Complete eval_strfrac(s, base), so that it returns its floating-point value - python-3.x

something is wrong with my while loop inside my eval_strfrac(s, base=2) function. for 3.14 base 10 it is very close,for 100.101 base 2 it is way off.Thanks!
#TEST to validate
def is_valid_strfrac(s, base=2):
return all([is_valid_strdigit(c, base) for c in s if c != '.']) \
and (len([c for c in s if c == '.']) <= 1)
def eval_strfrac(s, base=2):
assert is_valid_strfrac(s, base), "'{}' contains invalid digits for a base-{} number.".format(s, base)
predot,postdot = s.split('.')
whole = eval_strint(predot,bse)
whole = int(predot,base)
postlist = [int(p) for p in postdot]
i = 0
while i <= len(postlist):
yo = (postlist[i])*((float(base))**-(float(i + 1)))
yo += yo
i +=1
return float(whole) + float(yo)
#### Test 0: `eval_strfrac_test0`#####
def check_eval_strfrac(s, v_true, base=2, tol=1e-7):
v_you = eval_strfrac(s, base)
assert type(v_you) is float, "Your function did not return a `float` as instructed."
delta_v = v_you - v_true
msg = "[{}]_{{{}}} ~= {}: You computed {}, which differs by {}.".format(s, base, v_true,
v_you, delta_v)
assert abs(delta_v) <= tol, "Difference exceeds expected tolerance."
# Test cases from the video
check_eval_strfrac('3.14', 3.14, base=10)
check_eval_strfrac('100.101', 4.625, base=2)
check_eval_strfrac('11.0010001111', 3.1396484375, base=2)
# A hex test case
check_eval_strfrac('f.a', 15.625, base=16)
[3.14]_{10} ~= 3.14: You computed 3.2, which differs by 0.06000000000000005.
[100.101]_{2} ~= 4.625: You computed 5.0, which differs by 0.375.

In the while loop, yo = (postlist[i])*((float(base))**-(float(i + 1))) calculates the value of one digit. Then yo += yo doubles it. Instead, you should be adding the values of digits to an accumulating sum.
Two lines later, return float(whole) + float(yo) returns from the function from inside the loop, so only one iteration of the loop is performed. The return should be after and outside the loop (not indented with the code inside the loop).


How do you check if a given input is a palindrome?

I need to check if the input is a palindrome.
I converted the input to a string and compared the input with the reverse of the input using list slicing. I want to learn a different way without converting input to a string.
def palindrome(n):
num = str(n)
if num == num[::-1]:
return True
Assuming that n is a number, you can get digits from right to left and build a number with those digits from left to right:
n = 3102
m = n
p = 0
while m:
p = p*10 + m%10 # add the rightmost digit of m to the right of p
m //= 10 # remove the rightmost digit of m
print(p) # 2013
Hence the function:
def palindrome(n):
m = n
p = 0
while m:
p = p*10 + m%10
m //= 10
return p == n
Note that:
if num == num[::-1]:
return True
will return None if num != num[::-1] (end of the function). You should write:
if num == num[::-1]:
return True
return False
Or (shorter and cleaner):
return num == num[::-1]
There can be 2 more approaches to that as follows:
Iterative Method: Run loop from starting to length/2 and check first character to last character of string and second to second last one and so on. If any character mismatches, the string wouldn’t be palindrome.
Sample Code Below:
def isPalindrome(str):
for i in xrange(0, len(str)/2):
if str[i] != str[len(str)-i-1]:
return False
return True
One Extra Variable Method: In this method, user take a character of string one by one and store in a empty variable. After storing all the character user will compare both the string and check whether it is palindrome or not.
Sample Code Below:
def isPalindrome(str):
w = ""
for i in str:
w = i + w
if (str==w):
return True
return False
You can try the following approach:
Extract all the digits from the number n
In each iteration, append the digit to one list (digits) and at that digit at the beginning of another list (reversed_digits)
Once all digits have been extracted, compare both lists
def palindrome(n):
digits = []
reversed_digits = []
while n > 0:
digit = n % 10
reversed_digits.insert(0, digit)
n //= 10
return digits == reversed_digits
Note: this might not be the most efficient way to solve this problem, but I think it is very easy to understand.

