I am trying to call a generator function inside setInterval() method. The objective of this code is it will query a particular server for some data periodically, until it gets a non zero response. Upon getting the response it will call storeAddress() which is a generator function defined in the same file.
The below code is giving me an error like this:
SyntaxError: yield is a reserved word (248:6)
NOTE: I am using react-boilerplate to build my app. The above error is thrown by babel, as far as I can tell through searching internet.
I have tried const query = yeild call (setInterval, function(){magic code}, 10000). This does not give the error, but magic code never gets executed.
I have tried const query = setInterval(function* () {magic code}, 10000) with the same effect as above.
I have tried const query = setInterval(yield call(function(){magic code}, 10000) with same effect as above.
I have tried const query = yield call (setInterval, function(){magic code}, 10000) with same effect as above.
I have tried storeAddress(action.payload, balance).next() inside setInterval(). The control does flow inside storeAddress(), but that function also have generator calls inside, which never gets invoked. In fact nothing after the first generator call inside storeAddress() gets executed in this case.
function* callSaveNewAddress(action){
const selectedNetwork = yield select(selectNetworkId());
let count = 1;
let balance = 0;
const query = setInterval(function () {
getAddressBalance(action.payload, selectedNetwork).then(res =>
{return balance = res.data.mempool_balance});
if(balance > 0) {
yield call (storeAddress, action.payload, balance);
} else if(count == 90) {
console.log("Nothing received in 15 minutes");
}, 10000);
So how am I suppose to call storeAddress(), which is a generator function, inside a normal function like setInterval()?
const query= function * () {
const runner = yield call(setInterval, () => {
getAddressBalance(action.payload, selectedNetwork).then(res =>
{return balance = res.data.mempool_balance});
if(balance > 0) {
yield call (storeAddress, action.payload, balance);
} else if(count == 90) {
console.log("Nothing received in 15 minutes");
}, 1000);
try to use the setInterval within a call, passing through parameters the function you want to execute within it.
I have a function (called rankCheck), which takes three parameters:
Guild object (aka a Discord server)
Callback Function
The function will fetch the last 500 messages from every text channel in the provided guild. It will then will then only keep any messages that start with "!rank" and were sent by the provided UserId. Finally, it will count the remaining messages and pass the integer to the callback function.
async function rankChecks(guild, userId = *REMOVED FOR PRIVACY*, callback){
sumOfRankChecks = 0;
guild.channels.cache.each(channel => { //for each text channel, get # of rank checks for userId in last 500 msgs.
if (channel.type === "text"){
fetchMessages(channel, 500).then(msgs => {
let filteredMsgs = msgs.filter(msg => msg.content.startsWith("!rank") && msg.member.user.id == userId);
sumOfRankChecks = sumOfRankChecks + filteredMsgs.length;
Since discord only allows fetching 100 messages at once, I use this function (fetchMessages) to bypass this limit, by sending multiple requests, and then combining the results into one.
async function fetchMessages(channel, limit) {
const sum_messages = [];
let last_id;
while (true) {
const options = { limit: 100 };
if (last_id) {
options.before = last_id;
const messages = await channel.messages.fetch(options);
last_id = messages.last().id;
if (messages.size != 100 || sum_messages >= limit) {
return sum_messages;
When I call the rankCheck function, the return value is always 0
rankChecks(msg.guild, *REMOVED FOR PRIVACY*, function(int){
However when I add a console.log into my rankCheck function:
async function rankChecks(guild, userId = *REMOVED FOR PRIVACY*, callback){
sumOfRankChecks = 0;
guild.channels.cache.each(channel => { //for each text channel, get # of rank checks for userId in last 500 msgs.
if (channel.type === "text"){
fetchMessages(channel, 500).then(msgs => {
let filteredMsgs = msgs.filter(msg => msg.content.startsWith("!rank") && msg.member.user.id == userId);
sumOfRankChecks = sumOfRankChecks + filteredMsgs.length;
console.log(sumOfRankChecks) //NEW CONSOLE.LOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the output I was expecting. Since I have 2 text channels in my server, I got 2 logs. If you had 3 channels, you would get 3 logs, etc. 3 messages from channel #1, and 2 messages from channel #2, therefore in total, there are 5 messages.
5 should be the integer that is passed into the callback function, but 0 is passed instead. Why is this?
Your callback function is being called before you even change sumOfRankChecks. Collection#each (and Map#forEach() and the gang) cannot wait for Promises to resolve because of the way they're built. Your code also wouldn't wait anyway, because you're not using await.
Despite what one might think is happening, guild.channels.each() is called, and callback() is called immediately after. This is the source of your confusion.
For more about async vs sync, you can check out the explanation in my answer here. You must use a for loop and await, or refactor your code so that async/await syntax is not necessary.
NOTE: The Discord.js documentation hyperlinked is for recently released v12. If your Discord.js isn't up to date, switch to the correct version at the top of the page for accurate info.
Little info, i have an arp.js file which takes a subnet address "192.168.2" and gets all strings returned from arp -a and stores in an array.
I can't figure out why my arpList function is returning an undefined value in my index.js file.
