how do I store values of for loop separately in new line in python? - python-3.x

What I want to do is trying to get different values of p_y_given_x for different sigma2_n separately in each line? When I use append it gives me result in one array. But I want separate results for each 0.2 for p_y_given_x.
Is there any hint for me?
for sigma2_n in np.arange(0.2,0.9):
p_y_given_x= np.exp(-(y_new-alphabet[t])**2/2/sigma2_N)
the result should be like this
ummmmm.... actually maybe this helps f(x)=x+2, f(1)=1+2, f(2)=2+2 and etc, I want to use a for loop and define x inside it and for each iteration use one values of x and insert it inside the function and calculate the f(x), but i would like to get values of f(x) separately and compare them, for example like this:
f(3)(separately in different lines)
not like this in one array[f(1),f(2),f(3)] for the last case we can use append()


Can a comparator function be made from two conditions connected by an 'and' in python (For sorting)?

I have a list of type:
I need to sort the list by using the following condition :
if (ans[j][1][1]>ans[j+1][1][1]) or (ans[j][1][1]==ans[j+1][1][1] and ans[j][1][0]<ans[j+1][1][0]):
# do something (like swap(ans[j],ans[j+1]))
I was able to implement using bubble sort, but I want a faster sorting method.
Is there a way to sort my list using the sort() or sorted() (Using comparator or something similar) functions while pertaining to my condition ?
You can create a comparator function that retuns a tuple; tuples are compared from left to right until one of the elements is "larger" than the other. Your input/output example is quite lacking, but I believe this will result into what you want:
def my_compare(x):
return x[1][1], x[1][0]
# ans = sorted(ans, key=my_compare)
Essentially this will first compare the x[1][1] value of both ans[j] and ans[j+1], and if it's the same then it will compare the x[1][0] value. You can rearrange and add more comparators as you wish if this didn't match your ues case perfectly.

Storing Matlab data and strings in a tabulated file

I am creating a program which opens an image, and uses the MATLAB ginput command to store x and y coordinates, which are operated on in the loop to fulfill requirements of an if statement and output a number or string corresponding to the region clicked during the ginput session. At the same time, I am using the input command to input a string from the command window relating to these numbers. The ginput session is placed in a while loop so a click in a specific area will end the input session. For each session (while loop), only one or two inputs from the command window are needed. Finally, I am trying to store all the data in a csv or txt file, but I would like it to be tabulated so it is easy to read, i.e. rows and columns with headers. I am including some sample code. My questions are: 1, how can an input of x and y coordinates be translated to a string? It is simple to do this for a number, but I cannot get it to work with a string. 2, any help on printing the strings and number to a tabulated text or cdv file would be appreciated.
Command line input:
While Loop:
[x,y]= ginput(1);
if (y>539)
if x<594 && x>150 && y<539 && y>104
%it's in the square
if x<524 && x>207 && y<480 && y>163
[x,y]= ginput(1);
if x<136 && x>13
%its' pitch column
if y<539
if y<465
if y<390
if y<319
if y<249
if y<175
if pitch==0
For the above series of if statements, I would prefer a string output rather than the numbers 1-6 if the condition is satisfied.
The fprintf function is used to print to a file, but I have issues combining the strings and numbers using it:
fileID = fopen('pitches.csv','w');
fid = fopen('gamedata.txt','w');
fmtString = [repmat('%s\t',1,size(Batter,2)-1),'%s\n'];
for i=1:length(M)
fprintf(fileID,'%6.2f %6.2f %d\n',M(i,1),M(i,2),M(i,3));
I have tried adding the string handles to the fprintf command along with the columns of M, but get errors. I either need to store them in an array (How?) and print all the array columns to the file, or use some other method. I also tried a version of the writetable method:
but I can't get everything to work right. Thanks very much for any help.
Let's tackle your questions one at a time:
1, how can an input of x and y coordinates be translated to a string?
You can use the sprintf command in MATLAB. This takes exactly the same syntax as fprintf, but the output of this function will give you a string / character array of whatever you desire.
2, any help on printing the strings and number to a tabulated text or cdv file would be appreciated.
You can still use fprintf but you can specify a matrix as the input. As such, you can do this:
fprintf(fileID,'%6.2f %6.2f %d\n', M.');
This will write the entire matrix to file. However, care must be taken here because MATLAB writes to files in column major format. This means that it will traverse along the rows before going to the next column. If you want to write data row by row, you will need to transpose the matrix first so that when you are traversing down the rows, it will basically do what you want. You will need to keep this in mind before you start trying to write strings to an file. What I would recommend is that you place each string in a cell array, then loop through each element in the cell array and write each string individually line by line.
Hopefully this helps push you in the right direction. Reply back to me in a comment and we can keep talking if you need more help.

