Two commands to one button using tkinter and pygame in python - python-3.x

I'm making an mp3 player in Python using tkinter and pygame. I'm completely new to coding and this in one of the first projects i'm working on. This is learning by doing. I'm trying to get the pause button to pause and unpause. All it does now is pause.
Can I use an if else statement for this? I have google back and forward for two days and tried many different solutions, but none of them have worked. This is what the code looks like now.
self.pauseButton = Button(self, text = 'Pause', command = self.pause)
def pause(self):

You can use the text of the button for your advantage.
self.toggleVolumeButton = Button(self, text = 'Pause', command = self.toggleVolume)
def toggleVolume(self):
if self.toggleVolumeButton['text'] == 'Pause':
self.toggleVolumeButton['text'] = 'Unpause'
elif self.toggleVolumeButton['text'] == 'Unpause':
self.toggleVolumeButton['text'] = 'Pause'
About accessing the text of a button you can use any of the methods from this question. I chose dictionary one.
As you can guess, there are multiple ways of accomplishing this task. This is just one of the ways.


Is there a way I can make buttons in Tkinter with a for loop, while also giving each one a different command?

I'm making a revision system for school, and I want it to be able to use a modular amount of subjects just in case a subject is added to the system, so I need a way to make a number of buttons with different subject names, and be able to differentiate between those buttons using tkinter. So for example, if they were to click the Mathematics button, it would take them to another bit of code specially suited for mathematics(Although, it can't be solely for Mathematics, since then I would need definitions for subjects that haven't even been added yet)
First I simply tried setting the command to "print(subjectnames[subcount-1])", thinking it would print the name of the button, but that just printed both names out straight away without even pressing a button. Then I tried changing the variable name subject to the name of the button, which I didn't expect to work, I was just stumped and desperate
Here I started setting up the definition
def chooseQuiz():
This was probably unimportant, just labels for the title and spacing
Label(mainWindow, text="Which quizzes would you like to take?", bg='purple3', font=('constantia',25,"bold")).grid(row=0, column=0, padx=100, pady=0)
Label(mainWindow, bg='purple3').grid(row=1, column=0, padx=0, pady=15)
Here I extract data from an SQL table to get all subject names from all topics, again probably unimportant but here is where most of the variables are made
c.execute("SELECT Subject_name FROM topics")
for row in c.fetchall():
if row[0] in subjectnames:
elif row[0] not in subjectnames:
messagebox.showerror("Error", "subjectnames are not appending")
This is the main part of this question, where I tried to form a fluid number of buttons all with different commands, but to no avail
for subcount in range(len(subjectnames)):
button.append(Button(mainWindow, text=str(subjectnames[subcount-1]), bg='grey', fg='black', font=('cambria',15), width=25, command=(subject==subjectnames[subcount-1])))
button[-1].grid(row=subcount+2,column=0, padx=0, pady=15)
I expected the subject variable to be the same as the button I pressed, but it remained at 0(original value). I think this is due to wrong use of the command function in tkinter on my part. The buttons still showed up fine(only 2 subjects currently, Mathematics and Physics, and both showed up fine).
Yes, it is possible.
The following example creates a window with a reset button; upon clicking reset, a frame is populated with buttons corresponding to a random number of buttons chosen randomly from possible subjects. Each button has a command that calls a display function that redirects the call to the proper topic, which, in turn prints the name of its topic to the console, for simplicity of the example. You could easily create functions/classes corresponding to each topic, to encapsulate more sophisticated behavior.
Adding subjects, is as simple as adding a key-value pair in SUBJECTS
Pressing reset again, removes the current button and replaces them with a new set chosen randomly.
import random
import tkinter as tk
from _tkinter import TclError
SUBJECTS = {'Maths': lambda:print('Maths'),
'Physics': lambda:print('Physics'),
'Chemistry': lambda:print('Chemistry'),
'Biology': lambda:print('Biology'),
'Astronomy': lambda:print('Astronomy'),
'Petrology': lambda:print('Petrology'),}
topics = []
def topic_not_implemented():
print('this topic does not exist')
def get_topics():
"""randomly creates a list of topics for this example
global topics
topics = []
for _ in range(random.randrange(1, len(SUBJECTS))):
return topics
def reset_topics():
global topics_frame
for widget in topics_frame.winfo_children():
except UnboundLocalError:
topics_frame = tk.Frame(root)
for topic in get_topics():
tk.Button(topics_frame, text=topic, command=lambda topic=topic: display(topic)).pack()
def display(topic):
"""redirects the call to the proper topic
SUBJECTS.get(topic, topic_not_implemented)()
root = tk.Tk()
reset = tk.Button(root, text='reset', command=reset_topics)
topics_frame = tk.Frame(root)

