Values get overwritten by latest person to request the bot? - node.js

I have made a raffle ballot discord bot that allows a user to DM the bot their name and raffle entry amount. Once they have set the values they can start the entry of the raffle by DMing !enter. Once this has happend a function is called which then starts a for-loop the for loop will run based on the specified entry amount. I have also added in a delay within the for-loop due to the service to get the raffle tickets takes some time (Code is edited for SO Post due to sensitive API info)
Once this is complete it then sends a DM back to the user that had DMed the bot originally. The problem I am facing is that if multiple users DM at the same time or while it is running from the first DM the variables get overwritten by the latest person requesting the bot.
I assumed that by using a Discord.js bot each time a user DMs it creates a new instance of the script or node process?
Is it possible for the function that the bot calls once DMed to create a new process within the main node process so it doesn't get overwritten?
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const botconfig = require('./discordBotConfig.json');
const bot = new Discord.Client({disableEveryone: true});
const c = require('chalk');
// Chalk Theme
const ctx = new c.constructor({level: 2});
const error =;
const waiting = c.magenta;
const success =;
const discordBot = c.yellow;
// Current Raffles (API Link Later)
let activeRaffles = 'Raffle 1';
// User Parmas
let usrName = '';
let entryAmount = 0;
// Ticket
let raffleTicket = [];
let retryDelay = 3000;
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
// Enter
const enterIn = async () => {
console.log('User name', usrName);
raffleTicket.push(Math.random(0, 50));
// Init Raffle Entry
const raffleInit = async (entryAmount) => {
for (let i = 0; i < entryAmount; i++) {
await sleep(retryDelay);
const dmUser = () => {
// Discord Message Complete
let botCompleteMsg = new Discord.RichEmbed()
.addField('Name: ', usrName)
.addField('Tickets: ', raffleTicket)
.addField('Last Update: ', bot.user.createdAt);
bot.fetchUser(userID).then((user) => {
return; // End the application
// Discord Bot Setup
bot.on('ready', async () => {
console.log(discordBot(`${bot.user.username} is Online!`));
bot.user.setActivity('Entering Raffle');
bot.on('message', async message => {
if ( === 'dm') {
let prefix = botconfig.prefix;
let messageArray = message.content.split(' ');
let cmd = messageArray[0];
if (cmd === `${prefix}name`) {
if (messageArray.length === 3) {
userID =;
usrName = messageArray[1];
entryAmount = messageArray[2];
// Raffle summary
let raffleSummary = new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setTitle('Entry Summary')
.addField('Name: ', usrName)
.addField('Entry Amount: ', entryAmount)
return,'Type **!start** to begin entry or type **!set** again to set the entry details again.');
if (cmd === `${prefix}enter`) {
// Raffle summary
let startMessage = new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setTitle('Entering raffle!')
.setDescription('Thanks for entering! :)')
return, raffleInit(entryAmount);

You can store your user data in a list with classes.
var userData = [
{name: "sample#0000", entryNum: 0}


Setting up chatbot command in discord.js 12

i wanted to make a chatbot command like a example of command
?bsetchatbot [channel name]
heres a syntax of the command and here what code i used
note - i already impoted required modules
const Chat = require("easy-discord-chatbot");
const chat = new Chat({ name: "Blabbermouth" });
if (message.content === "?bsetchatbot") {
channelname = message.mentions.channels.first()
if(!channelname) {
return"Pleease Mention A channel!")
if( === `${channelname}` && ! {
let reply = await
}`Chat Bot Channel is set as ${channelname}`)
The problem is that you don't save the channel where people can chat with the bot. I recommend to save the channel with the ValueSaver package as you can can save it and import it again when your server shut down. Here is an example
const { ValueSaver } = require('valuesaver');
const channels = new ValueSaver();
channels.import(`channels`); // Import the ValueSaver named 'channels' if a save exists with this name
const { Client } = require('discord.js');
const Chat = require('easy-discord-chatbot');
const chat = new Chat({name: 'Blabbermouth'});
const client = new Client();
client.once('ready', () => {
console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.tag} on ${new Date().toString()}`);
client.on('message', async message => {
if( || === `DM`) return;
let args = message.content.substring(1).split(" ");
const _channelid = channels.get(; // Get the channel id
if(_channelid){ // If there has been set a channel
if( === _channelid){ // If the channel is the chat channel
let reply = await;
case 'bsetchatbot':
const channel = message.mentions.channels.first();
if(!channel) return`Please mention a channel to set the chat channel`).catch(console.log);
channels.set(,; // Access the channel id by the guild id`channels`); // Create a new save with the name 'channels'
client.login('Your Token');

