AKS template creates new resource groups - azure

When I create an AKS cluster using Azure portal I can see that new resource groups are created. It seems that I have no control over how they are named, especially the one with with "MC_" prefix. I also don't see an option to change its name when using ARM template.
In addition, if I create a cluster in customer's subscription, where I only have access to 1 resource group, I don't even see the newly created RG and can't manage it.
Is there a way to force deployment of all AKS components into a single resource group?

No, there is no way to force it at this point in time. As for the access, you should request access to that RG. No real workarounds.
Secondary resource group name can be inferred, I think, its something like:
it also creates OMS resource group (if you enable OMS) and Network Watcher (this can be disabled, btw, but its a provider setting). you have no control over that as well.
there is a not implemented yet nodeResourceGroup property: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/aks/managedclusters/createorupdate#examples
EDIT: this is actually working right now, so the nodeResourceGroup property can be used. But it would still be a new resource group, so you would still need to request access to that group and using this property is not possible with the portal (so ARM Templates\pulumi\terraform)


Alternate Method for Azure Disaster Recovery

Currently for our Azure Disaster recovery plan we replicate workloads from a primary site/region to a secondary site. Where we mirror the source VM config and create required or associated resource groups, storage accounts, virtual networks, etc.
We are looking into an alternate method the wouldn't require a second resource group. This would require:
Use one, already existing resource group; i.e. testGroup-rg in East-US
Deploy new IaC components into the same RG but in Central-US
So in the singular resource group, if we wanted a function app, we would have two sets of components. testFuncApp in East-US and testFuncApp in Central-US.
This way we would only ever have one set of IaC created. Of course we would need to automate how to flow traffic etc. into a particular region if both exist.
Is this a possibility? If it is, is it even necessary/worth it?
Unfortunately there is no way to use the same RG. We need to have a resource group in target region if not Site Recovery creates a new resource group in the target region, with an "asr" suffix.

Azure resource groups and resources deployed to same locations

This is probably an elemental question, but why would you want to ensure that resources are deployed to the same locations as their resource groups? I'm getting out of compliance issues with HIPPA and from CloudSploit about this and I'd like to get some more details around it as I know it deals with meta data but I'm not crystal clear.
Thanks in advance
Resources within a resource group need not always be deployed in the same location as the resource group. But there is a built-in Azure Policy available to audit this condition that one may choose to enable.
The resource group location serves two purposes:
First: The resource group stores metadata about the resources. When you specify a location for the resource group, you're specifying where that metadata is stored. Now, for compliance reasons, you may need to ensure that your data is stored within a particular region.
Second: If the resource group's region is temporarily unavailable, you can't update resources in the resource group because the metadata is unavailable. The resources in other regions will still function as expected, but you can't update them.
For knowing more about the factors to consider while defining your resrouce groups, check the Azure Resource Manager documentation.

Apply NSG/ASG by default on new subnets (Azure)

We manage an Azure subscription operated by several countries. Each of them is quite independant about they can do (create/edit/remove resources). A guide of good practices has been sent to them, but we (security team) would like to ensure a set of NSG is systematically applied for every new subnet/vnet created.
Giving a look to Azure Triggers, I am not sure that subnet creation belongs to the auditable events. I also was told to give a look to Azure policy, but once again I am not sure this will match our expectations which are : For every new vnet/subnet, automatically apply a set of predefined NSG.
Do you have any idea about a solution for our need ?
I have done work like this in the past (not this exact issue) and the way I solved it was with an Azure Function that walked the subscription and looked for these kinds of issues. You could have the code run as a Managed Identity with Reader rights on the subscription to report issues, or as a Contributor to update the setting. Here's some code that shows how you could do this with PowerShell https://github.com/Azure/azure-policy/tree/master/samples/Network/enforce-nsg-on-subnet
You could consider using a Policy that has a DeployIfNotExists Action, to deploy an ARM template that contains all the data for the NSG. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/governance/policy/samples/pattern-deploy-resources
You can get the ARM template by creating the NSG and getting the template:
Note also that creating a subnet is audited, you can see it in the Activity Log for the VNet. See the screen shot.

