So I've been downloading office 2019 through the microsoft page, which tells me I should download it with the ODT by using elevated command prompt with a configuration.xml file and a command in cmd
setup /download configuration.xml
now my question is this. why does it not download or if it downloads I get an error
the code I used eventually in the config is:
<Product ID="ProPlus2019Volume" PIDKEY="#####-#####-#####-#####-#####" >
<Language ID="nl-nl" />
<RemoveMSI All="True" />
<Display Level="Full" AcceptEULA="TRUE" />
and the code I used in cmd was setup /configure configuration.xml
Try this. This actually worked for me. You will need to change the path to where you are trying to download the software to and change the version from 64 to 32 if that is what you are looking for. Also change the Product ID to the version or product you are trying to download. You need to save it as configuration.xml otherwise it will not work (from my experience). Once this is done go into cmd (as admin) and go into the folder where the ODT was extracted to. Once you are there run the setup /download configuration.xml
You may want to check your product key to make sure you are installing the correct version for your product key.
In addition please note that Office 2019 is solely for Windows 10 and it will not work with Windows 7/8/8.1 or any previous versions.
<Product ID="Standard2019Volume" PIDKEY="XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX" >
<Language ID="en-us" />
<RemoveMSI All="True" />
<Display Level="Full" AcceptEULA="TRUE" />
I have a private C# project on the and want to create a NuGet package there.
I followed the instruction and created the following Nuget.config file on the solution level.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<clear />
<add key="gitlab" value="{my_project_numeric_id_here}/packages/nuget/index.json" />
<add key="Username" value="{my_username_in_gitlab}" />
<add key="ClearTextPassword" value="{my_personal_token_with_api_access_here}" />
Then I used the Visual Studio Package Manager Console and ran the following command:
dotnet nuget push "C:\{path_to_the_package_here}\MyProject.1.0.0.nupkg" --source gitlab
and had the following error:
error: Unable to load the service index for source{my_project_numeric_id_here}/packages/nuget/index.json.
error: Response status code does not indicate success: 404 (Not Found).
MyProject.1.0.0.nupkg — exists.
Nuget.config — is seen by the command (reflects changes in the file).
Personal Token — I played with different permissions, at least api permission is granted, and all others too.
What is wrong in my actions and how to create a NuGet package from the C# project on
My designer doesn't show any changes or content. it says it has a render problem:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/misc/Cleaner at
at at at
android.view.View.( at
android.view.View.( at
android.view.ViewGroup.( at
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i've tried everything, installing again, updating everything, setting to older versions, changing rendering version, etc. Everything i could find on the internet doesn't seem to work.
please help
I am new to Hybris. I am able to configure Hybris Administration Console and access the sections by following wiki.hybris documents.
I dont find a section to configure the Hybris Management Console (HMC). I get 404 error when I access the URL http://localhost:9001/hmc. Please let me know where to find to get this URL working.
I am sorry for not giving enough information in my original post.
I am using Hybris Commerce Suite and followed the steps mentioned in wiki.hybris.
I executed the following commands in CMD.
ant clean all
Then logged into http://localhost:9001/ using admin credentials
Under Platform--> Initialization, I initialized to recreate the new
Apart from the above, I did not do any other steps. I noticed that the extensions under HMC in Platform-->Extension, are all marked as X. Please refer to the attached image.
You are missing the hmc as part of your localextensions.xml file... see the answer at:
After adding the hmc extension you have to run an update running system from the hac (or re-initialize).
Note though that the hmc is the old backoffice application, in more recent versions it had first been depracted and finally been removed.
The new backoffice application is called backoffice and its url is by default:
(you would also have to add the backoffice extension to your localextensions.xml file to make it available)
Good luck!
Perform the following steps :
Step 1 : Add the following main modules in localextensions.xml
<extension name="admincockpit" />
<extension name="backoffice" />
<extension name="cockpit" />
<extension name="hmc" />
<extension name="mcc" />
<extension name="platformhmc" />
Step 2: Run ant clean all
Step 3 : Run update from HAC
The hMC is usually available on http://localhost:9001/hmc (or /hmc/hybris if you don't want it opening in a pop up).
I'd suggest checking your server logs (~YOUR_HYBRIS_DIR/hybris/log/tomcat/console.log) and seeing if there's any errors in it.
Make sure you have not altered the property hmc.webroot. It should be set to /hmc by default, but you can try explicitly setting it in your file like this:
Also you need to initialize the system before you can access anything other than the HAC.
You can do this either using your browser via the HAC or using ant:
ant clean all initialize
You can read all about Hybris' initialize and update processes here:
Hope this helps
In recent versions of Hybris they have introduced an installer script that sets up the basics for you. What this means though is that if you just go right ahead and simply run ant all, you will get a localextensions.xml file with almost everything disabled.
