Vim makeprg make environment variable expansion - vim

This is bothering me more than it should and has me completely stumped. I feel like like finding the answer will have some good learning opportunities so hopefully it's relevant.
I do embedded C development with Vim and have a setup for hobbyist stuff with Arduino (using Arduino Makefile). I use :make with some shortcuts with build projects.
An external define resolves the Arduino Makefile root directory in the project level Makefile: 'ARDMK_DIR=/usr/local/opt/arduino-mk'. This is define as an export in my shell (zsh). This is where it gets weird:
Using make at the shell prompt the project builds fine:
make -d
This program built for i386-apple-darwin11.3.0
Reading makefiles...
Reading makefile `Makefile'...
Reading makefile `/usr/local/opt/arduino-mk/' (search path) (no ~ expansion)...
However using :make in Vim the define becomes something from an old install:
This program built for i386-apple-darwin11.3.0
Reading makefiles...
Reading makefile `Makefile'...
Reading makefile `/usr/local/Cellar/arduino-mk/1.5.2/' (search path) (no ~ expansion)...
Makefile:24: /usr/local/Cellar/arduino-mk/1.5.2/ No such file or directory
I cannot for the life of me find where ARDMK_DIR is being re-defined to '/usr/local/Cellar/arduino-mk/1.5.2'. Things I have tried:
setlocal makeprg=echo\ $ARDMK_DIR\ &&\ make\ -d\: echo comes back with my shell define (/usr/local/opt/arduino-mk), but make fails with the error above!!
:echo $ARDMK_DIR: again returns my shell define.
ag my home directory for ARDMK_DIR, the only place it is defined is in my shell exports. Did since for my root directory to and same thing. Same thing for $VIMRUNTIME
Even vim-disptach works fine calling the same makeprg?!
Re-define ARDMK_DIR in the project Makefile. Everything builds find as expected. I don't want to do this however as I compile with different systems.
The same vim config works on other macOS and Linux systems with expected behaviour.
Some where between echo and the actual execution of make, ARDMK_DIR is being re-defined. Why and can anyone think of a way of finding out where and solving this?

Zsh has multiple init files that are sourced. The file .zshenv is always sourced, when the shell starts and the file .zshrc is only sourced when the shell is started in interactive mode.
If you define the variable ARDMK_DIR with different values in .zshenv and in .zshrc, the value from .zshrc will be used when you work interactive with the shell (entering commands, starting Vim, ...).
But when Vim starts a command it will start a non-interactive shell. In that case only the file .zshenv will be sourced, so you get the value from that file.
One question left:
Why did the following command first echo the correct value, but make uses the wrong?
:setlocal makeprg=echo\ $ARDMK_DIR\ &&\ make\ -d\
For testing, I started Vim under strace. Then :
:set makeprg=echo\ $EDITOR
In the strace file I found the following line:
execve("/usr/bin/zsh", ["/usr/bin/zsh", "-c", "echo vi 2>&1| tee /tmp/vdxR5DH/"...], [/* 86 vars */]) = 0
As you can see, Vim executes echo vi, so it already expanded the environment variable $EDITOR to its value before calling the shell.
So the answer to the above question is, that the echo command echos the text, that Vim inserted into the command line while the make command gets the the variable value from the environment. As it is a non-interactive shell, it is the value from .zshenv.


