React-Native: library to play audio from memory buffer - security

I'm looking for 2 things in the area of react-native audio handling.
I would like to play audio from some in-memory buffer (not file in the device, and not url streaming). is it possible and are there RN libs for doing it?
The reason for such request is necessity to store audio data secured in some offline db, not exactly in package. probably, with ability to download and save after app installation, but saving in secured way.
Do you know any best practices in storing audio locally in devices (keeping in mind that its React Native mobile app) in secure way? so to prevent ability to open package and extract audio from it? the reason - to defense copyright of audio files and let listen them only via application.


How to use `getUserMedia()` api to simulate WebRTC like behaviour?

My primary intention is to setup a VoIP session between 2 users A & B; Here the raw audio / video media bytes are fetched from A's browser are played in B's browser and vice versa.
The reason is that, when the user C & D are added into this call, we need not have to create a P2P mesh network which limits the performance.
Tried recording media with getUserMedia() and playback, but it is not real time. It also gives a bad user experience. (However, haven't experimented yet with videos of small chunks as 200 ms)
Is there any approach where I can get the raw bytes of the media and play it on other browser? Currently I have a server in between which can connect to both peers if required.
Any online examples or libraries are welcome.
Have already asked 2 questions in this regard with 100-100 bounties, but not much of use:
How to use libsrtp or similar library to decrypt/encrypt the WebRTC data stream?
How to integrate part of WebRTC as a static / dynamic library with the existing C++ code?
Related: How to stream, live video playing on my browser to browser of another user?
If i understand you well is you're looking on how to have more than two users on the session right? without using mesh topology
thats possible and configurable as well by means that some maybe active speaker or everyone is active speaker not only receiver whatever configuration you choose but to me it seems that you're asking for video conferencing
there are couple of tools for this the best one i might recommend is mediasoup its a SFU as selective fowarding unit mediasoup
I don't know if I understand correctly, but it is not likely that you will get raw video data and play it on the browser, it will just kill your bandwith and performance because the raw data is huge.
You need to use the compressed data ( media codec ex.H264 ) and you need a protocol to send and receive it. If you are looking for sub-second latency than webrtc is your best choice in here already. If you have a server in between, distribute your media through that server instead of Mesh. Check this out for webrtc network topologies:

Web Audio live streaming

There is an audio stream which sends from mobile device to the server. And server sends chunks of data (due web-sockets) to the web.
The question is. What to use to play this audio in live mode, also there is should be a possibility to rewind audio back, listen to what was before..and again switch to live mode.
I considered such possibilities as Media Source API but it's not supported by Safari and Chrome on IOS, isn't it? But we need that support.
Also, there is Web Audio API which supports by modern browsers, but I'm not sure does it possible to listen to audio in live mode and rewind audio back?
Any ideas or guides on how to implement it?
I considered such possibilities as Media Source API but it's not supported by Safari and Chrome on IOS, isn't it? But we need that support.
Then, you can't use MediaSource Extensions. Thanks Apple!
And server sends chunks of data (due web-sockets) to the web.
Without MediaSource Extensions, you have no way of using this data from a web socket connection. (Unless it's PCM, or you're decoding it to PCM, in which case you could use the Web Audio API, but this is totally impractical, inefficient, and not something you should pursue.)
You have to change how you're streaming. You have a few choices:
Best Option: HLS
If you switch to HLS, you'll get the compatibility you need, as well as the ability to go back in time and what not. This is what you should do.
Mediocre Option: HTTP Progressive
This is a fine way to stream for most use cases but there isn't any built-in way to handle the stream seeking that you want. You'd have to build it, which is not worth your time since you could just use HLS.
Even More Mediocre Option: WebRTC
You could switch to WebRTC for streaming, but you have greatly increased infrastructure costs and complexity. And, you still need to figure out how you're going to handle seeking. The only reason you'd want to go the WebRTC route is if you absolutely needed the lowest latency.

Audio streaming with React native

I need to develop an app for a client that streams audio files from the network (both Android and iOS). I plan to use react-native-audio-streaming component. Clients biggest concern is that streamed files are not stored locally. Does anyone know is that the case with react-native-audio-streaming?
You can use this npm module. It will stream the audio/video using the inbuilt player on the device.
You can use react-native-audio-streamer to stream the audios. It works on both iOS & Android. And is very easy to use. Moreover it has got built in functions to handle interruptions, for example to pause the audio you just have to call this functionRNAudioStreamer.pause()and to play it back call
Good luck.

Sending voice over the net and get it with HTML5 and mobile apps

I'm trying to put in place a basic streaming system from the browser.
The idea is to let the user stream audio live from his mic through the browser and then allow others to listen to this stream with their browser (desktop, mobile, etc ...) and iOS/Android apps.
I started doing some tests with the Red5 Server (which is a great free alternative to the Flash Media Server).
With this technologie, I can publish a stream with the RTMP (ex: rtmp://myserver/myApp).
But the problem is that I can't find a way to read the published stream on other plateforms (using the video tag with HTML5, in iOS, etc ...).
As i failed to that, my question is:
How can I let a user to stream his voice over the net (using flash or not) and then allow the others to listen to that stream by using lightweight technologies (HTML5) and mobile apps?
Looks like RED5 should be able to do what you want...
0.9.0 RC2 has the ability to:
Streaming Audio (MP3, F4A, M4A)
Recording Client Streams (FLV only)
some links that may help:
Though not exactly what you're after, you could take a look at BigBlueButton which is a web conferencing suite based on open source components (RED5 is one of them). It's has a rather complex architecture but they do have a flash based client you can take a loot at.

Streaming audio to a browser

I have a large amount of audio stored on my web server in a very custom format that can't be replayed by anything other than my own application. That application is a Win32 app that can connect to my web server and stream and replay that audio.
I'd really like to be able to do the streaming and replaying from within a browser, but don't know where to start. Ideally I'd like the technology to be cross-platform (unlike my current Win32 app) and cross-browser (IE 6 and above and Firefox).
My current thoughts are to look at things like:
Flash, but doesn't that only replay mp3 audio?
Java, are VMs freely available still?
Converting the audio to a WAV file on the web server and then using someone else's plugin to replay that file. I'd rather keep the conversion off the web server for performance reasons, but is still an option.
Writing my own custom plugin to do the complete stream and replay operation.
Any guidance would be most useful.
Please note that the audio is not music and that simply converting to another audio format is not trivial. The audio that is stored also changes frequently (every minute) would need constant conversion.
Why are you using a proprietary music format? I'd probably not even bother downloading a program to listen to it.
I would suggest you convert it to mp3 and then use flash.
Building your own plugin would probably be hard, there are so many different platforms you'd have to cater for, something like flash is written for them already.
Apart from converting server-side: Implement a decoder for your format in ActionScript or Java. Then you can write a Flash movie or Java applet that plays it. Both languages/runtimes should be fast enough to decode in realtime unless your format is very complex. Flash would be the more accessible of the two, since nearly everyone has the plugin installed. (It's possible that playing a raw sound buffer isn't supported by older Flash versions than 10, I'm no expert on that.) The Java plugin is definitely free, but you'd require the users to install it.
I'd go with converting the audio to WAV (or MP3) on the server. Writing your own cross-platform browser component would be a lot of work, thanks to the different ways the major OSes handle their audio APIs.
Try taking a look at shoutcast.
Basically its a server app that will stream music to any client that connects to it through a browser (effectively your own radio station). I've never used it myself but should be straight forward.
Another idea is winamp remote. Again you install the app on the server but this time you can browse your music collection on their website and play individual songs.