How to know the origin resource group of a App Service Plan?

I have an Azure App Service Plan and a Web App. I want to move them to another subscription. There is a limitation that app service plan and app service must be moved together from the origin resource group of the app service plan. Someone had moved the resources from their origin resource group and deleted the resource group. Now, how can I find the name of the origin resource group ?
In some cases it can be found in the WebSpace property of app service plan. For example [ "webSpace": "RG-SK-MarkIII-CentralUSwebspace" ], RG-SK-MarkIII is the origin resource group of the app plan. But in my case the webSpace is like this ["webSpace": "AustraliaEastwebspace" ]. Is there any other way to find it through CloudShell ?
You can look up the actions taken by a particular user, even for a resource group that no longer exists.
az monitor activity-log list -g ExampleGroup --caller someone#contoso.com --offset 5d
Kindly try these steps:
If you don't remember the original resource group, you can find it through diagnostics.
For your web app, select Diagnose and solve problems.
Then, select Configuration and Management.
Select Migration Options.
Select the option for recommended steps to move the web app.
You see the recommended actions to take before moving the resources. The information includes the original resource group for the web app.
- I understand you're referring to RG deletion scenario, kindly try this and let me know how it goes.
Reference document move across subscription.
Furthermore, you can only change to a plan that was created in the same "webspace" as your original app. Webspace is an internal concept that's not exposed, but you can verify whether your source and destination plans are in the same webspace or not.
To verify, do the following:
Confirm whether the webSpace property of your source plan matches the webSpace property of your new plan

How do I change the name of an Azure Resource Group?

After the new model was implemented, all of my websites now belong to individual Resource Groups called "Default-Web-East" and all of my SQL databases belong to individual Resource Groups called "Default-SQL-East".
This is confusing to say the least.
I would like to rename the groups to have some semantic meaning. I would also like to group the associated SQL database and Web Site in the same Resource Group.
However, I do not see anyway to do either. Is this possible?
1) Rename the Resource Group?
2) Combine an existing SQL DB and Website together into one Resource Group?
Edit: You can't rename an Azure Resource Group.
What you can do is move your resources to a new Resource Group instead. Moving all resources in Resource Group A to Resource Group B is the poor man's rename.
Unfortunately not all resource providers let you move resources between resource groups, and some that do might have strings attached that only let you move resources under certain conditions.
For Azure Web Apps (previously called Azure Websites) you can currently only move all the websites related resources in a single invocation. That "all websites related resources" means all resource under the provider "Microsoft.Web". This includes all websites, app hosting platforms, and certificates that are in the source resource group.
Via the portal
When viewing a group's resources, you can use the "Move" tab
Clicking the "Move" tab will show something this, allowing you to choose or create a new group:
Via Azure Powershell
The easiest way to do this is to use the Move-AzureRmResource powershell cmdlet.
The command would look like this:
Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupName <sourceResourceGroupName> | Move-AzureRmResource -DestinationResourceGroupName <destResourceGroupName>
source: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/resource-group-move-resources/
Via Rest API
The other way to do this is to use the MoveResource Rest API or with the ArmClient.
Here's the API call you'll want to make:
POST https://<endpoint>/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourcegroups/{resourceGroupName}/moveResources?api-version={api-version}
Where {resourceGroupName} is the source resource group.
I'm pretty sure the endpoint should be "https://management.azure.com", but if you use the ArmClient the tool will just take care of the endpoint for you.
Request Body:
"targetResourceGroup": "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{targetResourceGroupNameName}",
In addition to the main answer, Azure Portal has a feature of moving the Resources that is allowed to be moved to a new Resource group.
Go to your Resource Group that has Resources you want to move to an existing or a new created Resource Group.
Select the one, multiple or all (1) Resources you want to move and click on the Move (2) bottom as shown in image. (you can select moving to Resources with in the same subscription or to another subscription) A third option if you need just to change the Region) see the the figure at the end.
It will ask you to chose which Resource Group to move to.
Note: This process might take some time, be patient. When done, you
will see that the resource disappear from the old one and will be
found in the new one. That said some resources might be restricted
from been moved to other resources.
Move (Fixing) only region
