Camel CQL Component - Query with multiple parameters - cassandra

I'm creating an Camel route that consumes data from Cassandra DB using CQL component and I want to pass multiple parameters to the where statement.
How can I pass multiple parameters to construct the prepared stratement internally?
I've checked in DOC and I found the way to pass one parameter:
.setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_METHOD, simple(
.process(e-> e.getIn().setBody("Gabriel")
.to("cql://localhost:9042/teste?cql=SELECT * FROM teste_table where name = ? ALLOW FILTERING")
The way above works fine, but I want to pass more than one parameter.

After some retries, I found a way to do it, simply passing an object array in the exchange in body, see below:
import com.datastax.driver.core.LocalDate;
import com.datastax.driver.core.Row;
.setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_METHOD, simple(
.process(e-> e.getIn().setBody(new Object[] {"Gabriel", LocalDate.fromYearMonthDay(1994, 10, 25)}))
.to("cql://localhost:9042/teste?cql=SELECT * FROM teste_table where name = ? and date_of_birth= ? ALLOW FILTERING")
.process(e -> {
Row[] rows = e.getIn().getBody(Row[].class);
for (Row row : rows)
System.out.println("name: " + row.getString("name") + ", idade: " + row.getInt("idade"));


M (PowerQuery), set the value of a non-primitive variable in a let statement

I'm writing a custom M Language (PowerQuery in Excel) function to query a RESTful interface. This interface has a large number of optional parameters.
Starting with a simple case- I handle an optional limit passed as a simple (primitive) value as follows-
* RESTful API Get from the named endpoint
(endpoint as text, optional limit) =>
// query limit
// If limit is supplied as a number, it will be converted to text
// If limit is not supplied it will be set to the value "1000"
limit = if limit <> null then Text.From(limit) else "1000",
As the full API has many paramaters I wanted to use a Record to pass them to the function, but then I realised I don't know how to persuade M to write the default values into the parameter record.
I tried a couple of options.
Direct access-
(endpoint as text, optional params as record) =>
params[limit] = if (params[limit] = null) then "1000",
the result is a syntax error-'Token equal expected'
Merging the new value of limit as a Record with "&"
(endpoint as text, optional params as record) =>
params = params & if params[limit] = null then [limit = "1000"] else [],
result syntax error-'Token Literal expected'
I'm clearly missing something about the syntax rules for let statements, I know I need a variable = value assignment, and it looks as if putting anything other than a plain variable name on the LHS to write elements inside a structured value is not allowed, but i'm not sure how to acieve this otherwise?
Not sure exactly what you want here, but to create a List of Records where some Records have a default parameter and others do not, you could try something like:
(newParams as record) =>
default = [limit=1000, param2=2, param3=3],
final = Record.Combine({default, newParams})
With regard to Record.Combine, the beauty is that the right hand record will override the left hand record if both are present; and it will just add to it if nothing is present.
So something like:
Source = [limit=400, param3="x", param7=246],
conv = fnParams(Source)
Depending on the required format of your output string, you can build it using List.Accumulate. eg:
Source = [limit=400, param3="x", param7=246],
conv = fnParams(Source),
list = List.Accumulate(List.Zip({Record.FieldNames(conv), Record.ToList(conv)}), "",
(state,current) =>state & "&" & current{0} & "=" & Text.From(current{1}) )
=> &limit=400&param2=2&param3=x&param7=246

How to bind variables inside collection literals in Cassandra 3.0 using java?

I have a java application in which I am parsing data and updating it to my Cassandra 3.0 database. I have been successful so far until it comes to my columns with user-defined types.
My attempt:
String statement_update = "UPDATE table SET "
+ "elements = elements + [{name: ? , associations: []}]"
+ " WHERE id = ?
elements is a user defined type in my Cassandra 3.0 Database.
It is composed of name (data type: text) and associations (data type: list).
PreparedStatement prepared_update = session.prepare(statement_update);
bound_update = prepared_update.bind(name, id);
variables name and id are of type String.
I have been trying to use a prepared statement to update my table with newly parsed data; however after the data is parsed I am having trouble adding more elements to my elements column. I get error: “Invalid list literal for elements: bind variables are not supported inside collection literals.” How do I work around or resolve this?
I have tried ways of changing the statement_update to “UPDATE table SET elements = elements + ? WHERE id = ?”, but I don’t know what kind of list (or even if its a list) to add to my bind statement.
What is needed to satisfy my user-defined type: elements?
Try another update notation:
session := getGocqlSession()
err := session.Query(
"UPDATE table SET mymapcolumn[?] = ? WHERE rowkey = ?",
mapKey, mapValue, rowKey,
This worked for me.
I have done this on Go, but maybe this approach will help.

