Processing insists pause() is not a function, when it very much is - audio

Aite, [first poster here, pls don't bash]
So, I'm using the sound library, which I of course remembered to import, and works just fine, proof being given by the fact that all the other functions I used work as expected and give no problems neither in editor nor in execution.
Except, of course, for this little bugger of a pause() function, which I wrote as per below using no different a syntax from all the other functions, only to find out Processing isn't very keen on accepting its existence.
Problem shows both using 3.3.6 and 3.5.
Oh, and also, apparently isPlaying() returns an int, what's up with that?
If, as I'd suspect, that single line below won't be enough code to couple with the info to get to the bottom of it, here's a Dropbox link to the code (since it uses a bunch of files) so you can test it yourself.
It kinda won't work if you try to run it as is tho because it messes up when trying to load all the songs (in the last line of setup), yeah I kinda need some help with that too... works fine if you only load the first one tho!
(Please, don't expect clear, extensively commented coding. I started working on this way before I learnt that was a thing. Deeply sorry. Of course, you can ask away about anything baffling you)
What did I try, er, writing it well???
I used .play(), .stop(), the volume ones, and they all, as per stated, work fine.
import processing.sound.*;
SoundFile[] songs= new SoundFile[1];
void setup(){
songs[0]=new SoundFile(this,"Small Bump.mp3");
void draw(){
void keyPressed(){
if (songs[0].isPlaying()==1)songs[0].pause();

When I copy your code into my Processing editor, I get a couple errors:
songs[0]="Small Bump.mp3";
The sounds array holds instances of SoundFile, but you're trying to store a String value here. Maybe you're looking for the SoundFile constructor?
if (songs[0].isPlaying()==1)
The isPlaying() function returns a boolean value, but you're comparing it to an int value.
You haven't declared this i variable anywhere. Probably meant for this to be a 0.
If I fix all of these errors, then your code compiles fine.
You might want to take a look at the reference for the Sound library here.

The Sound library I had installed was 1.3.2, or something of the likes.
All the references I'd read were for 2.0+.
Having updated that through the "add library" menu, all was solved.


Where does the resourcesApp come from in Yesod?

The two functions mkYesodData and mkYesodDispatch in the Yesod framework are supposed to separate the handler definition and the dispatch process. Though by some miracle (to me), templates use this interesting function "resourcesApp":
mkYesodDispatch "App" resourcesApp
The only mention of this function I have found in hoogle is in the Hledger package. And it is not a yesod dependency.
In the school of Haskell by this link they give an explanation that resourcesApp is "generated" by mkYesodData, although it still does not work for my side.
What is the reason for this?
There's some Template Haskell (TH) going on under the hood in Yesod, and I think this is what's confusing you. Template Haskell can be confusing when searching in documentation because it produces values at compile-time for use at runtime that aren't there before the code is compiled. resourcesApp is just one of these values.
In the code you reference, the author describes that you must have another module (which he calls Foundation) in which you have invoked mkYesodData. Indeed, without this other module, the code in the Dispatch module won't work. Strangely, it's not until (Part 4)[] that he seems to define the Foundation module, but you can see that there is a line:
mkYesodData "App" $(parseRoutesFile "config/routes")
That may not look like it defines a value called resourcesApp, but sure enough, it does.
In short, you should be able to get your code working by just finishing the entire tutorial and running the code altogether.
In case you're wondeering, a call to mkYesodData takes a String and then literally generates code that defines a value names resources**** where the **** is the string you passed. In this case, that would be a value resourcesApp, but in someone else's Yesod project, it could be resourcesFoo. Furthermore, since this resourcesFoo value isn't concretely in the code, projects that use Yesod typically wouldn't have it show up in their export lists or haddock documentation. It's actually very strange that you found even one hit for resourcesApp on hoogle at all, but upon closer examination, it kind of makes sense: Hledger seems to be some sort of extended interface around yesod, so they pre-generated the TH values so that they would be easily accessible to users.
As another note, TH has some restrictions in its use. For one, you typically need to perform the TH invocations ("splices" as they're typically called) in a separate module than the one you use the generated values. This is probably why the author has you create a separate Foundation module rather than just putting the line mkYesodData ... in the Dispatch module.

