In Node.js microservice I'm using:
"#google/maps": "^0.5.5"
googleMapsClient.geocode({address: '160 Market St, Paterson, NJ 07505'})
.then((response) => {
console.log("result: " + JSON.stringify(response.json));
.catch((err) => {
console.log("error: " + err);
in response I get: "location_type":"ROOFTOP" and "types":["street_address"] that means the address is valid
If I try to validate same address but with invalid state, e.g. 'NO' it still returns "location_type":"ROOFTOP" and "types":["street_address"]. Assume because google API formats it that can be seen in the response:
"formatted_address":"160 Market St, Paterson, NJ 07505, USA"
Sometimes google API returns "location_type":"ROOFTOP" and "types":["premise"]
Sure I can filter the results by location_type and types but I really want to consider address as valid if it can be found in #types/googlemaps AutoComplete. This is what I'm using in UI (Angular):
"#types/googlemaps": "3.30.16"
const autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(, {
types: ['address']
var place = google.maps.places.PlaceResult = autocomplete.getPlace();
Even it's just defined as types: ['address'] in AutoComplete it can be found as "types":["street_address"] or "types":["premise"] in "#google/maps"..
So how make Node.js returns only addresses that can be found in AutoComplete?
Since Places API is also supported by #google/maps library, it could be accomplished like this:
//1. query predictions
input: "160 Market St, Paterson, NJ 07505"
function(err, response) {
if (!err) {
if (response.json.predictions.length === 0) {
console.log("Place not found");
} else {
var prediction = response.json.predictions[0]; //select first prediction
//2. query place by prediction
placeid: prediction.place_id
function(err, response) {
if (!err) {
console.log(response.json.result); //prinat place
placesQueryAutoComplete function is utilized first which returns array of query predictions based on query
place function returns the place details by providing placeId parameter extracted from previous response
I try to run the google places "findplace" from text API. When I run it for the basic parameters, it works. However, when I add on the international phone number and website parameters it no longer works. I am returned the following error:
error_message: "Error while parsing 'fields' parameter: Unsupported field name 'international_phone_number'. ",
Here is my code:
let input = name;
let fields = "name%2cformatted_address%2Cplace_id%2Cbusiness_status%2Cinternational_phone_number%2Cwebsite";
let locationBias = "circle%3A1000%40" + latitude + "%2C" + longitude;
let url = "" + fields + "&language=en&input=" + input + "&inputtype=textquery&locationbias=" + locationBias + "&key=" + placesApiKey;
function getData(url) {
fetch(url, {
"headers": {
"body": null,
"method": "GET"
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => console.log(data))
.catch(err => console.log(err));
Note, that when I cut off the international phone number and website parameters it executes successfully. When I google the property in question, the google place object does contain these two fields.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
so the place search does not return this information. rather you can use Place Search to get a place_id, then use that Place ID to make a Place Details request.
I am trying to construct a query to return data from multiple tables and build them into a single array of objects to return to the client. I have two tables, incidents and sources. Each source has an incident_id that corresponds to an incident in the first table.
Since there can be more than one source I want to query for the incidents, then on each incident add a key of source that has a value of the array of associated sources. The desired final structure is this:
"incident_id": 1,
"id": "wa-olympia-1",
"city": "Olympia",
"state": "Washington",
"lat": 47.0417,
"long": -122.896,
"title": "Police respond to broken windows with excessive force",
"desc": "Footage shows a few individuals break off from a protest to smash City Hall windows. Protesters shout at vandals to stop.\n\nPolice then arrive. They arrest multiple individuals near the City Hall windows, including one individual who appeared to approach the vandals in an effort to defuse the situation.\n\nPolice fire tear gas and riot rounds at protesters during the arrests. Protesters become agitated.\n\nAfter police walk arrestee away, protesters continue to shout at police. Police respond with a second bout of tear gas and riot rounds.\n\nA racial slur can be heard shouted, although it is unsure who is shouting.",
"date": "2020-05-31T05:00:00.000Z",
"src": ['']
Here is the route as it stands:
router.get('/showallincidents', (req, res) => {
.then((response) => {
const incidents = => {
const sources = Incidents.createSourcesArray(incident.incident_id);
return {
src: sources,
.catch((err) => {
res.status(500).json({ message: 'Request Error' });
Here are the models I currently have:
async function getAllIncidents() {
return await db('incidents');
async function createSourcesArray(incident_id) {
const sources = await db('sources')
.where('sources.incident_id', incident_id);
return sources;
When this endpoint is hit I get a "too many connections" error. Please advise.