Pass a list of string's in IN clause in DocumentDb Query

This query works when i try to fetch records using IN and multiple Email Id's:
var families = _client.CreateDocumentQuery<Restraunt>(_documentCollection.SelfLink,
"Select Restraunt.RestrauntId from Restraunt join Rest in Restraunt.Emails where Emails.Email IN ('','') ").AsEnumerable().ToList();
I want to know how can i pass a list of Email id's as a string in the query?
I tried passing the list of strings directly but is unable to resolve that. Is there any way out to do that?
Let's say i have
List<string> elist=new List<string>{"",""}
How can i pass elist in the query?
You have to change your query to use ARRAY_CONTAINS instead, i.e. like this:
Select Restraunt.RestrauntId
from Restraunt
join Rest in Restraunt.Emails
where ARRAY_CONTAINS(['',''], Emails.Email)
Then you can parameterize that query, and send the array of emails as a parameter.
You can try this:
List<string> elist=new List<string>{"",""};
string emails = string.Empty;
if (eList!= null)
emails = "'" + string.Join("','", eList.Select(x => x != String.Empty? x :"").Distinct().ToArray()) + "'";
emails = emails.Replace("','','", "','");
var families = _client.CreateDocumentQuery<Restraunt>(_documentCollection.SelfLink,
"Select Restraunt.RestrauntId FROM Restraunt join Rest in Restraunt.Emails
WHERE Emails.Email IN (" + emails + ") ").AsEnumerable().ToList();

ServiceStack SelectLazy<long> System.NullReferenceException

using (IDbConnection db = dbFactory.OpenDbConnection()) {
List<long> x = db.SelectLazy<long>(
"SELECT Id FROM MyTable").ToList();
Why is x null?
It works when I use Select instead of SelectLazy, or when I use SelectLazy on the entire row and not just the Id.
In OrmLite you use different API's to match the results you're after, e.g:
Select* API's for returning a List<MyTable>
Column* API's for returning a column of field values, e.g List<long>
Single* API's for returning a Single Row, e.g Table
Scalar* API's for returning a Single field value, e.g long
So to select a column as a List of fields you use db.Column, e.g:
var results = db.Column<long>(db.From<MyTable>().Select(x => x.Id));
These also have Raw Sql* equivalents, e.g:
var results = db.SqlColumn<long>("SELECT Id FROM MyTable");

Using DbContext.FindBy not with a PK

I have a table called Publication that contains Id, RecordId, EntityType and a couple other columns. I select all the records that need to be published to another database from that table. I then loop that collection to process the records and move the records to the other db.
The EntityType column is used to Identify the Set that the context needs to retrieve. I also use reflection to create a object of that type to see if it implements a certain type of interface. If the record being processed does implement that interface then I know that the RecordId for that record in the Publication table is not a PK in the Set() but rather a FK.
this code works fine when I am going after the PK values for EntityTypes that do not inherit the specific interface.
object authoringRecordVersion = PublishingFactory.AuthoringContext.Set(recordType.Entity.GetType()).Find(record.RecordId);
DbContext.Set(EntityType).Find(PK) goes after the PrimaryKey value. How can I tell Set() to search like this sudo code example since 'Where' is not allowed
object authoringRecordVersion = PublishingFactory.AuthoringContext.Set(recordType.Entity.GetType()).Where(c => c.HeaderRecordId == record.RecordId)
I am working on Implementing the following. Will advise results tomorrow
var sql = "SELECT * from " + record.Entity + " WHERE HeaderRecordId = '" + record.RecordId + "'";
authoringRecordVersion = PublishingFactory.AuthoringContext.Set(recordType.Entity.GetType()).SqlQuery(sql).AsNoTracking();
does work effectively. Don't know why I didn't see this earlier.