What you should do is install hybris using the installer script and one of the recipies. See here:
This will generate you a decent starting configuration for what ever you want to do with hybris.
For example, when I install the recipe b2c_acc (B2C Accelerator), I get the following localextensions.xml file generated:
<hybrisconfig xmlns:xsi='' xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation='../bin/platform/resources/schemas/extensions.xsd'>
<path dir='${HYBRIS_BIN_DIR}' autoload='false' />
<extension name='mcc' />
<extension name='backoffice' />
<extension name='commercesearchbackoffice' />
<extension name='commerceservicesbackoffice' />
<extension name='solrfacetsearchbackoffice' />
<extension name='solrserver' />
<extension name='yacceleratorcockpits' />
<extension name='yacceleratorinitialdata' />
<extension name='yacceleratorfulfilmentprocess' />
<extension name='yacceleratorstorefront' />
<extension name='yaddon' />
<extension name='ycommercewebservices' />
<extension name='electronicsstore' />
<extension name='apparelstore' />
<extension name='liveeditaddon' />
<extension name='acceleratorwebservicesaddon' />
Once you have done this, I also strongly recommend installing MySQL and using that as your database rather than the default HSQLDB approach as it is much, much faster. See here:
Hope this helps
Go to http://localhost:9001/mcc (log as an admin) you will find all links of your current Hybris installation.
What version of Hybris are you using ? Do you see the hmc extension when you go to the HAC ?
With 5.7 the default localextensions.xml is mostly empty by default, you will need to run an installer like '. -r b2c_acc_plus' from your installer directory (first level of your Hybris installation)
can you please help me with this code below?
[System.Xml.XmlDocument]$xd = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument
$file = "C:\PS\SetUP.xml";
#$root = $xd.DocumentElement
Write-Host $xd.SelectSingleNode("/Setup").Attributes.GetNamedItem("WebAppUrl").Value
This code works fine when I run it in windows server 2008, but it does not work in windows server 2003.
I tested it in C# in the same environment (win server 2003) and it works, but not in Powershell.
I think there could be some Powershell version issue.
Could you please help me?
Thank you
Xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Setup WebAppUrl="http://sp2007">
<SiteCollection Name="Report" Url="Report Requests">
<List Name="Report Requests" Url="ReportRequests" />
<List Name="Report Request Tasks" Url="ReportRequestTasks" />
<Site Name="Child 1" Url="child1" Template="STS#0"/>
<Site Name="Child 2" Url="child2" Template="STS#0"/>
<Site Name="Child 3" Url="child3" Template="STS#0"/>
I don't have v1 but you can read xml files and navigate them the same way regardless of OS version. Can you share the xml file?
[xml]$xd = Get-Content C:\PS\SetUP.xml
If there's only one Setup node then you can get the value with:
The Powershell version on Windows 2003 is 1.
The version on Windows 2008 is 2.
Simple as that. You can try to upgrade it AFAIK.
Edit: Update procedure ->
E.g. when I add a new table it does not appear in the Northwind namespace untill I remove the project folder from :
C:\Users\userName\AppData\Local\Temp\Temporary ASP.NET Files\
or add and readd the SubSonic.dll
I have the following configuration :
<section name="SubSonicService" type="SubSonic.SubSonicSection, SubSonic"></section>
<SubSonicService defaultProvider="Northwind">
<add name="Northwind"
type="SubSonic.SqlDataProvider, SubSonic"
<add name="Northwind" connectionString="Data Source=.;Database=Northwind;Integrated Security=true;"/>
<compilation debug="true">
<add extension=".abp" type="SubSonic.BuildProvider, SubSonic"/>
<add assembly="SubSonic" namespace="SubSonic" tagPrefix="subsonic"/>
The issue here is that the BuildProvider doesn't "go off" unless you change the abp file in App_Code. It's a hack, but if you want it to work you need to open that file up and change it somehow by adding a space or something - then it will kick off the builder.
I'm working on some T4 templates so you don't have to do this. Also - you can use our commandline tool to generate the stuff to file for you:
Thanks, both worked !
Either as you said to simply change the *.abp file ( added couple of spaces)
sonic.exe generate /config "D:\path\to\my\web.config"
I have a D:\temp\utils folder , where I keep all the command line tools used ... and it is part of the %PATH% environmental variable ...
and it took me couple of minutes to realize that I had to copy the whole :
D:\libs\orm\SubSonic_2.1_Final_Source\src\SubSonic\bin\Debug directory to that command line tools folder ...
Edit: Even faster with VS External Tool command :
Tools - External Tools - Add
Title: SubSonic
Command: D:\path\to\sonic.exe
Arguments: generate /config "D:\path\to\my\web.config"
Initial Directory: {$ProjectDir}
Tools - Options - Keyboard
Find tools Subsonic
for it to work from anywhere on the command line