Command Cooldown 1 minute not working discord bot

Here I tried making a command cooldown so people wont be spamming and getting rich fast on my discord bot! The thing is though the code I wrote does not do what I want it to do! It just ignores talkRecently Here is my code:
var eco = require('discord-economy');
const editJsonFile = require("edit-json-file");
const prefix = '.';
const talkedRecently = new Set(); = async (client, message, args, ops) => {
if (talkedRecently.has( {"Wait 1 minute before getting typing this again. - " +;
} else {
var job2 = ['actor/actress','astronaut','baker','barber','biologist','chef','doctor','dentist','farmer','nurse','jounalist','police officer','vet','vocalist','zoologist','waiter/waitress'];
const user =;
var number = Math.floor(Math.random() * (500 + 1));
let check = eco.FetchBalance(user);
if(!check) {
eco.SetBalance(user, 0);
eco.AddToBalance(user, number)
var job = job2[Math.floor(Math.random() * job2.length)];`You have worked as a **${job}** and you have earned ${number}`);
setTimeout(() => {
// Removes the user from the set after a minute
}, 60000);
Excluding boilerplate code
var arrayOfIntervalUsed = []
var arrOfIds = [];
client.on("message", (msg) => {
if(arrOfIntervalUsed.indexOf( === -1){
setInterval(() => {
arrOfIntervalUsed.push( // so the bot isn't duplicating itself
if(arrOfIds.filter(() => {
}).length > 10){
msg.reply("Stop spamming")
arrOfIds = arrOfIds.filter(() => {
return !
}, 60000)
If you want none of the commands to work if they spam add a variable by default true which has to be true in your if statement for what command it is and in the code above below the message about stop spamming make it false but if you want it to come back on add another setInterval outside of that that a set amount of miliseconds it is restored.

I want a coin system for seating in a voice channel per 1 minute

I did that the bot fixes when the user enters and leaves the voice channel, i want for each minute of sitting there a participant dripping 200 coins, i already did so with the chat. For my idea, I need "ms" and "fs" to capture a minute (60000 milliseconds) I also have a file where all the coins are chased, I want the amount per minute to go there
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const fs = require("fs");
const ms = require("ms");
const token = "my token here";
const prefix = "!";
const bot = new Discord.Client({disableEveryone: true});
let coins = require("./coins.json");
bot.on("message", message => {
if ( return;
if ( === "dm") return;
if(!coins[]) {
coins[] = {
coins: 0
let coinAmt = Math.floor(Math.random() * 70) + 25;
let baseAmt = Math.floor(Math.random() * 15) + 12;
if(coinAmt === baseAmt){
coins[] = {
coins: coins[].coins + coinAmt
fs.writeFile("./coins.json", JSON.stringify(coins), (err) => {
if (err) console.log(err)
let coinEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.addField("Excellent! 🥳", `${}, \`${coinAmt}\` coins added to your balance`)
bot.on('voiceStateUpdate', (oldMember, newMember) => {
if (oldMember.selfMute === true) {
if (newMember.selfMute === true) {
I will be very grateful if you help, for you it is a few minutes and for me it is of great benefit
Here's how I would solve it:
Every time a member joins a channel, you save the Date in a separate object
When they leave, you see what's the difference between the current Date and the one you saved and calculate the coins to give them
The questions are mostly about how to determine if a user has joined or left the voice chat: you can check that by seeing if either their previous or current VoiceState has a channel.
Here's an example:
let voiceStates = {}
client.on('voiceStateUpdate', (oldState, newState) => {
let { id } = oldState // This is the user's ID
if (! {
// The user has joined a voice channel
voiceStates[id] = new Date()
} else if (! {
// The user has left the voice chat (and hasn't just switched channel)
let now = new Date()
let joined = voiceStates[id] || new Date()
// This will be the difference in milliseconds
let dateDiff = now.getTime() - joined.getTime()
if (dateDiff > 60 * 1000) {
// The user has spent more than 1 minute in voice channels
// You can now do your math and assign the coins as you wish

