Using azure service bus, how do I publish a single message to multiple queues? - azure

I have a single client application that will publish the message to a single location/target, and I need that message to then end up in 3 separate other queues as well ( and subsequently processed)
Basically here is the use case:
A website collects customers information in a lead form. That lead information is pushed to an restful web api. The restfull web api then publishes a message to a single location and then returns a success result to client. In the background, the message ends up on 4 queues, and ultimately sent to 4 different other web services (some external, some internal)
The system needs to be performant with respect to how quickly all 4 of the queues are processed from the 4 queues. But the volume of leads is not necessarily extremely high. (perhaps a few hundred leads per day)
Here is an image of what I am thinking

You could use a Topic in combination with the autoforwarding feature.
A single publish to a topic could then be setup to auto-forward to 4 separate queues.

Instead of uses Queues, you should use Topics:
a queue is often used for point-to-point communication, topics are useful in publish/subscribe scenarios.
Topics and subscriptions provide a "one-to-many" form of communication, using a publish/subscribe pattern.
If you really need to use a Queue there is no other way than to send copies of the message to the different queues.

One best solution to solve your business scenario, is using a Service Bus Topic with four Topic Subscriptions. You can send the message to the topic. You can create filters (or) Topic subscription rules to filter the messages received by the Service Bus Topic.
You can then set the auto-forward property of each topic subscription to the desired Service Bus Queue.


Azure Service Bus Queues vs Topics for one to many(unique)

I have an online service hosted on Azure, that asynchronously sends data to on-premise clients.
Each client is identified by an unique code.
Actually there is a single topic, with a subscription for each client which has a filter on the unique code, that is sent as a parameter in the message. No message will ever be broadcasted to all the clients.
I feel that using topic this way is wrong.
The alternative that comes to my mind is to use a dedicated queue for each client, that is created on first contact
Could this be a better approach?
In my opinion using Topics and Subscriptions is the right way to go. Here's the reason why:
Currently the routing logic (which message needs to go to which subscription) is handled by Azure Service Bus based on the rules you have configured. If you go with queues, the routing logic will need to come to your hosted service. You'll need to ensure that the queue exists before sending each message. I think it will increase the complexity at your service level somehow.
Furthermore, topics and subscriptions would enable you to do build an audit trail kind of functionality (not sure if you're looking for this kind of functionality). You can create a separate subscription that has a rule to deliver all messages (True SQL Rule) to that subscription along with client specific subscription.
Creating a separate Queue for each client is not advisable. This is the problem solved by Topics.
If you have separate Queue for each client, then you need to send messages to multiple Queues from Server. This will become tedious when the number of clients increases.
Having a single Topic and multiple Subscriptions is easy to manage as the message will be sent only to a single Topic from Server.

Architecture routing from a message between 2 responders

I read myself a bit about azure service bus. There many examples how I can set it up, create a queue and get information from the queue.
Now I have a question. When I have a second responder (for example an azure function / With different functionality) I must create a new queue? Or how is routing from the message between these two responders.
If you want your message to be received and processed by more than one receivers, you should look into Service Bus Topics.
Service Bus Topics are meant for one to many mapping, where a message sent to a Topic can be received from different Subscriptions.

Capture messages sent to Azure Service Bus Topics with no subscriptions or filtered out?