I found a solution. What I decided to do was to query the two tables independently. Then I looped through the first result array, and within that loop looped through the second array, checking for the foreign key they share, then when I found a match, added those results to an array on the original object, then returned a new array with the objects of the first with the associated data from the second. Models are unchanged, here is the updated route.
router.get('/showallincidents', async(req, res) => {
try {
const incidents = await Incidents.getAllIncidents();
const sources = await Incidents.getAllSources();
const responseArray = []
// Reconstructs the incident object with it's sources to send to front end
incidents.forEach((incident) => {
incident['src'] = []
sources.forEach(source => {
if (source.incident_id === incident.incident_id) {
} catch (e) {
message: 'Request Error'
Are the two tables in the same database? If that is the case, it is much more efficent to do the primary/foreign key match by doing an SQL join. What you have implemented is "nested loop join" which might not be the optimal way to match depending on the value distribution of the primary key. You can search SQL join algorithms to see examples and pro/cons.
If the tables are in different databases then indeed client side join is likely your only option. Though again if you know something about the underlying distribution it might be better to do a hash join
I'm using the mssql npm module (with Tedious driver) to read/write to Azure Sql database from my node Server.
All the examples I've found provide an hardcoded example of the query whether to read or write records, like this:
var insertRecordIntoTable = function (callback) {
sql.connect(dbConfig).then(pool => {
return pool.request()
.input('ID', sql.Int, 210)
.input('Name', sql.NVarChar, "John Doe")
.input('EmailAddress', sql.NVarChar, "")
.query("INSERT INTO Accounts (ID, Name, EmailAddress) VALUES (#ID, #Name, #EmailAddress)")
}).then(result => {
}).catch(err => {
// ... error checks
console.log("Error occured: " + err);
Obviously, I'd like to write one standard method to write records to any table in the database.
Now I can fetch structure of each table and use that to find how what datatype each field should be from the key in jsonRecord and write something like this:
var insertRecordIntoTable = function (jsonRecord, tableName, callback) {
let arrKeys = jsonRecord.allKeys();
let columnNames = getCommaSeparatedColumnNames(arrKeys);
let valuePlaceholders = getValuePlaceholdersForSql(arrKeys);
sql.connect(dbConfig).then(pool => {
return pool.request()
// how do I write something like this so that dynamic number of fields and values get populated in the query inside this promise.
// I'm open to methods without promise as well.
for(let x=0; x < arrKeys.length; x++){
let key = arrKeys[x];
// .input('ID', sql.Int, 210)
.input(key, getTypeForKey(key, tableName), jsonRecord[ key ] )
.query("INSERT INTO " + tableName + " (" + columnNames + ") VALUES (" + valuePlaceholders + ")")
}).then(result => {
}).catch(err => {
// ... error checks
console.log("Error occured: " + err);
function getTypeForKey(key){. // looks up table schema and returns keyType }
function getCommaSeparatedColumnNames(arrKeys){ return arrKeys.join(", "); }
function getValuePlaceholdersForSql(arrKeys){ // write code to append '#' before every key and then join using comma's and return that string }
I'm sure node.js writing to SQL is a fairly common functionality and there may be better ways to achieve what I'm trying to do here. Please feel free to go a different route.
P.S. - Although I should say that I prefer mssql over Tedious package. It just seems better in functionality after going through the documentation in the last several hours.
If you want to interact with your database without creating all the queries by yourself, you can use a query builder like knex to manage the data as objects:
knex('Accounts').insert({ID: 210, Name: "John Doe", EmailAddress: ""})
Would be similar to:
insert into `Accounts` (`EmailAddress`, `ID`, `Name`) values ('', 210, 'John Doe')
Also I see you are checking types. If you need validation, maybe a complete ORM (I like Objection.js) would be a good choice.
Been trying to find samples usage for some of the static methods for a persistedModel in Loopback.
it just says:
persistedModel.updateAttributes(data, callback)
But how you I choose the which record I want to update? this is not working for me.
var order = Order.setId('whateverrecordId');
order.updateAttributes({name:'new name'},callback)
Loving loopback.. but their doc, sucks.. :(
You can use those on event listener like AfterSave
Model.observe('after save', function(ctx, next) {
ctx.instance.updateAttribute(fieldname:'new value');
1- What you did was right but i do not advise this method it's used for instance methods and generally to update fields like date for all the collection that you have so you don't need an id for it.
But you can try to make an array containing data to update containing also the ids and then make a comparison to fill in data for the ids that you have. (in #dosomething)
order.find().then(function(orders) {
orders.forEach(function(element) {
order.updateAttribute({new: data}, function(err, instance) {
2- You can use updateAll to update one or many attribute.
PersistedModel.updateAll([where], data, callback)
var Updates = [{id : 1, name: name1}, ...]
Updates.forEach(function(element) {
order.updateAll({id :}, {name}, function(err, count) {
if (err) {
console.log(count); // number of data updated
I am using NodeJS, PostgreSQL and the amazing pg-promise library. In my case, I want to execute three main queries:
Insert one tweet in the table 'tweets'.
In case there is hashtags in the tweet, insert them into another table 'hashtags'
Them link both tweet and hashtag in a third table 'hashtagmap' (many to many relational table)
Here is a sample of the request's body (JSON):
"created_at":"1999-01-08 04:05:06 -8:00",
"tweet":"This is the first test from postman!",
All the fields above should be included in the table "tweets" besides hashtags, that in turn should be included in the table "hashtags".
