TypeError: storage._handleFile is not a function - node.js

I want to retrieve an image from the mongodb database using nodejs and mongoose as a ORM. I got this error when i was trying to retreive image from database. I have used multer-gridfs-storage for storing the image to mongodb

Hard to tell but you're probably using:
{ storage: { storage: diskStorage(...) }}
It should be
{ storage: diskStorage(...) }

Just a little developer tip mate, using multer-gridfs-storage you can upload the whole image into the data base . That means the database will be very heavy in a little time. So let's say after a quite a long time you will need to make a backup. So the backup time will be massive mate.
So my recommendation is that you use multer - npm. Just multer because using that you can still upload the image but not to the database. Instead you can store the image into your server by creating a dedicated folder for all your image and upload all incoming images there. To reference the image into a certain object, you can store the image name instead of the whole image. Thus the database size will be not increased rapidly


Moving specific collections from mongodb atlas to archive db

I did my homework before posting this question
So the case is that I want to create a utility in my nodejs application that will move specific collections from my main database to an archive database and vice versa. I am using mongo db atlas for my application. I have been doing my research and I found two possible ways one is to create a mongodump and store and other is to create a backup file myself using my node application and upload it to archive db. Using the later approach will cause to loose my collection indexes.
I am planning to use mongodump for the purpose but can't find a resource that shows how to achieve that. Any help would be appreciated. Also if any one has any experience with similar situation I am open to suggestions as well.
I recently created a mongodump & mongorestore wrapper for nodejs: node-mongotools
What does it mean?
you have to install mongo binary on your host by following official mongo documentation(example) and then, you could use node-mongotools to call them from nodeJS.
Here is an example but tool doc contains more details:
var mt = new MongoTools();
const dumpResult = await mt.mongodump({ uri, path })

Firebase upload raw data to bucket

I am creating an application in nodejs/typescript that uses Firebase Functions and I basically need to upload a JSON object to a bucket. I am having issues because the JSON I am creating exists in memory, and is not an actual file - as the application is a serverless one.
I know firebase is just a wrapper for Google Cloud Functions and have looked for solutions everywhere however cannot seem to get this working. Is anyone able to give me any guidance or suggestions please?
If I cannot upload the in-memory file to a bucket, does anyone know if its possible to programatically export a database document as a json to a firestore bucket using firebase? (as I can easily just upload the json to a database document).
Below is one example of what I have tried. However the code is obviously invalid.
await storage()
.file('test.json') // A random string filename and not an existing file
You can use save() to write data in memory to a bucket.
await storage()

Jimp write image to Google cloud storage node js

I'm currently writing images to my filesystem using jimp.
For example: image.write('path')
This cannot be used on Google App Engine because its read only filesystem.
How can I write this to a Google storage bucket? I've tried writestreams but keep getting read only errors so I feel like jimp is still writing to the drive.
Thanks heaps
As I can understand you are modifying some images on your App Engine and you want to upload them to a bucket but you didn't mention if you are using standard or flex environment. In order to do this you want to make your publicly readable so it can serve files.
Following this Google Cloud Platform Node.js documentation you can see that to upload a file to a bucket you need to create object first using:
const blob = bucket.file(yourFileName);
Then using createWriteStream you can upload the file

Nodejs transform image data back to actual image

My server receives a file from a HTTP request and uploads this file to IBM Cloud Object Storage.
Moreover, the server allows to recover this file. Recovery is triggered by a get http request that should return said file.
It works fine for "basic" data format, such as text files. However, I encounter problems with more complex types such as images and the "reformating".
Image is uploaded to the datastore. The element stored is the buffer itself:
When getting the image back from the datastore, how can I transform it back to a readable format for my computer?
The data look like this and it is, on the server, a string:
If you are using ExpressJS you can do this:
const data = req.files[0].buffer;
res.contentType('image/jpeg'); // don't know what type is

Upload filestream to cloud-files with Node.js

I know that it's possible to upload files to my cloud-files account in Node.js, using the following module: node-cloudfiles.
But is it also possible to upload a filestream directly?
In my case I am dowloading an image from a certain location in Node.js and want to upload this directly to my cloud-files account without saving the image temporary on my server.
Of course it is possible - you can just read the documentation on Rackspace Cloud Files API ( http://docs.rackspacecloud.com/files/api/cf-devguide-latest.pdf ) and implement the necessary parts yourself.
However, I'd suggest to wait until https://github.com/nodejitsu/node-cloudfiles/pull/11 gets integrated into the trunk - then node-cloudfiles library will support uploading files using streams so you won't have to create files before uploading.
