Extract text from a long string of text - excel

I need to extract the following portion CDA-CUP-PF from the following string of
MECH~CDA-CUP-PF~1 - CUP0915.2XL - Copper Reducer (P)
AddFormula TopLeft.Offset(1, 3).Resize(RowCount, 1), "=IFERROR(RIGHT(AA" & Row & ",FIND(""~"",AA" & Row & ")-1,FIND(""^"",AA" & Row & ")+1-FIND(""-"",AA" & Row & ")),"""")"
This is what I see right now: MECH^CHU
I need to see this: CDA-CUP-PF
I need to use something like the VBA code above.

Assuming your pattern is isolating the text in between ~ a formula solution is:
A VBA - UDF solution would look something like this
Public Function Isolate(x As Range)
Dim xString: xString = Split(x, "~")
Isolate = xString(1)
End Function

This formula will do what you want: =TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(A1,"~",REPT(" ",255)),255,255))
It works by replacing ~ with 255 spaces, then it carves out 255 characters from 255 characters in (Which guarantees we get what you want) then it trims off the spare spaces.
If you want the other parts, use left or right instead of mid.
The UDF is a much better option though especially as you are doing this from code already.


CStr does not handle 3 decimals figures with comma

I have the following issue.
When I try to do :
it works with numbers like 6,91.
But when I try with numbers like 6,911 I get 6911 in return when I just want 6,911 instead.
I'm using commas because I'm in Europe, I guess maybe VBA mixes it up with the American way of writing thousands with a comma.
Indeed, here I only want a decimal with 3 figures after the comma
This does not what you expect it to do
Here CStr(cell.value) will turn it into a String but if you write a string into a cell that looks like a number Excel "thinks" and turns it back into a number. Here comes the confusion.
If you want to format that cell as text use
Cell.NumberFormat = "#"
Cell.Value = Format$(cell.Value, "0.000")
or use Cell.Value = "'" & Format$(cell.Value, "0.000")

Add text for under character limit

Just wondering if this is possible, and how I would go about doing it... I'm not sure if I can use conditional formatting, or if it requires VBA, or what.
I have a vlookup that I split coding for, but it only works when they include ".000000.00000.0000.0000" at the end. How would I go about adding ".000000.00000.0000.0000" when the character limit is under 46 for that cell? The coding will always be 46 characters when the zeroes are included, so anything under is invalid.
I was able to use =IF(LEN(A2) < 23, "0" & LEFT(A2,15),LEFT(A2,16)) to truncate what I needed and add leading zeroes if not included to have the end result do what I needed without all of the zeroes.
try this
Sub test()
Dim i As Long
Dim text As String
For i = 1 To 32767
text = text & "a"
text = text & "end"
Range("A1").Value = text
'"end" will be lost
End Sub

Macro that sorts call signs containing letters and numbers

All the call signs will be in column A and when the macro is run should sort them. The sort is case insensitive usually in all caps. A call sign consists of 1-2 letters(prefix), 1-2 numbers(numbers), then 1-3 letters(suffix) I want to sort each sign by the number, suffix, then prefix in that order.
I will bite. Half the fun of coding is solving a problem for the simple pleasure of knowing you figured it out.
Here is a user defined function (Formula) that you can use to convert the call sign into the format for sorting. Note the numeric portion is zero padded so ones and tens do not sort together before twos and twenties.
Option Explicit
Public Function FormatCallSign(aCell As Range)
Dim Nbr As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim tmp As String
Dim vList As Variant
For i = 1 To Len(aCell.Value)
If InStr(1, "1234567890", UCase(Mid(aCell.Value, i, 1))) > 0 Then
Nbr = Nbr & Mid(aCell.Value, i, 1)
tmp = tmp & ","
tmp = Replace(tmp, ",,", ",")
If InStr(1, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", UCase(Mid(aCell.Value, i, 1))) > 0 Then
tmp = tmp & Mid(aCell.Value, i, 1)
End If
End If
Next i
vList = Split(tmp, ",")
FormatCallSign = vList(1) & Right("0" & Nbr, 2) & vList(0)
End Function
Put the formula in cell B2, for example by using the formulas command on the ribbon and selecting the function from the user defined section.
As asked earlier if the call sign had delimiters in it already, you could use a simple formula to rearrange the parts and exclude the delimiters.
To build a formula like the above, start by constructing it in parts.
First write a Search function to find the "/", then copy it to find the "-"
Then write a mid function to get the characters to the right of the dash, left of the slash, then the numeric section. paste the formulas into a single formula for your masterpiece.
Since it makes better sense to keep the three elements in separate fields for simplified sorting, the above formula can be split into three separate formulas, one for each column.
This corrects sorting problems given the three elements are variable length.
The initial specification for callsign format is inaccurate, since they can begin with numbers or letters and a logical sort would be by ITU assigned prefix. A function would need a table lookup for country after it determined if the string after the forward slash was a valid country designation. This is actually a pretty complicated problem.