Sqlite Discord.js: Cannot read property 'run' of null

So I am trying to make a SQLite database for my Discord.js bot, but I keep getting this error (Cannot read property of 'run' of null) when I try to use SQLite. Non of my friends seem to have this problem, so I thought to come here. Sorry if this is like a noobish question.. I'm still a little new to this
Here is my code:
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new Discord.Client();
const bot = new Discord.Client();
const sql = require("sqlite")
const fs = require("fs");
const staff = ["97122523086340096", "450241616331145217", "283438590875402240", "288755621787074560"]
const config = require("./config.json");
client.on("ready", async () => {
console.log(`${client.user.username} is ready to help servers!`)
console.log ("Warning: I am being locally hosted. During high usage times, the bot may crash.")
console.log(`I am available in 1 shard! I am in ${client.guilds.size} guilds and serving ${bot.users.size}`)
client.user.setActivity("For sat!help", {type: "WATCHING"}, {status:"dnd"});
client.user.setPresence( {status:"idle"} )"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS guild (guildId TEXT, language INTEGER, links INTEGER)")
fs.readdir("./events/", (err, files) => {
if (err) return console.error(err);
files.forEach(file => {
let eventFunction = require(`./events/${file}`);
let eventName = file.split(".")[0];
client.on(eventName, (...args) =>, ...args));
client.on("message", message => {
if ( return;
if(message.content.indexOf(config.prefix) !== 0) return;
const args = message.content.slice(config.prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);
const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();
try {
let commandFile = require(`./commands/${command}.js`);, message, args);
} catch (err) {
client.on("guildCreate", guild => {
let guildp = guild.owner
guildp.send("Thanks for adding me to your server! \n To save you some time I would suggest you run the command 'sat!setup' to create the nessecary roles and channels for the bot. \n Please note that the channel is not made with perms.\n ***[PLEASE NOTE!] - I am still in beta so any issues with any part of the bot please tell us with sat!bug! \n Thanks!")
You need to open connection with the database and then run the SQL query.
const sql = require("sqlite")
const db ='./database.sqlite', { Promise });"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS guild (guildId TEXT, language INTEGER, links INTEGER)");