All the console.logs are returning the correct values in the arp.js page when called from the index.js, but the ipObj is coming up undefined. Even the console.log before i return of ipObj works.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
var { spawn } = require('child_process');
const arpLs = spawn('arp', ['-a']);
var bufferData;
module.exports = {
arpList: function (subnet) {
arpLs.stdout.on('data', data => {
bufferData += data
arpLs.stderr.on('data', data => {
console.log('error: ' + data);
arpLs.on('exit', function (code) {
if (code != 0) {
console.log("Error exiting"); //if error occurs
console.log("exit start 1"); // checking internal processes at stages
var dataArray = bufferData.split(' ');
var ipArray = [];
for (i = 0; i < dataArray.length; i++) {
if (dataArray[i].includes(subnet)) {
console.log("loop working");
var ipObj = { "lanIps": ipArray };
console.log("Object is there: "+ipObj)
return ipObj; // this obj should be returned to the index.js call using
sayMyName: function () {
return "Hello";
//the index page looks like this
//var arp = require('./arp.js);
//var ipSubnet = "192.168.2";
//var lanIps = arp.arpList(ipSubnet);
I ended up adding a callback function to arpList - function (subnet, callback)
Then instead of returning the value pass it into the callback
Then on the index.js side instead of
var lanIps = arp.arpList(value)
i used
arp.arpList(value, function(res){lanIps = res}
return ipObj; // this obj should be returned to the index.js call using
It won't be returned. The reference say nothing about return value. Node-style callbacks rarely work like that because they are potentially asynchronous and returned value cannot be taken into account.
This a special case of this well-known problem. The process is asynchronous and is finished after arp.arpList(ipSubnet) call, there's nothing to assign to lanIps. This is a use case for promises. There are already third-party promisified counterparts like child-process-promise.
The problem can be also solved by moving to synchronous API. child_process functions have synchronous counterparts, including spawnSync.
I have a function which I need to call a number of time and instead of using a for loop I'm using async.whilst. But what I need is that the next call to function is not made before the previous call completes, which is not what's happening with async.whilst. Is there a way to implement this (I'm using setTimeout to pause between each call but it is not very clean).
Many thanks, C
i'd use the forever construct. Assuming your function's name is myFunction and accepts as parameter a callback:
var count = 0;
var limit = 10; // set as number of the execution of the function
function(next) {
myFunction(function () {
if(count < limit) {
} else {
function(ended) {
// function calling iteration ended
Is there a way to make Node.js stream as coroutine.
a Fibonacci numbers stream.
fibonacci.on('data', cb);
//The callback (cb) is like
function cb(data)
//something done with data here ...
function* fibonacciGenerator()
fibonacci.on('data', cb);
//Don't know what has to be done further...
var fibGen = fibonacciGenerator();
Take desired numbers from the generator. Here Fibonacci number series is just an example, in reality the stream could be of anything a file, mongodb query result, etc.
Maybe something like this
Make the 'stream.on' function as a generator.
Place yield inside the callback function.
Obtain generator object.
Call next and take the next value in stream.
Is it at-least possible if yes how and if not why? Maybe a dumb question :)
If you don't want to use a transpiler (e.g. Babel) or wait until async/await make it to Node.js, you can implement it yourself using generators and promises.
The downside is that your code must live inside a generator.
First, you can make a helper that receives a stream and returns a function that, when called, returns a promise for the next "event" of the stream (e.g. data).
function streamToPromises(stream) {
return function() {
if (stream.isPaused()) {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
stream.once('data', function() {
resolve.apply(stream, arguments);
It pauses the stream when you're not using it, and resumes it when you ask it the next value.
Next, you have a helper that receives a generator as an argument, and every time it yields a promise, it resolves it and passes its result back to the generator.
function run(fn) {
var gen = fn();
var promise = gen.next().value;
var tick = function() {
promise.then(function() {
promise = gen.next.apply(gen, arguments).value;
}).catch(function(err) {
// TODO: Handle error.
}).then(function() {
Finally, you would do your own logic inside a generator, and run it with the run helper, like this:
run(function*() {
var nextFib = streamToPromises(fibonacci);
var n;
n = yield nextFib();
n = yield nextFib();
Your own generator will yield promises, pausing its execution and passing the control to the run function.
The run function will resolve the promise and pass its value back to your own generator.
That's the gist of it. You'd need to modify streamToPromises to check for other events as well (e.g. end or error).
class FibonacciGeneratorReader extends Readable {
_isDone = false;
_fibCount = null;
_gen = function *() {
let prev = 0, curr = 1, count = 1;
while (this._fibCount === -1 || count++ < this._fibCount) {
yield curr;
[prev, curr] = [curr, prev + curr];
return curr;
constructor(fibCount) {
objectMode: true,
read: size => {
if (this._isDone) {
} else {
let fib = this._gen.next();
this._isDone = fib.done;
this.push(fib.value.toString() + '\n');
this._fibCount = fibCount || -1;
new FibonacciGeneratorReader(10).pipe(process.stdout);
Output should be:
I know there are a lot of good examples over the web and I read a lot of them, but currently I'm stucked with resolving promises with the new functionality of generators in nodejs 0.11.x.