How to add leading zeros in Excel (timestamp with ms has no leading zeroes)

I’m still having a grave problem with some files. It’s a rather stupid problem, but I’ve been working at it for quite some time and can’t find a solution.
I need leading zeroes in the time stamps, at least on the ms level.
The timestamps that my software makes always look like this: (example)
9:55:1:19 (that is 9h, 55min, 1sec, 19 ms)
while what I need would look like
It’s no problem to make a conversion in Excel. I use
but I always get
09:55:01:190 (190ms!!)
Thus the milliseconds are always read like comma values, which is understandable from the software’s point of view.
I'd like a solution that either appends the correct values to the end of each row in a new column or directly changes the values in the original column (D) to the correct values. (Appending is OK because my other scripts work that way already!)
Can you help out really quickly?
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3ch6ikddplnyjgg/vUfnVgbbzH here's an example file
With a value in A1 like:
the formula:
will display:
Or if you want to convert the values in column D, in place. Select the cells and run this small macro:
Sub FFormat()
Dim r As Range, L As Long, U As Long
For Each r In Selection
ary = Split(r.Text, ":")
U = UBound(ary)
L = LBound(ary)
For i = L To U
If Len(ary(i)) = 1 Then
ary(i) = "0" & ary(i)
End If
Next i
If Len(ary(U)) = 2 Then
ary(U) = "0" & ary(U)
End If
r.Value = Join(ary, ":")
Next r
End Sub
If the original in R12 (my example) is text, you can enter this big formula: :)
=TEXT(LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(R12;":";REPT(" ";20));4);"00") & ":"&TEXT(MID(SUBSTITUTE(R12;":";REPT(" ";20));14;20);"00") & ":" & TEXT(MID(SUBSTITUTE(R12;":";REPT(" ";20));34;20);"00") & ":" & TEXT(MID(SUBSTITUTE(R12;":";REPT(" ";20));54;20);"000")
Depending on your regional settings you may need to replace field separator "; " by ","
Your data in column G has a leading space - this formula in a new column should convert to a valid time value whether you have leading spaces or not
format as [h]:mm:ss.000
This will cope with single or double digit milliseconds, assumes that if there are no milliseconds you will still have third : followed by a zero. Also copes with single digit hours, minutes or seconds

String conversion with TEXT formula character limit?

I am attempting to format a single number stored as a text value.
For example, I would like to convert:
The formula I am using is:
The output I am receiving is:
Why are the last 4 characters "0000" instead of "0080" as I would expect? Is there a character limit, or is my formula incorrect?
Quote from Large Number Arithmetic:
The limit in Excel is 15 significant digits in a number. Enter a 16
digit credit card number and 1234567890123456 will become
Actually, even 5145350002005001111 will result in 5145-350002-00500-0000.
Moreover, take a look at formula bar when your input cell is selected - for my Excel 2007 I see:
Hope that was helpful)
As a solution to solve the task - keep your numbers formatted as text and use the following formula:
Here is a custom function. Place it in a regular code module of the workbook and you can call it in the cell by =FormatLargeNumber("A1")
Public Function FormatLargeNumber(val As String)
'This function parses extremely large numbers per your example.
' Modify as needed.
FormatLargeNumber = Left(val, 4) & "-" _
& Mid(val, 5, 6) & "-" & _
Mid(val, 11, 5) & "-" & _
Right(val, 4)
End Function