Deleting all messages in discord.js text channel

Ok, so I searched for a while, but I couldn't find any information on how to delete all messages in a discord channel. And by all messages I mean every single message ever written in that channel. Any clues?
Try this
async () => {
let fetched;
do {
fetched = await channel.fetchMessages({limit: 100});;
while(fetched.size >= 2);
Discord does not allow bots to delete more than 100 messages, so you can't delete every message in a channel. You can delete less then 100 messages, using BulkDelete.
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new Discord.Client();
const prefix = "!";
client.on("ready" () => {
console.log("Successfully logged into client.");
client.on("message", msg => {
if (msg.content.toLowerCase().startsWith(prefix + "clearchat")) {
async function clear() {
const fetched = await{limit: 99});;
Note, it has to be in a async function for the await to work.
Here's my improved version that is quicker and lets you know when its done in the console but you'll have to run it for each username that you used in a channel (if you changed your username at some point):
// Turn on Developer Mode under User Settings > Appearance > Developer Mode (at the bottom)
// Then open the channel you wish to delete all of the messages (could be a DM) and click the three dots on the far right.
// Click "Copy ID" and paste that instead of LAST_MESSAGE_ID.
// Copy / paste the below script into the JavaScript console.
var before = 'LAST_MESSAGE_ID';
var your_username = ''; //your username
var your_discriminator = ''; //that 4 digit code e.g. username#1234
var foundMessages = false;
clearMessages = function(){
const authToken = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement`iframe`).contentWindow.localStorage.token.replace(/"/g, "");
const channel = window.location.href.split('/').pop();
const baseURL = `${channel}/messages`;
const headers = {"Authorization": authToken };
let clock = 0;
let interval = 500;
function delay(duration) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve(), duration);
fetch(baseURL + '?before=' + before + '&limit=100', {headers})
.then(resp => resp.json())
.then(messages => {
return Promise.all( => {
before =;
foundMessages = true;
if ( == your_username
&& == your_discriminator
) {
return delay(clock += interval).then(() => fetch(`${baseURL}/${}`, {headers, method: 'DELETE'}));
}).then(() => {
if (foundMessages) {
foundMessages = false;
} else {
console.log('DONE CHECKING CHANNEL!!!')
The previous script I found for deleting your own messages without a bot...
// Turn on Developer Mode under User Settings > Appearance > Developer Mode (at the bottom)
// Then open the channel you wish to delete all of the messages (could be a DM) and click the three dots on the far right.
// Click "Copy ID" and paste that instead of LAST_MESSAGE_ID.
// Copy / paste the below script into the JavaScript console.
// If you're in a DM you will receive a 403 error for every message the other user sent (you don't have permission to delete their messages).
var before = 'LAST_MESSAGE_ID';
clearMessages = function(){
const authToken = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement`iframe`).contentWindow.localStorage.token.replace(/"/g, "");
const channel = window.location.href.split('/').pop();
const baseURL = `${channel}/messages`;
const headers = {"Authorization": authToken };
let clock = 0;
let interval = 500;
function delay(duration) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve(), duration);
fetch(baseURL + '?before=' + before + '&limit=100', {headers})
.then(resp => resp.json())
.then(messages => {
return Promise.all( => {
before =;
return delay(clock += interval).then(() => fetch(`${baseURL}/${}`, {headers, method: 'DELETE'}));
}).then(() => clearMessages());
This will work on discord.js version 12.2.0
Just put this inside your client on message event
and type the command: !nuke-this-channel
Every message on channel will get wiped
then, a kim jong un meme will be posted.
if (msg.content.toLowerCase() == '!nuke-this-channel') {
async function wipe() {
var msg_size = 100;
while (msg_size == 100) {
.then(messages => msg_size = messages.size)
}`<#${}>\n> ${msg.content}`, { files: [''] })
This will work so long your bot has appropriate permissions.
module.exports = {
name: "clear",
description: "Clear messages from the channel.",
args: true,
usage: "<number greater than 0, less than 100>",
execute(message, args) {
const amount = parseInt(args[0]) + 1;
if (isNaN(amount)) {
return message.reply("that doesn't seem to be a valid number.");
} else if (amount <= 1 || amount > 100) {
return message.reply("you need to input a number between 1 and 99.");
}, true).catch((err) => {
"there was an error trying to prune messages in this channel!"
In case you didn't read the DiscordJS docs, you should have an index.js file that looks a little something like this:
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const { prefix, token } = require("./config.json");
const client = new Discord.Client();
client.commands = new Discord.Collection();
const commandFiles = fs
.filter((file) => file.endsWith(".js"));
for (const file of commandFiles) {
const command = require(`./commands/${file}`);
client.commands.set(, command);
//client portion:
client.once("ready", () => {
client.on("message", (message) => {
if (!message.content.startsWith(prefix) || return;
const args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).split(/ +/);
const commandName = args.shift().toLowerCase();
if (!client.commands.has(commandName)) return;
const command = client.commands.get(commandName);
if (command.args && !args.length) {
let reply = `You didn't provide any arguments, ${}!`;
if (command.usage) {
reply += `\nThe proper usage would be: \`${prefix}${} ${command.usage}\``;
try {
command.execute(message, args);
} catch (error) {
message.reply("there was an error trying to execute that command!");
Another approach could be cloning the channel and deleting the one with the messages you want deleted:
// Clears all messages from a channel by cloning channel and deleting old channel
async function clearAllMessagesByCloning(channel) {
// Clone channel
const newChannel = await channel.clone()
console.log( // Do with this new channel ID what you want
// Delete old channel
I prefer this method rather than the ones listed on this thread because it most likely takes less time to process and (I'm guessing) puts the Discord API under less stress. Also, channel.bulkDelete() is only able to delete messages that are newer than two weeks, which means you won't be able to delete every channel message in case your channel has messages that are older than two weeks.
The possible downside is the channel changing id. In case you rely on storing ids in a database or such, don't forget to update those documents with the id of the newly cloned channel!
Here's #Kiyokodyele answer but with some changes from #user8690818 answer.
(async () => {
let deleted;
do {
deleted = await channel.bulkDelete(100);
} while (deleted.size != 0);
