Am working on ng-fullcalender package in angular.till now working fine.i want to repeat the event on specific days/month.In fullcalender documentation they says use dow:[2] it works fine when using fullcalender with jquery.problem is that am using fullcalender package in am stuck in that problem.i dont know how we do event repetition in angular5.thanks inAdvance
I am trying to follow the intro example to apache-kafka and i am having a hard time creating a simple event.
when i run the following command inside the project nothing happens:
node producer.js
this use to work before, but now its not working.
this is the step and guide that I am following:
any idea what might be wrong?
Looks like the file doesn't exist.
Creating this is documented in an earlier step:
I'm trying to automate the mmc (snap in console) type desktop app. Where I need to expand the tree.
Try 1 -
But when I do use expand() function it generates error popup which says that "the child nodes does not exists". After this script simply stops with no error message on console unless ok button is clicked on error popup. This I suspect because when tree node expanded it triggers some event which brings child nodes under it and somehow pywinauto is not getting Childs of this node. Please note that this error popup does not come up when the step is done manually.
Try 2 -
When I tried with select() then too same behavior observed as above. It generated same error popup.
Try 3 -
I tried click() and click_input() functions and it clicks on random tree node but not on the tree node on which it is called.
The all above trials are of my application which is not public.
For reproducing this issue I have tried it on common application available on windows OS. And we can see that the 3rd is still reproducible.
Reference code -
import time
from pywinauto.application import Application
from pywinauto import Desktop
app = Application().start(r'cmd.exe /c "C:\Windows\system32\perfmon.msc"', wait_for_idle=False)
app = Application(backend="win32").connect(title='Performance Monitor', timeout=10)
main_wind = app.window(best_match='MMCMainFrame', top_level_only=False)
console_wind = main_wind.child_window(best_match="MDIClients").child_window(best_match='MMCChildFrm').child_window(class_name="MMCViewWindow")
tree = console_wind.TreeView # print_control_identifiers()
children = tree.get_item(["Performance","Data Collector Sets"]).expand().get_child("System").expand().get_child('System Diagnostics')
# below line will select the System Diagnostics
# Below line should click on System Diagnostics but it does NOT and same happens for click() function
Any help will be really helpful in knowing why this click() and click_input() clicks on random tree node and Why expand() and select() method generates the non functional error popup?
Please mention if there is concrete workaround to this.
versions -
Windows OS 10, build 20H2
Python 3.10.4
comtypes 1.1.11
pip 22.0.4
pywin32 303
pywinauto 0.6.8
setuptools 61.2.0
six 1.16.0
wheel 0.37.1
I have referenced some stack overflow and github issue tracker as for this problem as below but nothing works.
Treeview problem
select() for TreeView items (and similar) leads error if this selection calls other dialogs etc
Python: Click by coordinate inside a window
This was all because of incorrect backend API used for snap in control application. Unfortunately my POC I did on win32 API where it worked because I was doing some initial steps manually hence the problem I was facing(explained in try1) was not there and everything was working perfectly fine.
As soon as I switched the backend to UIA it gave me different identifiers for the controls that I used previously. Now I used this identifiers and started using UIA documentation and everything started working smoothly.
Also in my investigation there is no proper way to identify the backend API for the desktop application unless you try both and figure out which works for you.
Suggestion to readers - If you are using win32 API as backend there are different api methods available for that in the documentation. and for UIA backend different. read documentation carefully.
You can try the uispy tool and find that perfmon.msc can be automated with uia
I am following the steps of this page:
and have reached to the part where it is required to merge the two schemas: bots and your custom one. However when running the powershell script found inside the created project template (CoreAssistant template) I have the following error:
Error conflicting definitions of HelpDialog.dialog :
Error conflicting definitions of :
Error conflicting definitions of
HelpDialog is a predefined dialog that was already present. I have installed NodeJs and #botframework-cli package because it was required from the powershell script in order to run bf dialog:merge and now it seems these two sources have some kind of conflict.
To add to other answers, changes that worked for me are as follows:
update-schema.ps1, line 11, change "!**/generated" to "!../generated" and add "!../dialogs/imported"
Also, make sure that your custom action project is INSIDE of your bot directory, it should be a folder next to the "schemas" folder for the script to find it.
Note/Edit: Having the project nested inside the bot works to get the script working, though I do not recommend it due to causing other errors. Oddly, I found it was best to move the whole custom solution up a level, next to the bot project. You may have to edit the [botName].sln file in notepad to reference the location of the project, as well as editing the bot project's project reference.
I fixed it by changing the script. I noticed the script was trying to ignore the folder imported and generated but the error message indicated it was not doing so. So I changed it from !**/generated to !../generated.
I experienced the same issue.
To fix this problem you could simply delete the corresponding dialogs in the "imported" folder. Note that this will, however, delete these dialogs in your bot, which is not optimal but should be of little concern for a sample application.
I am developing the HoloLens app using Unity2018.3.1 and MRTKver.2017.4.2
At first, I could use MRTK exsamples' script "" etc. without problem in AirTap series operation, but OnInputClicked (InputClickedEventData ecentData) of IInputClickHandler came to be called twice by AirTap once at a time .
I'm wondering if MRTK should be reintroduced or the code should be reviewed and rewritten
Can you check if InteractionInputSource.GestureRecognizer_Tapped() is called more than once for each air tap?
i wanted to implement an hot-reload feature in my app.
Basically when i change a file that returns a value i want it to be working on my running application.
This involves some require.cache knowledge that maybe i got wrong,
i've found a small repo that i thought it could help me with no chance.
The repo is clear-module and i prepared a small example on top of it
git clone
install the modules with
npm i
and then run it with
node index.js
This code prints every 500ms a value.
This value comes from a delegate.
My Issue
If i change the value returned by get-points.js while the code is running it does not do anything... i would expect a change, right?
Thanks for your help!