fminsearch is overwriting in loop while storing data

I have the code mentioned below in matlab. I want to write all the 162 rows and 4 columns calculated into an excel file.
When i use xlswrite in the code i get only one row and 4 columns as the value of P gets overwritten in each iterative step.
If i use another loop inside the for loop the execution time increase drastically. Please help to least write the values of P into an array which i can later write into excel file(when i tried 'In an assignment A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and I must be the same' error appeared.)
please help
function FitSMC_BC
% Parameters: P(1)=theta_S; P(2)=theta_r; P(3)=psib; P(4)=lamda;
for i=1:nn
%Make an initial guess:
Pini=[0.5 0.1 -1 1.5];
disp(['result',num2str(i),': P=',num2str(P)]);
function OF=ObFun(P,psi,thetaObs)
OF=sqrt(mean((theta - thetaObs).^2));
function theta=Gettheta(P,psi)
function [theta]=thetaFun(psi,SoilPars)
You can modify the P line with
P(i,:) = fminsearch(#ObFun,Pini,[],psi,thetaObs);
P will store each calculation (4 element vector) in a new line.
You may also initialise P before the for loop with P = nan(nn, 4);
Then write P in an Excel file using xlswrite.
I haven't studied your code in-depth, but as far as I can tell, you have two options:
Create a matrix P and use xlswrite on the entire matrix. This seems to me like the most reasonable approach.
Use xlswrite1 from the fileexchange in a loop. This will increase execution time a bit, but not nearly as much as using regular xlswrite as it is specially deigned to be used inside loops. The reason why it is so much faster is because it only opens and closes the Excel-file once, whereas the regular xlswrite opens and closes it every time you call the function.
You seem to know how to use indexing so I'm not sure why you're simply doing something like this:
P = zeros(size(smcdata,1),nn)
for i=1:nn
P(:,i) = fminsearch(#ObFun,Pini,[],psi,thetaObs);
disp(['result',num2str(i),': P=',num2str(P(:,i))]);
theta = Gettheta(P(:,i),psi); % Why is this here? Are you writing it to file too?
Or you could call xlswrite on each iteration of the loop (probably slower) and append the new data using something like this:
for i=1:nn
P = fminsearch(#ObFun,Pini,[],psi,thetaObs);
disp(['result',num2str(i),': P=',num2str(P)]);
theta = Gettheta(P,psi); % Why is this here? Are you writing it to file too?
xlswrite('My_FileName.xls',P,1,['A' int2str((i-1)*size(P,2)+1)]);
Of course your code isn't runnable so you'll have to debug any other little errors. Also, since smcdata seems to be a matrix rather than a vector, you should be careful using length with it. You probably should use size.

How to access to specific cells in vtkPolyData?

Question : Is there a way to have direct access to a specific cell in vtkPolyData structure?
I'm using vtkPolyData to store sets of lines, say L.
Currently, I'm using GetLines() to know the number of lines in L. Then, I have to use GetNextCell to go through this set of lines using a "while" loop.
Current code is something like:
vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> a;
vtkSmartPointer<vtkCellArray> lines = a->GetLines();
while(lines->GetNextCell(numberOfPoints, pointIds) != 0)
-> I'd like to be able to work directly on a specific line by doing something like:
myline = a[10];
you could get an access to a specific cell using vtkDataSet::GetCell(vtkIdType cellId) function

Loop with matrices created with assign function in R project

I created several matrices with the assign function as follows:
for (i in 2:105) { # Loop for creating and filling matrices
This give me several matrices... from m2 to m105... which is exactly what i wanted because i can extract and call this matrices with their index like m2[i,j] or m65[i,j] etc.
My problem is that I want to make a loop which include all my "m" matrices, but I don't know what could be the right code to do so because I need something like:
paste("m",i,"[i,j]",sep="") to return m2[i,j]...m3[i,j] ...... m105[i,j] and do the loop over this , but clearly the paste function returns a string and don't recognize m2.... m105 like matrices..... it returns m2[i,j] as text.
What should I do ?
Thank you very much !
You have to use get:
get(paste("m", i, sep=""))[i,j]
