How to lock a file in onedrive using VBA? - excel

I am making a vba Programm that access a file in OneDrive and edits it. However, I don't want two users to be able to edit the file at the same time. I can't completly lock the file, because while one user is editing, the others might still read it.
I used to lock the file with something like this:
If varForReadOnly = False Then
End If
This never worked on my version of the programm, but always worked on my client for months. Now, after changing the OneDrive file's name, this has stopped working all of a sudden, with the same error it had in my computer.
Does anyone knows what I did wrong, or what I can do to lock the file?

After a lot of searching, I found out how to do this. I am going to leave the answer here, because I still didn't find any answer to this question.
You must use the CheckIn() and CheckOut methods. Something like this:
If Workbooks.CanCheckOut(varForFilePath) = True Then
Set wbVarForWorkbook = Workbooks.Open(varForFilePath)
'works with workbook and in the end check it back
wbVarForWorkbook.CheckIn SaveChanges:=True
'message about busy workbook
End If
This methods are complex and there are other things you should be careful about when working with them, but this is the basic answer for what methods to use to replace LockServerFile and lock a file in OneDrive so that only one user at a time can edit it.


C# FileSystemWatcher & StreamReader gives "File is being used by another process" error

I have codes to watch a folder and open to read new files. When new file(s) fall into folder program works and do what it should do. Problem is related with other next file(s). If another file(s) fall into folder, program is giving "File is being used by another process" error message. I already read every similar questions in Stackoverflow and in Google. But non of them solved my problem. I don't think that problem is with my codes since when I assign same codes to a button and click manually after file falls to folder, program is working properly. But when FileSystemWatcher runs those codes it gives error at second time. Is there anyone who can advise a solution ?
I couldn't find the reason of the problem but I found my own solution.
I gave-up using FileSystemWatcher, instead I created a timer for 1 minute and at the end I check file quantity in the folder. If there is any change, I run the main codes. Now my problem has been fixed.

Excel file remaining locked for editing after use

I have a Windows Forms application with an OpenFileDialog. The user clicks a "Process" button and the application goes through the file - an Excel spreadsheet - and processes the data in it. All of this works as expected with one caveat.
After the application is done processing, the file remains locked for editing so when I open the file to make changes, I get this message:
If I close the application completely, the file is unlocked so I'm assuming the application is just holding onto the file for longer than it should. I'm guessing there should be some sort of Close() method or something that will release the resources but I can't figure out exactly what I need. I tried using Dispose() and wrapping my code in a Using block which I thought destroyed everything automatically but no luck.
Here's my code:
Using excel = New ExcelPackage(OpenFileDialog1.OpenFile)
Dim ws = excel.Workbook.Worksheets.First()
'Process data in ws...
OpenFileDialog1.Dispose() 'Doesn't seem to release the file
excel.Dispose() 'Doesn't seem to release the file
End Using
The OpenFileDialog.OpenFile Method returns a Stream object that likely is not being closed by the ExcelPackage.
To ensure that the stream is released, use the following pattern.
Using strm As IO.Stream = OpenFileDialog1.OpenFile
Using excel = New ExcelPackage(strm)
' ...
End Using
End Using

Sharepoint and Excel VBA integration failure

I have encountered a problem when trying to retrieve file properties from SharePoint through VBA in Excel. (I can't post the workbook, but the below code should suffice).
The code in question:
Private Sub CheckCheckOutStatus()
Debug.Print Application.Workbooks.CanCheckOut("")
End Sub
The issue is that on my clients PC this statement always returns false regardless of whether the file is checked out or not (They are able to check out the file manually, so it isn't a file permissions issue).
Upon further investigation, it seems to be that my specific computer is able to get the correct value from this code and none other can. It's also worth mentioning that my client and all the PC's/Users I have tested this with are all on the same shared network and so we should all have the same packages installed.
Through process of elimination we have deduced that it is related to my specific computer (and it doesn't matter who logs into it, its the PC itself) that is able to use this method correctly.
My question is to all the experts out there:
Are there any client side or local packages/installations/permissions that could enable or disable programmatic access to the properties in SharePoint?
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and thanks in advance to any suggestions you might have!
I can't test this because I don't have SharePoint installed, but this looks about right...
Sub test()
Dim docCheckOut As String
docCheckOut = "Filepath&name"
Call UseCheckOut(docCheckOut)
End Sub
Sub UseCheckOut(docCheckOut As String)
' Determine if workbook can be checked out.
If Workbooks.CanCheckOut(docCheckOut) = True Then
Workbooks.CheckOut docCheckOut
MsgBox "Unable to check out this document at this time."
End If
End Sub

msoFileDialogFilePicker resulting in error

Please don't comment with anything about naming conventions, approaches, asking what the code is supposed to DO, or anything that isn't directly related to my issue:
This runs perfectly for me, everytime--A window pops up, and I select multiple Excel files and their data is uploaded into my sheet (Code not pictured). My client says he gets an error when he runs it, and naturally I assumed it was because he ran it on a Mac...but he says he gets the error on both PC and Mac. I can't recreate the error...and here we are.
Here's the code in question, the erring line highlighted in yellow:
Code for your copying:
Sub Import_Employee_Sheet()
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
.AllowMultiSelect = True
If .Show = True Then
End If
End With
End Sub
This is probably because he hasn't set the Microsoft Object [Version number] Library reference under Tools/References in the IDE, or because it's broken. Also see this post on how to fix the problem WITHOUT setting the object reference in order to avoid similar problems in the future.
It should read "...without setting the library reference" above.

Excel Object SaveAs, error happens when Existing File is Open

Excel_Obj = CREATE OleObject
Excel_Obj.ConnectToNewObject( 'excel.application' )
Excel_Sheet = Excel_Obj.Application.ActiveWorkbook.WorkSheets[1]
Excel_Sheet.Cells[1,1] = 45
Excel_Obj.Application.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs(ls_file,56) //csv
//where ls_file = the Opened File
error happened after / during saveas.
try catch throw "error calling external click..line.. saveas.."
i want to state to the user that the excel file is open therefore cannot be overwritten properly. I used a try catch and throwed a proper message but before the messagebox for the catch event happens, the PB execution error R0035 happens. any solutions or proper way to know if the excel file is open.
You might be able to check if the file is open first, have a look at this answer:
how to check if file is opened in excel using OLE (leaves excel process open)
I'd try a PowerScript FileOpen () call with a LockReadWrite! parameter to see if it can be opened, followed immediately by a FileClose () if it was successful. (I think this is a PowerScript-specific variation on the DXL solution Colin linked to.)
Good luck,
Have you tried approaches similar to these?
Using Win32 API:
Using PB function fileopen()with the (default) exclusive rights set:
In other words, see if the file can be opened exclusively before connecting to Excel or making the CSV?
You will have to turn off the option to break into the debugger for that exception to see the exception handling work in the IDE. Look for the Help topic "Exception Settings dialog box" for details. Once you see it's working I recommend you set it back to break into the debugger, since you'd normally want to see what threw the error.
You cannot use ole when document is open( even you set lock write) by the user and not by apllication.
my approach, I have been using many times till now:
Check excel is open or not, use use can use api or wsh script in the internet to check app opened. If opened do not run save as and tell user to close excel and not run it for while for while.
if you user run excel and your program still running active workbook and worksheet application will be switch to excel that opened by user ( imagine it wrong written data).
Change your code as below
if Excel_Obj.ConnectToNewObject( 'excel.application' ) <> 0 then
messagebox("warning", "could connect to excel", stopsign!)
end if
just for knowledge another technique is DDE call, but not common today and most complicated.
Happy coding From pb developer.
