Can variables in Azure Pipelines be used in NodeJS code? - node.js

Can variables in Azure Pipelines (Build/Release) be used in NodeJS code?
If not, can variables set in WebApp be used in NodeJS code as well?
I set variable TESTING & TESTING2 in both Pipelines' Builds and Release and below environment setting in .yaml file:
- name: devops
- name: TESTING
value: $(TESTING)
Then just tried to print in NodeJS:
process.env.TESTING --> $(TESTING)
process.env.TESTING2 --> undefined
This is not work for me.

Yes, you can use Azure Pipelines variables like every environment variables in NodeJS:
var buildID = process.env.BUILD_BUILDID


Next.js application not reading environment variables from Azure App Application Settings

I am trying to deploy a Next.js application to Azure and I am noticing that the application is not reading from the Application Settings environment variables when I run the application. For example, I created a simple variable called "NEXT_PUBLIC_AZURE_ENV" in the Azure Application Settings.
It seems like from the documentation on Next.js that the environment variables are set at build time.
Our DevOps team is trying to leverage a build once; deploy anywhere approach and having the application read from the Application Settings is what we are trying to do.
Here is the variables declared locally in the local .env file:
Here is the next.js.config file, which I added to the env section, not sure if that is needed or not.
When I print the variable out, it works:
However, once the application is deployed to Azure; the variable to is not being read.
Is it possible to read from Application Settings in Azure from Next.js? Thank you!
To access front-end env variables from an Azure Static app, you need add the env variables inside of your job configuration. For Azure Pipelines, the relevant part should look like:
app_location: 'src'
api_location: 'api'
output_location: 'public'
azure_static_web_apps_api_token: $(deployment_token)
env: # Add environment variables here
For Github Actions:
azure_static_web_apps_api_token: ${{ secrets.AZURE_STATIC_WEB_APPS_API_TOKEN }}
repo_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
action: 'upload'
app_location: 'src'
api_location: 'api'
output_location: 'public'
env: # Add environment variables here
Examples taken from:

Replace kubernetes yaml environment variables in Azure pipeline?

I have an azure devops pipeline that I'm using to deploy a kubernetes project to rancher. In my k8s deployment.yaml file I have environment variables defined like this:
- name: frontend
- name: GIT_HASH
value: dummy_value
I want to be able to replace the GIT_HASH with a value created in the azure yml pipeline. Specifically, I have a script to get a git commit e.g:
- task: Bash#3
displayName: Set the short git hash as a variable
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
short_hash=$(git rev-parse --short=7 HEAD)
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=git-hash;]$short_hash"
And I want to be able to inject this value into kubernetes as the GIT_HASH. Is there a way to do this? I've tried using the qetza.replacetokens.replacetokens-task.replacetokens#3 but can't get it to work.
Posting comment as the community wiki answer for better visibility.
Have you considered using Helm or Kustomize to template your deployment manifests instead of relying on token replacement?
More information can be found on official Azure documentation

How to set environment variable for node js build job in azure devops pipeline

I am importing some secrets from Azure Key Vault to Variable Group to CI / CD pipeline.
I am able to map the required secrets in VariableGroup from KeyVault using Azure Devops UI.
In my pipeline YAML i am able to read and print those VariableGroup variables which are AzureKeyVault secrets.
- dev
# define the VM image
vmImage: "Ubuntu 16.04"
# define variables to use during the build
- group: SecretVarGroup # it has keyvault variable 'KV_API_KEY'
- group: PublicVarGroup # it has a variable 'API_CLIENTID'
# define the step to export key to env varaiable
- script: echo $MYSECRETAPIKEY
## Run the npm build
- script: |
npm run build
displayName: "npm build"
I am able to see value for 'KV_API_KEY' secret printed as *** value in the build output log which i assume its able to consume. I also see value for API_CLIENTID printed in build log as well as node js process.env object.
I was assuming the variable "MYSECRETAPIKEY" will be available in my node js process.env object. But it's not avaialble.
The way i tested it is in my node js project build config i have a print statement which prints process.env object. It printed all the environment variables of pipeline build agent including my PUBLICVARGROUP variable 'API_CLIENTID'. But i don't see my secret variable 'MYSECRETAPIKEY' in the process.env object.
I thought above line would export variable to specific language process environment. But it is not. How can i fix this?
# define the step to export key to env varaiable
## Run the npm build
- script: |
npm run build
displayName: "npm build"
Looks like secrets are scoped on the agent for individual tasks and scripts to use. The issue was i had env: declaraion in a separate adhoc task.Moving it to the same place of my script declaration in the above code has fixed the issue.