I want to create a Service Bus Topic with a couple of subscriptions using filters for different message types. However I need to guarantee that all messages sent to the Topic will be received and successfully processed by at least one subscription, even if all of the subscribing processes go offline.
Is there a better way than auto-forwarding to queues for each filter, and a way to capture messages ignored by all filtering subscribers without capturing all messages?
Edit: my motivation is to provide a queue-like mechanism with prioritisation without creating a queue for each message type/priority level, or at least manage the complexity of multiple queues on the listening side. A queue generally guarantees a consumer. Rather than have the publisher have to push to different queues I would like to use a topic and use filters to manage priority.
Based on my current knowledge of the SB I suspect that I just need to make sure the subscriptions are in place for a topic including an inverse catch-all filter subscription before exposing the topic for use. I don't know whether subscriptions are completely reliable.
However I need to guarantee that all messages sent to the Topic will be received and successfully processed by at least one subscription, even if all of the subscribing processes go offline.
There's a problem in that statement. Topics and subscriptions are there to implement pub/sub and decouple publishers from subscribers. The broker itself does not guarantee there will be subscribers.
While topics support EnableFilteringMessagesBeforePublishing (TopicDescription.EnableFilteringMessagesBeforePublishing) it is not recommended for production use.
Based on the updated question, the general answer remains the same. Topics/subscriptions are for pub/sub and decoupling. If you want to ensure that no message is lost once subscriber is coming online, you will need to ensure that subscription is created first.
I don't know whether subscriptions are completely reliable.
Yes, subscriptions are reliable. Behind the scenes subscription is a queue.
In case you want to route your messages to different processors based on message type, publishing that message to a topic and having forwarding subscriptions is a good approach. You do need to be mindful of the quotas (how many subscriptions per topic you can create), but those are fairly high. And if you get to that point, it's possible to reduce number of subscriptions when a given processor handles multiple message types by having more complex SQL filtering rules.

Does Microsoft's Service Bus replicate message for every subscription in a topic?

Does the Azure Service Bus and its on-premise version, Service Bus for Windows Server, replicate a message for every subscriber?
For example, let's say that there is a single topic with five subscribers, then is that message stored in the service bus' database five times - once for each subscriber - or is that message only stored once with business logic to determine which subscribers have read the message?
It would be nice if there is an official site and/or documentation to provide as a reference.
The behavior the Azure Service Bus seems to be that it is keeping a copy per subscriber. I tested this by creating a topic with two subscriptions. I sent in a single message and I see that the size of the Topic in Bytes is 464 (using topic.SizeInBytes). When I receive one message of a subscription the size the drops in half to 232. I tested it with three subscriptions and same behavior occurred: 696 bytes.
Even if they aren't keeping a copy of the message per subscription they are counting the size of the message times the number of subscriptions against the maximum size of the topic, which may be what you were trying to determine.
I agree it would be nice if they documented the behavior, especially for Service Bus for Windows Server since that could affect planning for the amount of storage you need to set aside. As for the Azure Service Bus side, I'm not sure the implementation behind the scenes matters as much as knowing how it factors towards the max size of the topic.
A subscription to a topic resembles a virtual queue that receives
copies of the messages that were sent to the topic. You can optionally
register filter rules for a topic on a per-subscription basis, which
allows you to filter/restrict which messages to a topic are received
by which topic subscriptions.
I think it copies messages. If it does not copy, it should check always, did all subscribers get the messages ? Additionally, if there is filter, it should check just these subscribers to delete message. I think, copying and applying simple consume implemation cost is less than without copying cost.

Azure Service Bus Queue grouped messages

I have a web api application which performs different type of actions an a Domain entity, called Application. Actions like "Copy", "Update", "Recycle", "Restore" etc.
This actions needs to be executed, per Application, in First In First Out order, not randomly or simultaneous. However, it can process simultaneously two Actions as long as they are for two separate Applications.
Is some kind of a queue, but not a big queue for all the requests, but a queue of actions for each Application in database.
Knowing this, i think that azure service bus queue is a good solution for this scenario.
However, the solution i can think of right now is to programmatically create a queue for each Application i have in database, and start listening to that queue.
Is possible to get messages from the queue based on a filter? (using FIFO principle) So i have to subscribe only to one queue? (instead of having a queue for each Application - which is very hard to maintain)
What you want is Azure Service Bus Topics/Subscriptions.
Subscriptions allow you to filter messages that are published to a topic using a SqlFilter on the message headers.
The article linked above should provide enough examples to meet your needs.
I think u can solve this by using Sessions.
I just came across this very clear article: which explains in to detail how Azure Service Bus Queue sessions work.
In short: by defining a SessionId on the messages you can force the ordering of the processing within a session, the downside is that there will be no parallelization for all messages in a session between multiple consumers of the queue.
