I need to know the version of the library libraptor2 installed on the computer.
Preferably I need to determine it in configure script.
How to do it?
It can be done this way:
RAPTOR_VERSION=`pkg-config --modversion raptor2`
I'm checking with installed protobuf lib version on my system and I'm surprised with, following /usr/bin/protoc --version return V2.4.1 and following protoc --version return V3.0.0.
Why this is so, am I missing any user account related installation concept.
It looks like you have two versions of protocol buffers installed.
If you write $ which protoc you will see where the protoc environment variable points to. Probably /usr/local/bin/protoc
You can change that to /usr/bin/protoc, but how depends on how it is set initially and what system you are on. Google or this article will help you with that.
I have Python3 installed via brew install python3. However, cmake cannot find PythonLibs 3. Here's the header of my CMakeLists.txt.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
find_package(PythonLibs 3 REQUIRED)
When I ran cmake, I got this error message
Could NOT find PythonLibs: Found unsuitable version "2.7.6", but required is at least "3" (found /usr/lib/libpython2.7.dylib)
Not sure what I did wrong.
In my experience, this happened because I was using an older version of cmake (2.8 instead of 3+) that didn't know about Python 3.4 (it gave up after 3.3.)
The solution was to go into the CMakeLists.txt file and add an "additional versions" directive ABOVE the find_package:
find_package(PythonLibs 3 REQUIRED)
You could probably also fix it by upgrading your version of cmake. But the above worked for me with cmake 2.8
Because you are using CMake >= 3.0, you can you find_package(Python COMPONENTS Interpreter Development) see: https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.12/module/FindPython.html
That would for instance give you for:
find_package(Python COMPONENTS Interpreter Development)
Another reason for this is that CMake can't ever find Python 3 when it is installed from brew on OSX. It looks like the CMake devs know that FindPythonLibs sucks and have a ticket to revamp it but it doesn't look like it will happen any time soon.
I believe the Python interpreter itself knows where its libraries and headers are so I think the best thing to do would be to run it to find out. To get the path to the Python interpreter I would force the user to specify it manually. One of the big issues with Python is that lots of software includes its own copy so you'll end up with 5 copies of it on your system. The chance of picking up the wrong one is just too high. Get the user to specify the correct one.
I installed the luarocks package on Linux Mint, and afterwards installed a couple of rocks such as sudo luarocks install telescope, but when running a script via lua script.lua, require cannot find the module.
Meta: Doing this Q&A style, because while questions that answer this exist, none seem to be generically titled or easily findable, and I hope that I can help someone with this.
In this specific case, the problem was simply that on my distribution, the default Lua version installed was at the time of writing this 5.2, whereas the LuaRocks package was built for 5.1, meaning that Lua 5.2 could not find the rocks due to using different paths for modules.
The solution to the problem was downloading the LuaRocks source code from its github repository, and compiling it for 5.2
./configure --lua-version=5.2
make build
sudo make install
To make sure I can also install packages for LuaJIT, which as of the moment uses 5.1 libs, I have also executed the above lines with lua-version=5.1 beforehand (if I executed them after, the default luarocks command would point at the 5.1 build.
To build LuaRocks, you need liblua5.2-dev and/or liblua5.1-dev
The solution for me is this.
I try
eval "$(luarocks path)"
and it works.
Hope it works for others.
I am trying to install octave on my machine (Scientific Linux 6.4 based on red hat) without having root access. After running the following:
./configure CPPFLAGS="-I/some_stuff/user_name/bin/pcre-8.32/include" LDFLAGS="-L/some_stuff/user_name/bin/pcre-8.32/lib"
(I had to install pcre apriori; before I got errors re: pcre), I get a message along the lines:
configure: error: You are required to have BLAS and LAPACK libraries
Now LAPACK has just been made in $HOME/bin/lapack-3.4.2 yet the same error is still there. Also $HOME/bin is part of the path.
Any way to tell the configure tool for octave about this? (the obvious thing of adding another CPPFLAG/LDFLAG does not work). I'm assuming I'll encounter more such issues along the way, so any generic help/hint is greatly appreciated.
My level of linux is rudimentary to say the least, but I'm willing to work through it.
Does this site shed any light on the problem? It describes the configuration options.
First, you should rather ./configure all your software with some common prefix, such as --prefix=$HOME/soft/
Unless you know well what you are doing, I recommend against having different prefix for each installed software. You could add $HOME/soft/bin to your $PATH
And you should configure and build all the dependencies before configuring octave (and that includes BLAS, LAPACK and their dependencies).
Then, you want to pass specific configuration options, perhaps like --with-blas=$HOME/soft
I think you should pass the prefix used when configuring BLAS; you may want to run ./configure --help first.
Read carefully each package's installation instructions. For Octave, they are here. Each package has their own.
Some software may require you to configure and build outside of their source tree!
I'm trying to configure the latest version of monodevelop but I'm stuck. I have the latest version of libvala and versions before that. Could someone please explain this to me.
checking for LIBVALA... no
configure: error: Package requirements (libvala-0.12 >= 0.12) were not met:
No package 'libvala-0.12' found
Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
installed software in a non-standard prefix.
Alternatively, you may set the environment variables LIBVALA_CFLAGS
and LIBVALA_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
See the pkg-config man page for more details.
How can I set LIBVALA_LIB? Is LIBVALA a env variable? In the configure.in for the Valabindings it looks like this:
What is that? How can I solve this?
Under /usr/lib/pkgconfig I have Libvala-0.12.pc if that can help. And if I run dpkg -i libvala-0.12-0 I get that it's installed and works fine.
Do you have libvala-0.12-dev installed? What version of Ubuntu do you have?
The version of libvala required is >= libvala-0.12-dev. Both 0.14 and 0.16 packages are available for Debian Wheezy:
After installing the package you wish, edit: /extras/Valabinding/configure.in. There is one instance of libvala-0.12. Replace it with the version you want to use (e.g. libvala-0.14).
After making this change, ./configure worked fine.