VC++ EXE standalone has bugs that don't happen in IDE

My program has a very specific error that took me a while to track down - now I don't know how to fix it. My code is very long and in many files and I don't see much point in posting it here.
In the IDE, everything runs fine, in both Debug and Release (with the runtime library set to either /MTd or /MT, respectively, so I'm assuming all dependencies are included).
However, when I run the standalone, I get a crash. At first I thought it was a dependency problem but it doesn't seem so.
At some point in the code, I am accessing a vector via a method call: t->GetList(), where GetList is defined as std::vector<T*> & GetList() and the method simply returns a member variable (simply defined as std::vector<T*> field in the class).
It turns out, if I print out the size of the list while running from the IDE, I get 0 (which is the correct answer in this case).
However, when doing the same thing running from standalone, I get the size as 467467353.
I tried changing the method declaration to std::vector<T*> * GetList() and doing return &field; and updating the rest of the code but this didn't fix anything.
I then tried replacing the member variable field with a pointer, and in the constructor instantiating a new vector and deleting it in the destructor. Still no luck.
So I made a simple test case program that simply made a class with a vector field, and a method to return a reference to it. Then in main I would create an instance variable and getting the vector and printing the size. This worked both in VC++ and as a standalone - both returned zero.
This is driving me nuts and I can't figure out why I'm getting different behaviour. Why is the standalone running differently, and what should I be looking at to fix this?
Okay so it was literally a bug in my code that was very well hidden. I was dynamically casting to a wrong type.
Somehow it slipped past when I was running on Windows and OSX in both Debug and Release, and as a standalone on OSX. Good thing I found it.

thrift js:node - Cannot use reserved language keyword: "not"

When converting a thrift object for nodejs:
thrift -r --gen js:node state_service.thrift
The following error is thrown:
[ERROR: /state_service.thrift:33] (last token was 'not') Cannot use
reserved language keyword: "not"
The lines in the code around 33 are:
typedef bool Not
struct Exp {
1: string left
2: Not not
3: BinaryOp op
4: AnyValue right
I am using the most recent Thrift version 0.9.2
Try to change the not to something else, i think the problem is that 'not' may have another meaning in the language that you choose to generate.
2: Not not
The solution is to not use the reserved language keyword, as advised by the Thrift compiler. These keywords are reserved for a reason. Thrift is a cross-language tool, and not is indeed a keyword in some of them.
I don't want to change the processing code only because of a faulty js converter.
I beg to differ. Faulty is something that does not work, altough it should. Thrift clearly tells you that what you are about to try is illegal (as of today) and what the problem is.
To put it another way: With Linux, you can put uppercase and lowercase letters in a file name (actually you can put a whole bunch of strange things in, but I'll make it easy). So creating a FILE and a file in the same folder will work perfectly. If you now take your program and run it on Windows, relying on that behaviour, you will sooner or later run into trouble and may start to complain you "dont want to change your processing code only because of that faulty OS".
Note that complaining will not help you out of the pothole, altough the endorphines emitted during that process will make sure you have a fun time. The solution is of course to wait until Microsoft fixed their faulty OS, because you make the rules. Correct?
Of course not. So if you feel the implementation is wrong - fine! This is Open Source, and nobody claimed perfection. You are free to provide a patch, and we will happily review it. But please make sure you tested it with all 20+ languages currently supported by Thrift.

How does cocoa's obsolete CGSCStringValue function actually work?

I've been using CGSPrivate.h for cocoa development under MacOSX for a while. I'm now using it under Lion (10.7.x), and it turns out that the CGSCStringValue() function described in that file no longer exists under that OS version.
I want to make use of the functionality of CGSCStringValue() -- i.e., converting a CGSValue to its associated char* when appropriate -- and I'm wondering if anyone knows how that function is actually implemented.
I've tried various forms of casting of the CGSValue, but to no avail. So could anyone point me to some documentation or actual cocoa code that runs in 10.7 which will take a CGSValue that's associated with a string as input and return its char* equivalent?
Thanks in advance.
It's implemented by checking the type (to make sure it's really a CFString) and calling CFStringGetCString(). You can do that yourself, there is no real need for CGSCStringValue.

Groovy Source Code Question

Today i decided to see up Groovy source code and to built up my programming muscles in Groovy. I downloaded the Groovy Source code 1.8 from this link. But how do i proceed? In sense which folder first i have to see, so that i can understand better how groovy works(because there are many folders like benchmarks,bootstraps, src etc). May be this seems to be stupid question but i wanna to ask it.
Correct me if am worng.
The source code is inside src/main.
The unit tests all live inside src/test.
I found a good place to start looking was inside the huge class:
This is where a lot of the extra Groovy methods are defined, so you can pick your favourite function (such as String.capitalize for example) and find the definition of that method (around line 9561, but that might be different in the version of the code you have downloaded)
You should then be able to (for example) change how something works, and check that the unit tests still function by calling
ant test
from the root folder, then you should see it build and test reports should be created and placed in the target folder
I tend to use a combination of find and grep to locate the area in the source that I am interested in, then slowly expand out from that class as I find other things that relate to it...
Hope this's a bit of a big question to try and cover