NodeJS: How to include environment variable from CircleCI into the application

In my front end application, I'm storing sensitive information in the environment and using them as following:
const client_secret = process.env.CLIENT_SECRET;
On local development, I use dotenv package to pass in the values in .env file
The .env file is not committed.
I use CircleCI for my deployment process, and saved the CLIENT_SECRET value in CircleCI environment variables, but how can I pass into the application?
This is my CircleCI config.yml:
- deploy:
name: Deploy
command: |
VERSION=`date "+%Y-%m-%dt%H%M"`
if [ "${ENVIRONMENT}" = "production" ]; then
gcloud app deploy ${APP_FILE} --quiet --version ${VERSION}
I can do this in app.yaml:
NODE_ENV: 'production'
But I don't want to include the sensitive information into the .yaml file and commit them. Does anyone know any way I can pass environment values into the application?
I'm using Google Cloud Platform, and gcloud app deploy command doesn't seem to have a flag to include the environment variables.
Using bash script to create a .env file with environment variables manually
echo """
env: flex
runtime: nodejs
memory_gb: 4.0
disk_size_gb: 10
instances: 1
NODE_ENV: 'test'
- checkout
- run:
name: chmod permissions
command: chmod -R 755 ./
- run:
name: Copy across app.yaml config
command: ./ > ./app.yaml
- deploy:
name: Deploy
command: |
VERSION=`date "+%Y-%m-%dt%H%M"`
gcloud app deploy app.yaml --quiet --version ${VERSION}
Reading about it, it's indeed, as you mentioned, that the only "official" way to set environment variables, it's by setting them in the app.yaml - this article provides more information on it. Considering that, I went to search further and I have found this good question from the Community - accessible here - where some workarounds are provided.
For example, the one that you mentioned, about creating a second file with the values and call it in the app.yaml is a good one. You can them use the .gitignore for the file not exist in the repository - in case you are using one. Another option would be to use Cloud Datastore to store the information and use it in your application. This way, Datastore would keep this information secured and accessible for your application, without becoming public within your App Engine configuration.
I just thought a good idea of adding this information here, with the article and question included, in case you want more information! :)
Let me know if the information helped you!

How to set environment variables using Google Cloud Build or other method in Google App Engine Standard Environment?

