How to draw a polygon and save it to image using Node.js - node.js

I'm trying to create an image, draw polygon shapes on it and save it to a file in Node.js, but I'm having a hard time finding a library that can achieve that.
In addition, I would prefer a library that doesn't require the installations of third party programs.
Example of an image I'm trying to create:

Without having to use any library you can just write the SVG image.
const fs = require('fs')
const result = `
points="100,50 400,100 320,200 80,230"
fs.writeFile("./file.svg", result, (err) => {
if (err) {return console.err(err)}
console.log("The file was saved!")
This code will create a similar image like the one on your example In case you need a png or jpeg you can use any external library to transform the svg.


Resolve image urls in SVG with node js

I have a few <image> elements in my SVG file:
<image id="image1" width="36" height="36" href="https://IMAGE_URL" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice" />
My final goal is to convert my SVG to PNG or JPEG but I can't do that if I have remote urls in my image elements. I tried multiple libraries (like npm sharp) and the images elements in the PNG result were empty.
One solution I thought about was to resolve all the image urls (href) in my SVG so it contains all the images data.
For example:
<image href="_IMAGE_DATA" />
But I couldn't find a good way to do that in node js.
Any ideas of how to do that? Or any other solutions to convert SVG to other image format while resolving all svg image elements?
The following asynchronous function takes an image URL and resolves to its data-URL:
function href2base64(url) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
https.get(url).on("response", function(r) {
var buffers = [];
r.on("data", function(data) {
}).on("end", function() {
Try using this module

Material Design Icon (MDI) inside SVG graphic?

In my application I need to use the same icon in different places.
in v-card-action's button
in a SVG graphic
For the button it is as explained in vuetify documentation:
<v-btn value="previous" color="red" >
<span class="hidden-sm-and-down">Previous</span>
<v-icon right>mdi-arrow-left-circle</v-icon>
But now, how to use the exact same icon (using it's name) in a custom SVG
<svg viewBox="0 0 100 100">
<rec x="0" y="0" width="100" height="100" stroke="grey" />
<???> mdi-arrow-left-circle </???>
First, do i need to use SVG <img>, <text> or <path> primitive ?
Second, how do i get the proper icon from it's name mdi-arrow-left-circle ?
I had the exact same question. This link came in handy when putting this together:
How do I include a font awesome icon in my svg?
Disclaimer: I'm using TS components in Vue and have added Vuetify.
in the template I have a SVG:
{{ content('mdi-close') }}
The content method does this:
content(cls: string): string {
// this copies the content from the pseudo element :before as it's needed to show the icon from material design
const ele = document.querySelector('.' + cls);
if(ele) {
const styles = window.getComputedStyle(ele, ':before');
return styles.content.replaceAll('"', "");
return '';
The last piece needed was to make sure to use the correct font (include in your stylesheet/etc):
.licon {
font: bold 300px 'Material Design Icons';
Hopefully this helps someone else.

How can I use an SVG image as a map marker in OpenLayers-3?

I am trying to create map "pin-drops" (ie. map markers) in OpenLayers-3 (OL3) using SVG images.
Currently, I am using PNG images as the pindrops that reference the source (“src”) property attribute just fine. However, this fails using an SVG image. Is there some other way to use an SVG in the same manner? Maybe by using a reference besides even? There is already a lot of built-in SVG in Open Layers so this should be possible, but I haven't found a way to get this working in OL3. Is there some other way to do this in OL3 that I should consider?
Please note: we already tried using an ol.Vector layer, however when the user zooms in/out, the size of the SVG image grows/shrinks which is an inadequate workaround.
OL3 (fails):
var createMapMarkerImage = function() {
return function(feature, resolution) {
var iconStyle = new{
image: new ({
src: 'img/map_pindrop.svg' // OL3 doesn’t like this, but accepts a .PNG just fine
return [iconStyle];
Very similar functionality, is the below example I found online, is almost perfect if it weren’t for the fact that the example uses OpenLayers-2 (OL2) functionality which calls openlayers.js library (instead of OL3’s ol.js library). Sadly, swapping these javascript files out fails.
OL2 (works -but is the old OL library):
Searching online for a solution to this seems to produce only other confused people searching for a solution.
Please help,
Based on #ahocevar answer, you can use data URIs for SVG:
image: new{
anchor: [0, 0],
src: 'data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg>/* SVG DATA */</svg>'
Convert the SVG to Base 64 . This (Link) helped me.
copied the base 64 and used it as a string in javascript .
Eg : var svg = "convertedBase64";
var icon = new{
src:'data:image/svg+xml;base64,'+svg ,
other props
And you are done, may be a few Kbs more than SVG but this did work perfect for me .
SVG icons work fine as long as the content-type of your SVG image file is image/svg+xml. Also note that no external references are supported inside the SVG. OpenLayers 3 simply uses the drawImage function of the 2d context. You can find more details on the requirements of SVG content here:
I had the same issue, but not even serving the image with the proper mime type helped.
It boiled down to the SVG not defining width and height properly.
I added the width and height attributes to the <svg> tag, like:
<svg width="100px" height="100px" version="1.1" xmlns="" viewBox="0.75 0 30 45" xml:space="preserve">
After that I was able to use my svg just like any other image.
I also had issues to show the icon image, ahocevar answer helped me to
solve my problem but I had also to search for the php header, for SVG
In case you are or others who see this answer are using php to generate the SVG you have to use header function to identify the content-type
header('Content-type: image/svg+xml'); /* this line will do the magic */
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<svg width="100%" height="100%" version="1.1" xmlns="">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red"/>
Building upon SoonDead's answer, I had to come up with a way to add the width and height to the svg without touching the source. Using angular, this is sort of what I did:
$http.get('path/to/image.svg').then(function (response) {
// create element
var svgEl = angular.element(;
// set width and height
svgEl.attr('width', '50px');
svgEl.attr('height', '50px');
// base64 encode
var base64Svg = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(svgEl[0].outerHTML)));
// create the style
var style = new{
image: new{
src: 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,'+base64Svg,
imgSize: [50, 50],
size: [50, 50],
// apply the style
It's a little verbose, but it seems to do the job.

