VBA : Getting an error for my code "Runtime error 424" - excel

My code is working fine but it ends up giving me a runtime error "object required.
I am not able to find out what is causing this error. This code is related to deleting graphs that don't have any data in them .
Sub HideEmptyCharts()
Dim wksCharts As Worksheet
Dim objCO As ChartObject
' Set up a variable for the worksheet containing the charts
Set wksCharts = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Report output")
' Loop through every embedded chart object on the worksheet
For Each objCO In wksCharts.ChartObjects
' Make each one visible
objCO.Visible = True
' If the chart is empty make it not visible
If IsChartEmpty(objCO.Chart) Then objCO.Visible = False
Next objCO
End Sub
Private Function IsChartEmpty(chtAnalyse As Chart) As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim objSeries As Series
' Loop through all series of data within the chart
For i = 1 To chtAnalyse.SeriesCollection.Count
Set objSeries = chtAnalyse.SeriesCollection(i)
' Loop through each value of the series
For j = 1 To UBound(objSeries.Values)
' If we have a non-zero value then the chart is not deemed to be empty
If objSeries.Values(j) <> 0 Then
' Set return value and quit function
IsChartEmpty = False
Exit Function
End If
Next j
Next i
IsChartEmpty = True
End Function

Change the object passed to the function from Chart to full ChartObjectlike this:
Private Sub HideEmptyCharts()
Dim wksCharts As Worksheet
Dim objCO As ChartObject
Set wksCharts= ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Report output")
For Each objCO In wksCharts.ChartObjects
objCO.Visible = True
If IsChartEmpty(objCO) Then objCO.Visible = False
Next objCO
End Sub
Private Function IsChartEmpty(co As ChartObject) As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim objSeries As Series
For i = 1 To co.Chart.SeriesCollection.Count
Set objSeries = co.Chart.SeriesCollection(i)
For j = 1 To UBound(objSeries.Values)
If objSeries.Values(j) <> 0 Then
IsChartEmpty = False
Exit Function
End If
Next j
Next i
IsChartEmpty = True
End Function

An outdated pivotcache and some still remembered but in the meantime missed items caused some trouble to me in the past. So I propose to add this code once before:
Dim pc As PivotCache
For Each pc In ThisWorkbook.PivotCaches
pc.MissingItemsLimit = xlMissingItemsNone
Next pc


Get the number of the active series in an active chart

I am trying to make a fairly easy macro to activate the next series in an already active chart. (my main macro contains all the formatting stuff).
Problem with this coding, is that i am not able to assign the current active series (already selected in the graph in excel). In a graph with n series (SeriesCollection.Count = n) I want to go from x, to x+1 and if x=n i want to go back to series 1 (so the for/next included here is not necessary if I get the macro to work as intended).
Sub NextButton_Click()
Dim cht As Chart
Set cht = ActiveChart
If cht Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Select a chart."
Exit Sub
End If
With cht
For SrsIndx = 1 To .SeriesCollection.Count
Next SrsIndx
End With
End Sub
For Simple graphs, just use PlotOrder: If you are not using a Combo Chart (i.e. not mixing Line and Bar charts, and not using the Secondary Axis), then you can just use the following code:
IIF(TypeName(Selection)="Series", Selection.PlotOrder, -1)
This will return -1 if you do not have a Series selected.
However, this is actually the order within the ChartGroup - the conditions above were for when there is only 1 ChartGroup on the Chart.
Otherwise, try using Name and a loop:
Function ActiveSeriesNumber(ThisSeries AS Series) AS Long
Dim ThisChart AS Chart, TestNumber AS Long
ActiveSeriesNumber = -1
On Error GoTo FunctionError
Set ThisChart = ThisSeries.Parent.Parent 'Object Model Is Chart.ChartGroup.Series
For TestNumber = 1 to ThisChart.SeriesCollection.Count
If ThisChart.SeriesCollection(TestNumber).Name = ThisSeries.Name THen
ActiveSeriesNumber = TestNumber
Exit Function
End If
Next TestNumber
On Error GoTo -1
End Function
Use this by calling ActiveSeriesNumber(Selection)
Here's the General Idea. Step through that code and you can see each series gets selected. You'll need add some object validation as this assumes the selected object is a Series.
Sub CycleSeries()
Dim MyObject As ChartObject
Dim MyChart As Chart
Dim SerCol As SeriesCollection
Dim SelSeries As Series
Dim indexSeries As Series
Dim ChartSheet As Worksheet
Dim x As Integer
Set ChartSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
Set MyObject = ChartSheet.ChartObjects(1)
Set MyChart = MyObject.Chart
Set SerCol = MyChart.SeriesCollection
Set SelSeries = Excel.Application.Selection
For x = 1 To SerCol.Count
Set indexSeries = SerCol(x)
If indexSeries.Name = SelSeries.Name Then
If (x = SerCol.Count) Then
Set SelSeries = SerCol(1)
Exit For
Set SelSeries = SerCol(x + 1)
Exit For
End If
End If
Next x
End Sub

