tasks Scheduler and CPU isolation in Linux - linux

I'm a kernel noob including schedulers. I understand that there is a IO scheduler and a task scheduler and according to this post IO scheduler uses normal tasks that are handled by the task schedule in the end.
So if I run an user space thread that was assigned to an isolated core (using isolcpus) and it will do some IO operation, will the the
task created by the IO scheduler get executed on the isolated core ?
Since CFS seems to favor user interaction does this mean that CPU intensive threads might get a lower CPU time in the long run?
Isolating cores can help mitigate this issue?
Isolating cores can decrease the scheduling latency (the time it takes for a thread that was marked as runnable to get executed ) for
the threads that are pined to the isolated cores?

So if I run an user space thread that was assigned to an isolated core
(using isolcpus) and it will do some IO operation, will the the task
created by the IO scheduler get executed on the isolated core ?
What isolcpus is doing is taking that particular core out of kernel list of cpu where it can schedule tasks. So once you isolate a cpu from kernel's list of cpus it will never schedule any task on that core, no matter whether that core is idle or is being used by some other process/thread.
Since CFS seems to favor user interaction does this mean that CPU
intensive threads might get a lower CPU time in the long run?
Isolating cores can help mitigate this issue?
Isolating cpu has a different use altogether in my opinion. Basically if your applications has both fast threads(threads with no system calls, and are latency sensitive) and slow threads(threads with system calls) you would want to have dedicated cpu cores for your fast threads so that they are not interrupted by kernel's scheduling process and hence can run to their completion without any noise. Fast threads are usually latency sensitive. On the other hand slow threads or threads which are not really latency sensitive and are doing supporting logic for your application need not have dedicated cpu cores. As mentioned earlier isloting cpu servers a different purpose. We do all this all the time in our organization.
Isolating cores can decrease the scheduling latency (the time it takes
for a thread that was marked as runnable to get executed ) for the
threads that are pined to the isolated cores?
Since you are taking cpus from kernel's list of cpus this will surely impact other threads and processes, but then again you would want to pay extra thought and attention to what really is your latency sensitive code and you would want to separate it from your non-latency sensitive code.
Hope it helps.


Can you run NodeJs parallelly in a single-core CPU?

I know that a single-core CPU (typically) will be able to have 2 threads running. So does this means you can have NodeJs running parallelly in a single-core CPU?
First off, nodejs only runs your Javascript in a single thread, regardless of how many CPUs there are (assuming there are no WorkerThreads being used). It may use some other threads internally for the implementation of some library functions (like file operations or asynchronous crypto operations). But, it only ever uses a single thread/CPU to execute your Javascript instructions.
So does this means you can have NodeJs running parallelly in a single-core CPU?
That depends upon what you mean by "parallelly".
Your operating system supports lots of threads, even with only a single CPU. But, when you only have a single CPU, those threads get time-sliced across the single CPU such that none of them are ever actually running at the same time.
One thread gets to run for a short time, then the OS suspends that thread, context switches to another thread, runs it for a short time, suspends that thread, context switches to another thread and so on.
So, the one CPU is "shared" among multiple threads, but no each thread is still running one at a time (typically for short periods of time).
The more CPUs you have, the more threads can run simultaneously where there is true parallel execution.
This is all managed by the OS, independent of nodejs or any particular app running on the computer. Also, please be aware that a typical modern OS has a lot of services running in the OS. Each of these services may also have their own threads that needs to use the CPU from time to time in order to keep the OS and its services running properly. For example, you might be doing a file system backup while typing into your word processor, while running a nodejs app. That can all happen on a single CPU by just sharing it between the different threads that all want to have some cycles. Apps or services that need lots of CPU to do their job will run more slowly when a single CPU is being shared among a bunch of different uses, but they will all still proceed via the time-slicing.
Time-slicing on a single CPU will give the appearance of parallel execution because multiple threads can appear to be making progress, but in reality, one thread may run for a few milliseconds, then the OS switches over to another thread which runs for a few milliseconds and so on. Tasks get done in parallel (at a somewhat slower rate) even though both tasks are never actually using the CPU at exactly the same moment.

How to ensure node.js process will run on different thread?

