How much free disk space is needed for compaction? - cassandra

According to this article:
"It looks at the the total space used by all sstables, adds it up, and
checks it against available disk space"
Does it mean that total space is counted for all sstables stored on given node, or for all sstables that will be compacted?
We can assume that we have SizeTieredCompactionStrategy.

According to the source code in CompactionTask#buildCompactionCandidatesForAvailableDiskSpace for Cassandra 2.1.20 the write size is for all sstables that will be compacted (sstables that are not expired).
Also, as a general recommendation, you should fill up your disk up to 50% of the disk size so compactions can be executed safely.

For SizeTieredCompactionStrategy compaction strategy at least 50% disk space of total disk space of Cassandra data file should be free so that compaction can be executed safely.


Cassandra is tracking the number of deletion in sstables to trigger a compaction?

Wonder whether Cassandra is triggering a compaction (STCS or LCS) based on the number of deletion in sstables? In LCS, as I know, cassandra compacts sstables to next level only if a level is full. But the size of a deletion recored is usually small. If just consider the sstable size to decide whether a level is full or not, it may take long for a tombstone to be reclaimed.
I know rocksdb is triggering compaction using the number of deletions in sstables. This will help to reduce tombstone.
Yes, Cassandra's compaction can be triggered by the number of deletion (a.k.a. tombstones)
Have a look to the common options for all the compaction strategies and specifically this param:
How much of the sstable should be tombstones for us to consider doing a single sstable compaction of that sstable.
See doc here:

Cassandra compaction: does replication factor have any influence?

Let’s assume that the total disk usage of all keyspaces is 100GB before replication. The replication factor is 3. Making the total physical disk usage = 100GB x 3 = 300GB.
We use the default compaction strategy (size-tiered) and let’s assume the worse case where Cassandra needs as much free space as the the data to complete the compaction. Does Cassandra needs 100GB (before replication) or 300GB (100GB x3 with replication)?
In other words, when Cassandra needs free disk space for performing compaction, does the replication factor has any influence?
Compaction in Cassandra is local to a Node.
Now let's say you have a 3 node cluster, replication factor is also 3, and the original data size is 100GB. This means that each node has 100GB worth of data.
Hence on each node, I will need 100GB free space to compact the data present on that node.
TLDR; Free space required for Compaction is equal to the total data present on the node.
Because data is replicated between the nodes, every node will need to have up to 100Gb free space - so it's total of the 300Gb, but not on one node...

If I give row_cache_size_in_mb =5Gb in cassandra.yaml file, does cassandra reserves 5GB from Heap Memory?

I am running my cassandra cluster having memory 32 GB on each node,
And row cache capacity (row_cache_size_in_mb) 5GB,
Just want to know, does 5gb memory ram is reserved for row caching from my heap??
It will let it grow to that size over time. Can use nodetool info to see the current size and limit and nodetool setcachecapacity to change it at runtime. Note that its kinda an estimate though and heap can grow a bit larger. I would be sure to test that the row_cache is actually improving things though since in a lot of cases having no row cache can be faster.

Cassandra control SSTable size

Is there a way I could control max size of a SSTable, for example 100 MB so that when there is actually more than 100MB of data for a CF, then Cassandra creates next SSTable?
Unfortunately the answer is not so simple, the sizes of your SSTables will be influenced by your compaction Strategy and there is no direct way to control your max sstable size.
SSTables are initially created when memtables are flushed to disk as SSTables. The size of these tables initially depends on your memtable settings and the size of your heap (memtable_total_space_in_mb being a large influencer). Typically these SSTables are pretty small. SSTables get merged together as part of a process called compaction.
If you use Size-Tiered Compaction Strategy you have an opportunity to have really large SSTables. STCS will combine SSTables in a minor compaction when there are at least min_threshold (default 4) sstables of the same size by combining them into one file, expiring data and merging keys. This has the possibility to create very large SSTables after a while.
Using Leveled Compaction Strategy there is a sstable_size_in_mb option that controls a target size for SSTables. In general SSTables will be less than or equal to this size unless you have a partition key with a lot of data ('wide rows').
I haven't experimented much with Date-Tiered Compaction Strategy yet, but that works similar to STCS in that it merges files of the same size, but it keeps data together in time order and it has a configuration to stop compacting old data (max_sstable_age_days) which could be interesting.
The key is to find the compaction strategy which works best for your data and then tune the properties around what works best for your data model / environment.
You can read more about the configuration settings for compaction here and read this guide to help understand whether STCS or LCS is appropriate for you.

Explanation required for a statement in Cassandra documentation

I was going through the DataStax documentation and found an interesting statement.
It claimed "Insert-heavy workloads are CPU-bound in Cassandra before becoming memory-bound".
Can someone explain about how this claim is made? and what might be causing this behavior of Cassandra??
For different workloads, Cassandra clusters can be CPU, memory, I/O or (occasionally) network bound. The claim in the documentation is, if you start a new cluster and make lots of inserts, the cluster will initially be CPU bound but after a while it becomes bottlenecked on memory.
To process an insert, Cassandra needs to deserialize the messages from the clients, find which nodes should store the data and send messages to those nodes. Those nodes then store the data in an in memory data structure called a Memtable.
This is almost always CPU bound initially. However, as more data is inserted, the memtables grow large and are flushed to disk and new (empty) memtables are created. The flushed memtables are stored in files known as SSTables. There is an ongoing background process called compaction that merges SSTables together into progressively larger and larger files.
There are a few reasons why more memory will help at this stage:
If Cassandra is low on heap space, it will flush memtables when they are smaller. This creates smaller SSTables so more work to compact them.
If the workload involves overwrites or inserts to the same row at different times, it is much cheaper to do this if the row is still in a current memtable. If not, the overwrite and new column is stored in a new memtable, then flushed and merged during compaction. So again, less memory means more compaction work.
Your OS uses memory to buffer reads and writes during compaction. If the OS can't then there will be extra I/O, slowing down memtable flushing and compaction.
Inserts into Cassandra consume lots of Java objects so create work for the garbage collector. If the heap is too small inserts may be paused while GC runs to make some free heap. (On the other hand, if the heap is too large, inserts may be paused for a few seconds during stop-the-world GC.)
So inserts may become memory bound, but they could also become I/O bound. If there isn't enough I/O to flush memtables then inserts will become blocked once the memtable flush queue is full. So I think the claim could be a bit more accurate:
Insert-heavy workloads are CPU-bound in Cassandra before becoming memory or I/O bound.