Table refresh vba excel Call procedure from another procedure Error Code 1004

I have a call procedure to clear contents of tables across multiple worksheets.
This procedure is invoked only from the 2nd sheet of the workbook. When I invoke this, I am getting Error 1004 "Application-defined or Object-defined error".
Below is the parent code base invoking the sub procedure:
Sub ValidateData_BDV1()
On Error Resume Next
'''''Define Variables'''''''''
Dim mySheet As Worksheet
Dim mySheetName As String
Dim bdvName As Variant
Dim sqlQuery As String
Dim connectStr As String
Dim wsMatch As Worksheet
Dim myWorkbook As Workbook: Set myWorkbook = ThisWorkbook
'''''''''Set Variables''''''''
cancelEvent = False
Set mySheet = ActiveSheet 'Sets mySheet variable as current active sheet
mySheetName = mySheet.Name
driverName = mySheet.Range("B1").Value2 'Get the value of the TDV driver
' MsgBox driver
dataSourceName = mySheet.Range("B3").Value2 'Get the data source name for the published TDV database
' MsgBox dataSourceName
schemaName = mySheet.Range("B5").Value2 'Get the schema name of the published tdv view
bdvName = mySheet.Range("B6").Value2 'Get the name of the published BDV
''''''''''Refresh data across sheets'''''''''''''
Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'Prevent screen flickering while doing the refresh
''''''''''''Call sub procedure'''''''''
Call ClearTableContents
Application.ScreenUpdating = True 'Prevent screen flickering while doing the refresh
''''''''Show User id and Password box'''''''''
If Len(Uid) < 1 Or Len(Password) < 1 Then
End If
If (cancelEvent = True) Then
Exit Sub
End If
............perform some task with error handling
Below is the code base of the called Sub
Sub ClearTableContents()
Dim wrksht As Worksheet
Dim objListObj As ListObjects
Dim tableName As String
Dim ActiveTable As ListObject
Dim rowCount As Integer
Dim colCount As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
'''''Iterate through the Bdv1, bdv2 and Match sheets. Set default table sizes for each
For j = 2 To 4
If (j = 2) Or (j = 3) Then
rowCount = 5
colCount = 6
ElseIf (j = 4) Then
rowCount = 5
colCount = 9
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'Prevent screen flickering while doing the refresh
Set wrksht = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(j)
Set objListObj = wrksht.ListObjects 'Get list of tables objects from the current sheet
'''''''Iterate through the tables in the active worksheet''''''''''''''
For i = 1 To objListObj.Count
tableName = objListObj(i).Name
Set ActiveTable = wrksht.ListObjects(tableName)
On Error Resume Next
''''''For each table clear the contents and resize the table to default settings''''''''''''
With wrksht.ListObjects(i)
.Range.Rows(rowCount & ":" & .Range.Rows.Count).Delete
.Range.Columns(colCount & ":" & .Range.Columns.Count).Delete
.Resize .Range.Resize(rowCount, colCount)
End With
Next i
Next j
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(2).Activate '''set the active sheet to the sheet number 2
Application.ScreenUpdating = True 'Prevent screen flickering while doing the refresh
Exit Sub
'Error Handling
MsgBox "There is no Table currently selected!", vbCritical
End Sub
Please help in resolving the issue.
If I execute as independent macro on click of the button, it works perfectly well.
I am going to post this as an "answer", since I think it may at least help, if not solve, your issue.
Clearing tables (list objects) via VBA code can be a little tricky, and I learned this hard way. I developed and have been using the below function for quite some time and it works like a charm. There are comments to explain the code in the function.
Sub clearTable(whichTable As ListObject)
With whichTable.DataBodyRange
'to trap for the bug where using 'xlCellTypeConstants' against a table with only 1 row and column will select all constants on the worksheet - can't explain more than that its a bug i noticed and so did others online
If .rows.count = 1 And .columns.count = 1 Then
If Not .Cells(1, 1).HasFormula Then .Cells(1, 1).ClearContents
'my tables often have formulas that i don't want erased, but you can remove if needed
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
End If
'remove extra rows so table starts clean
Dim rowCount As Long
rowCount = .rows.count
If rowCount > 1 Then .rows("2:" & rowCount).Delete 'because you can't delete the first row of the table. it will always have 1 row
End With
End Sub
Call the procedure like this:
Dim lo as ListObject
For each lo in Worksheets(1).ListObjects
clearTable lo
Commented line to make my code work
.Range.Columns(colCount & ":" &

Is there a way to reassign a Range variable to a different range?