Here is the code I am using based on Nested transactions from pg-promise docs inside a NodeJS module. I guess I need nested transactions because I need to know both tweet_id and hashtag_id in order to link them in the hashtagmap table.
// Columns
var tweetCols = ['id','created_at','userid','tweet','coordinates','favorite_count','retweet_count'];
var hashtagCols = ['name','relevancetraffic','relevancedisaster'];
//pgp Column Sets
var cs_tweets = new pgp.helpers.ColumnSet(tweetCols, {table: 'tweets'});
var cs_hashtags = new pgp.helpers.ColumnSet(hashtagCols, {table:'hashtags'});
// Transactions
add: body =>
rep.tx(t => {
return,cs_tweets)+" ON CONFLICT(id) DO UPDATE SET coordinates = "+body.coordinates+" RETURNING id")
.then(tweet => {
var queries = [];
for(var i = 0; i < body.hashtags.length; i++){
t.tx(t1 => {
return[i],cs_hashtags) + "ON CONFLICT(name) DO UPDATE SET fool ='f' RETURNING id")
.then(hash =>{
t1.tx(t2 =>{
return t2.none("INSERT INTO hashtagmap(tweetid,hashtagid) VALUES("","") ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING");
return t.batch(queries);
The problem is with this code I am being able to successfully insert the tweet but nothing happens then. I cannot insert the hashtags nor link the hashtag to the tweets.
Sorry but I am new to coding so I guess I didn't understood how to properly return from the transaction and how to perform this simple task. Hope you can help me.
Thank you in advance.
Improving on Jean Phelippe's own answer:
// Columns
var tweetCols = ['id', 'created_at', 'userid', 'tweet', 'coordinates', 'favorite_count', 'retweet_count'];
var hashtagCols = ['name', 'relevancetraffic', 'relevancedisaster'];
//pgp Column Sets
var cs_tweets = new pgp.helpers.ColumnSet(tweetCols, {table: 'tweets'});
var cs_hashtags = new pgp.helpers.ColumnSet(hashtagCols, {table: 'hashtags'});
return {
/* Tweets */
// Add a new tweet and update the corresponding hash tags
add: body =>
db.tx(t => {
return, cs_tweets) + ' ON CONFLICT(id) DO UPDATE SET coordinates = ' + body.coordinates + ' RETURNING id')
.then(tweet => {
var queries = Object.keys(body.hashtags).map((_, idx) => {
return[i], cs_hashtags) + 'ON CONFLICT(name) DO UPDATE SET fool = $1 RETURNING id', 'f')
.then(hash => {
return t.none('INSERT INTO hashtagmap(tweetid, hashtagid) VALUES($1, $2) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING', [,]);
return t.batch(queries);
.then(data => {
// transaction was committed;
// data = [null, null,...] as per t.none('INSERT INTO hashtagmap...
.catch(error => {
// transaction rolled back
As per my notes earlier, you must chain all queries, or else you will end up with loose promises
Stay away from nested transactions, unless you understand exactly how they work in PostgreSQL (read this, and specifically the Limitations section).
Avoid manual query formatting, it is not safe, always rely on the library's query formatting.
Unless you are passing the result of transaction somewhere else, you should at least provide the .catch handler.
P.S. For the syntax like, it is the same as parseInt(, just shorter, in case those are strings ;)
For those who will face similar problem, I will post the answer.
Firstly, my mistakes:
In the for loop : body.hashtag.length doesn't exist because I am dealing with an object (very basic mistake here). Changed to Object.keys(body.hashtags).length
Why using so many transactions? Following the answer by vitaly-t in: Interdependent Transactions with pg-promise I removed the extra transactions. It's not yet clear for me how you can open one transaction and use the result of one query into another in the same transaction.
Here is the final code:
// Columns
var tweetCols = ['id','created_at','userid','tweet','coordinates','favorite_count','retweet_count'];
var hashtagCols = ['name','relevancetraffic','relevancedisaster'];
//pgp Column Sets
var cs_tweets = new pgp.helpers.ColumnSet(tweetCols, {table: 'tweets'});
var cs_hashtags = new pgp.helpers.ColumnSet(hashtagCols, {table:'hashtags'});
return {
/* Tweets */
// Add a new tweet and update the corresponding hashtags
add: body =>
rep.tx(t => {
return,cs_tweets)+" ON CONFLICT(id) DO UPDATE SET coordinates = "+body.coordinates+" RETURNING id")
.then(tweet => {
var queries = [];
for(var i = 0; i < Object.keys(body.hashtags).length; i++){
queries.push([i],cs_hashtags) + "ON CONFLICT(name) DO UPDATE SET fool ='f' RETURNING id")
.then(hash =>{
t.none("INSERT INTO hashtagmap(tweetid,hashtagid) VALUES("","") ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING");
return t.batch(queries);