For e.g. I have the following function:
SolrBaseDomain.prototype.promisedQuery = function(query, callback) {
var solrClient = solr.createClient(this.configuration);
var defer = Q.defer();
solrClient.search(query, function(err,obj){
if (!err) {
if (obj.response.numFound > 0) {
} else {
} else {
var promise = defer.promise;
return Q.async(function* (){
var result = yield promise;
return result;
I expected that every call to this method will wait until the promise is fullfilled and the return-statement gives back the result of the promise.
But currently it seems that instead the code inside "Q.async..." will not be executed or the async call arrives after the return statement of the method was executed.
It's strange, in every example I know, this is one of the recommended ways in order to wait for async calls in nodejs but currently it does not work for me.
I've tried a lot of different variations of the above example, but the result is everytime the same, I get not back a valid result.
I have nodejs installed in version 0.11.10 and the --harmony-flag is set, when the code is executede.
Can anyone point me to right direction? I'm wondering if I oversee something ... :)
Thanks for your feedback.
Best regards
I expected that every call to this method will wait until the promise is fullfilled and the return-statement gives back the result of the promise.
No. Generators will not make functions synchronous, you cannot (and don't want to) block while waiting for a result. When calling a generator function and running sequentially through the async steps that it yields, the result you will get back in the end is still asynchronous - and therefore a promise. Only inside of the generator, your code can use synchronous control flow and yield.
This means that the (then-) callback-based code
SolrBaseDomain.prototype.promisedQuery = function(query) {
var promise = Q.ninvoke(solr.createClient(this.configuration), "search", query);
return promise.then(function(obj) {
if (obj.response.numFound > 0) {
return obj.response.docs;
} else {
return null;
SolrBaseDomain.prototype.promisedQuery = Q.async(function* (query) {
var promise = Q.ninvoke(solr.createClient(this.configuration), "search", query);
var obj = yield promise;
// ^^^^^
if (obj.response.numFound > 0) {
return obj.response.docs;
} else {
return null;
Try this
SolrBaseDomain.prototype.promisedQuery = Q.async(function*(query) {
var solrClient = solr.createClient(this.configuration);
var obj = yield Q.ninvoke(solrClient, "search", query);
return obj.response.numFound > 0 ? obj.response.docs : null;
This does the same thing for promises as this does for callbacks:
SolrBaseDomain.prototype.query = function (query, callback) {
var solrClient = solr.createClient(this.configuration);
solrClient.search(query, function(err, obj) {
if (err) return callback(err);
callback(null, obj.response.numFound > 0 ? obj.response.docs : null);
Therefore if the first return a promise that resolves to undefined so will the callback version call the callback with undefined.
according to your suggestions, my code looks now like this:
SolrBaseDomain.prototype.query = Q.async(function* (query) {
var solrClient = solr.createClient(this.configuration);
var obj = yield Q.ninvoke(solrClient, "search", query);
return obj.response.numFound > 0 ? obj.response.docs : null;
I share the above query-function over all data access layers in order to have a central method which is querying the different indexes in an asynchronous way.
For e.g. in the domain data access layer, the code which deals with that function looks like this:
SolrHostDomain.prototype.getByName = Q.async(function* (domain) {
var queryObject = {
"domain": domain
var query = this.getQuery("byName", queryObject);
var docs = yield this.query(query);
var domain = null;
if (docs != null && docs.length > 0) {
domain = this.dataMapper.merge(docs[0]);
return domain;});
Currently I'm not sure if the generator in the "getByName"-function is necessary, but it seems to work. Dealing with promises is some unclear concept for me, since I'm new to nodejs.
So maybe, if you can help me on that topic and point me in the right direction, this would be helpfull.
The main question for me is, how can I ensure, that a synchronous method can call an asynchronous method and get back not a promise but the final result of this promise.
I've searched a long time, but I could not find a good documentation which describes the use of generator functions or promises in conjunction with synchronous calls. Even examples are focusing only of using the mechanism but not working together with synchronous function.
Best regards and many thanks for your help
Got it!!!
After a few trial and errors, I think I got it now and I have a working solutions:
Query function:
SolrBaseDomain.prototype.query = Q.async(function* (query) {
var solrClient = solr.createClient(this.configuration);
var obj = yield Q.ninvoke(solrClient, "search", query);
return obj.response.numFound > 0 ? obj.response.docs : null;
Calling method:
SolrHostDomain.prototype.getByName = function(domain) {
var queryObject = {
"domain": domain
var query = this.getQuery("byName", queryObject);
var docsPromise = this.query(query);
var _self = this;
return docsPromise.then(function(docs) {
var domain = null;
if (docs != null && docs.length > 0) {
domain = _self.dataMapper.merge(docs[0]);
return domain;
The solution was to understand, that the "query"-method still returns a promise instead of the concrete result even if yield is used.
So I have to add every code which is working on the result of the promise within the "then"-functions (or "done" if no other caller up in the calling hierarchy of methods will follow).
After the settlement of the promise, each code which is set within the "then"-functions will be processed.