Proper way of bundling Native Modules with electron-builder? - node.js

Is there a correct way of building native node.js modules that will properly bundle when packaging the application with electron-builder?
The correct way I ask for includes having the module be required properly in production, testing, and development. Proper requirement in my eyes would be [require('nativeModuleName') instead of: require('./build/Release/nativeModuleName')], and not using file inclusion in the electron-builder sections of the 'package.json' file.


How to figure out which NodeJS core modules a package is using?

Let's say we have a package on NPM like got.
I want to figure out which core NodeJS modules this package is using as I want to polyfill it on environments (like React native, or the browser).
Is there any way where I can just get a list of which core NodeJS modules this package is using without manually searching through the source code?
I know there are ways to figure out the dependency tree -- that is not what I am asking. I specificially want to know which core NodeJS modules are being used.
There is no way to do this that is not manual unfortunately.
However, it is pretty simple to do.
Simply search all the files in your project via your IDE. CMD+F for things like crypto, buffer, stream, etc. is a list of all the core node modules

Building monorepo babel-transpiled node JS application with dependencies

I am working on a project that is hosted as a monorepo. For simplification purposes let's say that inside there are three self-explanatory packages: server, a webapp client and library. The directory structure would be something like the following:
All packages employ flow type notation, use a few >ES5 features and, for this reason, go through babel transpilation. The key difference is that transpilation of the webapp package is done via webpack, whereas server employs a gulp task that triggers script transpilation through the gulp-babel package. library is transpiled automatically when web is built.
Now, the problem I have is that for server to build, babel requires library to be built first and its package.json to specify its (built) main JS source file so its transpiled artifacts can be included. As you can imagine, this would quickly become problematic if the project were to contain multiple libraries that are actively being developed (which it does), as all would require building, including any dependent packages (like server in this simple case).
As an attempt to overcome this annoyance, I initially thought of using webpack to build the server, which would take care of including whatever dependencies it requires into a bundle, but I ran into issues as apparently webpack is not meant to be used on node JS applications.
What strategies are available for building a node JS application requiring Babel transpilation, such that the application's source files as well as any dependencies are built transparently and contained in a single output directory?
Annex A
Simplified gulp task for transpilation of scripts, as employed by server.
return gulp
.src([`src/**/*.js`], { allowEmpty: true })
.pipe(babel({ sourceMap: true }))
As can be seen above, only server's own source files are included in the task. If src were to be changed to also include library, the task would emit the dependencies' artifacts in server's own output directory and any require('library') statements within would attempt to locate the built artifacts in packages/library and not packages/server/dist, thus resulting in import failures.
First of all, I am not sure what your server is doing. If it is doing a database connection or some calculations then I would not recommend it to be built by webpack. Whereas If your server is just doing Server-Side Rendering and making some API calls to other servers then I would recommend it to be bundled using webpack.
A lot of projects follow this philosophy. For example, you can take a look at something similar, I have done in one of my personal projects [Blubus]. Specifically, you might be interested in webpack-server-config. And also you can take a look at how big projects like spectrum does it.

The best way to actively develop an NPM package that's consumed by another app running locally

I'm currently working on a React application that's consuming a React library we also develop.
Currently, the process is to copy over the dist folder of the library over to the node_modules folder of the application.
To resolve the tedious nature of this, I thought the solution would be simple: to npm link the package in our application, and have the JSX/React components run through the application's babel-loader. That way, we'd also get webpack's dev server to watch for changes in the library and refresh automatically.
The problem with this is that the library's babel settings are different from those of the consuming application. For instance, root imports in the library (e.g. import ~/some-module) are supposed to resolve from the root folder of the library, but instead, they resolve to the root folder of the application, resulting in errors, because the only babel configuration it uses is the .babelrc from the application.
I tried adding separate webpack config rules to make exceptions for the library, but now it feels kind of hacky. In addition to that, the webpack dev server runs incredibly slow to boot up, presumably because it's running a babel transformation on the library too.
Is there an easier way to do this? Like telling webpack that "for this library in node_modules, use its own configuration file, and respect all of its own babel settings and relative imports?"

How to use frontend npms on your project

I'm new to Node.js web development. Just created a project using ExpressGenerator (project structure generator for ExpressJS framework).
The question is: if I want to use FineUploader front-end JS library for my application, which is provided through NPM package, how should I embed it into my project properly? package.json manages server-side dependencies. When authors of front-end module publish it as npm, what approach to further usage they imply? Another package manager like Bower?
You are correct that package.json manages server-side dependencies but not entirely. You can - and should - rely on it to manage front-end dependencies as well.
For that to work you will need a module bundler, to package the node module for the browser. Some of the most popular bundlers for accomplishing this include Webpack, browserify, rollup among others.
Also note that you can delegate the bundling of node js modules to cdn services such as unpkg or wzrd so that all you need to do to use a node module in your front end code is include a link in your html to the cdn bundled module and server-side webpack bundling

In web project server side/backend is packed and bundled by webpack in node mode ( to achieve one independent bundled distributed file, like for client/frontend side.
But there is one problem: that project is dependent on library, and server-side part of contains following line: , which implies load some library part at runtime.
Such behavior causes problems in bundling server side by webpack, because library is not required directly by require operation, and that's why does not compile into bundle.
Of course, it's potentially possible to develop own Webpack plugin, which will search and operate over require.resolve invocations, for example, by resolving target files and place them in memory file system or pack into bundle as resources. But it not simple manual work, and most probably well-known solution is exists.
For example, maybe is there already bundled version of library for webpack usage?