SVG use tag and ReactJS

So normally to include most of my SVG icons that require simple styling, I do:
<use xlink:href="/svg/svg-sprite#my-icon" />
Now I have been playing with ReactJS as of late evaluating it as a possible component in my new front-end development stack however I noticed that in its list of supported tags/attributes, neither use or xlink:href are supported.
Is it possible to use svg sprites and load them in this way in ReactJS?
MDN says that xlink:href is deprecated in favor of href. You should be able to use the href attribute directly. The example below includes both versions.
As of React 0.14, xlink:href is available via React as the property xlinkHref. It is mentioned as one of the "notable enhancements" in the release notes for 0.14.
<!-- REACT JSX: -->
<use xlinkHref='/svg/svg-sprite#my-icon' />
<!-- RENDERS AS: -->
<use xlink:href="/svg/svg-sprite#my-icon"></use>
Update 2018-06-09: Added info about href vs xlink:href attributes and updated example to include both. Thanks #devuxer
Update 3: At time of writing, React master SVG properties can be found here.
Update 2: It appears that all svg attributes should now be available via react (see merged svg attribute PR).
Update 1: You may want to keep an eye on the svg related issue on GitHub for additional SVG support landing. There are developments in the works.
const svgReactElement = (
viewBox="0 0 1340 667"
<image width="667" height="667" href=""/>
{ /* Deprecated xlink:href usage */ }
<image width="667" height="667" x="673" xlinkHref=""/>
var resultHtml = ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup(svgReactElement);
document.getElementById('render-result-html').innerHTML = escapeHtml(resultHtml);
ReactDOM.render(svgReactElement, document.getElementById('render-result') );
function escapeHtml(unsafe) { return unsafe.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/"/g, """).replace(/'/g, "'"); }
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<h2>Render result of rendering:</h2>
viewBox="0 0 1340 667"
<image width="667" height="667" href=""/>
{ /* Deprecated xlink:href usage */ }
<image width="667" height="667" x="673" xlinkHref=""/>
<h2><code>ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup()</code> output:</h2>
<pre id="render-result-html"></pre>
<h2><code>ReactDOM.render()</code> output:</h2>
<div id="render-result"></div>
Update september 2018: this solution is deprecated, read Jon’s answer instead.
React doesn’t support all SVG tags as you say, there is a list of supported tags here. They are working on wider support, f.ex in this ticket.
A common workaround is to inject HTML instead for non-supported tags, f.ex:
render: function() {
var useTag = '<use xlink:href="/svg/svg-sprite#my-icon" />';
return <svg dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: useTag }} />;
If you encounter xlink:href, then you can get the equivalent in ReactJS by removing the colon and camelcasing the added text: xlinkHref.
You'll probably eventually be using other namespace-tags in SVG, like xml:space, etc.. The same rule applies to them (i.e., xml:space becomes xmlSpace).
As already said in Jon Surrell's answer, use-tags are supported now. If you are not using JSX, you can implement it like this:
React.DOM.svg( { className: 'my-svg' },
React.createElement( 'use', { xlinkHref: '/svg/svg-sprite#my-icon' }, '' )
I created a little helper that works around this issue:
first npm i react-svg-use -S then simply
import Icon from 'react-svg-use'
render() {
return (
<Icon id='car' color='#D71421' />
and this will then generate the following markup
<use xlink:href="#car" style="fill:#D71421;"></use>
I had problems with showing SVG in Gutenberg block, by referencing it with xlink:href. We used xlinkHref property in react, but after compiling, instead to render as xlink:href it was rendered to xlinkhref, and SVG was not displayed. After a lot of examining, I found out that xlink:href is deprecated (although it worked if we add it in html, or directly in chrome dev tools), and that href should be used instead. So after changing it to href it worked.
"SVG 2 removed the need for the xlink namespace, so instead of xlink:href you should use href."
This is the code I used
SVG file
<svg id="svg-source" style="display: none;" aria-hidden="true" xmlns="">
<symbol id="svg-arrow-accordion" viewBox="0 0 15 24" fill="none">
<path id="Path_1662" data-name="Path 1662" d="M15.642,14.142h-3V1.5H0v-3H15.642Z" transform="translate(2 2) rotate(45)" fill="currentColor"></path>
React file
<svg xmlns="" xmlnsXlink="" width="15" height="24">
<use href="#svg-arrow-accordion"></use>
This is svg Component.
const SvgComponent = () => {
return <svg width="0" height="0">
<symbol id="test" viewBox="0 0 100 100">
<line x1='0' y1='50' x2='100' y2='50' strokeWidth='8' stroke="#000" />
export default SvgComponent
use component
import SvgComponent from './SvgComponent';
export default function App() {
return (
<use xlinkHref="#test"></use>