Standard output is empty in python3

This is a program of finding a string is palindrome or not. But When I run this code I got error "standard output is error".
class Palindrome:
def is_palindrome(word):
flag = word;
lengths = len(word);
lengths = lengths/2;
lengths = int(lengths);
for i in lengths:
if (word[i] == word[j]):
count = count+1;
j = j-1;
if (count == lengths):
r = "yes";
r = "no";
return r
word = input();
There are some mistakes in the code,
First of all, you are trying to iterate a int like for i in lengths which will throw you an error. You must be using it like for i in range(lengths).
Also, you are trying to do count = count+1 even before count is initialized, which will be throwing an error. To solve this you can initialize the variable count before the loop to 0.
Another issue with the code is that, you are tying to compare word[i] and word[j] where j is length which is not possible because for a string of length n, index runs from 0 to n-1. Therefore you must be using length-1 as j.
Also, there is no need for semicolon in Python.
Correcting all the things that I have mentioned above you can re-write the code like this
class Palindrome:
def is_palindrome(word):
flag = word
lengths = len(word)
lengths = lengths/2
lengths = int(lengths)
count = 0
for i in range(lengths):
if (word[i] == word[j]):
count = count+1
j = j-1
if (count == lengths):
r = "yes"
r = "no"
return r
word = input()
If you can use ~ operator you can tidy up the code to a great extend. It can be done like this.
class Palindrome:
def is_palindrome(word):
if all(word[i] == word[~i] for i in range(len(word) // 2)):
return "yes"
return "no"
word = input()
If you want to know how the ~ operator works take a look at this post.
You can improve it further if you can use indexing to reverse the string. If you can reverse the string and then check with the original one.
class Palindrome:
def is_palindrome(word):
if word == word[::-1]:
return "yes"
return "no"
word = input()

Decimal to binary self challenge

I have tried to write a small program that converts a decimal to binary that doesn't use the inbuilt function that do that. My program won't convert anything over 12287. 12288 just spits out an infinite loop. Where have I gone wrong? why can't I get above 12287?
while (number != 1) or (number != 0):
a = number // 2
b = number % 2
number = a
if b == 0:
output = "0" + output
if number == 1:
output = "1" + output
output = "1" + output
You just need to change the condition from:
while (number != 1) or (number != 0):
while number != 0:
Other than that, your code looks OK. Here is a more streamlined version of the same basic idea:
output = ""
while number:
number, b = divmod(number, 2)
output = str(b) + output
For 12288, number eventually becomes 0. This means while condition is always True.
Note that b becomes 0, so number will stay at 0.

Count 2 (or more) characters recursively in string; return in (x,y) format in Python

I have written a program that will count how many ' ' single spaces or h characters in a string you enter when you call the function:
def chars(s):
if not s:
return 0
return (s[0] == 'h') + chars(s[1:])
When you call chars('hello how are you here')
You will get 3.
Now, let's say I want to count the e along with the h. The h will return a 3 and the e should return a 4. Output would be (3,4).
I tried def chars(s, j=0)and set a counter but then realized, hold on, this has no connection to anything at this point deeming it pointless. I guess, how would I define what that second variable is? Because I only want 1 string as an input.
I am completely lost on how to include that second variable.
Also, just throwing it out there, would I follow the same rules as for 2 characters for more characters? Or would there be a different way?
This is what you want:
def count(s):
if not s:
return (0, 0)
next_count = count(s[1:])
return ((s[0] == 'h') + next_count[0],
(s[0] == 'e') + next_count[1])
count("hello how are you here") # => (3, 4)
The base case returns the tuple (0, 0) and the recursive step looks at both of the values of the next count and adds one to each if necessary.
If you want more than 2 characters, just make the tuples bigger (probably using loops).

how to convert decimal to binary by using repeated division in python

how to convert decimal to binary by using repeated division in python?
i know i have to use a while loop, and use modulus sign and others {%} and {//} to do this...but i need some kind of example for me to understand how its done so i can understand completely.
CORRECT ME, if I'm wrong:
number = int(input("Enter a numberto convert into binary: "))
result = ""
while number != 0:
remainder = number % 2 # gives the exact remainder
times = number // 2
result = str(remainder) + result
print("The binary representation is", result)
Thank You
Making a "break" without any condition, makes the loop useless, so the code only executes once no matter what.
If you don't need to keep the original number, you can change "number" as you go.
If you do need to keep the original number, you can make a different variable like "times".
You seem to have mixed these two scenarios together.
If you want to print all the steps, the print will be inside the loop so it prints multiple times.
If you only want to print the final result, then the print goes outside the loop.
while number != 0:
remainder = number % 2 # gives the exact remainder
number = number // 2
result = str(remainder) + result
print("The binary representation is", result)
The concatenation line:
Putting the print inside the loop might help you see how it works.
we can make an example:
the value in result might be "11010" (a string, with quotes)
the value in remainder might be 0 (an integer, no quotes)
str(remainder) turns the remainder into a string = "0" instead of 0
So when we look at the assignment statement:
result = str(remainder) + result
The right side of the assignment operator = is evaulated first.
The right side of the = is
str(remainder) + result
which, as we went over above has the values:
"0" + "11010"
This is string concatenation. It just puts one string on the end of the other one. The result is:
"0 11010"
That is the value evaluated on the right side of the assignment statement.
result = "011010"
Now that is the value of result.
B_Number = 0
cnt = 0
while (N != 0):
rem = N % 2
c = pow(10, cnt)
B_Number += rem * c
N //= 2
# Count used to store exponent value
cnt += 1
return B_Number