So for example there would be service 1 that runs on that runs on thread 1.
And I would like to run service 2 that would run on that would run on any thread but not on thread 1.
Is it possible to do something like that?
First off, I think you meant to say "CPU core" instead of "thread". Code runs in a thread and a thread runs on a CPU core when it is running. A process may contain one or more threads. In fact, a nodejs process contains several threads, one thread for running your Javascript, but other threads are involved in running the overall nodejs process.
Which CPU core a given thread runs on is up to the operating system.
Normally with a multi-core CPU, two processes that are trying to run at the same time will be assigned to different CPU cores. This is a dynamic thing inside the OS and can change from time to time as different threads/processes are time sliced. Processes of any kind (including nodejs processes) are not hard bound to a particular core and threads within those processes are not hard bound to a particular core either.
The operating system will decide based on which threads in which processes are vying for time to run how to allocate CPU cores to each thread and it is a dynamically changing assignment depending upon demand. If more threads are trying to run than there are cores, then the threads will each get slices of time on a CPU core and they will all share the CPU cores, each making progress, but not getting to hog a CPU core all to themselves.
If your two services, one running on port 5000 and one running on port 5001 are both nodejs apps, then the operating system will dynamically allocate CPU cores upon demand to each of them. Neither of those two service processes are bound to a specific core. If they are both heavily busy at the same time and you have a multi-core CPU and there's not a lot else in computer also contending for CPU time, then each service's main thread that runs your Javascript will have a different CPU core to run on.
But, keep in mind that this is a dynamic assignment. If you have a four core CPU and all of a sudden several other things start up on your computer and are also contending for CPU resources, then the CPU cores will be shared across all the threads/processes contending for CPU resources. The sharing is done via rotation in small time slices and can incorporate a priority system too. The specific details of how that works vary by operating system, but the principle of "time-sharing" the available CPU cores among all those threads requesting CPU resources is the same.

Multiprocessing vs multithreading misconception?

From my understanding, multithreading means under one process, multiple threads that containing instructions, registers, stack, etc,
1, run concurrently on single thread/core cpu device
2, run parallelly on multi core cpu device (just for example 10 threads on 10 core cpu)
And multiprocessing I thought means different processes run parallelly on multi core cpu device.
And today after reading an article, it got me thinking if I am wrong or the article is wrong.
Multiprocessing is the use of two or more CPUs
(processors) within a single computer system. Now, as there are
multiple processors available, multiple processes can be executed at a
Isn't it the same as a multithreading process that runs on a multi core cpu device??
What did I miss? or maybe it's me not understanding multiprocessing fully.
Multiprocessing means running multiple processes in accordance to the operating system scheduling algorithm. Modern operating systems use some variation of time sharing to run user process in a pseudo-parallel mode. In presence of multiple cpus, the OS can take advantage of them and run some processes in real parallel mode.
Processes in contrast to threads are independent from each other in respect of memory and other process context. They could talk to each other using Inter Process Communication (IPC) mechanisms. Shared resources can be allocated for the processes and require process level synchronization to access them.
Threads, on the other hand share the same memory location and other process context. They can access the same memory location and need to be synchronized using thread synchronization techniques, like mutexes and conditional variables.
Both threads and processes are scheduled by the operating system in similar manner. So, the quote you provided is not completely correct. You do not need multiple cpus for multi-processing, however you need them to allow few processes to really run at the same time. There could be as many processes as cores which run simultaneously, however other processes will share the cpus as well in time-sharing manner.

Does -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode run on application threads or in GC-dedicated threads?

When reading Really? iCMS? Really? from this blog, one statement caught my attention:
The concurrent phases are typically long (think seconds and not milliseconds).
If CMS hogged the single hardware thread for several
seconds, the application would not execute during those
several seconds and would in
effect experience a stop-the-world pause.
Which doesn't make sense to me on preemptive operating systems. My assumption is that CMS has one or more collector threads running. Another hypothesis would be that instead of having CMS having dedicated GC threads executing the garbage collection we are talking about making application threads interleave their logic with GC logic (time-multiplexing).
Is this the case? What am I getting wrong here?
In HotSpot JVM, the Garbage Collector (including CMS and i-CMS) uses dedicated worker threads.
CMS threads run concurrently with application threads, but they have higher priority: NearMaxPriority. On a single core machine, CMS cycle could indeed make application threads starving. The idea of CMS incremental mode was to make GC voluntarily yield CPU to the application without relying on OS scheduler.
From HotSpot GC Tuning Guide:
Normally, the CMS collector uses one or more processors during the
entire concurrent tracing phase, without voluntarily relinquishing
them. Similarly, one processor is used for the entire concurrent sweep
phase, again without relinquishing it. This overhead can be too much
of a disruption for applications with response time constraints that
might otherwise have used the processing cores, particularly when run
on systems with just one or two processors. Incremental mode solves
this problem by breaking up the concurrent phases into short bursts of
activity, which are scheduled to occur midway between minor pauses.
Note that CMS incremental mode was deprecated long ago in 2012.

Is a multi-user and multi-processor environment useful with threading?

Taking CPU affinity into account, will such an environment be useful with threading? Or will there be a performance degradation in such a system, if multiple users login and spawn multiple kernel and user threads?
When you say "taking CPU affinity into account" - are you saying that all processes have CPU affinity in this hypothetical system? Or is that just as one extra possible bit of information?
Using multiple threads will slow things down a bit if the system is already loaded (so there are more runnable threads than cores) but if there are often times where there are only (say) 2 users and 4 cores available, threading may help.
Another typical use for threads is to do something "in the background" whether that's explicitly using threads or using async calls. At that point multi-threading can definitely give a benefit (e.g. a non-hanging UI) without actually using more than one core simultaneously for much of the time.
