RowCountSummary and ColumnCountSummary are set to 0, i.e. first index of the range?
Sub InsertForecastData()
Dim ColumnsCount As Integer
Dim ColCounter As Integer
Dim RowsCount As Integer
Dim ForeCastRange As Range
Dim ForecastWS As Worksheet
Dim SummaryWs As Worksheet
Dim PasteRange As Range
Dim ColumnCountSummary As Integer
Dim RowCountSummary As Integer
ColumnsCount = 300
ColCounter = 0
RowsCount1 = 0
RowsCount2 = 47
ColumnCountSummary = 0
RowCountSummary = 0
Do While ColCounter <= ColumnsCount
Set ForeCastRange = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B2:KN49")
With ForeCastRange
.Range(.Cells(RowsCount1, ColCounter), .Cells(RowsCount2, ColCounter)).Copy
End With
Set PasteRange = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("J2:J13915")
With PasteRange
.Range(.Cells(RowCountSummary, ColumnCountSummary), .Cells(RowCountSummary + RowsCount2, ColumnCountSummary)).PasteSpecial
End With
RowCountSummary = RowCountSummary + 48
ColCounter = ColCounter + 1
End Sub
This behaviour has been encountered before and can seen with this simple demo
Sub test()
With Sheet1.Range("J3:J100")
Debug.Print .Range(.Cells(0, 0), .Cells(47, 0)).Address
End With
End Sub
which results in $R$4:$R$51. If you repeat run for the columns B to J the results are B,D,F,H,J,L,N,P showing the doubling effect. B is OK I think because of the zero column number.
You can probably fix your code by setting RowCountSummary = 1 and ColumnCountSummary = 1 and adding .parent
With PasteRange
.Parent.Range(.Cells(RowCountSummary, ColumnCountSummary), _
.Cells(RowCountSummary + RowsCount2, ColumnCountSummary)).PasteSpecial
End With
or you could try this
Sub InsertForecastData1()
Const columnCount As Integer = 3
Const rowCount As Integer = 48
Const sourceCol As String = "B"
Const targetCol As String = "J"
Const startRow As Integer = 2
Const records As Integer = 300
Dim rngSource as Range, rngTarget As Range
Dim start as Single, finish as Single
Set rngSource = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range(sourceCol & startRow)
Set rngSource = rngSource.Resize(rowCount, columnCount)
Set rngTarget = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range(targetCol & startRow)
start = Timer
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To records
'Debug.Print rngSource.Address, rngTarget.Address
rngSource.Copy rngTarget
Set rngSource = rngSource.Offset(rowCount, 0)
Set rngTarget = rngTarget.Offset(rowCount, 0)
Next i
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
finish = Timer
MsgBox "Completed " & records & " records in " & finish - start & " secs"
End Sub
See Remarks section the docs

VBA: Meet three criteria in a row and output average of other cells of these rows

I'm trying to search Rows in an Excel-File in which three criteria are met. They are in Columns K, L and AJ. If those Kriterias are met I want to look at the Price (Column AM). If there are multiple Rows who meet the criteria, I find an average price and You can see it in the output cell.
I dont know what I am doing wrong. I always get the MsgBox from the last if loop.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thanks a lot!
Option Explicit
Sub FindAndAverage()
Dim findenPN As String
Dim findenVend As String
Dim findenWS As String
Dim Preis As Double
Dim Added As Double
Dim Anzahl As Long
Dim iRow As Long
Dim RowMax As Long
Dim Avrg As Double
'fill Variables
findenPN = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("C3").Value
findenPN = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("C4").Value
findenPN = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("C5").Value
Preis = 0
Added = 0
Anzahl = 0
iRow = 2
Avrg = 0
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Activate
RowMax = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For iRow = 2 To RowMax
If Cells(iRow, 12).Value = findenPN And Cells(iRow, 11).Value = findenVend And Cells(iRow, 36).Value = findenWS Then
'Look fpor price in column AM
Preis = Cells(iRow, 39).Value
'Add price to other results
Added = Added + Preis
'go to next row
iRow = iRow + 1
'Add one for Average
Anzahl = Anzahl + 1
iRow = iRow + 1
End If
Next iRow
End With
If Anzahl > 0 Then
'Output in Sheet2
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").Activate
Avrg = Added / Anzahl
Range("C9").Value = Avrg
End With
MsgBox ("Kein Ergebniss!")
End If
End Sub
You don't really need VBA for that. Worksheet formula would be enough:
You are declaring 3 variables but you are leaving 2 empty for the rest of the code, validation will never meet this way.
Dim findenPN As String
Dim findenVend As String
Dim findenWS As String
'fill Variables
findenPN = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("C3").Value
findenPN = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("C4").Value
findenPN = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("C5").Value
You are missing to declare findenVend and findenWS Values.