Setting path variables and running Ruby script

This is my first time working with a Ruby script, and, in order to run this script, I have to first cd into the root of the project, which is /usr/local/bin/youtube-multiple-dl and then execute the script as bin/youtube-multiple-dl.
I tried setting the PATH variable
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/youtube-multiple-dl/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
in hopes that I can run this from anywhere on the machine without having to cd to the project's root, however, no luck with that so far.
System: Ubuntu 15.04 server
Script Repo
My current way of executing the script is:
root#box15990:~# cd /usr/local/bin/youtube-multiple-dl
root#box15990:/usr/local/bin/youtube-multiple-dl# bin/youtube-multiple-dl
Desired way of executing script:
root#box15990:~# youtube-multiple-dl
How can I properly set the enviroment path for this script in order to run from anywhere?
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/youtube-multiple-dl/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
isn't how we set a PATH entry.
The PATH is a list of directories to be searched, not a list of files.
Typically, the PATH should contain something like:
somewhere in it.
If it doesn't, then you want to modify it using a text editor, such as nano, pico or vim using one of these commands:
nano ~/.bash_profile
pico ~/.bash_profile
vim ~/.bash_profile
You probably want one of the first two over vim as vim, while being extremely powerful and one of the most-used editors in the world, is also not overly intuitive if you're not used to it. You can use man nano or man pico to learn about the other too.
Once your in your file editor, scroll to the bottom and remove the line you added. Then find the /usr/bin section in your PATH and add /usr/local/bin: before it. : is the delimiter between directories. That change will tell the shell to look in /usr/local/bin before /usr/bin, so that any things you added to the /usr/local/bin directory will be found before the system-installed code, which is in /usr/bin.
It's possible that there isn't a PATH statement in the file. If you don't see one, simply add:
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
After modifying your ~/.bash_profile, save the file and exit the editor, and then restart your shell. You can do that by exiting and re-opening a terminal window, or by running:
exec $SHELL
at the command-line.
At that point, running:
echo $PATH
should reflect the change to your path.
To confirm that the change is in effect, you can run:
which youtube-multiple.dl
and you should get back:
At that point you should be able to run:
youtube-multiple.dl -h
and get back a response showing the built-in help. This is because the shell will search the path, starting with the first defined directory, and continue until it exhausts the list, and will execute the first file matching that name.
Because of the difficulties you're having, I'd strongly recommend reading some tutorials about managing a *nix system. It's not overly hard to learn the basics, and having an understanding of how the shell finds files and executes them is essential for anyone programming a scripting language like Ruby, Python, Perl, etc. We're using the OS constantly, installing files for system and user's use, and doing so correctly and safely is very important for the security and stability of the machine.

Running gvim from MSYS --- how to avoid/change MSYS enviroment variables?

When I run gvim from MSYS, things go wrong during initialization. Namely, gvim can't find the initialization files that are in 'C:\Documents and Settings\username\vimfiles.
[Specifically, gvim reports the error E117: Unknown function: pathogen#infect during initialization, so it never found autoload\pathogen.vim. Doing :scriptnames also confirms that none of the setup files from vimfiles\ are run.]
I think I've debugged why it goes wrong. When you start MSYS, the MSYS shell inherits the windows enviroment variables, but changes some of them to it's custom values. C:\Documents and Settings\username is the value of $HOME in Windows, but MSYS sets it to something like C:/msys/user name. And of course, Vim uses $HOME to find the right initialization files.
I also notice set shell? has changed to something like shell=C:/msys/bin/sh instead of shell=C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe, but I hope this isn't important for fixing the initialization problem.
I need to run gvim with the normal windows environment variables. At least I need to be able to manually override a few important ones like $HOME to something I specify (i.e., I'm not concerned about my windows $HOME changing, so it's fine to use a static value).
I tried to reset $HOME manually in my vimrc, but by then it is too late.
Is there some trick to specifying $HOME early on during initialization, or as an extra command line parameter?
Alternatively, is there some trick with running commands from msys differently? I know almost nothing about how the shell C:/msys/bin/sh works, but I could conceive of some extra arguments that changes the visibile environment for the command (e.g. gvim.exe) you are typing.
Reposting the solution that worked (it achieves the later idea):
Instead of running gvim.exe, run the command HOME="C:\Documents and Settings\username" gvim.exe
In bash and other UNIX shells, you can do:
$ HOME='/path/to/dir' gvim
to temporarily set $HOME to a different value.
I admit I'm not familiar at all with the Windows command line, but it might be worth a try.
I believe you can define $HOME just like any other environment variable.
Try adding this to the start of your .vimrc.
let $HOME="C:\Documents and Settings\username"
I had a similar issue when running Cygwin (which is similar to MSYS).
The easiest solution for me was to simply set the HOME environment variable to an empty string. Otherwise, the Cygwin HOME value would be appended to the Windows USERPROFILE in GVim and it would fail to start correctly. Not explicitly setting the full path of the HOME means that I can use the same start-up files on different systems where the USERNAME may not be the same.
Likewise, the SHELL environment variable should not be inherited from Cygwin Bash. This results in errors when running shell or external programs via !. Again, I set this to be an empty variable since Vim is smart enough to figure out what it should be.
In my .bashrc, I set the following alias for running Windows gvim which starts GVim with the HOME and SHELL variables set to an empty string – just for that command.
gvim="/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Vim/vim74/gvim"
if [ -x "$gvim" ]; then
alias gvim="HOME= SHELL= \"$gvim\""
unset gvim
I achieved this by making a windows symbol link (Win 7 or higher).
Via a symbol link, you can even make vim and gvim to use the same configuration and plugin.