Scale not updating during key inputs

I am currently working on scales using tkinter. I have gotten the code to work except one thing. I have bound keys to the motion of a servo motor. When I press the keys however the scale does not follow what the key bindings do.How can I get the scale to follow the key bindings?
Please see code below
....GPIO setup code above not shown...
def fMin(event):
iDCServo = 2.5
pServo.ChangeDutyCycle(iDCServo) #this is pwm code for the servo motor
def fMin2(event):
iDCServo = 7.5
def fMax(event):
iDCServo = 12.5
def fMax2(event):
iDCServo = 7.5
def fOperation():
global guiSliderServo1, iLoop
while True:
win = Tk()
win.wm_title(">>>Servo Slider<<<")
guiSliderServo1 = Scale(win, from_=-45, to_=45, orient=HORIZONTAL, length_=700, sliderlength_=10, tickinterval_=5, command=fSliderServo1)
guiSliderServo1.bind('<Key-q>', fMin)
guiSliderServo1.bind('<KeyRelease-q>', fMin2)
guiSliderServo1.bind('<Key-e>', fMax)
guiSliderServo1.bind('<KeyRelease-e>', fMax2)
guiButtonExit = Button(win, text="Exit Slider", command=quit)
...there is some remaining code regarding looks, functions and imports not shown, not sure, but probably would just clutter the real question.
Thank you
The while True hogs the computer so there is no time left for Tkinter to update the widget. You should be able to just delete the while True in the above code and be fine because Tkinter's mainloop() essentially does the same thing, i.e. continually checks for a keypress. Also mixing grid and pack, you use both, yields unknown results. Settle on one and use it. Note that this code does not change the scale, and the Button command should be win.quit.

How does one use ColorDelegator in from Python IDLE?

I have been developing an IDE for Python, and I have been wondering about saving myself a lot of time by integrating the colorDelegator module from IDLE.
Is it possible to make use of it, and how would I go about doing so? (with the tkinter text widget).
This is the example that is at the bottom of
def main():
from idlelib.Percolator import Percolator
root = Tk()
root.wm_protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", root.quit)
text = Text(background="white")
text.pack(expand=1, fill="both")
p = Percolator(text)
d = ColorDelegator()

Stopping, restarting and changing variables in a thread from the main program (Python 3.5)

