date_trunc attribute not found - apache-spark

I am creating a glue job that will read in information from s3, perform a query, and output the results. The query to be run looks something like this:
date_trunc('hour', hourly_report.time) as hour,
sum(cost) as costs FROM table
FROM hourly_report
I loaded the data into a DynamicFrame, created a DataFrame df, and created a temp view of the data.
I then try and run a query on the view
spark.sql("SELECT date_trunc('hour', hourly_report.time) as hour, sum(cost) as costs FROM table FROM hourly_report GROUP BY 1")
This causes an error:
pyspark.sql.utils.AnalysisException: u"Undefined function: 'date_trunc'. This function is neither a registered temporary function nor a permanent function registered in the database 'default'.; line 1 pos 7"
This seemed strange, but I tried to get around this by using a udf to do the date_trunc rather than using the sql date_trunc function:
import pyspark.sql.functions as sf
spark.udf.register("date_truncate", lambda x: sf.date_trunc('hour',x), TimestampType())
spark.sql("SELECT date_truncate(hourly_report.time) as hour, sum(cost) as costs FROM table FROM hourly_report GROUP BY 1")
This causes a different error:
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'date_trunc'
What is the correct way to perform a date_trunc operation on a timestamp column, is there something I am doing wrong?


Delta Live Tables and ingesting AVRO

So, im trying to load avro files in to dlt and create pipelines and so fourth.
As a simple data frame in Databbricks, i can read and unpack to avro files, using functions json / /lamba function. Where i can create a temp view then do a sql query and then select the fields i want.
--example command
in_path = '/mnt/file_location/*/*/*/*/*.avro'
avroDf ="com.databricks.spark.avro").load(in_path)
jsonRdd ="string")) x: x[0])
data =
--selecting the data
sql_query1 = sqlContext.sql("""
select distinct
data.field.test1 as col1
,data.field.test2 as col2
, as city
However, i am trying to replicate the process , but use delta live tables and pipelines.
I have used autoloader to load the files into a table, and kept the format as is. So bronze is just avro in its rawest form.
I then planned to create a view that listed the unpack avro file. Much like I did above with "eventhub". Whereby it will then allow me to create queries.
The trouble is, I cant get it to work in dlt. I fail at the 2nd step, after i have imported the file into a bronze layer. It just does not seem to apply the functions to make the data readable/selectable.
This is the sort of code i have been trying. However, it does not seem to pick up the schema, so it is as if the functions are not working. so when i try and select a column, it does not recognise it.
--unpacked data
def eventdata_v():
avroDf ="delta").table("live.bronze_file_list")
jsonRdd ="string")) x: x[0])
data =
return data
--trying to query the data but it does not recognise field names, even when i select "data" only
def eventdata2_v():
df = ("eventdata_v")
.select("data.field.test1 ")
return df
I have been working on this for weeks, trying to use different approach's but still no luck.
Any help will be so appreciated. Thankyou

Palantir Foundry spark.sql query

When I attempt to query my input table as a view, I get the error com.palantir.foundry.spark.api.errors.DatasetPathNotFoundException. My code is as follows:
def Median_Product_Revenue_Temp2(Merchant_Segments):
df = spark.sql('select * from Merchant_Segments_View limit 5')
return df
I need to dynamically query this table, since I am trying to calculate the median using percentile_approx across numerous fields, and I'm not sure how to do this without using spark.sql.
If I try to avoid using spark.sql to calculate median across numerous fields using something like the below code, it results in the error Missing Transform Attribute: A module object does not have an attribute percentile_approx. Please check the spelling and/or the datatype of the object.
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
exprs = {x: percentile_approx("x", 0.5) for x in df.columns if x is not exclustion_list}
df = df.groupBy(['BANK_NAME','BUS_SEGMENT']).agg(exprs)
try createGlobalTempView. It worked for me.
(Don't know the root cause why localTempView dose not work )
I managed to avoid using dynamic sql for calculating median across columns using the following code:
df_result = df.groupBy(group_list).agg(
*[ F.expr('percentile_approx(nullif('+col+',0), 0.5)').alias(col) for col in df.columns if col not in exclusion_list]
Embedding percentile_approx in an F.expr bypassed the issue I was encountering in the second half of my post.

