launchnavigator plugin building with error in phonegap buid - phonegap-plugins

Today the phonegap build issue an error with launchnavigator plugin,the following error is displayed on the build log:
Failed to install '': Error: Variable(s) missing: GOOGLE_API_KEY_FOR_ANDROID, any thought?

Worth to try this command line to include in your project as well
$ cordova plugin add --variable GOOGLE_API_KEY_FOR_ANDROID="{your_api_key}"

According to the plugin's CHANGELOG, there's a new major version 5.0.0 which contains this change:
Add plugin variable to enable specification of Google API key for geocoding on Android. Fixes #211.
So you will need to add the plugin variable as outlined in the updated plugin documentation:
<plugin name="" source="npm" >
<variable name="GOOGLE_API_KEY_FOR_ANDROID" value="{your_api_key}" />


How to build custom Capacitor 3 plugin and access Java class from another plugin in node_modules

I am building a custom capacitor plugin with:
npm init #capacitor/plugin
This creates my plugin but following the directions it says to run:
npx cap sync
But I get this error: npm ERR! could not determine executable to run
I'm just adding this info as I'm not sure if it affects anything...
So I created my Java class in Android studio (AS) to extend capacitor-push-notifications. All this works in AS but I wanted to create a plugin so if something happens to the android folder I can rely on my plugin to add the Java files.
I import the file (in Java):
import com.capacitorjs.plugins.pushnotifications.PushNotificationsPlugin
My question is: How do I import the capacitor-push-notifications when I am in VS Code? I get the following error when I run npm run verify:android:
Could not find com.capacitorjs.plugins.pushnotifications:pushnotifications:1.0.9.
Required by:
project :
also, I did install the plugin:
npm i #capacitor/push-notifications
also added this to build.gradle under dependancies:
implementation "com.capacitorjs.plugins.pushnotifications:pushnotifications:1.0.9"
So do I just ignore the error as I know it works in AS? I looked everywhere and cannot find any reference to this.

Tensorflow-Lite Code-lab doesn't work with build-tool 3.2.0-alpha05

Sample project of tf-lite works with 3.0.1 but not at 3.2.0-alpha05, maybe 3.1.0 RC(not tried)
Please checkout this problem at
.gradle/caches/transforms-1/files-1.1/tensorflow-lite-0.1.1.aar/092814ba6530796fca8e7fc3596f1aa2/AndroidManifest.xml:2:1-6:12 Error:
Missing 'package' declaration in manifest at [org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite:0.1.1] AndroidManifest.xml:2:1-6:12
As a workaround:
Goto "Merged Manifest" in Android Studio as explained in this post:
Then click on tensorflow-lite:0.1 manifest and add org.tensorflow.lite as package:

Native Spinner Dialog (IONIC 3)

I've already used the native spinner in some older projects before and it's worked fine. However, I recently started a new IONIC's project (V.3.5.3) and It's not working properly or I'm doing something wrong. I also noticed that Ionic's Team has changed its Native Spinner Plugin recently, but I don't think that's the problem.
Every time I call show funcion:
It returns:
WARN: Native: tried calling, but the SpinnerDialog plugin is not installed.
WARN: Install the SpinnerDialog plugin: 'ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-native-spinner'
And yes, the plugin is already included in app.module.ts in providers part.
And yes, the commands to include the plugin were executed:
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-native-spinner
npm install --save #ionic-native/spinner-dialog
Could anyone help me please?
It's a bug, do this while we wait for the fix:
Change line 84 to this
pluginRef: 'SpinnerDialog'
It's a temp fix that will work.

Intellij Idea run configuration with ember.js on ubuntu

I am having a problem with the run configuration of ember on intellij idea on ubuntu 14.
I have installed ember using npm and I have followed a tutorial on my teacher's site on how to correctly configure intellij to use both maven and ember. I had no problem configuring the first part (maven), however at the second part, which was basically the same, I couldn't find the file he was refering to. Here is the picture:
And here is the error:
Error: No ember-cli-build.js found. Please see the transition guide:
at CoreObject.module.exports.Task.extend.setupBroccoliBuilder (/home/user/.nvm/versions/node/v5.0.0/lib/node_modules/ember-cli/lib/models/builder.js:56:13)
at CoreObject.module.exports.Task.extend.init (/home/user/.nvm/versions/node/v5.0.0/lib/node_modules/ember-cli/lib/models/builder.js:89:10)
at CoreObject.superWrapper [as init] (/home/user/.nvm/versions/node/v5.0.0/lib/node_modules/ember-cli/node_modules/core-object/lib/assign-properties.js:32:18)
at CoreObject.Class (/home/user/.nvm/versions/node/v5.0.0/lib/node_modules/ember-cli/node_modules/core-object/core-object.js:32:33)
at (/home/user/.nvm/versions/node/v5.0.0/lib/node_modules/ember-cli/lib/tasks/build.js:15:19)
at /home/user/.nvm/versions/node/v5.0.0/lib/node_modules/ember-cli/lib/commands/build.js:32:24
at lib$rsvp$$internal$$tryCatch (/home/user/.nvm/versions/node/v5.0.0/lib/node_modules/ember-cli/node_modules/rsvp/dist/rsvp.js:1036:16)
at lib$rsvp$$internal$$invokeCallback (/home/user/.nvm/versions/node/v5.0.0/lib/node_modules/ember-cli/node_modules/rsvp/dist/rsvp.js:1048:17)
at /home/user/.nvm/versions/node/v5.0.0/lib/node_modules/ember-cli/node_modules/rsvp/dist/rsvp.js:331:11
at lib$rsvp$asap$$flush (/home/user/.nvm/versions/node/v5.0.0/lib/node_modules/ember-cli/node_modules/rsvp/dist/rsvp.js:1198:9)
Could you please help me find the file he was referring to in the tutorial (since "usr/bin" doesn't have any "ember" files)?
New error about permissions:
Do you have a brocfile.js in your project? If so, rename it to ember-cli-build... Apparently you installed a newer version of ember... You might want to re-run ember init
Have a look at as well for more information.
Depending on how you installed ember/ember-cli it would lie under (if you don't use nvm):
in your project structure:
<project_dir>/node_modules and <project_dir>/bower_components
Maybe you didn't initialize ember project. Run ember init in webapp directory

Gradle fails on manifest merging for "targetApi"

My project contains activity declarations in the manifest that use the tools:targetApi attribute to ignore some warnings. Specifically:
android:value=".activities.InformationActivity" />
Out of the blue, however, for instance after switching branches, I get the following compilation error:
Error: Invalid instruction 'targetApi', valid instructions are :
Error:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No
enum constant
I'm using the following:
Gradle 2.10
Gradle plugin 2.0.0-beta6
Android Studio 2.0 beta 6
Both on an Ubuntu 15.10 machine and a Windows 10 machine
It seems I can get things working again by clearing the cache and restarting Android Studio, or removing the attributes, building, then adding them again.
Replacing it by
also fixes the lint issue.
Remove the targetApi tag:
I am posting this late, but probably will help someone..
Find the manifest.xml file described by error in the temp folder, copy it and past in the assets->plugins->android directory and rename it to AndroidManifest.xml
Then edit it and find the <application...> and inside it paste the suggested solution.
For example, I had to paste tools:replace="android:label" so it would look like <application ... tools:replace="android:label">