Trying to create a specific loop in excel to get an output

bear with me on this question. I'm pretty sure it'll be easy for those who have knowledge in this field, but I do not know much about VBA or how to create loops in Excel to be creating this formula:
Please review the picture here
What I'm trying to construct is a loop that'll concatenate those numbers.
EX. I want to concatenate in this order A2,"-",B2; A3,"-",B2; A4,"-",B2.....A16,"-",B2
Once everything in A1- A16 is concatenated with B2, I want to move on to concatenating A1-A16 with B3.EX: A2,"-",B3; A3,"-",B3.....A16,"-",B3
I know this is possible because certain loops can be created to go through with this procedure, but I do not know VBA and am not sure if this is possible with just the pre-existing formulas in Excel. Thanks to anyone who helps.
From what you described, it's pretty simple nested loop. Below code will concatenate the way you wanted and store it to column C.
Sub MyConcat()
Const lColA As Long = 1
Const lColB As Long = 2
Const lColTxt As Long = 3 ' concatenated result in Column C
Dim oWS As Worksheet, sTxt As String
Dim lRowA As Long, lRowB As Long, lRowTxt As Long
Set oWS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1") ' Change this to match yours
lRowA = 1
lRowTxt = 1
oWS.Columns(lColTxt).Clear ' remove previous data on Column C
Do Until IsEmpty(oWS.Cells(lRowA, lColA))
sTxt = ""
lRowB = 2
Do Until IsEmpty(oWS.Cells(lRowB, lColB))
sTxt = oWS.Cells(lRowA, lColA).Text & "-" & oWS.Cells(lRowB, lColB).Text
oWS.Cells(lRowTxt, lColTxt) = sTxt
lRowB = lRowB + 1
lRowTxt = lRowTxt + 1
lRowA = lRowA + 1
Set oWS = Nothing
End Sub
EDIT: This should fit in many situations of number of Parent SKUs.
Usable on your data in second image, including another set of "TuTi" and Parent SKUs of different length. Please try understand it, it will be a whole page of explanations.
Private Const lColA As Long = 1
Private Const lColB As Long = 2
Private Const lColTxt As Long = 3 ' concatenated result in Column C
Dim oWS As Worksheet, sGroup As String, lRowCurr As Long, lRowTxt As Long
Sub MyConcat()
Dim oRng As Range, lStopRow As Long
Set oWS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1") ' Change this to match yours
lRowCurr = 1 ' Current Row index
lRowTxt = 1 ' Results from Row 1
sGroup = ""
With oWS
.Columns(lColTxt).Clear ' remove previous data on Column C
' Row of LastCell in current sheet + 1
lStopRow = .Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row + 1
' Row of "Ctrl-Up" from LastCell Row at column A
lStopRow = .Cells(lStopRow, lColA).End(xlUp).Row + 1
' Start processing rows until until StopRow in column A
Do Until lRowCurr = lStopRow
Set oRng = .Cells(lRowCurr, lColA)
If IsGroupCell(oRng) Then
sGroup = oRng.Value ' Stores Group text
ElseIf IsParentSKU(oRng) Then
Call MyConcat2 ' Invoke the mix sub that writes the result in column C
End If
lRowCurr = lRowCurr + 1
Set oRng = Nothing
End With
Set oWS = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub MyConcat2()
Dim sTxt As String, oRng As Range
Dim lRowA As Long, lRowB As Long
lRowA = lRowCurr + 1
Set oRng = oWS.Cells(lRowA, lColA)
' Stop mixing the values when it is a Group or Parent SKU row
Do Until IsGroupCell(oRng) Or IsParentSKU(oRng) Or IsEmpty(oRng)
sTxt = ""
lRowB = lRowCurr + 1
' Don't mix if it is a Parent SKU
Do Until IsParentSKU(oWS.Cells(lRowB, lColA)) Or IsEmpty(oWS.Cells(lRowB, lColB))
sTxt = oWS.Cells(lRowA, lColA).Text & "-" & oWS.Cells(lRowB, lColB).Text
oWS.Cells(lRowTxt, lColTxt) = sGroup & "-" & sTxt
lRowB = lRowB + 1
lRowTxt = lRowTxt + 1
lRowA = lRowA + 1
Set oRng = oWS.Cells(lRowA, lColA)
lRowCurr = lRowA - 1
Set oRng = Nothing
End Sub
Private Function IsGroupCell(oRng As Range) As Boolean
IsGroupCell = (Not IsNumeric(Left(oRng.Value, 1)) And IsEmpty(oRng.Offset(0, 1)))
End Function
Private Function IsParentSKU(oRng As Range) As Boolean
IsParentSKU = (IsNumeric(oRng.Value) And IsNumeric(oRng.Offset(0, 1).Value))
End Function