VIM. Sending commands to the terminal?

I'm trying to configure vim as my primary coding program. I have figured how to compile single files, but when I go to execute the program from within vim, I keep getting a 127 error code. I have a aliased on my box to ./a.out, however when I issue the command :!a from vim, it doesn't work. :!./a.out does. Does anyone know why this is?
Aliases are defined in rc files that are sourced by interactive shell only and work only in interactive mode (vim does pass everything to shell, it never executes anything except the shell directly with fork+execve).
By default shell launched from vim starts in non-interactive mode hence bashrc is not read and no aliases are defined (though even if they were defined, they won’t be used in non-interactive mode). You may set
set shellcmdflag=-ic
, then shell will be launched in interactive mode and .bashrc file with your alias will be read.
Aliases are a feature of your shell (say, bash). ! operator directly executes a file - shell never sees it, and can't do alias expansion on it. (EDIT: See ZyX)
If you want to make executing your ./a.out easy, you can do something like:
command XX !./a.out
then you can do :XX. Or,
nnoremap X :!./a.out<CR>
then a single key X will suffice.
Another option (which is frowned upon for security reasons) is to add the current directory to your PATH:
which will allow you to run your program with just a.out as opposed to ./a.out. If you then compile your program with (a language-dependent isomorphism of) -o switch, you can have it named just a:
gcc -o a foo.c
Given this, !a would work. Use at your own risk.
EDIT: ZyX is correct-er. :) I'll leave the answer here for the other information.

How can I debug the bash prompt?

I've been editing .bashrc files and other init files, and it seems that I've left behind a few code snippets or two that are causing a few errors at the prompt (e.g. file missing), but I can't find them.
How do I debug the prompt to find out what init scripts I've carelessly hacked?
Most of the shells have debug flags that show the commands being executed. Bash may even have one that shows a command before expansion of variables and after. Have you tried checking (I believe) -c -x or -X flags and see if they show the information you are looking for.
You can set them as first thing in the rc files (most global one) or just pass it down into bash command by invoking it from another shell.
In fact, if you invoke bash from another shell, you can also use script command to record everything you see and do into the file, which makes postmortem analysis so much easier.
Try invoking bash with the -x flag, then sourcing your .bashrc or .bash_profile or whatever you're using. That ought to be prolix enough to find your problem
bash -x
source .bashrc
The easiest way to get a clean initial state is to SSH into your current host, but instead of letting SSH launch your shell with default settings, you provide an explicit command which prevents .bashrc from being read.
ssh -tt localhost /bin/bash --norc
The -tt forces SSH to allocate a TTY, which is what would normally happen when you open a shell connection, but is not default when running an explicit command.
The --norc prevents bash from reading your settings file (since we want to do that ourselves).
You should now be at a bash prompt, in a clean environment. This is useful for examining what variable are set to before your .bashrc runs etc. Enable tracing and source your .bashrc:
set -x # Enable tracing
source .bashrc
Try to see where you've defined prompt - probably it in some dot file in your home directory:
grep PS1 ~/.*
You can see current value of prompt by just printing it:
echo $PS1
Check the .bash_history file in your home directory to find out what commands you have been running. If you used commands like vi filename to open the init scripts, it will find them in the command history.

Why doesn't my vim know my alias?

I have used "alias ruby=ruby1.9.1", so I can execute my ruby with this:
ruby 123.rb
ruby1.9.1 123.rb
But in my vim, I use :!ruby and get
/bin/bash: ruby: command not found.
I must use :!ruby1.9.1
How does alias work? Why vim doesn't know it?
When Vim starts a process it makes a system call. It has only inherited the environment variables from your shell if you started it from the shell. But it won't know your bash aliases.
Bash aliases are only a convenience when you enter a command line in the Bash shell. They are expanded by Bash only.
If you want real aliases put symlinks in a private hidden folder, and add that folder to your PATH, or use the alternatives facility.
You can try
:set shellcmdflag+=i
to call bass as "interactive" although that does give an annoying message for every shell command executed.
Aliases (unlike environment variables) are not inherited by subshells. So if you want an alias always available, you need to set it in your .bashrc file, so every instance of the shell will get it on startup