One SVG file, many SVG gradients inside

I’m making a set of buttons which use dynamic gradients. I’ve taken care of Firefox 3.6+ and WebKit by using their proprietary CSS extensions and all I need to do is support Opera, iOS and IE9 by using background-image: url("gradient.svg").
This is relatively easy, I made an SVG file, linked it and got it working. However, I’m making a set so I need at least 6 gradients. When I normally do it in images, I create a sprite for fast HTTP access. I’m not sure how to achieve this in SVG – can I use one file and access different parts of its XML by using #identifiers, like XBL does?
My current SVG:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"
<svg version="1.1" xmlns="">
<linearGradient id="select-gradient" x1="0" x2="0" y1="0" y2="1">
<stop offset="0%" stop-color="rgb(231,244,248)"/>
<stop offset="100%" stop-color="rgb(207,233,241)"/>
<style type="text/css">
rect {
fill: url(#select-gradient);
<rect x="0" y="0" rx="6" ry="6" height="100%" width="100%"/>
And then I have CSS:
.button-1 {
background-image: url("gradient-1.svg");
.button-2 {
background-image: url("gradient-2.svg");
I want to do something like this:
.button-1 {
background-image: url("gradient.svg#gradient1");
.button-2 {
background-image: url("gradient.svg#gradient2");
Is it even possible? Can you help me out? I really don’t wanna push 6 XML files when I can do it with one.
If you just want gradients for button backgrounds, most of this can be acheived in css. For the remaining browsers, ie6 + can user ms filters:
iOS uses webkit to render, so you can use -webkit vendor prefix. Unfortunately you will still need svg for opera, but this may make it easier (or just use a normal image sprite for opera's 1% of users)
in theory - according to SVG documentation #Params it is possible. You could use 2 params for setting up both colors, you could create multiple rects with different gradients, height set to 0 and then make only one 100% (like ?gradient2=100%)
What you could do is load your SVG file that contains all of the definitions first, and then load your other SVG files.
Using Firefox, jQuery SVG , and a minor shot of framework...
in your XHTML:
<div id="common_svg_defs"><!--ieb--></div>
<div id="first_thing"><!--ieb--></div>
<div id="second_thing"><!--ieb--></div>
in your JavaScript:
var do_stuff = function()
// load your common svg file with this goo.
loadURL: 'path/filename.svg',
onLoad: function(svg, error) { run_test(svg, error);} });
var run_test = function(svg, error)
if (typeof(error) !== "undefined")
if (typeof(console.log) !== "undefined")
// load your other svg files here, or just
// set a flag letting you know it's ready.
loadURL: 'path/anotherfilename.svg',
onLoad: function(svg, error) { somecallback(svg, error);} });
loadURL: 'path/anotherfilename.svg',
onLoad: function(svg, error) { somecallback(svg, error);} });
Because the id can be found in the documents scope, the SVG are capable of finding the IRI reference.
This allows you to define things once (that would not otherwise be defined in a css) and avoid id collisions.
Christopher Smithson