I am very new to VBA, having started programming it yesterday. I am writing a data processing program which requires keeping track of two cells, one on each spreadsheet. The code which reproduces the errors I am experiencing is below. When I call the sub moveCell() in sub Processor(), nothing happens to DIRow and DIColumn, and the code spits out error 1004 at the line indicated. I have tried using DICell = DICell.Offset(), but it returns the same error.
How can I redefine a Range variable to be a different cell?
'<<Main Processor Code>>'
Sub Processor()
Dim PDRow As Integer
Dim PDColumn As Integer
Dim DIRow As Integer
Dim DIColumn As Integer
PDRow = 1
PDColumn = 1
DIRow = 1
DIColumn = 1
Dim PDCell As Range
Dim DICell As Range
Set PDCell = Worksheets("Processed Data").Cells(PDRow, PDColumn)
Set DICell = Worksheets("Data Input").Cells(DIRow, DIColumn)
Call moveCell(2, 0, "Data Input")
End Sub
'<<Function which moves the cell which defines the range>>'
Sub moveCell(r As Integer, c As Integer, sheet As String)
If sheet = "Processed Data" Then
PDRow = PDRow + r
PDColumn = PDColumn + c
Set PDCell = Worksheets("Data Input").Cells(PDRow, PDColumn)
ElseIf sheet = "Data Input" Then
DIRow = DIRow + r '<<<<<<This line does nothing to DIRow's value
DIColumn = DIColumn + c
Set DICell = Worksheets("Data Input").Cells(DIRow, DIColumn) '<<<<<<This line causes error 1004
End If
End Sub
As far as I can tell, you could instead use a quick Function instead. There doesn't seem to be any difference in your If statement results in the moveCell() function, except which worksheet you're using.
We can make this simpler by referring to the Range you're passing to moveCell.
Option Explicit ' forces you to declare all variables
Sub something()
Dim PDCell As Range
Set PDCell = Worksheets("Processed Data").Cells(1, 1)
Dim DICell As Range
Set DICell = Worksheets("Data Input").Cells(1, 1)
PDCell.Select ' can remove
Set PDCell = moveCell(2, 0, PDCell, PDCell.Worksheet.Name)
PDCell.Select ' can remove
Worksheets(DICell.Worksheet.Name).Activate ' can remove
DICell.Select ' can remove
Set DICell = moveCell(5, 0, DICell, DICell.Worksheet.Name)
DICell.Select ' can remove
End Sub
Function moveCell(rowsToMove As Long, colsToMove As Long, cel As Range, ws As String) As Range
Set moveCell = Worksheets(ws).Cells(cel.Row + rowsToMove, cel.Column + colsToMove)
End Function
I've included some rows you don't need (which I've marked with a comment afterwards), but that will show you how the routine works. You can step through with F8 to help see it step-by-step.
Edit: Although, you don't need a separate function at all. Just use OFFSET().
Set PDCell = ...whatever originally
Set PDCell = PDCell.Offset([rows],[cols])

Runtime error 1004 - Unable to get the PageRange property of the PivotTable class

When the code is applied to a pivot table that has no PageRange property the code fails with the error in the title
I tried to apply a boolean variable to
but that did not work either
Sub TestPivotPaste2()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim sh As Worksheet
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
Set sh = wb.Worksheets(7)
c = sh.PivotTables.Count
If c > 0 Then
For i = 1 To c
If Not sh.PivotTables(i).PageRange.Count = 0 Then
Debug.Print c
GoTo nextpiv
End If
Next i
MsgBox ("NoPivot")
End If
End Sub
the expected result is to be able to discern the pivot tables where the PageRange property is true or false, but it only works when the range exists.
Try this function
Function pageRangeExists(pt as PivotTable) as Boolean
Dim test as Range
On Error Resume Next
Set test = pt.PageRange
On Error Go To 0
pageRangeExists = Not test Is Nothing
End Function
Since PageRange is a range object, you have to test if the range exists or is valid first, as trying to act against a range that is not there will produce an error.
And with that your for loop can be simplified
For i = 1 To c
If pageRangeExists(sh.PivotTables(i)) Then
Debug.Print c
End If
Next i
The GoTo statement is superfluous as it is logic already embedded in a for loop.

Creating Map Point object in Excel VBA

This code has a run-time error saying object required on this line...
Set objDataSets = objApp.ActiveMap.DataSets
This is what I used as a reference...
Sub CreateMaps()
Dim MPApp As MapPoint.Application
Set MPApp = New MapPoint.Application
MPApp.Visible = True
MPApp.UserControl = True
End Sub
Sub OpenDataSet()
Dim objDataSets As MapPoint.DataSets
Dim objDataSet As MapPoint.DataSet
Dim zDataSource As String
zDataSource = "S:\Projects\StateMapData.xlsx!Data!AY5:AZ56"
Set objDataSets = objApp.ActiveMap.DataSets
Set objDataSet = objDataSets.ImportData(zDataSource)
End Sub
