Can I push notifications in OpenFin after my app has been closed? / How to make my OpenFin app run in background? - openfin

Can I push notifications in OpenFin after my app has been closed? / How to make my OpenFin app run in background? I have tried and researched a lot, but cannot find an answer for the same. Thank you in advance.

No, If app is closed then you can not push notifications. You can run application in background however you can make the app minimized by code and push the notification then.. If it solves your purpose.


Push Notification using flutter

I want to ask about the best way for push notification by using flutter and node.js API I used some of libraries but this libraries when I forced turn off app the notification does not receive and sometimes even app work the notification does not receive directly and I do not use firebase so I want the best ways to make the notification received directly when I push notifications even the app is closed or forced closed and it will be good if you have tutorial about that
One Signal is good for push notification within your needs. Here's some links:
Flutter setup:
API documentation:
You follow this.This is using Firebase Cloud Messaging.
Setup Link :

What would be a good program for running a Discord bot with Javascript?

Currently, I use, but I am wondering if I can do better for free. It has to be free and web-based because I also need to use it on a restricted access device.
You can use Heroku. I personally use it. You can host your bot on GitHub and connect the repository to Heroku.
Then whenever you push changes to your bot repository, it automatically updates your Heroku app and your bot will restart itself with the new updates.

How can i setup a client on flutter?

I have a flutter app and i am trying to connect it to a node.js localhost server. it works with react js but I haven't done it in flutter before. can I get help on sending a simple connection to my server socket io?
It's pretty easy. You'll basically have to use this package to connect to your backend. The idea is pretty similar to JavaScript applications.
In case you need it, I already implemented a simple application using it on Flutter. It's pretty straightforward and you only have to focus on mobile/lib/config/socket.dart which is my socket client.
It contains three simple methods used to emit events and subscribe/unsubscribe to events. Any doubts just ask it.
In case you have any problem connecting to your backend add this line to your Android Manifest. I remember I had some problem because of the android version which had cleartext disabled by default.

How to push notification on android device in node js using GCM?

I want to push notification in android devices through node js using node
I think the best way is to use Firebase Cloud Message (FCM), you can send notifications to your Android and iOS devices over an fcm_token provided by Firebase SDK. They provide a super easy node js SDK. It's Google solution and simple to use.
If you dont like Google, this is an other 100% free option that allow you to do the same job, One Signal.

why push notifications are not working in prodection mode?

I am working with my first iphone app. and now i am working with push notifications. i am using urban airship for push notifications. in developement phase everything was working fine. device tokens were registered and then i could send push notifications from urban airship. but its not working with production phase. i put my app on app store but push notifications didnt work. i tried to search alot on urban airship to solve this problem but couldn't. I think there is something i have to change when i make binary file for that app. can anyone help me with this? any tutorial which will help me. Its working fine in development phase but not working in production phase. Thanks in advance.
I had the same issue at my company a couple months back.
There are two sets of urbanairship credentials (by credentials I mean: Application Key, Application Secret, Application Master Secret) sandbox and production. When you were developing the product, you were using the development credentials and everything worked great. Those will not work after you release the application to the AppStore due to the way urbanairship works with Apple's Notification sandbox etc etc.
Track down the production credentials on urbanairship and change them out in your source code before resubmitting and you should be all set. You'll need to do an adhoc build to verify (I believe). Good luck!
Documentation on Development/Production settings:
