How to validate elements in nested json array in karate? - nested

I am using the karate framework for writing some automated test cases. I'd like to validate the schema for each element in a nested array list . For the example below, I would like to validate each child of each element in the returned array. Is there a way to get an array list of all children of all elements? I can do that by calling some java functions, but I was wondering if there's a way in karate to get that.
Something like "for each element in the returned array validate the schema of each of its children".
"id": "A",
"children": [
"size": "10",
"type": "A",
"name": "B"
"size": "10",
"type": "A",
"name": "B"
"id": "B",
"children": [
"size": "10",
"type": "A",
"name": "B"
"size": "3",
"type": "C",
"name": "D"

match each will be more convenient for validating JSON array with a schema,
* def children = $response[*].children[*]
* def schema = { "name": "#string","size": "#string","type": "#string"}
* match each children == schema
This will extract all the values of the children and validate each child is matching with the schema


Unable to fetch the entire column index based on the value using JSONPath finder in npm

I have the below response payload and I just want to check the amount == 1000 if it's matching then I just want to get the entire column as output.
Sample Input:
"sqlQuery": "select SET_UNIQUE, amt as AMOUNT from transactionTable where SET_USER_ID=11651 ",
"message": "2 rows selected",
"row": [
"column": [
"value": "22621264",
"name": "SET_UNIQUE"
"value": "1000",
"name": "AMOUNT"
"column": [
"value": "226064213",
"name": "SET_UNIQUE"
"value": "916",
"name": "AMOUNT"
Expected Output:
"column": [
"value": "22621264",
"name": "SET_UNIQUE"
"value": "1000",
"name": "AMOUNT"
The above sample I just want to fetch the entire column if the AMOUNT value will be 1000.
I just tried below to achieve this but no luck.
1. row[*].column[?(#.value==1000)].column
2. row[*].column[?(#.value==1000)]
I don't want to do this by using index. Because It will be change.
Any ideas please?
I think you'd need nested expressions, which isn't something that's widely supported. Something like
The inner expression returns matches for value==1000, then the outer expression checks for existence of those matches.
Another alternative that might work is
but this assumes some implicit type conversions that may or may not be supported.

How do I merge multiple compose objects to a JSON array?

How do I create a JSON collection based on the Compose actions of the for each mentioned below? If I add a comma after the "}" it will be one too many at the end. Secondly, I somehow need to wrap it in a collection [ ]
I have a Foreach which has a Compose (iteration 1):
"Name": "A"
"Value": "1"
Second Compose contains another object (iteration 2)
"Name": "B"
"Value": "2"
However, I now do want to merge these composes to:
"CollectionName": [{
"Name": "A"
"Value": "1"
"Name": "B"
"Value": "2"
"Name": "C"
"Value": "3"
You can use union
union('<collection1>', '<collection2>', ...)
union([<collection1>], [<collection2>], ...)
You can refer to Combine two JSON Arrays to one and How can I merge the outputs from a For_Each loop in an Azure Logic App to a single flat array?

python dictionary how can create (structured) unique dictionary list if the key contains list of values of other keys

I have below unstructured dictionary list which contains values of other keys in a list .
I am not sure if the question i ask is strange. this is the actual dictionary payload that we receive from source which not aligned with respective entry
"dsply_nm": [
"test test",
"test test",
"start_dt": [
"exp_dt": [
"hrs_pwr": [
"make_nm": "test",
"model_nm": "test",
"my_yr": "1980"
"the length of list cannot not be expected and it could be more than 4 sometimes or less in some keys"
i need to check if the above dictionary are in proper structure or not and based on that it should return the proper dictionary list associate with each item
for eg:
def get_dict_list(items):
if type(items == not structure)
result = get_associated_dict_items_mapped
return result
return items
#Final result
[{"dsply_nm":"test test","start_dt":"2021-04-21T00:01:00-04:00","exp_dt":"2022-04-21T00:01:00-04:00","hrs_pwr":"14"},
{"dsply_nm":"test test","start_dt":"2021-04-21T00:01:00-04:00","exp_dt":"2022-04-21T00:01:00-04:00","hrs_pwr":"12","make_nm": "test",model_nm": "test","my_yr": "1980"},
in above dictionary payload, below part is associated with the second dictionary items and have to map respectively
"make_nm": "test",
"model_nm": "test",
"my_yr": "1980"
Can anyone help on this?
Since customer details is a list
dict(zip(customer_details[0], list(customer_details.values[0]())))
this yields:
{'insured_details': ['asset', 'asset', 'asset'],
'id': ['213', '214', '233'],
'dept': ['account', 'sales', 'market'],
'salary': ['12', '13', '14']}
I think a couple of list comprehensions will get you going. If you would like me to unwind them into more traditional for loops, just let me know.
import json
def get_dict_list(item):
first_value = list(item.values())[0]
if not isinstance(first_value, list):
return [item]
return [{key: item[key][i] for key in item.keys()} for i in range(len(first_value))]
cutomer_details = [
"insured_details": "asset",
"id": "xxx",
"dept": "account",
"salary": "12"
"insured_details": ["asset", "asset", "asset"],
cutomer_details_cleaned = []
for detail in cutomer_details:
print(json.dumps(cutomer_details_cleaned, indent=4))
That should give you:
"insured_details": "asset",
"id": "xxx",
"dept": "account",
"salary": "12"
"insured_details": "asset",
"id": "213",
"dept": "account",
"salary": "12"
"insured_details": "asset",
"id": "214",
"dept": "sales",
"salary": "13"
"insured_details": "asset",
"id": "233",
"dept": "market",
"salary": "14"

How to find common struct for all documents in collection?

I have an array of documents, that have more or less same structure. But I need find fields that present in all documents. Somethink like:
"name": "Jow",
"salary": 7000,
"age": 25,
"city": "Mumbai"
"name": "Mike",
"backname": "Brown",
"sex": "male",
"city": "Minks",
"age": 30
"name": "Piter",
"hobby": "footbol",
"age": 25,
"location": "USA"
"name": "Maria",
"age": 22,
"city": "Paris"
All docs have name and age. How to find them with ArangoDB?
You could do the following:
Retrieve the attribute names of each document
Get the intersection of those attributes
LET attrs = (FOR item IN test RETURN ATTRIBUTES(item, true))
APPLY is necessary so each list of attributes in attrs can be passed as a separate parameter to INTERSECTION.

Merge documents by fields

I have two types of docs. Main docs and additional info for it.
"id": "371"
"name": "Mike",
"location": "Paris"
"id": "371-1",
"age": 20,
"lastname": "Piterson"
I need to merge them by id, to get result doc. The result should look like:
"id": "371"
"name": "Mike",
"location": "Paris"
"age": 20,
"lastname": "Piterson"
FOR doc IN collection
COLLECT id = SPLIT(, '-')[0] INTO groups
RETURN MERGE(MERGE(groups[*].doc), {id})
"id": "371",
"location": "Paris",
"name": "Mike",
"lastname": "Piterson",
"age": 20
This will:
Split each id attribute at any - and return the first part
Group the results into sepearate arrays (groups)
Merge #1: Merge all objects into one
Merge #2: Merge the id into the result
See REMOVE & INSERT or REPLACE for write operations.