Is there anyway to inject environment variables from Cloud Build into the App Engine Standard environment?
I do not want to push my environment variables to GitHub inside the app.yaml or .env. Thus, when Cloud Build pulls and deploys it is missing the .env file and the server is unable to complete some requests.
I am trying to avoid using Datastore as the async nature of Datastore will make the code a lot more messy. I tried to use encrypted secrets found here, but that doesn't seem to work as I added the secrets to app deploy and they do not make their way into the deployment, so I assume this is not the use case for Cloud Build.
I also tried the tutorial here, to import the .env file into App Engine Standard from storage, but since Standard does not have local storage I assume it goes into the void.
So is there anyway to inject the .env into App Engine Standard environment without using Datastore, or committing app.yaml or .env to change control? Potentially using Cloud Build, KMS, or some type of storage?
Here is what I tried for cloudbuild.yaml:
- name: ""
args: ["app", "deploy"]
secretEnv: ['SECRET1', 'SECRET2', 'SECRET3', 'SECRET4', 'SECRET5']
timeout: "1600s"
- kmsKeyName: projects/<Project-Name>/locations/global/keyRings/<Key-Ring-Name>/cryptoKeys/<Key-Name>
SECRET1: <encrypted-key-base64 here>
SECRET2: <encrypted-key-base64 here>
SECRET3: <encrypted-key-base64 here>
SECRET4: <encrypted-key-base64 here>
SECRET5: <encrypted-key-base64 here>
Here is a tutorial on how to securely store env vars in your cloud build (triggers) settings and import them into your app.
Basically there are three steps:
Add your env vars to the 'variables' section in one of your build trigger settings
Screenshot of where to add variables in build triggers
By convention variables set in the build trigger must begin with an underscore (_)
Configure cloudbuild.yaml (on the second step in the code example) to read in variables from your build trigger, set them as env vars, and write all env vars in a local .env file
Add couldbuild.yaml (below) to your project root directory
- name: node:10.15.1
entrypoint: npm
args: ["install"]
- name: node:10.15.1
entrypoint: npm
args: ["run", "create-env"]
- name: ""
args: ["app", "deploy"]
timeout: "1600s"
Add create-env script to package.json
"scripts": {
"create-env": "printenv > .env"
Read env vars from .env to your app (config.js)
Install dotenv package
npm i dotenv -S
Add a config.js to your app
// Import all env vars from .env file
export const MY_SECRET_KEY = process.env.MY_SECRET_KEY
console.log(MY_SECRET_KEY) // => Hello
Done! Now you may deploy your app by triggering the cloud build and your app will have access to the env vars.
I have another solution, if someone is still interested in this. This should work on all languages, because environment variables are added directly into app.yaml file
Add substitution variable in build trigger (as described in this answer).
Add environment variables to app.yaml in a way they can be easily substituted with build trigger variables. Like this:
Add a step in cloudbuild.yaml to substitute all %XXX% variables inside app.yaml with their values from build trigger.
- name: ''
entrypoint: bash
  - '-c'
  - |
  sed -i 's/%SECRET_KEY%/'${_SECRET_KEY}'/g' app.yaml
  gcloud app deploy  app.yaml
The highfivebrian answer is great, but I'm adding my slightly different solution.
1). In the root project folder we need the cloudbuild.yaml file but I'll call it buildsetttings.yaml, because
first one name have a problem
In buildsetttings.yaml I added this code:
- name: node
entrypoint: npm
args: ['install']
- name: node
entrypoint: npm
- 'DB_URL=${_DB_URL}'
args: ['run', 'create-app-yaml']
- name: ''
args: ['app', 'deploy']
buildsetttings.yaml will be create app.yaml file in the Cloud Build, using a npm create-app-yaml command.
Tip: app.yaml file we will then use to deploy our app to GCP App Engine.
2). In the root folder(near buildsetttings.yaml) we need to create create-app-yaml.js which will run in Cloud Build after it is called from buildsetttings.yaml.
In buildsetttings.yaml I added this code:
const fs = require('fs');
const appYamlContent = `runtime: nodejs14
DB_URL: ${process.env.DB_URL}
CLIENT_ID: ${process.env.CLIENT_ID}`;
fs.writeFileSync('./app.yaml', appYamlContent);
This code using a npm package dotenv(add it to package.json) and get variables from Cloud Build Trigger Variables and create with they app.yaml file.
3). app.yaml file was created in the Cloud build and our last step(name: '') in the buildsetttings.yaml, using app.yaml file, deploy the project to the Google Cloud App Engine.
In short, it works like this: buildsetttings.yaml run "create-app-yaml.js" in the Cloud Build, after which dynamically creates an app.yaml file by adding variables from Cloud Build Trigger Variables, then makes a deployment in the App Engine.
Delete the file app.yamlin from you project, because it will be create dynamically in the Cloud Build. Also delete cloudbuild.yaml file, because instead we use buildsetttings.yaml.
Cloud Build Trigger Variables:
As of 2020/11/13. It seem like .env will work only at that step and in the next step an invisible .env will no longer there.
If you get stuck do try consume that printed .env it in 1 step like this ...
in cloudbuild.yaml
# [START cloudbuild_yarn_node]
# Install
- name: node
entrypoint: yarn
args: ["install"]
# Build
- name: node
entrypoint: yarn
- "FOO=${_FOO}"
args: ["env-build"]
and in package.json add this
"scripts": {
"env-build": "printenv > .env && yarn build",
in index.js
Took me an hour to figure this out.
First, I created secret using gcp secret manager and uploaded my env file there.
Second, I called the secret in cloudbuild.yaml on run time and created a file with name of '.env' using echo.
- id: "Injecting ENV"
name: ''
entrypoint: bash
- '-c'
- |
echo $$ENV > .env
secretEnv: ['ENV']
- versionName: projects/<Project-Name>/secrets/environment-variables/versions/1
env: 'ENV'
timeout: 900s
Based on your preferences that you have highlighted (Cloud Build, KMS). The Google Secrets link that you had mentioned involves storing sensitive data at build or runtime using Cloud KMS: KeyRing and CryptoKey. However, Google offers other Secret Management Solutions using Cloud KMS as well.
Here are a couple of other options you can use while storing Secrets:
Option 1 : You can store Secrets in code that are encrypted with a key from Cloud KMS.
(This is typically used by encrypting your secret at the application layer.)
Benefit: Provides a layer of security from insider threats because it restricts access to the code with a corresponding key.
[You can find some additional information about these options on the Google Documentation here.]
Option 2: You can Store Secrets inside a Google Storage Bucket where your data is at rest encryption. (Similar to option 1 this has the ability to limit access to secrets to a small group of Developers.)
Benefit: Storing your secrets in a separate location ensures that if a breach of your code repository has occurred, your secrets may still be protected.)
[Note: Google recommends that you use two projects for proper separation of duties. One project will use Cloud KMS to manage the keys and the other project will use Cloud Storage to store the secrets.]
If the options listed above still do not meet your needs, I have found a StackOverflow question that shares a similar objective as your project. (i.e: Storing environment variables in GAE without Datastore)
The solution provided on this link illustrates the use of storing keys in a client_secrets.json file that gets excluded when uploading to git by listing it in .gitignore. You can find some Google examples (Python) of usage here.