Store result of a multi-line Athena query in a variable

I am using to query Athena from Jupyter Lab. I need to store the result of a multi-line query in a variable. I can do this for a single-line query as follows:
pd = %athena select 1
However, I can't seem to figure out how to access the result of a multi-line query, such as this:
select col1, count(*)
from my_table
group by col1
In the implementation of the Athena extension I can see that it's returning a dataframe and I wonder if there is a standard variable in Jupyter Lab that it gets bound to?
I ended up looking up and calling the magic function that's registered to execute Athena queries in the jupyter-athena-sql extension as follows:
athena = get_ipython().find_cell_magic('athena')
df = athena("""select col1, count(*)
from my_table
group by col1""")

PySpark Pushing down timestamp filter

I'm using PySpark version 2.4 to read some tables using jdbc with a Postgres driver.
df =, table="tablename", properties=properties)
One column is a timestamp column and I want to filter it like this:
df_new_data = df.where(df.ts > last_datetime )
This way the filter is pushed down as a SQL query but the datetime format
is not right. So I tried this approach
df_new_data = df.where(df.ts > F.date_format( F.lit(last_datetime), "y-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss.SSS") )
but then the filter is no pushed down anymore.
Can someone clarify why this is the case ?
While loading the data from a Database table, if you want to push down queries to database and get few result rows, instead of providing the 'table', you can provide the 'Query' and return just the result as a DataFrame. This way, we can leverage database engine to process the query and return only the results to Spark.
The table parameter identifies the JDBC table to read. You can use anything that is valid in a SQL query FROM clause. Note that alias is mandatory to be provided in query.
pushdown_query = "(select * from employees where emp_no < 10008) emp_alias"
df =, table=pushdown_query, properties=connectionProperties)

mimic ' group by' and window function logic in spark

I have a large csv file with the columns id,time,location. I made it an RDD, and want to compute some aggregated metrics of the trips, when a trip is defined as a time-contiguous set of records of the same id, separated by at least 1 hour on either side. I am new to spark. (related)
To do that, I think to create an RDD with elements of the form (trip_id,(time, location)) and use reduceByKey to calculate all the needed metrics.
To calculate the trip_id, i try to implement the SQL-approach of the linked question, to make an indicator field of whether the record is a start of a trip, and make a cumulative sum of this indicator field. This does not sound like a distributed approach: is there a better one?
Furthermore, how can I add this indicator field? it should be 1 if the time-difference to the previous record of the same id is above an hour, and 0 otherwise. I thought of at first doing groupBy id and then sort in each of the values, but they will be inside an Array and thus not amenable to sortByKey, and there is no lead function as in SQL to get the previous value.
Example of the suggested aforementioned approach: for the RDD
We want to turn it first into the RDD with the time differences,
(The value of the earliest record is, say, scala's PositiveInfinity constant)
and turn this last field into an indicator field of whether it is above 1, which indicates whether we start a trip,
and then turn it into a trip_id
and then use this trip_id as the key to aggregations.
The preprocessing was simply to load the file and delete the header,
val rawdata=sc.textFile("some_path")
def isHeader(line:String)=line.contains("id")
val data=rawdata.filter(!isHeader(_))
While trying to implement with spark SQL, I ran into an error regarding the time difference:
val lags=sqlContext.sql("
select time - lag(time) over (partition by id order by time) as diff_time from data
since spark doesn't know how to take the difference between two timestamps. I'm trying to check whether this difference is above 1 hour.
It Also doesn't recognize the function getTime, that I found online as an answer, the following returns an error too (Couldn't find window function time.getTime):
val lags=sqlContext.sql("
select time.getTime() - (lag(time)).getTime() over (partition by id order by time)
from data
Even though making a similar lag difference for a numeric attribute works:
val lag_numeric=sqlContext.sql("
select longitude - lag(longitude) over (partition by id order by time)
from data"); //works
Spark didn't recognize the function Hours.hoursBetween either. I'm using spark 1.4.0.
I also tried to define an appropriate user-defined-function, but UDFS are oddly not recognized inside queries:
val timestamp_diff: ((Timestamp,Timestamp) => Double) =
(d1: Timestamp,d2: Timestamp) => d1.getTime()-d2.getTime()
val lags=sqlContext.sql("select timestamp_diff(time,lag(time))
over (partition by id order by time) from data");
So, how can spark test whether the difference between timestamps is above an hour?
Full code:
import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}
import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import sqlContext._
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext(sc)
import sqlContext.implicits._
import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext//For window functions
import java.util.Date
import java.sql.Timestamp
case class Record(id: Int, time:Timestamp, longitude: Double, latitude: Double)
val raw_data=sc.textFile("file:///home/sygale/merged_table.csv")
val data_records=>
Record( line.split(',')(0).toInt,
val data=data_records.toDF()
val lags=sqlContext.sql("
select time - lag(time) over (partition by id order by time) as diff_time from data