I'm very new to threading am and still trying to get my head around how to code most of it. I am trying to make what is effectively a text editor-type input box and so, like every text editor I know, I need a cursor-bar thing to indicate the location at which the text is being typed to. Thus I also want to be able to flicker/blink the cursor, which i thought would also prove good practice for threading.
I have a class cursor that creates a rectangle on the canvas based on the bounding box of my canvas text, but I then need to change it's location as more characters are typed; stop the thread and instantaneously hide the cursor rectangle when the user clicks outside of the input box; and lastly restart the thread/a loop within the thread (once again, sharing a variable) - the idea here being that the cursor blinks 250 times and after then, disappears (though not necessary, I thought it would make a good learning exercise).
So assuming that I have captured the events needed to trigger these, what would be the best way to go about them? I have some code, but I really don't think it will work, and just keeps getting messier. My idea being that the blinking method itself was the thread. Would it be better to make the whole class a thread instead? Please don't feel restricted by the ideas in my code and feel free to improve it. I don't think that the stopping is working correctly because every time I alt+tab out of the window (which i have programmed to disengage from the input box) the Python shell and tkinter GUI stop responding.
from tkinter import *
import threading, time
class Cursor:
def __init__(self, parent, xy):
self.parent = parent
#xy is a tuple of 4 integers based on a text object's .bbox()
coords = [xy[2]] + list(xy[1:])
self.obj = self.parent.create_rectangle(coords)
self.parent.itemconfig(self.obj, state='hidden')
def blink(self):
blinks = 0
while not self.stop blinks <= 250:
self.parent.itemconfig(self.obj, state='normal')
for i in range(8):
if self.stop: break
self.parent.itemconfig(self.obj, state='hidden')
blinks += 1
self.parent.itemconfig(self.obj, state='hidden')
def startThread(self):
self.stop = False
self.blinking = threading.Thread(target=self.blink, args=[])
def stopThread(self):
self.stop = True
def adjustPos(self, xy):
#I am not overly sure if this will work because of the thread...
coords = [xy[2]] + list(xy[1:])
self.parent.coords(self.obj, coords)
#Below this comment, I have extracted relevant parts of classes to global
#and therefore, it may not be completely syntactically correct nor
#specifically how I initially wrote the code.
def keyPress(e):
text = canvas.itemcget(textObj, text)
if focused:
if '\\x' not in repr(e.char) and len(e.char)>0:
text += e.char
elif e.keysym == 'BackSpace':
text = text[:-1]
canvas.itemconfig(textObj, text=text)
def toggle(e):
if cursor.blinking.isAlive(): #<< I'm not sure if that is right?
if __name__=="__main__":
root = Tk()
canvas = Canvas(root, width=600, height=400, borderwidth=0, hightlightthickness=0)
textObj = canvas.create_text(50, 50, text='', anchor=NW)
root.bind('<Key>', keyPress)
cursor = Cursor(canvas, canvas.bbox(textObj))
#Using left-click event to toggle thread start and stop
root.bind('<ButtonPress-1', toggle)
#Using right-click event to somehow restart thread or set blinks=0
#root.bind('<ButtonPress-3', cursor.dosomething_butimnotsurewhat)
If there is a better way to do something written above, please also tell me.

I'm new to coding. A while loop in Python won't work properly, but has no errors

I got this code from a book called "Python for Kids," by Jason Briggs. This code was ran in Python 3.4.3. I don't have any outside coding experience outside from this book. I tried multiple possibilities to fix this and looked online, but I couldn't find anything that would work or help my problem. If you have new code or edits for this code, that would be helpful to me continuing to learn Python.
from tkinter import *
import random
import time
class Game:
def __init__(self): = Tk()"Mr. Stick Man Races for The Exit")
self.tk_resizable(0, 0)"-topmost", 1)
self.canvas = Canvas(, width=500, height=500, highlightthickness=0)
self.canvas_height = 500
self.canvas_width = 500 = PhotoImage(file="Wallpaper.gif")
w =
h =
for x in range(0, 5):
for y in range(0, 5):
self.canvas.create_image(x * w, y * h,, anchor='nw')
self.sprites = []
self.running = True
def mainloop(self):
while 1:
if self.running == True:
for sprite in self.sprites:
g = Game()
This code was supposed to make a window with a wallpaper I created in Gimp to fill the window. When I ran the code, nothing happened and no errors appeared. What I need help on is making a window with my wallpaper appear. If you can help, can you give me an explanation with code. I'm sorry if my mistakes are obvious.
These two statements need to be all the way to the left, with no indentation:
g = Game()
The code class Game: creates a class, which can be thought of as a recipe for how to create a game. It does not actually create the game, it only provides code to create the game.
In order to actually create the game -- called instantiatiation -- you need to call Game as if it was a function. When you do g = Game() you are actually creating the game object and saving a reference to it. Unless you do this, the game will never be created. Thus, to create a instance of the game, you must define it in one step (class Game()) and create it in another (g = Game())
Warning, there are other problems in the code. This answers your specific question, but you need to fix the indentation of the def mainloop statemen, and there may be other issues.
The biggest problem is that this simply isn't the right way to do animation in Tkinter. It might be ok as a learning tool, but ultimately this is simply not proper usage of tkinter. I don't know if this code is straight from the book or if this is code you're trying on your own, but tkinter simply isn't designed to work this way. You shouldn't be creating your own mainloop function because tkinter has one that is built in.
To fix the mainloop issue, remove the existing mainloop function, and add this in its place (properly indented under class Game():
def mainloop(self):
# start the animation
# start the event loop
def animate(self):
if self.running == True:
for sprite in self.sprites:
sprites.move(), self.animate)
