Getting a UI to be adaptive for iPhone and iPad - xamarin.ios

I'm working on a xamarin app and the goal is to have the UI be adaptive for both phone and tablet and so far it seems Android has a far easier way to achieve this. I'm reading this article on the matter and it honestly don't make a lick of sense.
All I want is to have everything grow in portion to the view as it gets bigger because of screen size (like android does), every time I try to do it it just anchors the control to the right and it just drags it to the right.
I mainly just need some a simple explanation on how I can have everything grow with the view.

I finally figured it out, After some deep breathing I saw what I was missing when I was reading the documentation.
for me, I wanted to use the autosize options, which let me anchor it how I wanted it to and it correctly scales for me now.


Best way for responsive design in Android Studio

Which of these is the best for responsive design
create layouts like this:
or create only one layout and set its width and height to percent
I don’t know whether this is a stupid question or not, I’m just wondering what many ladies do in such situations.Thanks
I think using ConstraintLayout properly can make your app responsive almost to all screen sizes.
learn about ConstraintsLayout here.
read more about responsive design here.
Although you will still need to provide different design for landscape mode and you might need a different design for tablets.
if you need more clarifications, let me know in the comments!

Gesture Recognition for my Grandma (Kinect) Linux

I'm looking into making a project with the Kinect to allow my Grandma to control her TV without being daunted by using the remote. So, I've been looking into basic gesture recognition. The aim will be to say turn the volume of the TV up by sending the right IR code to the TV when the program detects that the right hand is being "waved."
The problem is, no matter where I look, I can't seem to find a Linux based tutorial which shows how to do something as a result of a gesture. One other thing to note is that I don't need to have any GUI apart from the debug window as this will slow my program down a fair bit.
Does anybody know of something somewhere which will allow me to in a loop, constantly check for some hand gesture and when it does, I can control something, without the need of any GUI at all, and on Linux? :/
I'm happy to go for any language but my experience revolves around Python and C.
Any help will be accepted with great appreciation.
Thanks in advance
In principle, this concept is great, but the amount of features a remote offers is going to be hard to replicate using a number of gestures that an older person can memorize. They will probably be even less incentivized to do this (learning new things sucks) if they already have a solution (remote), even though they really love you. I'm just warning you.
I recommend you use OpenNI and NITE. Note that the current version of OpenNI (2) does not have Kinect support. You need to use OpenNI 1.5.4 and look for the SensorKinect093 driver. There should be some gesture code that works for that (googling OpenNI Gesture yields a ton of results). If you're using something that expects OpenNI 2, be warned that you may have to write some glue code.
The basic control set would be Volume +/-, Channel +/-, Power on/off. But that will be frustrating if she wants to go from Channel 03 to 50.
I don't know how low-level you want to go, but a really, REALLY simple gesture recognize could look at horizontal and vertical swipes of the right hand exceeding a velocity threshold (averaged). Be warned: detected skeletons can get really wonky when people are sitting (that's actually a bit of what my PhD is on).

How To create Responsive Layout

I am new to android and i dont know how to make responsive layout which can be
display equal in all devices,please help me out by providing some code for that.
All android resources are correctly scaled for whatever device you put them on.
However, you may want completely different or just slight different layouts (even though the scaling is handled perfectly) for the purpose of functionality.
For this, you'll need to use the android resource systems constraints and most likely fragments.
Fragments are covered in the following link

How to read Location of a view whilst it is being animated

I am animating a small space ship (derived from UIView) and periodically (whilst in animation) send it a PointF to check if this is near the space ship's current position.
However, when reading out the Frame position of the View it keeps returning the starting position before the animation started.
I think this is by design but it is causing me big problems since the space ship(s) should move independently along Paths and it is very tricky for me to do this by hand.
Is there another way - and/or has anyone some sample code?
Not sure of a workaround for your issue, but I have some suggestions on game development for iOS.
Your problem is one of the reasons why using GUI frameworks like UIKit/CoreGraphics for games isn't a good idea. For both performance reasons, as well as the fact as they aren't designed for it.
If you are looking for a simple framework for making games on iOS, have you looked at MonoGame? If you are doing lots of animations, we also use XNA Tweener along with MonoGame to get some lifelike animations.
PS - check out our game here.

J2ME app menu develop

I'm developing a small j2me game and i want to create a menu for this application. I imagine the menu as a vertical list of items with a cursor on the left or right side that i can move from item to item, something like this menu example but as a main menu.
What elements should i use to obtains such effects? I need only advices or links, i will develope it myself.
Thanks in advance!
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Canvas;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Font;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Graphics;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Image;
What you plan looks doable. Can't give much links because don't recall any that could help on stuff like you're doing. Actually, most useful link for you will probably be MIDP (JSR 118) API reference - your part is going to be mostly lcdui package, and especially Graphics API.
As for advice, no problem. First thing to note is that there will be more coding and more (much more) testing/debugging than it was in your prior experiment with implicit list. If you can think of some possible deadline / timing requirements that may become a problem - just keep in mind that prior design with implicit list as a fallback. It won't look as fancy but it'll work work safe and correct.
Another important thing is to decide what kind devices you are going to target. For menu like one you are going to develop, it may be rather difficult to get consistent look and feel both at 160x200 basic phone with ITU-T keypad and on 400x600 touchscreen smartphone. Below I am going to assume you'll try to target as wide variety of devices as possible - note the narrower you can get it, the easier it will be to code and test.
When targeting lots of different devices it is helpful to use an emulator that can be configured to simulate various display sizes and resolution, presense or absence of touchscreen input etc. Keep in mind though that emulator alone won't fully simulate real device. To keep your feets on the ground, consider also some regular smoke testing of your application with real device, preferable using over-the-air (OTA) installation.
Here are some particular API tips that I can think of now.
Use Canvas.getGameAction to handle pressed key code - that is likely the most reliable/portable way to figure up/down and select actions for menu.
Use Canvas.hasPointerEvents to figure if there's touch screen support. Users with touch screen devices may get disappointed if it turns out that your fancy menu can't react when they tap on screen.
Use Font.getHeight and Font.stringWidth to figure how much space is occupied by menu item text.
Use Image.getGraphics if you want to draw something over the image object.
As I mentioned, you most likely will do a lot of stuff using lcdui.Graphics API. It's mostly rather simple, but you will probably need to understand somewhat tricky stuff about clipping. Good luck.
